The old regime in the U.S. and Europe is collapsing in a way that is now becoming obvious even to the most brainwashed and illiterate Westerners. This collapse ultimately stems from the social instability cause by extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of a very small clique of closely interbred oligarchs now known as the Khazarian mafia. Fortunately, a revolution has begun that will soon liberate the West, and the rest of humanity, from these self-appointed, war-loving social engineers.
For now, though, there are multiple signs of a very dangerous and chaotic summer as the old system collapses. In the U.S., the undeclared civil war that has been raging since the election of Donald Trump may lead to nuclear terror inside the U.S. by Khazarian mafiosi, say CIA and other sources.
If this happens, retaliation will wipe out the Khazarian strongholds in Israel, Switzerland, Italy, and elsewhere, Pentagon sources say.
One of many signs of how open the warfare within the U.S. government has become came last weekend when Trump tweeted about the “Russian Witch Hunt,” noting that, “With all of the bias, lying, and hate by the investigators, people want the investigators investigated. Much more will come out.” This was followed within an hour by a tweet from former CIA head John Brennan saying, ““Your fear of exposure is palpable. Your desperation even more so!” and calling for a coup d’état against Trump, something that in normal times would lead to his arrest for treason.
Then we have one of Canada’s leading news magazines openly and only half-jokingly calling for an invasion of the U.S. because “America has become a failed state.”
We also have the head of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, saying in a speech in London that, “It is not written in stone that the trans-Atlantic bond will survive forever.”
We could go on and on pointing out signs of a major undeclared civil war in the West, but the media is so saturated with this that doing so would become redundantly repetitive again and again.
The reason for this extreme high tension is impeding military action on several fronts by both the U.S. and Russian armed forces that could depose several governments and change world maps, say Pentagon, CIA, FSB, and other sources.
Big military action is most likely in the Ukraine, Israel, and …