Tag Archives: red china

Something’s Boiling Hot in Red China

Recently, a rumor of a coup in China is circulating around a microblog called Weibo…

Which roughly translates to Google’s…

Lost in translation?

Here’s what’s in the papers yesterday…

“Over the night of March 19 and early morning of March 20, Bejing local time, a message about a large number of military police showing up in Beijing spread widely across microblogs in mainland China.” more

Early this week, a certain Bo Xilai was ousted from office…

Is this rumored coup part of the action taken by the White Dragon Society to pave the way for the implementation of Global Settlements and worldwide development packages?

While we don’t know exactly what these events really are, we have to remember that China together with Japan is at the forefront of the move to implement Global Settlements by way of knocking down the counterfeit financial structure of the Dark Cabal. Is the rumored coup a confirmation of the WDS plans to rid China of the Dark Cabalists? Or, is it otherwise, i.e. the cabalists are gaining the upper hand?

Perhaps, the articles below will shed more light to the issue…

Now it’s clearer who launched the attempted coup…

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