Here are the latest updates from the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS].
This update also emphasizes the true power of the Common Law over Corporate Courts, and present one of the peaceful solution to the dissolution of all Corporate Governments worldwide.
Common Law Sheriffs will arrest convicted criminal, “Pope Francis”, during September 2015 USA visit
>Posted on December 8, 2014
An ITCCS / NewsInsideOut Breaking News Interview with Kevin Annett
His breaking interview, conducted with Alfred Webre and the NewsInsideOut network, also describes breakthroughs in establishing the supremacy of common law warrants in Canada, the establishment of the Republic of Kanata, and new revelations of ties between the Ndrangheta criminal syndicate, Interpol, and catholic child killing cults.
Behind the Mask: Galactic Connection interview with Kevin Annett
Kevin Annett (right) and Shawna Baptiste of ITCCS Canada evict Church of Rome from Vancouver – Squamish territory , winter 2012
December 8, 2014: Galactic Connections Host Alexandra Meadors explores with Kevin Annett the deeper meaning of his work and the historic breakthroughs of the ITCCS and common law movement, and the establishment of the Republic of Kanata as a nation of equals that spans the globe.
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Big Pharma is one of the sources of funds for the Cabal. It also serves as the weapon of mass destruction via vaccine tainted with live virus it is suppose to protect us from, and the deadly chemicals use to treat our diseases that they caused through our GMO / pesticide contaminated food supply.
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