Shock of March: Battle Plan vs. Norway & Saudi Arabia

This will fit nicely to Ben Fulford’s latest update this week…

Russian “Shock Of March” Battle Plan Targets Norway, Saudi Arabia

A truly grim Ministry of Defence (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today gives stark validity to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moving their Doomsday Clock to “3 minutes to midnight” on 30 January as it details what its authors label as a “Shock Of March” battle plan to simultaneously attack both Norway and Saudi Arabia while at the same time holding the European Union-United States at bay under threat of a massive nuclear attack.

According to this report, the massive nuclear missile drills previously scheduled in the Central Military District (CMD) for early March are to act as “cover” for the launching of at least 10 electromagnetic pulse (EMP) armed Iskander-M tactical ballistic cruise missiles at “previously selected targets” to include central Norway and the Ju Aymah oil terminal complex in Saudi Arabia.
The criteria necessary for these targeting “options”, this report says, includes the necessity of crippling Saudi Arabia’s ability to ship oil from its Ju Aymah oil complex (one of the largest in the world) while at the same time denying the US the ability to access the massive amounts of new tanks and armored vehicles they have placed over the past year in a series of climate-controlled caves in central Norway.
In preparation for this “Shock of March” battle plan, this report continues, the MoD this week has also begun large-scale exercises of Russian radiation, chemical, and biological defense troops on seven firing ranges in the Southern Military District (SMD), as well as the Crimean Peninsula and Armenia.
The “strategic platforms” to be utilized in these attacks, MoD experts in this report state, will be the Caspian Flotilla which will attack Saudi Arabia with Iskander EMP cruise missiles and then Iskander Northern Fleet based EMP cruise missiles are to be fired into central and northern Norway.
Upon the successful crippling of Norway’s military/industrial/civilian electronic and telecommunications infrastructure, this report says, special forces (Spetsnaz) troops that have been building up in the Murmansk Oblast will then cross the border between the two nations to both secure vital airfields and destroy all of the stored American war supplies found there, after which they will leave Norwegian territory when a negotiated settlement to end hostilities is reached.
The legal authorization for attacking Saudi Arabia, MoD experts in this report say, is based upon the Kingdoms “act of economic warfare against the Federation” in flooding the world with oil in order to collapse the Russian economy, a fact even the Obama regime linked New York Times was forced to admit this past week.
Likewise, these MoD experts in this report state, the legal authorization for attacking US/NATO ally Norway is based upon the United States declaration of war authorized by House Resolution 788 this past December and supported by the Obama regime.
In order to prevent this “Shock of March” battle plan from triggering an all-out nuclear war, this report continues, all EU/NATO nations will be immediately notified that should they in any way retaliate against Federation forces a full scale attack utilizing Iskander EMP ballistic missiles will be launched against them from the Kaliningrad Oblast, and which are able to target all EU military targets in less than 15 minutes.
Important to note, this report says, is that in their knowledge of this conflict to come, both Germany and France have announced they will not send weapons to Ukraine, with the Germans going further and stating publically that have cut off all arms sales to Saudi Arabia too.
Most dangerous, however, this report continues, remains the United States, and that MoD experts grimly note may not even be under the control of President Obama anymore.
Supporting this MoD statement, this report notes, are the new documents and tapes released in Washington D.C. this past week detailing how former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton personally directed the destruction of the Libyan government over the objections of both the Obama regime and the Pentagon.
Even worse, this report warns, is that should Hillary Clinton actually be in charge of the US government, she is acting in the capacity of a “wounded eagle” after her son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky, is reported to have lost, to date, over $200 million of the Clinton families personal fortune by betting the wrong way on Greek government bonds.
And so bad has the situation in Greece become, this report notes, UK Chancellor George Osborne warned yesterday that Greece’s standoff with Eurozone governments and international creditors poses a greater threat to the global economy than conflict in the Middle East, climate change and rising tensions between Russia and the West.
With Greece now refusing to even negotiate with its creditors before its 28 February deadline before it defaults, and with President Putin, likewise, nearing a decision to call in the Federations $3 billion loan to Ukraine which will cause that nation to default in March too, this MoD report concludes, it is no surprise that China’s top rating agency, Dagong, warned this week that the world is heading for a financial crisis worse than in 2008…and which the “Shock of March” battle plan was designed for in order to protect the Federation.
February 4, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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One thought on “Shock of March: Battle Plan vs. Norway & Saudi Arabia”

  1. Hello Folks
    Yes the Russians have a border with Norway, its way up north Near the Norwagan cities of Vadso and Kirkenes. But really, to invade Norway at either of these cities in the extreme north of Norway, would gain Russia nothing in so far as a military advantage is concerned. Its at the top end of a long thin corridor of death. It would be far easier to and more strategic to position ones might near the Shetland Isles. One wouldn’t even think about using the Baltic Sea…or the gulf of Finland as a hiding place. it would be like putting on a concrete pair of shoes before going for a swim.
    Isn’t it clear, yet, that both Russia and the USA aided by their collective allies, are the one supplying the weapons that the so called terrorists use.
    The USA and her Allie Russia, Yes her Allie Russia are setting up the peoples of the near east. And undermining the safety of the Yemenese, because of their strategic position.
    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a vital part of the Eagles global position. The Eagles are the royal houses of Europe and Russia.
    Nothing short of the coming of the ‘awaited one’ will open the eyes of Islam.
    Anthony P Healy.

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