FBI Memo reveals flying saucer crashes in 1940s

Remember UFO Crash in Roswell? FBI now says it’s true, and proof is available in their online “Vault”.

Stories of flying saucer crashes secretly retrieved by elite military teams have been boosted with the release of a new electronic reading room by the FBI known as “The Vault.” Among the documents first released by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and now more easily accessible to the American public in The Vault is one by Special Agent Guy Hottel. In 1950, Hottel sent a memorandum to J. Edgar Hoover about flying saucer crashes. The Hottel memo is causing a sensation in Britain since the Daily Mail discussed it in a provocative article titled: The memo that ‘proves aliens landed at Roswell’… released online by the FBI.”. The Daily Mail story was quickly followed by other major media outlets. The memo is startling since it reveals that an unidentified Air Force Investigator, most likely with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, was relaying accurate information about three flying saucer crashes recovered by the Air Force in the 1940s to an FBI Special Agent.


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