by benjamin
March 15, 2016
The back-room negotiations to release funds to finance a massive world clean-up took a dramatic turn last week as Indonesian President Joko Widodo made a sudden decision to fly to Holland to discuss gold, CIA sources in Indonesia say. Widodo, or Jokowi as he is known, decided to visit Holland, the former colonial rulers of Indonesia, to avoid civil war, they say.
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The civil war would be between factions supporting China and those who lean towards the West, the sources say. In Holland Jokowi will be meeting with representatives of the P2 Freemason lodge who will be asking for access to gold stored in Indonesian bunkers, they say. The Indonesian press article about the planned visit quotes an Indonesian government official who says “there will be a major surprise within two weeks time.”
In relation to this, US Secretary of State John Kerry has contacted White Dragon Society representatives in Indonesia to also ask for the gold, the CIA sources say. Skull and Bones Satanist Kerry will not get any, WDS sources say.
Kerry and his fellow cabalists are panicking because the real US economy is in big trouble. The latest sign of this is the fact that wholesale inventories are now piling up at record levels.
Chinese exports in February also plunged by 25% year on year largely due to a drop in sales to the US, which has no money to pay for them. This US economic malaise is why negotiations to set up the future planning agency have suddenly taken on momentum. The planning agency would be happy to support the US people just not the Khazarian Mafiosi now running the country, WDS sources say.
The US military, for its part, has made it clear it would like to have permission from the Indonesian navy to station a fleet around Benua Island, in order to gain “maritime domain awareness,” in the region. In other words, they want to be sure to have a key base close to the South China Sea to ensure China does not become an aggressor in the region. This is their condition for reaching a deal with the Asian dragon family to allow the creation of the future planning agency, several sources say.
Meanwhile, buyers calling themselves the “Golden Dragon Family” have emerged willing to buy an initial 20 Metric tons of gold, Pentagon and CIA sources say. Chinese government sources, for their part, would prefer an initial deal for 50 tons and say 1000 tons can be made available within 3 months. Documents are being sent and due diligence is being done to ensure this deal turns into reality, representatives of both sides confirm. The gold is being sold, as mentioned last week, at a 13% discount with 3% for commissions and 10% for establishing the meritocratically staffed future planning agency. The WDS will get involved when the actual physical gold is made available for inspection in Hong Kong, possibly later this month or early next month.
If this deal fails to materialize, or is sabotaged by the Khazarian mafia, it will be time to bring out the pitchforks, WDS sources say.
Meanwhile, gnostic illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov,” came to visit a WDS representative last week at the “request of the NSA.” The NSA wanted details about
a meeting that took place on March 10th, 2011, just prior to the 311 nuclear and tsunami attack. The WDS was able to disclose that GPS signals sent at 12:34 on March 11, a couple of hours before the tsunami and nuclear attack, were sent to activate a protective barrier that kept both waves and radiation from passing the Ogasawara Island chain near Tokyo. This was why there was no need to evacuate 50 million people from greater Tokyo as was intended by the perpetrators of this atrocity. This is also why the radiation from Fukushima has mostly vanished.
This same mysterious protective agency also prevented a tsunami from emerging after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia on March 2nd, the WDS sources say.
“Alexander Romanov,” also explained why he was locked up again by the Japanese authorities until recently. It turns out he was sitting drunk in a park when local Japanese police asked him for ID. Since he does not have any (his ID has all been confiscated) he was taken away to the station until higher levels of the police instructed that he be let go. When he returned to his house there was a car with the license number 666 parked in front of it. The drunk and angry Romanov then stabbed the driver of this car in the neck with a combination bottle and can opener. Shortly after that he was hauled away by about 20 policemen and put in “protective custody.” Romanov was let go after promising not to cause any more such incidents. Such is the life of a genuine illuminati grandmaster.
In any case, Romanov also said he had a message from the CIA colony known as North Korea. Kim Jong Un would like to be emperor of the future united entity of Korea and Japan. Kim would be a more genuine emperor than the Rothschild puppet currently sitting on the throne, Romanov says.
The North Koreans know how to contact the WDS without going through Romanov so it is hard to know what to make of this. However, the recent sanctions put on North Korea by Russia, China, the US and Japan are actually hurting a lot and forcing the North Koreans to the negotiating table. This may thus be a genuine negotiating ploy.
In relation to this, the recent “North Korean Submarine,” reported sunk by the US military during US/South Korean wargames was actually an Israeli submarine that was planning to launch a nuclear missile at the US and blame it on North Korea, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. This was a submarine that was recently delivered to Israel by Germany, Pentagon sources say.
Speaking about Israel, US Vice President Joe Biden went there on March 8th to tell Satanist Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu that the new Russian/Vatican alliance will force Israel to stop its international anti-social behavior, Pentagon sources say. A planned UN resolution will call for “a two state solution forcing Israel to withdraw to 1949 lines, lift the genocidal Gaza siege and make East Jerusalem as capital for Palestine,” they say. Failure to comply will lead to UN sanctions and an arms embargo, they add. In addition, UN troops led by Russia may evict armed settlers and protect Gaza, they say
On top of this Russia is pressuring the US to declare ISIS is committing genocide against Christians. Doing so would allow for UN sanctions against ISIS sponsors Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel, the sources say. It would also open up Israeli, Turkish and Saudi war criminals to prosecution, they note.
In addition to laying down the law to the Israelis about their trouble making in the Middle East, Biden also told Netanyahu to keep the Israeli lobby out of the US presidential election, the sources say. The military, FBI and agency rank and file are determined not to let any Khazarian mafia stooge like Hillary Clinton be elected as president this time.
The Pentagon sources are saying the election is likely to be one between Donald Trump and Vice-President Biden. Biden is biding his time and waiting to step in after Hillary Clinton is indicted, pentagon and agency sources say. On that front the, “military is involved with a secret grand jury that may have gone rogue against those trying to stop the investigation of Hillary,” one of the sources says.
Another investigation, this involving authorities in the US, Malaysia, Singapore, Abu Dhabi and Switzerland is also closing in on the Khazarian mafia. At present news reports say the investigation centers around corrupt Malaysian government officials and Tim Liessner, until recently head of Goldman Sachs in South East Asia. However, WDS sources in South East Asia say the real aim of the investigation is to get to the bottom of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370 and its re-incarnation as flight 17 shot down over the Ukraine.
FBI sources are also now revealing that in 2013 they busted an Israeli Mossad terror operation that was planning to use kiosks to stage Kenya style massacres at shopping malls in the US. The Israeli owners of the targeted malls were hoping to reap a major insurance pay off from this, the sources say.
Meanwhile in Europe, General Philip Breedlove, the head of NATO forces, was fired last week “for being Strangelove [a proponent of nuclear Armageddon] and too close to neocon Victoria Nuland,” Pentagon sources say. In other words, Breedlove was not going along with the new Pentagon Russian alliance that was cemented at the historical first in 962 year meeting between the Pope and the Russian Patriarch on February 12th. Breedlove’s replacement, General Curtis Scaparrotti, is expected to have a less confrontational attitude towards Russia, the sources say. The change in management at NATO is likely to have a major impact on the Khazarian mafia trouble making in the Ukraine and in Europe.
Aside from from the fiat monetary scam and blood-soaked petrodollar, another significant source of funds for the Nazionist Khazarian Mafia is the “healthcare” industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
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Been informed by the ones whom really know what’s going on and that this post about the President is a pile of crock.
Kerry has “determined” that Christians and others are victims of genocide. Usually this Fulford stuff never happens or takes a very long time, it’s good to see some of it actually happen quickly for once.
“This is also why the radiation from Fukushima has mostly vanished.”
The quote comes from your article as above. If the radiation has vanished/disappeared/did not arrive in Tokyo then one has to be very relieved for the residents.
As a general statement it is manifestly incorrect. The Pacific marine life is dying, Hawaii and the West Coast of the US is increasingly contaminated, as are a number of US ships who sailed into the vicinity at the time of the incident.
The US may have closed down it’s public monitoring stations for radiation within a day or so of 3/11 but a lot of other people are paying attention and making it public insofar as they may
hmm P2 Freemasons that’s the terrorist side of the catholic church the ones that were proven to be involved with Operation Gladio. and the Australian Government have been supplying weapons to the Indonesian military to kill off the West Papuans, the Australian government is controlled by British Israel who I think are operating on behalf of the Rothschilds and Oppenheimers although no proof and other members of the 100 families that took over the Hapsburg empire around 1760 when the Jewish Freemasons were set up.