Tag Archives: pandora virus

PandoraVirus: Giant Virus Discovered

We’ve been exposed to the lies surrounding HIV as the main cause of AIDS. We’ve already known the real perpetrators of all microbiological warfare, and the World Health Organization is not beyond reproach. Their collusion with Baxter and Novartis in the failed epidemic of H1N1 was exposed by one brave journalist, Jane Bürgermeister.

Now, we have a new scare initiative that is bound to fail one more time. It’s not that this giant parasite does not exist, but it’s discovery should be considered as a non-event from the viewpoint of healthcare, because the technology to eliminate all types and sizes of these adversaries had been discovered long time ago.

Never-before-seen GIANT virus found that’s so unusual it may have come from Mars

  • The Pandoravirus is one micrometre big – ten times the size of other viruses
  • It is found underwater but is not considered a threat to humans
  • The virus has been spotted off the coast of Chile and in an Australian pond
  • Only six per cent of its genes resemble those seen before on Earth

By Emma Innes

PUBLISHED: 09:53 GMT, 19 July 2013 | UPDATED: 15:41 GMT, 19 July 2013

Scientists have found a new virus thought to be the biggest ever seen on Earth.

The virus, dubbed Pandoravirus, is one micrometre big – up to ten times the size of other viruses – and only six per cent of its genes resemble anything seen on Earth before.

This has led French researchers to believe the virus may have come from an ancient time or even another planet, such as Mars.

Scientists have found a new virus, Pandoravirus (pictured), which is the biggest ever seen on Earth. It is found underwater and is not thought to pose a serious risk to humans


  • Pandoravirus lives underwater and was found off the coast of Chile and in a pond in Australia.
  • It is thought to have emerged from a new ancestral cellular type that no longer exists.
  • It is about one micrometre meaning it is big enough to be seen under a normal microscope.
  • The virus lacks the regular shape normally associated with viruses.
  • Its genetic code is twice the size of the Megavirus, the biggest virus previously found.
  • Only six per cent of its genes resemble genes seen before on Earth.
  • The giant virus is only found underwater and is not thought to pose a serious risk to humans.

However, the researchers, who published their findings in the journal Science, believe that the virus opens up a range of questions about the history of life on Earth.

Dr Jean-Michel Claverie of Aix-Marseille University in France, who found the virus, told NPR: ‘We believe that these new Pandoraviruses have emerged from a new ancestral cellular type that no longer exists.’

Many traditional viruses range in size from around 10 nanometres (nm) to around 500nm.

The Pandoravirus is around one micrometre big and there are 1,000nm in a micrometre.

This means the Pandoravirus is big enough to be seen under the most basic microscopes.

Dr Claverie explained that because the virus is very big and lacks the regular shape normally associated with viruses, he initially thought it was a small bacterium.

His team went on a hunt for giant viruses after a survey identified signs of them in seawater

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2370100/Scientists-GIANT-Pandoravirus-come-alien-planet.html#ixzz2ZZp1Z9fx

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