Tag Archives: KXL Pipeline

Tell the Senate to Honor the Treaties and vote NO to the KXL Pipeline!

Honor our treaties
Twitterstorm will be held Monday night, November 17, 2014, 8 p.m.-10 p.m. – EST.
LAWTON, OKLAHOMA – On Tuesday, November 18th, the Senate will be voting on a bill that will bypass the normal process and fast track approval of the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline. Since its proposal, the TransCanada XL Pipeline has been met with fierce opposition from Indigenous nations along the proposed pipeline route and with good reason. The KXL pipeline is a threat to our natural resources, to the well-being of our people, to our sacred sites, and to the future of this planet. With the renewed fervor to mandate approval of the KXL pipeline by the politicians who stand to profit from their investments and partnerships with the gas/oil industry, it is of the utmost importance that we continue to make our presence known and our voices heard.
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