by benjamin
July 19, 2016
The world situation is becoming increasingly chaotic with major events taking place in Turkey, France, Japan, the United States, China and elsewhere. The events are all linked to the ongoing collapse of the global structure that was put in place at the end of World War 2. Chinese government analysts believe the entire current world architecture will suffer a total systems collapse by the year 2018 after which a new, improved, structure will replace it. For this reason they expect accelerating global turmoil between now and then.
Let us start with a look at the attempted coup d’etat in Turkey last week. Mossad sources tried to pin the attempt on Russia and added “this was just round one.” However, Pentagon sources say jets piloted by Israeli trained Saudi Arabian pilots flying out of the NATO airbase in Incirlik dropped a bright flashing but not very damage causing low grade nuclear weapon in front of the Turkish Parliament building during the attempted overthrow of President Recep Erdogan.
The Pentagon sources suspect Erdogan used light shows like that as part of a staged the coup attempt against himself in order to give him an excuse to purge the Turkish military and law enforcement agencies of rivals. One Pentagon source said that “because Erdogan renewed ties to Mossad and may steal US nukes at Incirlik to arm ISIS, the coup is far from over.”
Chinese government sources, however, had a very different interpretation of events in Turkey. They say the Turkish government was attacked because it was moving away from NATO and towards the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The Turkish government is also negotiating with the Iranian government to create a Sunni/Shia Muslim alliance and renew the Caliphate. The Khazarian mafia front organization ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) is trying to stop this by creating a fake Caliphate and acting in disgusting ways designed to make everybody hate Muslims. What is at stake is the $2 trillion in oil and gas money coming out of the Middle East every year.
With such high stakes, Erdogan is now a high priority assassination target and we can expect a lot more trouble in the Middle East before the dust settles. However, if Turkey is working in tandem with Iran and mending fences with Russia and Egypt as well, they appear to have the strongest hand.
Now let us take a look at what is happening in France. Here we have a wildly unpopular government staging fake terrorist attacks in order to extend martial law. The government is doing this because the Italian banking system is collapsing and will take the French banking system down with it. So, in order to distract the French people from the financial troubles they need to create a fake external enemy to unify the country around.
Videos of the aftermath of the attack in Nice where a truck supposedly killed 84 people and injured another 200 appear to show a trail of real bodies (gathered up from hospitals around the country?). However, a friend working at the Japanese national broadcaster NHK’s news desk says NHK reported for about 4 hours that the truck in Nice was full of weapons and hand grenades. However, a CNN reporter on the scene reported the weapons were all fake, after which CNN, NHK and others dropped the “full of weapons” meme from their coverage. Then there is the fact the impoverished alleged killer sent $100,000 to his family before the incident.
Also for some reason, the corporate media decided to completely ignore what looks like a spectacular attempt to blow up the Eiffel tower on the same day. Maybe there were too many witnesses to the fakery there so they decided to just pretend that little stunt never happened. A video of this incident has now been deleted from the net, but a photo can be seen here:
No matter what though, the French fascist’s Gladio operations are not going to stop the revolution that is unfolding in that country.
In any case, both the French and Turkish smoke and mirrors shows distracted from far more important events taking place in the Asia. We can confirm from our own CIA and Chinese sources what Neil Keenan has reported about UN Secretary General Bank Ki Moon and David Rockefeller going begging and not getting anything.
We can also add new information about the Emperor of Japan’s announced resignation
We can also add new information about the Emperor of Japan’s announced resignation Ban Ki Moon was in Korea and China trying to find gold to keep the Rockefeller’s UN Corporation in business and to ask for the job of President of South Korea. He was told to buzz off. After that David Rockefeller phoned his “old family friend” Emperor Akihito and asked for gold. Akihito told Rockefeller that he was not allowed to do so. Immediately after this phone call took place, the government’s NHK news announced the Emperor, for health reasons, was going to be the first in 200 years to abdicate the throne. A Japanese government official who recently attended a ceremony presided over by the Emperor confirmed he made glaring mistakes during the ceremony and showed signs of senility. The source added that the emperor was exhausted by ongoing negotiations to set up a world government and wanted to pass the job on to his son and heir Naruhito.
Having failed in China, Korea and Japan, The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton faction of the Khazarian mafia is now going to make a big push to steal gold from Indonesia. CIA sources in Indonesia say that country is at its highest level of military alert as a result.
The source adds that the Khazarians are trying to assassinate President Widodo and have offered the Suharto clan (friends of Henry Kissinger) power and wealth if they help overthrow Widodo and the Sukarno clan who support him. The Suharto’s have been told to back off or be killed.
There has also been an attempt by the Khazarians to use tensions in the South China Sea to provoke World War 3 in order to keep themselves in business. The ruling passed against China’s claims in the South China Sea by a UN tribunal is being used to try to provoke a war between the US and China. Admiral Dennis C. Blair, former head of the US Pacific Command told the US Congress on July 13th the US should use force to stop China in the South China Sea. Blair now works for the National Bureau of Asian Research whose corporate sponsors include the Chevron Corporation, ConocoPhillips Company, Ernst&Young, the ExxonMobil Corporation, GE, Microsoft, etc. In other words he works for the Rockefellers.
In any case, the horse trading between China and the US military industrial complex continues with the South China Sea issue being one of the US sides’ best bargaining chips. Following the ruling against China, US Secretary of State John Kerry went to Russia to lobby Vladimir Putin to work with the US against China in the SCS. The US is also approaching India, Vietnam, Japan etc. with this ruling in hand to try to seek help. The Chinese have counter-acted by courting the Europeans and others.
A Chinese government official explained real reason China was taking a stubborn approach to the SCS issue is that the ocean around the submarine base they have on Hainan Island is too shallow for submarines to conceal themselves. That is why they are building submarine bases next to 2000 meter deep water in the South China Sea. The Chinese argue they need that to keep their nuclear deterrent intact and thus prevent anybody from miscalculating they could win a nuclear war against China with a pre-emptive strike.
This South China Sea table thumping is probably going to end with the Chinese accepting a new US naval base on Indonesian Islands in the South China Sea and the Americans allowing the Chinese to build a submarine base located next to deep water.
The Chinese also say they have no interest in using the bankruptcy of the US and Europe to try to impose Chinese hegemony. A top Chinese Red and Blue Society member described China, the US and Europe as like three legs of a table that needed each other to keep the table from falling over.
The US military and agencies and China also have a common enemy in the Khazarian mafia. On this front the Russians and the Vatican are also in agreement. To force the Khazarian mafia to surrender, a missile strike is now being planned on the Rothschild family complex in Zug, Switzerland. For the sake of future generations, the Rothschilds have been given until July 25th to evacuate all the priceless art treasures they have there. After that, unless the Rothschilds surrender, that complex will be hit, Pentagon officials say.
Other sources have also come forth to say the Rothshilds are only pretending to be separate from the Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton gang and should not be trusted to keep any deal unless they have no other choice.
Also, representatives of the White Dragon Society had meetings with several Asian factions to discuss the 1 ton gold bounty placed by the WDS on certain members of the Khazarian mafia. The WDS explained that the West was like a beautiful woman infected with syphilis and that the Asians need to make sure she takes anti-biotics before getting too friendly. The Asians agreed and confirmed gold and agents will be made available. Pentagon and agency sources responded to the bounties with requests for more names to be added. So, at Pentagon and agency request a one ton gold bounty will be placed on the people they mentioned:
Jacob de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Jay Rockefeller, George Soros, Dick Cheney, Paul Kagan, Henry Kissinger, Angela Merkel, Neil Bush, Jeb Bush, Marvin Bush, Michael Mukasey, Scooter Libby, 911 judge Alvin Hellerstein, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Frank Lowy, Larry Silverstein, Rudolf Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg, Paul Singer, Mark Zuckerberg, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Tony Blair, Haim Saban, Sheldon Adelson, Arnon Milchan, Hank Paulson, Bob Rubin, Sandy Weill (Citigroup) Lloyd Blank-fein (Goldman Sachs), Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan) and Stanley Fischer.
The bankrupt Clinton/Bush/Rockefeller clan is now in such peril that it seems even God is against them. According to CNBC, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr. and Tony Blair were chased out of a meeting in Arkansas by a tornado, which is most definitely the sort of incident referred to as an “act of God.”
The criminals listed above MUST SURRENDER!!!!
Aside from the fiat monetary scam and bloodsoaked petrodollar, another significant source of funds for the Nazionist Khazarian Mafia is the “healthcare” industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
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