Tag Archives: darpa

Trifecta: DARPA, IARPA And Now HARPA To Complete ‘Digital Dictatorship’

Technocrats are merging “Health security” and “national security” to create the ultimate digital dictatorship. Three Technocrat-laced government agencies will operate in a lawless James Bond-esque fashion to sidestep all regulations.

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Dr. Charles Lieber’s Connections to The Plague, The Plot, and Psychotronic Warfare

New discoveries filed in the U.S. District Court of Middle Florida against COVID-19 vaccine makers, advertisers, and distributors by a Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, reveal an enterprise secreting critical information about the actual activities of Harvard’s indicted nano-chemistry professor, Charles Lieber, his connections to the alleged “plandemic,” and the “conspiracy theory” embraced by a consensus of best-informed most-honorable scientists.

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