There are growing signs that world events will be allowed to simmer away until this autumn when there may finally be revolution in the West and an end to cabal rule. In fact, it is the moral duty of all aware people to make sure this happens and the West is freed from Babylonian style debt slavery.
The most likely trigger for the revolution is now expected to be Greece. The latest news on that front is that Greece will “bundle” June payments to the IMF. What this means, according to British MI5 intelligence, is that “if Greece bundles it’s June payments, it defaults to the IMF in early July, this will be reported by the IMF Managing Director after 30 more days followed by some 3-4 weeks of procedural talks inside the IMF.” In other words the crunch will come in September.
The fact is the Western banking system, notably the mega-banks, are already bankrupt. They are bankrupt based on the simple fact that, as a whole, Western countries have been importing from the rest of the world, mainly Asia, for the past 30 years using their credit card and the card has maxed out. The Western banks have been pretending this is not the case by creating hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of derivatives. These derivatives have very tenuous links to real world things such as Greek people’s income so, something like a Greek default would be enough to send the system into terminal tailspin.
The recent statements from Greek government officials make it very clear they will no longer squeeze Greek citizens to help cabal banks. Here is what the Greek speaker of the House Zoe Konstantopoulou had to say about the debt:
“There is strong evidence on the illegitimacy, odiousness and unsustainability of a large part of what is purported to be the Greek public debt.”
Getting the Greek government to abandon the EU, join the BRICS bank and accept money from Russia might be the strategy that ends cabal control in Europe. The Greeks have a historical chance to restore Democracy, their invention, to the West. We should find out this autumn.
High level Indonesian government sources meanwhile, contacted the White Dragon Society to inform them that the main gold depository in Indonesia was located inside a military base less than a kilometer from the US embassy in Jakarta. The exact amount of gold was not disclosed but the sources said it was “more than 100,000 tons.” They say the gold bunkers will be opened in
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One of the significant sources of funds for the fascist Nazionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone.
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It’s fixed now, chembro2. Kindly reload your page. Thanks!
Benjamin is making things up again. Neil has already pointed this out to Ben but it seems in order to keep his paying audience fed – he continues to fabricate news.
1. There is no gold depository anywhere near the US embassy in Jakarta.
2. Benjamin Fulford constitutes the ‘White Dragon Society’
For the record.
Group K.
Thanks to comments, the truth comes through. Benjamin Fulford will begin losing his ‘ paying audience’, we want truth, not lies !!!! This site and a few others plus Neil Keenan are our way of discerning the truth. If the site can’t carry true information ( as much as possible), I am not the kind of reader who wants to keep up reading it. This site does bring us a lot of information we might not otherwise get ( unclassified files, for example). I hope if Ben Fulford continues to lie, that he may be dropped, if not, I simply will stop reading his work and just consider the source. I look for knowledge and for truth, I ( none of us) want deception here. Fulford has lost his credibility now, with not just me, but a lot of others, his audience is dwindling.
Thank you for the above comment.