War in Ukraine was originated by Zionists of the State Department and Vanguard Group

Germans have arrested Victoria Nuland’s assistant, who in addition, is an employee of Vanguard Corporation, with almost a billion of high quality fake dollars, printed by Vanguard Corporation. This employee (is a member of the State Department), and now, during his interrogations, he “put under bus” Vanguard Corporation with all of its companies and “putting under bus” Nuland, McCain, Kerry, Brennan and others…

He testified how the Vanguard Corporation has printed billions of high quality fake dollars and paid to mercenaries in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya, etc and paid mercenaries of Greystone and ISIS. He testifies about connections and oil deals between Vanguard Corporation and ISIS.
He said,
In February, Ukraine’s position has become critical because they cannot pay the new prices for Russian gas. EU, especially the Germans, tried to act as arbitrators. Then from this bitch Susan Rice order came to us directly from Nuland that snipers must create “a bit of panic.”
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The War in Ukraine was originated by Zionists of the State Department and Vanguard Group in order to create new Khazaria, and start WWIII by forcing Russia to bring military forces to Donbass

February 7, 2015

More raw intelligence from the Russians:
1. Vanguard Corporation is printing billions of “supper dollars” and pays mercenaries of Greystone, Academy, some like ABC group, etc. There were a few of Vanguard employees some of them State Department employees, who had access to billions of fake supper dollars that looks even better then real dollars…
2. The Vanguard’s employees had buses of these dollars (billions), and they finance both sides of Ukrainian war… They bought a big amount of weapons from Ukrainian Army and on a regular basis provided it to Novorossiya (Donbass) militia.
In order to receive dollars, Ukrainian officers and soldiers have sold their weapons to Novorossiya. In other world, the main goal is to murder as many people in Ukraine as they can.
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