Tag Archives: beatles


TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE COME TO OUR AID in the aftermath of the worst typhoon in history, i.e. Typhoon Hainan that ravaged Tacloban and neighboring towns very recently…

… here’s a treat for you…. enjoy 😉

ARVE Error: need id and provider

The band is from Tacloban City.


Please support us by downloading our Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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