As most of us may already know, Keenan was the first Westerner to ever entered the Indonesian bunkers successfully, and consequently, he was given boxes of golden bars supposedly for his efforts on the recovery of the Collateral Accounts.
If you want to know the inside story and the latest updates on the Global Accounts directly from the horse’s mouth, you can download Neil Keenan’s interview by Drake right from here.
We can help bring down the Cabal and defeat the Depopulation Agenda
Big Pharma is one of the sources of funds for the Cabal. It also serves as the weapon of mass destruction via vaccine tainted with live virus it is suppose to protect us from, and the deadly chemicals use to treat our diseases that they caused through our GMO / pesticide contaminated food supply.
We can avoid using drugs, defeat any viral attack and scaremongering easily by knowing how to build our own comprehensive antiviral system. Find more about it here.
This is a good and very informative update from Drake & Co. with special guest, Neil Keenan. Will make comments later when we finished listening. ;-) Have a nice day everyone! Mabuhay! - One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered…
A Message from Neil: Am in the hills in Indonesia. Sorry to disappear but I did not miss anything. You may post this: the bunkers will be opened very soon. I did not say soon — I said very soon. Now I have to get off this computer seeing no…
The Collateral Accounts consisting of gold accumulated throughout history will be made available for global redevelopment that would end all the havoc the Cabal has inflicted upon the Sheeples. -- This will be a shortish update as video is being worked on and a full report. Neil Keenan made history…