In our article “Trapped in A 3D World” we promised you a posting of legal documents and photographic evidence of the possible ill-gotten wealth of the incumbent mayor of our town, St. Bernard, Southern Leyte, Philippines.
This town made headlines when it was hit by a disaster in 2006, which to our own analysis based on witnesses accounts and circumstantial evidence, was caused by HAARP [5-day heavy rainfall] and incendiary bomb [landslide].
The visit of an aircraft carrier then was never a coincidence. It was meant to recover part of the Golden Lily loot hidden in the area during the last days of World War 2.
This event in 2006 served as the pretext to launch international fund raising in which established charities and nameless donors generously contributed to the fund that should have enabled this town to recover economically and psychologically. Exactly how much is the total amount of funds that were received is still hard to figure out at this time.
Nevertheless, we are beginning to see the unraveling of the truth.
Myra C. Rentuza, wife of the incumbent mayor Rico Rentuza, descending onto the deck of the Infinity Pool.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the period between March 26th and April 2013:
OHSIC PL, $30 Peggy P, $20 Matthew W, $35 Pamela F, $100 David M, $30 Monika ME, $30 Levi H, $20 Rhoda D, $20 Rick G, $50 Keith H, $75
Rodrigue B, $49.95 Howard K, $5 Geoffrey D, $10 Mike R, $20 Clayton F, $5 Sheryl C, $25 Russ M, $20 Steven K, $20 Joyce D, $10 Chris A, $5
AHC, $50 Rodrigo B, $5 Linda H, $6 Terry B, $5 Chris A, $1 Kipp S, $10 Wendell I, $12 Edgar R, $10
This article is supposed to be posted next week, but recent events compelled us to post it now. This article should be read superimposing our last article, “The Last Senseless War“.
Yesterday, 6th February 2012, we were hit with 6.9 magnitude shallow earthquake; 7.0+ intensity in Dumaguete City. This event, which left 52 people dead, followed days of heavy and continuous rainfall in the Visayas region of the country. A tricycle-driving man was seen shouting that sea level had gone so low which may indicate a tsunami in a few minutes, sending shockwave among coastal residents in Cebu City.
This earthquake rekindles sad memories of our experience back in 2006.
The Guinsaugon Landslide
Almost six years ago, 17 February 2006, a deadly landslide followed two weeks of heavy rainfalls and covered the whole village of Guinsaugon, with more than a thousand lives lost in a matter of minutes. Officially, the death toll was at 1,126, which included: 246 schoolchildren, 80 women attending the 5th anniversary of Guinsaugon Women’s Health Association, etc.
Causes of the Disaster
The true cause of the landslide is still being debated until today. Here are some of the facts and theories as posted in Wikipedia:
“Philippine congressman Roger Mercado of Southern Leyte claimed in a Reuters interview that logging and mining done in the area three decades ago was the main culprit.[9] Dave Petley, professor at the International Landslide Centre, Durham University, told the BBC that the causes Congressman Mercado mentioned, if proven true, created a “dangerous combination” that produced a “classic landslide scenario”.[10]
However, local government officials and eyewitnesses say that the area was well forested and the governor’s office said that deforestation logging activities were not the causal factor.[10]
Experts did agree that torrential rains lasting two weeks before the mudslide was the main cause for the disaster. Rainfall amounting to over 200 cm (79 inches) in ten days loosened the soil so much that the resulting sludge and rocks thundered down the slopes of nearby Mount Can-abag, virtually disintegrating it. The La Niña weather phenomenon was blamed for the non-stop rains that occurred in the province, as well as in the Caraga region, which is due south of Leyte. San Francisco, Agusan del Sur mayor Carie Ladernora declared the state of calamity on her town by 12 February 2006.
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology recorded a magnitude 2.6 earthquake in Southern Leyte just prior to the landslide although the effects of this are unclear.[10]”
However in a workshop held in 2008, a more scholarly exchange could surely shed some light…
“After two years, the international geoscience community including experts from Japan, Canada, United States, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Hong Kong, UK, Taiwan and the Philippines, came together in Tacloban and St. Bernard to examine known information on the Guinsaugon disaster.
… There is general accord among scientists that high precipitation a week prior to the failure contributed to the conditions at failure, but the 5 day delay between the rain and the landslide, and the fact that Southern Leyte regularly gets high overall levels of precipitation means that the precise nature of that contribution is unknown. Similarly, the role of minor ground shaking that occurred at about the same time is still uncertain. “Was the landslide caused by ground shaking or excessive rain? This is one of the things that is not yet resolved.” said Dr. Mark Albert Zarco, a professor at the Department of Engineering Sciences, University of the Philippines Diliman in a news story.”
All of the above are the official versions of what had occurred on that fateful day. Now it’s time to hear the voices from the ground.
More than 5 years have gone by, and just more than a year ago I decided to go back to my mother’s hometown, which I still want to call by its old name, Himatagon, after being away for more than a decade. Himatagon was a former village of a more progressive town of Cabalian. It separated to form its own town about 50 years ago, and is now known as the town of St. Bernard. St. Bernard now has 36 villages. Cabalian became the town of San Juan.
Being away when the worst disaster this town had experienced, and the technical know-how that I’ve gathered through all these years obliged me to get to the bottom of what had actually happened once I arrived there.
Being mindful about local sensitivities regarding the subject, I kept seizing every opportunity to ask specific questions relating to the event in every conversation with individuals I’ve known for some time, and with total strangers alike. Without injecting my own theories beforehand in any of these conversations, they gave me revealing facts prior to, during the event, and immediate aftermath relating to actual rescue and recovery operations.
The Unofficial Observations
There are countless accounts which did not make it to the papers. Tricycle drivers, fishermen, market peddlers, ordinary civilians, and government technicians, are just some of the people I’ve talked to. Here are their accounts I’ve collected so far:
Weeks of heavy rainfall preceded the event, however the raining ceased days prior to the event itself;
They heard loud explosions, and saw white smoke somewhere in the area where the landslide occurred prior to the actual event;
Text messages were still coming from the teachers and schoolchildren who were buried alive; none of them survive;
Chinook helicopters involved in the rescue operations didn’t fly directly towards the disaster area, but would circle around through another town of Liloan before going into the Northwest side of the mountain where the landslide had occurred. Observers can only see from the Southeast side of the disaster area.
Chinook helicopters were seen carrying stones and boulders in very large nets and dumped them onto the trucks waiting below and said that such measure is very important for ‘laboratory analysis” to determine the cause of the event, and thereby prevent another disaster;
The sky was continuously roaring as too many of these flights continued on even at night and when the rescue operations were officially suspended due to bad weather;
Fishermen from a nearby village of Lipanto are claiming today that when these rescue operations were ongoing, they were prohibited to go about their normal livelihood of fishing. One brave and possibly a hungry fisherman did try to venture into the sea, and suddenly, about 5 rubber boats with “large propeller” at the back came circling around the bay area. But what strikes me was their account that there were strange lights beneath the sea bed while at some distance some of these US naval ships, including an aircraft carrier, were anchored;
Civilians noticed camouflaged military men guarding far outside the disaster zone, including the main roads, which restricted their mobility;
A tricycle driver overheard a conversation with a government technician that “this one is not a natural disaster”. The same lowly civilian said that there were diggings for gold occurring in the area.
Questions That Need Some Answers
Why would the US send an aircraft carrier to a disaster zone that is relatively small compared to other similar but bigger events, e.g. Hurricane Katrina?
Would you believe that the same aircraft carrier’s arrival in the country, less than a week earlier, was pure coincidence?
Why is there a submarine surveying the seabed which is too far away from the actual zone of disaster?
Why would those Chinook helicopters needed to approach the disaster area from the backside when going directly from the bay area towards it was not only easier but more economical?
Why there’s a need to take huge amounts of boulders when a handful would do the same job of analyzing soil integrity?
Why there were too many flights of these gigantic grasshoppers when the actual recovered bodies were only too few (53) according to the Red Cross?
Why would these flights continued even when the rescue operations were suspended at nightfall and even beyond the next several days?
Why were the text messages from the victims ignored, and no rescue measures were taken that would somehow increase their survivability just like in the case of the miners in Chile?
Why the people were complaining that relief goods and donations were not proportionate to what was broadcasted to be forthcoming which, to their estimate, could possibly turn this town into a small city?
Was there some truth to the reason why the priest assigned here was reassigned due to his being vocal about the holding up of these donations by his superiors?
UPDATE [14feb2012]: Due to persistent inquiry made by Michael, this writer made some web searches and obtained these results…
“February 5, The amphibious assault ship is currently in the Philippine Sea, preparing for Exercise Balikatan 2006, scheduled Feb. 20 to March 5. The exercise is an annual Republic of the Philippines and U.S. bilateral combined exercise.
February 9, LHD 2 Amphibious Ready Group once again pulled to Apra Harbor, Guam, to load elements of the 31st MEU.
February 17, USS Essex and USS Harpers Ferry departed Subic Bay, Philippines, shortly after arriving. Both ships were ordered back to sea, and are en route to the Philippine Island of Leyte, to provide much needed humanitarian assistance for the victims of a devastating landslide.
February 21, LHD 2 and LSD 49 are currently in the Cabalian Bay, Republic of the Philippines, providing humanitarian assistance to victims in the Saint Bernard Municipality, where the town of Guinsahugon located in the southern part of the island was completely devastated.
March 1, Sailors and Marines of the Forward Deployed Amphibious Ready Group and 31st MEU, Joint Task Force (JTF) Balikatan and USS Curtis Wilbur (DDG 54) completed Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HA/DR) operations February 28, for the victims of a wide-sweeping mudslide that occurred there Feb 17.
March 8, LHD 2 and LSD 49 are currently off the coast of Iwo Jima to commemorate the 61st anniversary of the famous Pacific War battle in Feb. 1945.
March 14, The amphibious assault ship returned to Sasebo, Japan, completing bilateral training in the Republic of Philippines and Guam, while also delivering relief to mudslide victims in the Philippines’ southern Leyte Island.”
The MEU consists of a command element, a infantry battalion with artillery, amphibious vehicle and other attachments, a composite helicopter squadron reinforced with a Harrier squadron and a combat logistics battalion. The 31st MEU is currently based out of Camp Hansen, Marine Corps Base Camp Smedley D. Butler, Okinawa, Japan. This is the only permanently forward-deployed MEU, and is America’s expeditionary force-in-readiness in the Asia-Pacific region.”
What is more shocking is the fact that indeed this aircraft carrier does have a submarine in its fleet… in addition to a phalanx of Chinook Helicopters…
[click to enlarge images]
Description (2003): High oblique view, showing the US Navy (USN) and Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) ships, moored to the pier and moored side-by-side, at the White Beach Port Facility, located in Okinawa, Japan. Pictured left-to-right are the USN WASP CLASS: Amphibious Assault Ship, USS ESSEX (LHD 2), the JMSDF HATAKAZE CLASS: Destroyer, SHIMAKAZE (DDG 172), the JMSDF KONGOU CLASS: Destroyer, MYOUKOU (DDG 175), the JMSDF ASAGIRI CLASS: Destroyer, HAMAGIRI (DD 155) and the JMSDF HARUSHIO CLASS: Submarine, NATSUSHIO (SS 584).
And it can accommodate large cargoes without being noticed from a distance, through its back…
Description (2008): The forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS Essex performs a stern-gate marriage with Landing Craft Utility 1631, while back-loading elements of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, June 9, 2008. The USS Essex is off the coast of Sattahip, Thailand after completing Cobra Gold 2008, a Thai and U.S.-sponsored military exercise designed to enhance interoperability between joint U.S. forces and the combined forces of the United States, Thailand, Singapore, Japan and Indonesia.
If you haven’t read the description above, it says “Cobra Gold 2008, a Thai and U.S.-sponsored military exercise”… but is it really a military exercise, or a gold recovery operation, too?
Let’s leave it to the Thais this time. But just remember, Thailand was also mentioned in one of these Golden Stories…
Anyway, the “about 5 rubber boats with propellers at the back” are actually hovercrafts officially called as Landing Craft Air Cushion [LCAC]. These crafts were chasing our local fishermen who came near the battleships during those humanitarian missions. This they said was just a precautionary measure in line with the war on terror concept. Even if we know now that the war on terror is actually a Lie Full of Terror, how could you expect a Filipino fisherman to pose a threat after you save him from a “natural disaster”?
Below, is the actual photo of an LCAC entering the stern of USS Essex…
Imagine riding a two seater, 5-hp pumpboat being chased down by this monstrous beast…
And these crafts can surely deliver the package…
While the above picture was taken in Thailand, the same scenario did occur in this town in 2006 disaster, i.e. massive number of LAVs and Humvees were deployed.
However, what is not clear about their versions of the gold treasure story being buried in the islands and seabed is that not all of these are from foreign origins, i.e. there are thousands of tons which also came from our own mining operations in the past, and still continuing even today.
If these people have enough motivation to go to war just for oil, what will prevent them from dropping a bomb to create a “natural disaster” such as the Guinsaugon Landslide in 2006, within a week of their docking on the nearest seaport, and then launch a comprehensive treasure hunting and recovery operations cloaked as humanitarian efforts?
They don’t even need to do the “hunting” by then, because mining permits were issued prior to the occurrence of the landslide…
Mining operations
“Religious leaders and civil authorities suspect that mining interests are behind the Southern Leyte tragedy.
The Supreme Court decision December last year[when?] reversing its earlier ruling concerning the legality of the Mining Act of 1995 has paved the way for U.S. and other foreign mining corporations to claim mining rights in the country, the report of the recently-concluded[when?] International Solidarity Mission (ISM) said. These corporations have particularly penetrated Samar and Leyte, islands in central Philippines which are rich in bauxite, nickel and copper.
The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) lists two mining companies which have an ongoing exploration in the region, particularly in Southern Leyte: The Buena Suerte Mining Corporation, which explores the areas near San Francisco, San Ricardo, Pintuyan and Liloan (6,611.59 has.) and Orophilippine Ventures, Inc., which explores Sogod, Liloan, St. Bernard and Libagon. Gold, silver, and other associated minerals can be mined in these areas.”
These companies were not mining for ores as there were no processing plants in the area. They are mining for hidden treasures buried here as the Second World War was ending. This is the reason why Gen. Douglas McArthur landed precisely in Leyte to fulfill his immortal words “I shall return” and for what exactly?
Is it for more of the gold that he stole before he headed for Australia with the help of some local agents, nay, traitors serving the Crown?
Were 50 tons not enough for this guy?
Gen. McArthur and Emperor Hirohito are both Knights of Malta.
Three years after the Guinsaugon Landslide, fishermen living near the shoreline were still seeing strange lights underwater.
The Essex was scheduled to depart for Cobra Gold 2012,an annual exercise with Thailand. However the mission was canceled due to mechanical or maintenance issues.[10]
Essex is scheduled to return to its home port of San Diego, California in March.[11] This will occur after a hull swap with USS Bonhomme Richard. In a hull swap, respective crews change ships. Thus, the current Essex crew will move to the Bonhomme Richard and continue their deployment in Sasebo.
Unit awards
Since her commissioning, Essex has received numerous awards, including all of the warfare excellence awards, seven Battle “E” awards (most recently in 2008[12]), the Golden Anchor Award for retention, the Ney Award for food service excellence, the Thompson Award for public affairs excellence, the Ogden Award for firefighting excellence, and the Chief of Naval Operations and Commander, Naval Surface Forces Pacific Safety Award.
It says, the Thailand “Cobra Gold” annual exercise is cancelled for 2012. Is it because of the measures taken by the WDS as reported by Fulford?
Furthermore, it also said that this USS Essex received numerous award including the “Golden Anchor Award”.
Golden career, indeed.
Our dead will never be forgotten…
While you relish the fact that our people still kneel down in your churches, you must realize that in the days to come, they will be burning these ancient mind control mechanisms into ashes, and as your underground shelters have been shut down, you will find no safer place to hide than a six foot box, six feet underground.