Tag Archives: Rothschild Dynasty

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Solution

Thomas Jefferson opined of the Rothschild-led Eight Families central banking cartel which came to control the United States, “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day, but a series of oppressions begun at a distinguished period, unalterable through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery”.

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Rothschild Dynasty is Seeking to Fulfill Kalergi Depopulation Agenda

The Venetians were once the most powerful maritime force in Europe, with an Empire that traversed the Eurasian continent. By aligning with mercenary armies of Khazars, Mongolians and Turks, they slashed and burned their way through one community after another, killing millions of people and seizing their wealth.

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The Protocols of Zion is Derived from the Jewish Talmud, But never Semitic

Discussing the crimes of Apartheid Israel is never anti-Semitic for they are not the true Semites in the Land of Palestine. But the Protocols of Zion does come from the Jewish Talmud and you’ll be shocked about what you can read there. Continue reading The Protocols of Zion is Derived from the Jewish Talmud, But never Semitic

The Final Demise of Dollar Hegemony?

Sanctions left and sanctions right. Financial mostly, taxes, tariffs, visas, travel bans – confiscation of foreign assets, import and export prohibitions and limitations; and also punishing those who do not respect sanctions dished out by Trump, alias the US of A, against friends of their enemies.

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Rothschild’s Greater Israel Plan is Effectively Defeated

On the eve of the complete recovery of Aleppo City, Rothschild puppet Obama issued a rather strange last minute attempt at saving the anti-Assad operation by granting a waiver for military restrictions on the nature of war materiel aid to US proxies, i.e. “moderate rebels” and Al-Nusra terror operatives.
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Hanging On To What They’ve Got | Preston James

Exposure is now the 9-11-01 Perps’ biggest problem!
Seizing power covertly in 1913 is one thing, but holding on to it after you are exposed for doing unimaginable evil, such as on 9-11-2001, is another thing and becomes increasingly difficult as the public learns the facts.
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How the World Was Brought Down To Its Knees [2.0]

This is the implementing guidelines of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which the Bilderbergers and the Illuminati at large are using for several decades to bring down humanity to its knees. It is very important that everyone must read this article in its entirety to fully understand how extensive is the attack and how massive is the scale by which these attacks have been carried out against humanity. Continue reading How the World Was Brought Down To Its Knees [2.0]