Major Realignment of Power Taking Place in Asia

Posted by benjamin
December 26, 2011

There has been a major change in the power balance in Asia during the past week or so following the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, according to Asian intelligence sources. The biggest changes are happening in Japan where a series of arrests of bureaucrats, police officials and politicians has begun. One prominent casualty has been former Japanese Finance and Economy Minister Heizo Takenaka who has been arrested and is undergoing “vigorous questioning,” according to Japanese military intelligence sources. Takenaka is apparently singing like a canary, the sources said. If this information from highly placed sources is correct, Takenaka will be explaining why he handed over control of Japan’s commercial banks to foreign oligarchs, including the Rockefeller and Bush clans. The situation in the Korean peninsula is also now headed for the biggest change since the Korean war in the 1950’s the sources say.

North Korea, as always, remains a difficult place to report about because of the cloak of secrecy hanging over the peninsula. However, Japanese right-wing sources, a North Korean agent in Japan and others claim that Kim Jong Il was killed about two years ago by a Swedish prostitute who gave him a stroke-causing poison. Since then, a communal leadership has been ruling while using two Kim Jong Il look-alikes. Both look-alikes have now been killed so the collective leadership decided to go ahead and announce the new regime with Kim Jong Un as its nominal leader.

Two of the sources also claim that Kim Jong Un is actually the son of Megumi Yokota, a Japanese national who was kidnapped and taken to North Korea when she was 13. The evidence both sources cited is that Yokota was the younger Kim’s companion when he was studying in Switzerland. This author has previously heard from multiple North Korea watchers and one North Korean opera singer that Yokota is now a senior North Korean agent who has no wish to return to Japan. Perhaps soon there will be enough disclosure from North Korea to ascertain if this is true or not.

As mentioned last week, Rothschild family sources are claiming that North and South Korea will be unified with North Korea taking a leading role in the new political regime. In exchange, a Rothschild central bank will be set up in the Korean peninsula and a major development drive will take place there. There will also be about 1 million refugees arriving there from the United States. The US military will also be asked to leave the peninsula, these sources say.

One public sign of a major change has been an agreement between China and Japan to directly trade each other’s currencies announced during Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s visit there this week. These days about 60% of Japan/China transactions take place via the US dollar.

In Japan, leaders of the old regime, including former Prime Minister’s Yasuhiro Nakasone and Junichiro Koizumi are said to be struggling to maintain their power bases amidst the ongoing arrests. Many of the officials being arrested are being charged with illegally using Bank of Japan funds for private purposes, the sources claim.

The changes in Asia will have strong repercussions in Europe and the US in the New Year. The Europeans are still finding it impossible to get investments in government bonds from the rest of the world. This is why the announcement of a 489 billion Euro infusion of money by the European Central Bank failed to lower Italian government bond interest rates below the unsustainable rate of 7%.

The situation among the major European and US money center banks is expected to get critical towards the end of January when these large institutions are supposed to settle accounts with each other.

The word from CIA officers involved in the situation is that Citibank, Deutschebank, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan may not survive. Goldman Sachs is controlled by J. Rockefeller, these same sources claim.

What is certain is that there has been a fundamental split in the ranks among the families that own the large banks that in turn own the Federal Reserve Board. There is still an arrogance about these people that is difficult for the average human to fathom. They still do not plan to go quietly into the night.

However, a Gnostic source has told the White Dragon Society that George Bush Senior is no longer their leader and that their group supports White Dragon Plans for a plan to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

They are opposed to bloodline dynastic rule and promise major havoc in Europe and North America next summer when the warm weather makes large demonstrations viable.

For the year 2012 the White Dragon Society proposes a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction followed by a huge global party. They also propose “ending the world” on December 21st, 2012. They would then “restart” the world on December 25th, 2012 in the old calendar by renaming it as January 1st of the year zero.

The battle to remove the old criminal elite will have to end in victory for humanity, though, if we are to make this possible. Humanity can free itself simply by deciding collectively to do so.

source »»

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9 thoughts on “Major Realignment of Power Taking Place in Asia”

  1. The full-scaled Dragon has how many colors…
    Combien de coloris aux écailles du Dragon… ?

    Cher Monsieur Fulford,

    Je lis avec intérêt vos publications en Anglais et malgré la masse des commentaires instructifs qui les suivent, aucun ne satisfait, pour l’instant, une curiosité toute personnelle.

    Vous êtes le spokeman pour la fraction blanche de la Société du Dragon : en combien de couleurs le Dragon se décline-t-il au total ? Il me semble que certaines – une au moins – ne s’alignent pas dans la même direction et qu’il y aurait eu de grandes dissensions internes dans leurs parcours respectifs, si je relis mes archives concernant la Société du Dragon Vert, par exemple, remontant à l’époque où je suivais pas à pas la quête de Himmler le jésuite et ‘sa’ future philosophie du nazisme qui en est ressortie.

    La famille (chinoise) LEE (ou LII) ferait partie des 13, avec celle des Rothschild, des Rockefeller, etc., elles-mêmes pilotées par la fraction des 7 jésuites composant la cour directe de l’actuel pape noir, Peter Hans Van Kolvenbach (à racines allemandes, évidemment). Vous confirmez cela, aussi.

    J’en conclus que cette famille composerait la fraction verte de la Société du Dragon… et son soutien fut dévolu – parmi autres – à Hitler, puissamment médiumique, utilisé à ce titre par Karl Hausshofer, le plus jeune général du Kaiser à la fin des années ’30. Hausshofer parlait couramment le Japonais, était un expert en Histoire et Traditions du Japon, membre de la Société du Dragon Vert et très, très anti-occidental. Pourtant, les services d’intelligence anglais avaient cherché à le recruter… Sir Arthur, colonel d’expérience, avait-il compris combien l’idéologie ancestrale des Samourais avait une résonance avec les théories occultes prônées par Hitler (Himmler en réalité)… ?

    Hausshofer et Dietrich Eckart, autre fervent d’occultisme, furent les deux pères fondateurs de la Société de Thule… Hausshofer, Eckart ? Ou n’avaient-ils servi que de façade à la Société du Dragon Vert !

    Les parallèles sont surprenants, n’est-ce pas ? Je peux bien me tromper dans mes déductions, j’avoue ne m’être jamais perdue dans les méandres du labyrinthe des cultures asiatiques mais si le nouvel ordre mondial (aka 4th Reich) est bien précisé ‘mondial’, la famille LEE a son utilité indéniable dans le ‘blueprint’…

    Qui donc pilote la Société du Dragon, tous coloris confondus ?

    Ou qui, hors les Archons, pilote les jésuites… ?

    Si je comprends votre rôle d’intermédiaire, il n’en demeure pas moins que cette Société du Dragon dissimule des coins d’ombre dérangeants, qui prêteront le flanc à une autre forme de PsyOp si chère à la blbliothèque où pioche la CIA, ex OSS, créé en 1832 par les pères fondateurs des Skulls & Bones. C’est un cercle vicieux, où le serpent tient sa queue dans la gueule : Premier Reich, Deuxième Reich, Troisième Reich, Quatrième Reich et “ses 1000 ans de domination/paix” en rêve. Tout n’est qu’Illusion par ondes scalaires (pensées) considérant la puissance des ‘pilotes’, les maîtres de l’Illusion, au-dessus.

    L’Histoire de l’Or au travers du Trillion $ Lawsuit aura eu le mérite de confirmer que ces tonnes de métal ne sont pas perdues, qu’elles se sont juste trompées de poches. Les habituelles. L’affaire est vraisemblablement liée au Leo WANTA-Global Security Fund (approx. 75 Trillion Dollars that disappeared when payback arrived, in 1992) et à la ‘chute’ en cascade de : la Grèce, l’Italie, l’Espagne avant les autres nations européennes signataires au G.S.F. prévues (France, Allemagne) – ensuite le Canada, le Mexique, Russian Federation et la Chine (30 Billion Dollars only) étaient au programme ( — Have been following this since 2007).

    Rassurez-vous, je ne suis pas défaitiste ; j’aligne des constats avec lucidité. Selon votre ligne de pensée, la crainte d’un holocauste nucléaire est logique, puisque les illuminatis sont 100 % sociopathes et réputés acculés. Si, me reférant à votre article du 14 Février dernier “Representatives of the 12 Illuminati bloodlines, Gnostics, others contact the White Dragon Society” : … the illuminati say their system was first set up around the time of Christ … il s’agit alors de la société secrète (The Mysterious Force) fondée en l’an 43 par Herode Agrippa, Hiram Abiud (l’enfant de la veuve) et 7 autres juifs, transformée en Août 1716 en Freemasonry par Jean Désaguliers, qui avait cru avoir exterminé le dernier héritier (Levy) et gardien des textes d’origine.

    En tant que porte-parole, vous avez mentionné les divers refuges souterrains (DUMBs) détruits : il n’est fait aucune mention à ceux de l’Australie, près de Pine Gap, doté d’un Jump-Gate… ? Corée du Nord, pour les stocks d’armement, le commerce : j’en conviens, mais pour les cités souterraines de luxe, c’est l’Australie. D’autant plus que Pine Gap (où crèchent “les grandes oreilles”, maintenant) dispose d’un accès direct à l’océan, et est le plus proche de l’ancienne base de Hitler en Antarctique.

    Cette omission porterait à croire à une certaine entente entre Dragons… au sein de la Zone 10 selon la planification illuminati de leur répartition de la planète Terre. Encore ces parallèles !

    Si la Chine, le Japon, avaient vraiment cherché à convaincre, leurs puissances financières respective les auraient porté à mettre en pratique l’Energie Libre illimitée selon les brevets de Nicola Tesla au lieu de la course vers un ‘consumerism’ effréné et la pollution à outrance de leurs contrées… Toujours ces parallèles !

    La véritable réponse résiderait donc à un niveau équivalent, mais positif, à celui des Archons. Tout le reste n’est que… humain.

    Merci de m’avoir lu,
    Vos observations seraient appréciées.

    1. Thank you for participating on this forum.

      However, Ben Fulford is not monitoring this blog regularly. If you wish to comment on any Fulford articles in the future, you can post them at his free blog »

      Re your concern about some of these Dragon Societies actually serving the Dark Cabal, my understanding is that: since the day they realized that they are part of the 4 billion that will be wiped out (via SARS virus in our case here in Asia), they decided to band together and wage this financial war against their former allies, and brought us where we are today.

      Your other concerns will be best addressed by the man himself » be*************@ho*****.com

  2. Thank you eClinik. I had previously tried direct it boomeranged back undelivered. Shall sneak over to as suggested.

    So pretty-pretty the Greens would be: when they face death or financial disaster, they just go ‘clean’ and the rest of humanity weeps & sweeps behind!! Having had no morals for so long, it’s fantastic to see just what money can purchase. Back!

  3. BF writes: “What is certain is that there has been a fundamental split in the ranks among the families that own the large banks that in turn own the Federal Reserve Board.”

    Prior blog posts by BF reported that 6 or 7 individuals and their related families co-founded the Federal Reserve Bank, in contrast to 6 or 7 banks as co-founders. Is each of these 6 or 7 banks privately owned by its respective family? If so, then they do not include Goldman Sachs (a/k/a giant squid), a public company traded on the NYSE with ticker symbol GS.

  4. BF writes: “They would then “restart” the world on December 25th, 2012 in the old calendar by renaming it as January 1st of the year zero.”

    Does BF represent a group with a Christian agenda? If so, it may be interpreted as biased and divisive to non-Christians. If the calendar must be changes, then why not a universal natural calendar based on Big Bang, sun cycles, moon cycles and the four seasons?


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