by benjamin
September 7, 2015
Chaos and conflict at the very top of the Western financial system has created a unique opportunity to permanently put an end to Khazarian mafia control of the West. Furthermore, a new group of leaders will be assuming power in the Pentagon and, if they are able to coordinate with the worldwide resistance movement, humanity can be freed from Babylonian debt slavery as early as this autumn.
The important thing to drill into the heads of military, police and intelligence officials worldwide is that the West has been taken over by a group of mass murdering gangsters who need to be arrested and removed from power ASAP. To put it more bluntly, it must be explained to the military fence sitters that the Khazarian mob has been actively trying to kill them and their families with manufactured diseases, toxic chemicals, unhealthy food, multiple attempts to start World War 3 etc. meaning that fence sitting is no longer an option. Self-defense is mandatory.
The anniversary this Friday of the September 11, 2001 mass murder event in New York would be a good time to take action. All it will take is for all aware members of the military and police in the US and for all governments outside of the US to demand the immediate arrest of the perpetrators of this crime. Anybody, from Obama on down, who tries to stop the arrests must themselves be arrested.
In fact, there are already clear signs the US military is taking strong action against the Khazarian mob. Pentagon sources say the Khazarian JP Morgan bank has been “put under military supervision,” because
“it is the operating arm of the Federal Reserve Board.” The pentagon sources explain that JPM handles food stamps or electronic benefit transfer cards which it could have stopped in order to create food riots. JPM was taken over in order to prevent this from happening. However, the military are now reporting that much of the JP Morgan money has “gone missing.” They are now investigating if Morgan Stanley and Barclays bank are responsible for stealing the money because, if they are, “they will be Lehmanized” i.e. bankrupted and dismantled. An MI5 source in the UK, for his part noted: “it is interesting to hear that because Morgan Stanley in the UK is behind the Iraq Chilcot (whitewash) inquiry” into UK involvement in the illegal invasion of Iraq. MI5 also notes that senior UK power brokers like John Scarlett (former MI6 head) and Jeremy Heywood (UK Chief Cabinet Secretary) are to this day working with mass murderers Benjamin Netanyahu and the Bush family in trying to maintain Khazarian mob control of the West.
There is also a massive ongoing financial attack against other Khazarian mob controlled financial institutions. They are reeling under a combined attack involving US Treasuries dumping (by China), the collapse in oil prices, petrodollar derivatives losses, zero interest rates (on loans) and demand by exporters for payment in Chinese yuan.
Rockefeller controlled Citigroup “is sending its stolen gold and stolen cash to Russia in an effort to prevent it from falling into Chinese hands,” according to Pentagon and Chinese sources. This coincides with statements by Rockefeller bag man Henry Kissinger that the US should be friendly to Russia. Russia is likely to simply claim the gold as tsarist treasure being returned.
As mentioned in a bulletin issued in August, a clear sign of the intensity of the ongoing financial war was seen when the Chinese Tianhe-1 super computer was hit with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapon on August 12th immediately after China devalued the Yuan against the US dollar on August 11th.
The Chinese devaluation was used as part of an attack on the derivatives positions of the big Khazarian banks. The Khazarians responded with a stolen nuclear weapon. Pentagon officials were quick to explain to the Chinese the attack against them originated with the Khazarian mob and not the US military industrial complex.
The Chinese have made it clear they are expecting strong action by the US military industrial complex against the Khazarian mob if they want to avoid war. Such action has already begun, they were told.
The US military, the Russians, the Iranians and their allies are now increasing their pressure on the Khazarian mob and their puppet state Israel. These three powers are now cooperating to attack the Israeli ISIS proxy army in the Middle East. Egypt is also about to join the Iranian, Russian, Pentagon alliance, according to Pentagon sources. A military campaign is now under way by these allies with the aim of cutting off of ISIS oil being supplied from Iraq via Israel and Turkey. Cutting off these oil export routes would deprive the Khazarians and their ISIS proxy army of their largest source of funds (other than narcotics).
The Khazarians have already faced a major defeat in the United States in their attempt to stop the ongoing rapprochement between the US and Iran. The fact the Khazarian lobby, despite a massive campaign, could not get enough votes in Congress and the Senate to veto the Iran deal is clear proof the Khazarians are losing control of the US political system.
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One of the significant sources of funds for the fascist Nazionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone.
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Nothing will change. Just more slavery.
Reblogged this on My Blog and commented:
reaI info on reaI change from Ben !!!
Thanks for very valuable information. I would like to ask if this electrifier ….it is something like zapper? I bought once on internet. If it has the same capacity?
I will be appreciated if you answer me.
It’s not like Hulda or Rife zapper.
Just follow the link for a complete answer to your question.