There’s now a growing body of circumstantial evidence and direct first hand testimonies that the massive human trafficking were not just used for feeding the insatiable appetite of high profile pedophiles and sex maniacal royalties but also to provide slave labor in secret off planet colonies run by private corporations under the umbrella of the black budgeted projects involving multiple corporate governments.
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Introduction – Sphere-Being Alliance
With all of the events occurring “Above and Below” there is a lot of “Information”, “Disinformation” and competing “Agendas” that are all competing for fertile places in our “Consciousness” to plant their “Seeds”.
Some people have chosen to focus on the more “Down to Earth” events and the battles over the “Financial Debt System” (Babylonian Money Magic Slave System), “Financial Resets”, “Financial Jubilee” and gifted money to the masses in “Prosperity Settlements”. There is an element of what we call “The Alliance” that is fighting the current controlling elite (known as the “Cabal” or “Illuminati” among other names.) down here on Earth at this very moment.
Some people have chosen to focus on the more “Esoteric” (for now) events and battles occurring above our atmosphere in what many are referencing as the “Secret Space Programs” and “Break Away Civilizations”. There is quite a lot of classified technologies that are in use in these “Programs” that are being suppressed and could completely change the nature and quality of life of every human being here on Earth. The “Free Energy” technologies would end the need of the “Current Oil/Petro Energy Companies”, The “Frequency and Light Healing” technologies would end the “Current Pharmaceutical Corporations”, the “Neurological Interface” technologies would end the need for “Large Education Institutions” and the “Food Replication” technologies and “Environmental Purification and Restoration” technologies would end poverty, starvation and begin to reverse the damage humanity has done to the Earth virtually over night. As you can imagine the real threat to disclosure is not that humanity cannot handle the truth or will be able to reconcile “Cosmic Life” with their religious beliefs.
The real reason is that these technologies would immediately collapse the world economies and make the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System” of no use anymore. It means the “Loss of Control” of the .01% (Elite) over the “Masses” and a complete “Paradigm Change”. In short it means “Freedom”! Freedom for the first time in humanity’s “known” recorded history. There has been a “Stealth Civil War” going on among various “SSP” groups [Secret Space Program] for a while to achieve this result. Relatively recently the “SSP Alliance” was joined by a group of “Beings” that no one had encountered before. They are a 6-9th Density Group of Beings that have been referred to as “The Sphere Alliance”. These new “Sphere Beings” have since not only created an “Energetic Blockade” around Earth but have also done so around our entire solar system. They are a nonviolent group of beings who have brought assistance mainly in the form of a “Message”.
Some people are now choosing to focus on this “Message” that was delivered by the “Blue Avians” – 1 of 5 beings: the “Orb Beings”, the “Blue Avians”, the “Golden Triangle-Headed Beings” and two others who have not revealed themselves to us yet. The “Orb Beings” have been visiting “Many Tens of Thousands” of people in the form of “Blue/Indigo Balls of Light” while others have been visited by the “Blue Avians” and given a “Greeting Phrase” to know one another by.
What is this “Message”?
Every day focus on becoming more “Service To Others” oriented. Focus on being more “Loving” and “Focus on raising your Vibrational and Consciousness Level” and to learn to “Forgive Yourself and Others” (Thus “Releasing Karma”). This will change the Vibration of the Planet, The “Shared Consciousness of Humanity” and “Change Humanity One Person at a time” (Even if that “One Person” is yourself.). They say to treat your body as a temple and change over to a “Higher Vibrational Diet” to aid in the other changes. This sounds to many like a “Hippy Love and Peace” message that will not make a difference. I assure you the “Path” they lay out in “Their Message” is a difficult one. Even on the unlikely chance that these technologies stay “Suppressed”, imagine what a world we would live in if everyone made these changes to their selves?
The Blue Avians also gave a warning with this “Message”. They had tried to deliver this message “Three Other Times” and it had been distorted by humanity. They made it “very clear” that this information was NOT to become a “Cult or Religious Movement” nor was I to put myself (my “ego”) before the “Message” or elevate myself to a “Guru” status. Anyone who does so should be avoided and held accountable, including myself.
Thank you,
Corey “GoodETxSG” aka “Luke”
Evidence grows for secret space program disclosures & crimes against humanity trials
Over the last few months there have been incredible claims about multiple secret space programs, extraterrestrial intervention, and future massive document dumps that will lead to trials against those that have committed crimes against humanity. To date, no physical evidence or documents have been offered to substantiate these claims, yet there is a compelling body circumstantial evidence that does support them. This evidence makes it very possible that humanity will soon witness massive document dumps disclosing secret space programs along with the existence of extraterrestrial life, followed soon after by Nuremberg-like war crime trials.
On May 30, Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG) claims that he had received the go ahead from both a Secret Space Program Alliance, and a Sphere Alliance of five extraterrestrial races, to publicly reveal the truth about the darker side of human trafficking and exploitation in secret space programs. Goode revealed in great detail these practices and the organizations responsible for them. These disturbing disclosures were followed soon after by a series of meetings from June 5-9 involving the main parties from different secret space programs who were discussing ways to minimize large scale armed hostilities while humanity is prepared for the truth about these programs existence and extraterrestrial life.
Goode says he attended these meetings as a delegate for the Sphere Being Alliance and was accompanied by a Lt Col Gonzales (pseudonym) who was the delegate for the Secret Space Program Alliance. At the third meeting involving a “Committee of 200” and other global elites that was held on June 9, only two days before the 2015 Bilderberg Group meeting, an extraordinary offer was made. The Committee of 200 wanted to start a limited disclosure program in November 2015, and provide legal amnesty for 50 years for those responsible for crimes. While the offer was turned down, it reveals the great fear that the global elite have of being exposed and prosecuted for their roles in human trafficking and slave labor.
Subsequently, an offer was made by one of the secret space programs associated with the global elites called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate to give an inspection tour of one of their Mars facilities. The offer was done in order to respond to accusations that slave labor was used at ICC facilities. After terms and conditions for the inspection tour were agreed upon, Goode and Gonzales traveled to Mars to conduct an inspection tour on June 20. Goode published his report of the tour two days later substantiating accusations that slave labor was indeed being used; and the facility was run by a megalomaniac commander who subverted all agreements and imprisoned dissenters.
Recent events provide circumstantial evidence supporting Goode’s claims that the global elite are very concerned about massive document releases revealing secret space programs, and crimes committed in these programs that lead to arrests and Nuremberg-like war crimes trials. It is worth pointing out that circumstantial evidence is admissible in courts of law where direct evidence is lacking. Circumstantial evidence together with direct eyewitness testimony, as given by Corey Goode, is sufficient to convince juries of guilt or innocence in cases so it’s important to consider this type of evidence in relation to Goode’s claims.
The first circumstantial evidence to consider is that on June 15, the U.S. House of Representatives took a major step in passing a bill that provides legal protection to space mining by U.S. based corporations that establish off-world operations. The “Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act” will protect corporations “from harmful interference” and “discourage government barriers” to their space operations. If eventually signed by President Obama, the owners and managers of space mining operations would be protected under U.S. Federal Law from international organizations such as the International Criminal Court investigating them for using slave labor and other crimes against humanity. Such accusations would have to be heard in U.S. district courts which are not a suitable venue for fully investigating or hearing cases of crimes against humanity. Judges and juries in U.S. district courts can be more easily influenced than judicial bodies such as the International Criminal Court.
The timing of this bill does raise the possibility that it is orchestrated by a global corporate elite concerned about impending criminal prosecution for past and current space mining operations. The Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act’s submission is compelling circumstantial evidence in support of Goode’s claim that “crimes against humanity” trials are being secretly being prepared.
The second circumstantial evidence concerns a June 4 announcement that up to four million US Federal government employees had their personnel files hacked by an unknown source. More recent estimates are that the hacking involved up to 18 million personnel files going back to the 1980s. The hacking incidents involved extensive information about the backgrounds of individuals gained in security reviews for classification clearances. While most mainstream media have focused on such information being used for blackmail purposes by foreign espionage agencies, what is not being considered is that this is exactly the kind of personnel information that would be needed if one was investigating individuals that may have been involved in off-world operations that used slave labor or committed other crimes against humanity. The computer hacking incident is additional compelling circumstantial evidence supporting Goode’s claim that trials are being prepared for those responsible for crimes committed in secret space programs.
The third circumstantial evidence to consider is that on June 11, the British Interplanetary Society began a two day meeting on: “How to Overthrow a Martian Dictatorship” according to a BBC news article. The meeting envisaged a Mars colony ruled over by a ruthless dictator who trampled on the rights of workers in a futurist society controlled by a corporation. The dictator needed to be overthrown without destroying the colony itself. According to the author of the BBC article published on June 22, Richard Hollingham, the meeting brought together 30 prominent scientists, engineers and philosophers who took their “task seriously,” only “two short blocks from the London headquarters of Britain’s security service, MI6” thereby hinting at official support for the meeting.
The similarities in the scenarios discussed at the June 11/12 British Interplanetary Society meeting, and the June 22 reports by Goode and Hollingham, suggests that key figures in Britain’s scientific establishment are preparing for future disclosures about secret colonies on Mars and elsewhere that have been run as corporate dictatorships by megalomaniac tyrants that have been abusing workers for years. How to remove these Mars Colony dictators without them killing off their personnel and/or destroying their valuable facilities is a problem that British and other national policy makers will soon have to confront. Once again, this is compelling circumstantial evidence supporting Goode’s claim of crimes against humanity committed in secret space programs.
Finally, Goode has been claiming that we are soon to witness a massive document dump that will reveal the truth about secret space programs, and criminal abuses that have occurred within some of them. “Coincidentally,” Wikileaks has again begun releasing massive document dumps that made it a media sensation back in 2000. In early May, after a five year hiatus, Wikileaks restored its electronic drop box for whistleblowers to again anonymously share data. All is in place for an organization like Wikileaks to share the document dumps that Goode claims will reveal all.
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Galactic Human Slave Trade & AI threat to End with Full Disclosure of ET Life
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the major colonial powers supported flourishing slave trades in their respective colonies through corrupt local elites or outright conquest of foreign territories. As the abolitionist movement spread and raised consciousness in former colonial powers such as Spain and Britain, these countries led the way in ending the global slave trade. According to the latest testimony of secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG), a galactic human slave trade exists where millions of captured humans are taken off planet to distant colonies on other worlds to be bartered or abused.
Corey claims that the galactic human slave trade is now opposed by an alliance of Secret Space Programs (SSP Alliance) that plan to disclose the full truth about the abusive practices that has plagued humanity for centuries, if not millennia, due to corrupt local elites (Cabal/Illuminati) and intervention by imperial space powers (Draco Empire).
In part two of his responses to questions sent to him on May 29 Corey explains why the Blue Avian extraterrestrials belonging to a “Sphere Alliance” want him to disclose the darker side of the SSP programs (SSP programs and alliances are explained in part one).
Corey explains that full disclosure of extraterrestrial visitation and different SSPs, requires humanity to be prepared for all aspects of how humanity has been historically and more recently treated by these groups. Revealing this information is not designed to frighten or sensationalize, but to allow the collective consciousness of humanity to integrate the truth of what has happened, in order for humanity to evolve to a much brighter future – what Corey describes as a Star Trek-like society. Not wanting to deal with disturbing information is a sign of not being ready for full disclosure, thereby making it possible for egregious practices to continue. This is analogous to how refusal to discuss allegations of sexual abuse in families can allow these abuses to continue for years.
In his responses, Corey explains just how extensive the Galactic human slave trade has been, the principal parties involved, and the egregious mistreatment of those unfortunate enough to have been taken captive. Corey further explains that “Drop Zones” exist, where the bodies of humans that have been killed, mutilated or exploited in some way have been left, and how national security agencies have suppressed this information.
Corey describes some of the perpetrators of the galactic human slave trade, and includes among the list the “Tall White” extraterrestrials earlier revealed by Charles Hall to be working closely with a covert faction of the U.S. Air Force. In a prior article, it was revealed that a Nazi SS program that used captive human slaves was extended into a secret Nazi Space Program that allied itself with what Corey describes as the “Dark Fleet.” Corey describes his own involvement in a covert program to interrogate human looking extraterrestrials integrated into human society that may have been complicit in the galactic human slave trade, or human mistreatment.
Some of the recent positive developments that have curtailed or mitigated the galactic human slave trade are also described by Corey. He says that the solar system wide quarantine put in place by the Sphere Alliance, has cut back on the number of captive humans previously taken outside the solar system to be sold. Corey describes the very positive role of an Ancient Mayan Space Program that has established colonies in the Pleiades, that has helped significantly in mitigating the galactic slave trade by freeing captive humans and relocating them to sanctuaries on their colonies (in an earlier article I described my own experience with a representative of this Mayan SSP).
Corey also explains the dangers posed by Artificial Intelligence that has turned on its creators in many other worlds, leading to many extraterrestrial civilizations being destroyed or hunted to extinction. He says that major public figure such as Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking have probably been secretly briefed about the danger, and this has influenced their public warnings against AI.
Finally, Corey describes a very positive future for humanity after “Full Disclosure” which will experience a future Star Trek-like civilization where former victims of the galactic human slave trade can safely return. Humanity will be finally able to evolve into a positive fourth density society where individuals will be free to develop higher consciousness abilities that will significantly improve their quality of life, as writers such as David Wilcock have been very actively promoting.
For Part One, click here.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Questions for Corey Goode on SSP Conflicts and Human Slave Trade – May 29/30, 2015
[Questions sent on May 29. Answers received on May 30] Q10. Why do the Sphere Alliance beings want humanity to learn the truth about the darker aspects of Cabal/SSP/Draco activities on Earth and beyond regarding captive humans and abuses?As things are moving forward the SSP Alliance Council and the Sphere Alliance have asked me to begin to cover some of the more disturbing aspects of what will be heavily covered in a “Full Disclosure Event.” Even though many want disclosure to be a moment where everyone around the planet holds hands and sing kumbaya and share a huge loving moment we need to be prepared for the reality of “FULL DISCLOSURE”. Even though some will cry out that this is “Fear Porn,” it is still more beneficial for them now to learn some of the milder aspects of what they will learn the full details of later on. This is said to set expectations, and slightly reduce the shock and horror of some of the details that will be disclosed about those who have ran our planet.
This is also what the Blue Avians referred to when they said things would get worse before they got better as a necessity for humanity to gain “Genetic Memory” that will help us prevent from repeating past cycles of our history when we are standing on our own for the first time. I understand this is not pleasant information to hear. It was not pleasant to witness or is it pleasant information to deliver to humanity. That is why I have preferred to deliver the “Blue Avian Message” of becoming more loving, forgiving and raising our consciousness and vibrations. I have been asked to put this information out there for you to discern.
Q11. There have been reports of underground bases at Dulce, New Mexico and Pine Gap, Australia where captive humans are taken, abused and experimented upon. Which faction of the Secret Space Program (SSP) primarily run these bases and what is their present status?
In my time in the SSP and having access to much information about these facilities I never saw “Dulce” mentioned once in documentation or on maps. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it just means I was shown information about many dozens of other bases both underground and undersea that were doing these types of reported activities and “Dulce” was never mentioned among them. The other listed above was one that was mentioned among some of the locations where human testing, trafficking and other horrible activities were taking place. Pine Gap is a very dark place. These places are mainly run by the ICC, Dark Fleet and Military Black Ops Factions that are under the control of the Cabal/Illuminati (or Secret Earth Government Syndicates).
Q12. You have referred to the Cabal “trading millions of kidnapped civilians from the surface (per year) to off world beings in exchange for technology.” Can you explain how this is done? Does it involve kidnapping street children in impoverished areas of countries like Brazil, India, etc., and/or children in developed countries like the US; and/or civilians in war zones; or is there another source of these kidnapped civilians?
Yes, the number has decreased in the past year because of the Outer Barrier. I understand this is some very disturbing and controversial information. I was asked to deliver it because it appears that the bulk of these people’s crimes against humanity will be coming out soon according to the evidence that has been presented by some of the Cabal Defectors who have been taken off world (though some in the Cabal are attempting to negotiate and also use disinformation to control the narrative to prevent much of this from coming out).
Many of us knew that this was going on but even we were shocked by the scope of the human trafficking that was going on. When “Full Disclosure” does occur people need to understand that much more detailed information on these matters is going to come out. This will be a shocking time for everyone as these and other horrific crimes against humanity are revealed about the “Elite” who have ruled over us and what they have been doing in the shadows throughout history.
Q13. Who are the principal parties involved in organizing and facilitating this galactic human slave trade?
This is some pretty horrific and controversial information. It starts out with in some cases with your run of the mill organized crime groups who are into the sex and slave trade which is very much alive in the 20th and 21st centuries. Many of these crime groups or gangs have specialists who work from lists of desired people to be obtained (many others are victims of opportunity). These specialists often are kind elderly looking people or professional people (including Medical, Law Enforcement and Education to name a few) that no one would consider a threat, come in contact with a lot of people and are generally trusted. These people operate in just about any country you can think of. Often people are grabbed who live on the streets, in third world countries (that they can through their power in) or from inattentive parents. This level of human trafficking brings in many hundreds of thousands of people per year into the slave trade. These people do not know or care what happens to the people they obtain and hand off to handlers in exchange for money.
Then there are the special operator groups who have a specific shopping list and will go through a great deal of trouble and personal risk to obtain certain types of individuals that are on their lists. People at this level know that their victims are going into something bigger than just the global human trafficking systems and they deal directly with Cabal/Illuminati types. These Cabal/Illuminati types then funnel abducted people into their processing centers where the people are cataloged and it is decided if they will be sent below ground for various uses by allied ET’s or will be used as a commodity in off world trade.
There is no currency or financial system that is used between space faring civilizations so everything is based on bartering. Some ET’s are interested in some of the Earth’s Art (again some of our most famous missing historical art pieces are in off world collections), Luxury Items like Spices/Chocolate (strangely enough), Animal and Plant Life while many others are interested in trading their technology and biological specimens they have obtained elsewhere for Human Beings. These Humans are used for many purposes including manual slave labor, sex trade, engineering/manufacturing (we are well known for the abilities some of us have with certain technical skill sets). There are some of the ET’s that use Humans as food resources in various ways (Of which I will not go into detail).
The Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates discovered that a large amount of humans were being taken off the planet by various ET’s anyway so they decided to find a way to profit from it and have control over which people were being taken. In prior arrangements they were made promises of receiving technologies and biological specimens for allowing groups to abduct humans but the ET’s rarely delivered on their promises. Once they had developed the advanced infrastructure (ICC) in our Sol System along with advanced technologies (that some of the thousands of ET groups traveling through our system were now interested in obtaining) and now had the ability to deter most unwelcome guests from entering Earths airspace the Cabal/ICC then decided to use human trafficking as one of their resources in interstellar bartering.
Q14. You have said about these human slaves taken off planet, that: “There is a plan in place that takes all of these peoples’ lives in account.” What do you mean by that? Will they be relocated to Earth in the future or taken to other off planet locations for sanctuary?
There is a plan to remove these people post “Full Disclosure Event” from their state of slavery and have allies that have assisted us previously take them to their planets where they rehabilitate these individuals. These planets are said to be very peaceful and “Eden Like” and are used for relaxation and rehabilitation of traumatized humans and human type ET’s. This place has the advanced technologies and higher density humans present to assist people in recovering and being ready to integrate back into healthy societies. Once these people have been treated and are healed of their traumas they will be returned to the A.D. (After Disclosure) Civilization on Earth where they will choose their new lives. If they choose to remain on the planets where they were rehabilitated they will be allowed to do so. They will most likely be returned in waves (as they are ready) as will the other humans being treated at these locations for traumas related to being traded off into slavery by those who currently control the Cabal/ICC/Dark Fleet Infrastructure in our Sol System.
Q15. Alex Collier has described Andromeda Council ships intercepting Gray/Dow spacecraft with the extracted souls of children being taken off planet? Do you know anything about soul extraction technologies, and what role they play in a galactic human slave trade?
I had to go and look at this material because I was not familiar with it to answer this question. There are quite a few groups that get lumped in under the “Grey” category. There are literally thousands of different types of beings that normally travel through our region of space all of the time. Most never stop to communicate with others in our Sol System or interact with the current civilizations in control of our system. This will change once we are in an “A.D. Civilization” (After Disclosure) and behave like higher vibratory beings. Most of them arrive and just calculate and wait for their portal opening that they will use to travel the “Cosmic Web” to other Galaxies and Star Systems. There are many groups that use humans as food and energy sources but I never was briefed or read any reports of actual souls being stolen from humans and taken off world. There were devices that were types of crystals that would store types of human energy (“Loosh”). I did read of technologies that were used to “Push” the souls of one person into another or into clones but did not learn of any “Soul Theft” that was occurring. I have had people send me emails saying that they are having parts of their soul ripped off and stolen but I have not seen anything in the programs that explain what people are experiencing or if they are misinterpreting what is occurring to them. I have not personally seen the “Soul Transfer Technology” or know for sure how it works. I have had a couple of people explain it to me but these people have been outside of the programs and are providing third or fourth hand information.
Q16. Charles Hall wrote about a base at Nellis Air Force Base involving a race of Tall Whites that reached agreements with the USAF in the 1950s whereby they trade technologies such as advanced spacecraft for various Earth resources. Do you know what these resources are that are taken from the Earth, and are the Tall Whites one of the parties involved in the illicit off-planet slave trade?
I watched a video of Charles Hall about 4 or 5 years ago if not more. This information is mostly accurate and the group he refers to as the “Tall Whites” does do trade with the Cabal/ICC and also independently with some Military Black Ops Factions. Despite his experiences with them they are not considered very friendly or social towards humans or other ET’s. They are somewhat isolationists but do have representatives that occasionally take part in some of the “Super Federation Conferences” (Group of multiple ET Federations that get together in a UN Type Conference on a regular basis). I do not know for certain in what way they use humans but do know that they have been tied to some of the areas where human bodies are known to be dropped by multiple ET Groups that the Military Black Ops Groups keep an eye on and cleans up when necessary. I do not know if they are using them for a resource or are doing testing on them as a part of the genetic experiments that many groups have been conducting on humans for quite some time. These reported human deaths could be unintentional for all I know.
Q17. You have described a case where a Mayan SSP rescued an entire village that had been taken by an extraterrestrial group. Can you describe what happened to the villagers and whether there are plans to return them to Earth?
The Mayan Ancient Break Away Civilization is one who has recently stepped up and been a very good friend to humanity. They had relocated over 40 million of their own people in the distant past to planets they had colonized mostly in the Pleiades Star Cluster. Those that were left behind were those mostly of “Mixed Blood” as a result of intertribal marriages. All of the Ancient Break Away Groups have a history of maintaining racial purity. They have kept underground bases of operation active in South and Central America since that time. The Mayan Break Away Group has kept very much to themselves and has not interacted with the majority of other Ancient Break Away Groups and ET’s and have a very different type of technology and spiritual development. They are extremely “Service To Others” oriented and peaceful. Their technology is very advanced and consciousness based and are considered a 4th Density civilization by many in the SSP Alliance.
I experienced firsthand their ability to disassociate the negative emotional energy we associate with certain traumatic experiences when they assisted me with the “Halo Device” that I described in an earlier Q&A exchange we had. They use these and other methods to assist the many thousands of recovered humans who have been traumatized by their treatment while in captivity by various ET’s that they were traded off to by the Cabal/ICC Groups.
There have been methods developed to tag individuals and marauder ET vessels who have come into our Sol System, entered the Earth’s Atmosphere and abducted anywhere from small groups of people to entire small villages across the globe. This has occurred for longer and more often than people may want to believe.
Using this tracking method this Mayan Break Away Group and other allies assist us in retrieving as many of the abducted humans as possible. Unfortunately not all of these people are still alive when they are located but any survivors are retrieved. Often it is some time before they are able to retrieve these people and in the interim they have been through any number of unmentionable traumatic experiences. The allies who assist in these rescues place the victims in the care of the Mayan Break Away Civilization and their ET allies who operate these trauma recovery locations. The SSP Alliance observers who have been to these off world operations didn’t want to leave. We are told that this is the future of our civilization if we make the right decisions “A.D.” (After Disclosure).
Q18. You have described your involvement in an interrogation program of captured extraterrestrials involved in the human slave trade. Can you describe what happened in these interrogations and how the information was used?
There was a program that I was assigned to for a short time that was an ET “Intercept and Interrogation Operation” as “IE Support” (Intuitive Empath). This program mainly was retrieving human ET’s, ET’s in disguise and Ancient Break Away infiltrators into our society. The SSP’s were abducting these beings from homes and even high rise office buildings where they had setup cover lives and were living among the general population on Earth. They would be picked up and interrogated to identify where they were from and what their agendas were. If they cooperated and were deemed to not be a threat they were warned about the policy that was in place for groups to petition to do social studies on Earth while being monitored, and then were allowed to contact their support teams to retrieve them. Others were sent to be held in stasis in a holding facility in the Sol System that slightly resembles a certain “Space Prison” in the movie Lock Out.
Later members of this program were tasked to use the interrogation methods on captured ET’s from disabled or downed vessels that were involved in the abductions of humans from across the globe. They were tasked with finding out where these people were being taken and for what purposes. This is when quite a lot of intelligence was gathered about the dark purposes that some ET civilizations had for human captives. It was a long and disturbing list. This information and the tagging methods that were developed became very instrumental in providing the needed intelligence to our allies that has allowed them to retrieve an extremely large amount of human captives and relocate them to where they can be cared for.
Q19. There have been reports of human mutilations and “Body Drop Zones” involving certain ET groups. Can you describe which ET groups were involved, why they are performing such acts, and what has been done to prevent such activities?
These drop zones have been in use going back at least to the early 1920’s that have been documented. Why numerous ET’s have chosen the same areas to drop the bodies of dead humans and animals is unknown, but it is assumed to have to do with them being in regions close to nodes that are apart of natural portal networks. Usually these bodies appear to have been dropped from altitude and are in different states depending on which group had abducted them. Different groups abduct humans for different purposes. Even those who use humans as a food or energy source use different methods and portions of humans in their processes. I will not go into details and I believe some of the information about certain gland, hormone and other organ removal has been leaked on the Internet. There are a wide range of ET’s that do genetic and other experiments on humans with no regard to preservation of life that use these dumping grounds as well. This is still going on although it has been greatly reduced with the Outer Barrier being put in place. Those ET’s that are trapped on Earth that still consider humans as cattle still use some of these drop zones. The zones are usually off limits to the general population and policed by federal agents and Military Black Op’s Factions who send cleanup crews whenever there is a body reported. These bodies are identified and the disappearances investigated, but no closure or information is given to family members and the bodies are not given to them for burial.
Q20. In the Friendship contact case involving human looking extraterrestrials that established underground bases in Italy and helped educate civilians about extraterrestrial life from 1956-1978, the extraterrestrials claim that their bases were attacked and destroyed by a synthetic extraterrestrial race in 1978 who followed them to Earth. Are these synthetics a form of Artificial Intelligence that has plagued other extraterrestrial civilizations?
There is quite a lot that went into what people call the friendship cases during the 1950’s through 1970’s. Most think they completely stopped but they actually continue to this day but they have changed their tactics and approaches. Some of these groups were actually Ancient Break Away Groups while others were refugees who run from star system to star system to escape the ET/AI problem that they created on their home worlds. These ET/AI’s at a certain point always turn on AI Prophets after they have achieved complete control and autonomy from them. At this point they consider the beings that they used to build up their infrastructure and build biological androids for them to occupy to be nonessential and a threat. They will then wipe out that civilization and pursue any survivors where ever they go until they are able to wipe them out. This has been repeated in many thousands of civilizations in multiple galaxies for many hundreds of thousands of years. Some of the crashes that have been recovered in the 1940’s and 1950’s were from these ET/AI Biological Androids and their technologies (sometimes as a Trojan horse to infiltrate our civilization).
There was quite a lot of contact going on in the 1950’s through 1970’s and this ranged from ET Refugees, Break Away Civilizations pretending to be ET’s to actual ET’s trying to make contact with nongovernment groups of people to provide warnings of what we were dealing with as a Civilization during that time frame (mistakes our leaders were making). Those who were contacted were not spiritually evolved just as many who feel they are in contact with ET’s are not even today. They would mix information with their belief systems as well as develop Christ Complexes and over developed Egos that would end up causing them to behave unethically.
Q21. In the recent remake of the television series Battlestar Galactica, artificial intelligence turns on its human creators and destroys their civilization. You have said that this is something that has occurred on other worlds. Does humanity face a similar threat as we progress into a post-disclosure world?
Yes, this is a huge threat being that many in the Secret Earth Government and Syndicates are major “AI Prophets”. The ET AI’s have some time predictive abilities that have kept these groups one step ahead and every time it looks like they are finished they find a way to survive. There is a classified plan to rid the planet of this ET AI infestation in the “A.D. Civilization”. To completely remove all remnants of the ET AI is going to involve the energetic changes effecting the Sun as well as a global operation timed perfectly to make sure all remnants of the AI Signal are removed.
Those who are AI Prophets are already working on a timeline to create a society completely dependent on technology that at one point will hand its sovereignty over to this “AI God” because it will be believed that this AI is the only thing that can rule the world from a neutral perspective and bring world peace for the first time. These AI Prophets have been shown the information of the thousands of other civilizations that have fallen for this trickster god model and were all destroyed. In true “AI Prophet Form” they arrogantly believe this will not happen to us. It appears that this AI has seen something coming up in the future because there has been a sudden rise in “Pro-AI Articles” in the mainstream media very recently. Nothing will change their minds and it is impossible to debate or change their minds about their goals. This is yet another part of the information that will be released in a “Full Disclosure Event” that the people of Earth will have to work through.
Q22. People like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawkings have spoken out against the dangers of Artificial Intelligence. How might humanity best avoid the dangers posed by AI as we introduce more advanced computer and information technologies?
It is my opinion that some people in power on the Earth have already been “Read In” to the “ET/AI Threat”. I have been told that some people have been read into the full details but I have not been provided a list of who. People such as the two mentioned are excellent candidates of people I would choose to inform because of the work they do and the influence they have.
The best way to avoid the dangers of AI is to educate yourself on the potentials they have to cause a loss of sovereignty. Becoming too dependent on technology is something else that will make you more of a target to be controlled by AI influence or even be infected by an “AI Signal” that can live in the bioelectric field of your body. This signal can then have an effect on the way you think and behave. This is something that is screened for even currently when operators and guests arrive at SSP Facilities and is something that other ET Groups take seriously as well.
Q23. You have described some of the technological means used by the SSPs and ET civilizations to guard against AI infiltration. Can you explain why and how psychics were used as means of last resort to prevent infiltration?
There may be some confusion here. The “IE’s” are used in the interrogation of AI Prophets as well as to detect deception or danger in conferences. There are hand held devices that are held against the forehead that scan people for an “AI Signal Infection”. If an infection is detected they are isolated from any technologies into sealed SCIFF Rooms where they are then “Cleared” of AI Signals which is not a pleasant process and requires a moderate electrical shock to overload the person’s bioelectric field as a part of the process.
Q24. You have said that after a “Full Disclosure Event” humanity will be free to transition into a Star Trek Civilization era? Will this post-disclosure Earth be a third, fourth, fifth or higher density society?
This will occur as we are still going through the energetic changes in our Sol System that are changing our vibratory and consciousness state to that of a 4th Density Civilization. Until then we will be a transitional civilization that will have access to advanced technologies that we should have had access to for almost a hundred years. We will be going through a new Renaissance of learning our true history, suppressed unified physics and mathematics models, learn all kinds of information about exobiology as well as have access to technologies that will make our way of life change from a stressful and traumatic daily struggle to a healthy fulfilling existence where we are encouraged to pursue our passions and interests.
All of the infrastructure built out in our Sol System by the Cabal/Illuminati, ICC, Dark Fleet (which is not a Draco Fleet but a Human Fleet that serves the Draco Alliance) and other SSP Groups will be handed over to the “A.D. Civilization” to be the backbone of a “Star Trek” like civilization. All of the people that ran that infrastructure as slave labor will be returned to the “A.D. Civilization” once they have been rehabilitated from their traumatic lives; and they will rejoin this new era and help build the new civilization that will be ran completely by humanity, and not manipulated or interfered with by outside groups in any way.
Q25. You have described the Sphere Alliance beings as having the conscious power to teleport in and out of our reality without the use of space travel technology. Are such advanced consciousness abilities something that might become more widespread in a post-Disclosure world?
I have heard David Wilcock and others describe what a 4th Density Civilization is capable of. We will have a more cohesive shared consciousness which has a direct effect on energy, matter and reality. I do not think we will have the abilities of the Sphere Beings who have stated in no uncertain terms that they come from the 6th through 9th Densities (There is probably a wider scale of densities than we are aware of or able to comprehend currently). I do not know exactly what abilities we will eventually develop in 4th Density to be honest. I do not know if we will all get them at once or will develop them over time. Different people have their own theories based on their research but no one knows for certain. It will be quite an interesting journey for those of us who practice becoming more loving, forgiving and consciously become more “Service To Others” oriented. People who focus on raising their consciousness and vibrations are going to be in a far better place than any of the lower vibrational “Service To Self” people who are of a negative and self-centered polarity. These people may experience a different timeline all together where they have to repeat a 3rd Density Cycle until they learn compassion, and get their journey and karmic issues straightened out.
Click here for Part 1.
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Joint SSP, Sphere Alliance & ICC Leadership Conference & Tour of Mars Colony on 6.20.2015
I woke up at a little after 3 AM on Saturday June the 20th and was a bit anxious about this conference. I had spent the previous day at the swimming pool with my wife and two children and was pretty wiped out from one of the very few sunny days we have had in N.Texas this season.

I was quite sun burned to the point where even my scalp was in pain. I was informed of the previous afternoon that the final negotiations for the joint SSP Alliance, Sphere Alliance and ICC Leadership Conference had been completed and to expect the normal pickup method during a time window between 3:30 and 4 AM the following morning.
I knew this was going to be an interesting and possibly long conference and being so tired from that day’s activities I decided to go to bed good and early. I turned in a little after 7 PM when it was still daylight outside and was soon asleep. I woke up at 11:30 and thought it was much later, this meeting was very much on my mind and the fact that it was going to be at a Mars Colony under the control of the ICC had my mind running non-stop.
I was finally able to get back to sleep around 12:20. I woke up again a little after 3 AM and decided to go to the kitchen to get a drink before I changed and got ready for my little blue/indigo orb friend to zip through the wall of my bed room. I had just barely made it into the living room when the little orb decided to mix things up and zipped into the room through the closed patio door. I decided that I didn’t have time to go back to my room and change and come back so I put on the “Flip-Flops” (Type of Sandal Foot Wear) that I had worn to the pool the day before and gave the orb the signal that I was ready to be transported.
Before I knew it I was standing in the familiar room that I am usually transported to in the VIP Conference area of the LOC. I was wearing shorts, a tee shirt and the loose fitting flip flops and not at all looking prepared for a diplomatic excursion to a Mars facility. One of the LOC personnel came into the room and asked me if there was anything I needed. I asked for something to wear and some boot’s, he asked my size and left the room. Within about 10 minutes he returned with a light blue jump suit with the SSP Alliance Mission Patch on the left shoulder with the places for a unit and name patch left blank (velcro patch areas with no patches). I put on the jumpsuit and boots that had laces and a zipper on the side (different than I normally received) that actually looked as if they had not been worn before. The same was the case with the jumpsuit.
When I was ready I was escorted down the narrow halls of the common area of the LOC to one of the larger hangar areas where there was a good sized group of people standing in a semi-circle beside one of the 50’ Modular Transport Vessels that I had traveled in prior and had been picked up from my home in to be scanned for nanites and AI infections after an unpleasant encounter with opposition elements in a previous encounter.
I saw “Gonzales” the “SSP Alliance Delegate” and he acknowledged my presence and started the introductions. There was an ICC Representative that looked extremely familiar to me. I still cannot place where I have seen him before. He appeared to be in his late 40’s, about 5’11”, 200 lbs with blue/grey eyes and mostly white hair cut short. He was wearing a very nice suit that I had seen the “Committee of 200” members wearing at the Super Federation Conferences. It was of a different “cut” and looked futuristic a bit and kind of like the style you see business men and politicians wear in India.
Lt. Col. Gonzales then introduced the 4 SSP Alliance Security Team Members to me who were also “IE’s” (Intuitive Empaths). Two of them would accompany me at all times and 2 would be assigned to Gonzales. There were also 4 crew members of the craft that we would be traveling to Mars in who were introduced as a group. The rest of the people present were members of the SSP Alliance Council who then wished everyone luck and a productive meeting as we boarded the vessel.
Being modular these vessels are always in different configurations on the inside depending on the mission they are on. I have seen them setup as troop transports, mobile medical treatment centers and VIP for meetings and transports. This time there were seats for all present. We were informed that this trip would take close to half an hour because Mars was just on the other side of the sun so it added time to the trip for a reason that was not explained. These vessels usually make trips of these distances in just a few minutes or less. I do not know if this was a way to spend extra time with the ICC Representative or was in fact truly a technical issue having to do with the position of Mars being behind the sun compared to the position of the earth and moon.
As we lifted off and flew through the bay doors that opened we could see the surface of the moon grow distant quickly and then the earth through the transparent panels in the walls of the vessel. We then went to speed and the panels changed to an opaque color. Gonzales and the ICC Representative began to talk about the conference and all who would be there. Gonzales again told the ICC Representative that we appreciated them agreeing to the terms of allowing us to bring the armed security, choosing the site of the conference once in orbit, the tours and allowing us to bring one family of our choosing back with us to question and to either provide sanctuary to or allow to return to their home colony depending on the families wishes. I sat and listened since I had not been a part of the negotiations and hoped to overhear something new from the process.
Once we arrived in outer orbit of Mars the panels in the walls went transparent again and a larger version of the “smart-glass pads” lowered from the ceiling. It was about 70” across diagonally and had a real time display of Mars with icons where there were ICC Colonies and industrial complexes in the northern hemisphere. The ICC Representative stood up and began pointing at each and giving his recommendations of the “best” facility to tour and hold the conference would be. Gonzales interrupted and stated that he had already come up with a location based on the SSP Alliance Council’s request and the information was based on intelligence from an ICC defector.
The ICC Representative immediately looked concerned and that look intensified when the “plus sign” icon popped up on the coordinates that were already in the system. It marked a place that was in the southern polar region. The ICC representative stated that this was an old Industrial plant and that there wasn’t a colony there. Gonzales stated that our intelligence was fresh and that indeed there was a moderate sized colony there and that a recent ICC defector had lived there and provided a detailed report.
The ICC representative stated that he would have to contact his superiors to get clearance. Gonzales reminded him that we were promised access to any facility and colony that we requested for this conference and tour. The ICC representative excused himself and went into a small room to use a communication device. He emerged a short time later and stated that it would take about an hour before we were granted clearance to land but that the locations was approved. It was obvious that this was a stalling tactic for the unexpected choice in locations to give the facility time for some very quick preparations for our unanticipated arrival.
After about 50 very long minutes we heard an announcement that the crew had received communication for clearance to land. As we moved in closer we could see some thin wispy ice clouds in the upper atmosphere and some rolling dust storms much further to the north of our trajectory. We then saw the beautiful blue and bright pinkish discharges on the shielding all around the vessel as it entered the atmosphere at speed. There was no sound or turbulence in the entry of the atmosphere.
We then headed directly towards one area of the ground that was hilly and rocky with snow and ice in low lying areas. We made a quick turn with no inertial or G-force effects on the passengers. Our vessel hugged the terrain at high speed for a few kilometers until we came to a small canyon looking area. It was not like the canyons toward the equator and in the northern hemisphere but was described as a canyon none the less. It looked more like an ancient washed out river bed between larger rock outcroppings.
We began to slow down as we were headed toward a flat rocky outcropping and as we did a turret looking cylinder structure rose out the top of the rocks and there was windows around the structure. It appeared to be an observation deck or air traffic control tower. A large bay door then opened below and we slowed down quite a bit more as we entered. We were then inside a square tunnel hewn out of the rock with “bays” on either side of us as we continued through. As I looked through the rectangular doors I could see two teardrop-shaped craft in each bay.
These craft appeared unusual to me in that I had not seen SSP craft that had a shiny chromed metal finish. They always seemed to have a black or grey coloring much like the “stealth bombers” that most people are now familiar with. The third bay on the right was the one we were directed to and there was one of the tear-shaped vessels inside and an empty bay that barely accommodated our vessel. We landed on the platform and powered down our vessel. I sat back in my chair and the reality hit me that we had arrived at an opposition stronghold on Mars.
I made note of a catwalk that went out between the two vessels in the double bay. The catwalk went to a wide walkway and staging area where there were crates and instruments on carts. About a dozen of the facilities security team immediately came out onto the staging area wearing the uniforms that I had seen before. They were a “digi-camo” (pixilated pattern) that were made up of the colors black, rusty red and dark tan. They were carrying “rifles” that looked much like our security teams. The ICC representative stated that he should go and smooth the road for us and Gonzales agreed ordering the doors to be opened so he could exit.
We observed the ICC representative speak to the security personnel, and then went through the check point returning a short time later holding both hands in the air with the thumbs up signal. He sort of half jogged to the vessel where he met us at the open doors and stated that everything was on schedule, the ICC leaders participating in the conference had been informed of the location and were on the way. He stated that we needed to go through the security checkpoint and meet the facility commander who wanted to talk to us.
The ICC representative then told us what the subject of that conversation was going to be. He was carefully watching our reactions as he gave us a summary of what to expect from the base commander. He stated that the people at this facility were here for generations and that they were under the impression for decades now that the earth had been through some sort of cataclysm and was no longer inhabitable. He said that we are being asked to not throw off the social dynamics of the facility by revealing that this was not the case or that any of us were from the surface of Earth. He then turned around and did the same half jog back towards the facility security team while we looked at each other wide-eyed regarding what he had just said. Gonzales said “You heard the man” let’s not have any incidents here if we can avoid it.
We then filed out of the SSP Alliance vessel and headed towards the security checkpoint. We were stopped immediately when a very cold looking security personnel looked at our security contingent and said “Absolutely NO weapons past this point!” We stopped and Gonzales looked at the ICC representative and stated, “You know that is a deal breaker, I’d hate for things to end before they got started here wouldn’t you?” The ICC representative walked past the checkpoint and down the hall a ways and spoke to the base commander. The base commander was visibly agitated from the beginning and this did not make him any happier. The base commander called to his security and waved us through. This was another obstacle overcome by Gonzales, so far so good.
As we entered, the base commander gave us the storyline about the people not knowing that the earth was still thriving and that this wasn’t anything to do with any slavery theories being promoted by the SSP Alliance but was a complex “social experiment”. It was stressed that we needed to be careful not to contaminate a multi-decades long experiment that will help humanity. I looked at Gonzales and he rolled his eyes at me as this was being said. The base commander then stated that the “main hall” was being setup for the conference and that we would be taken on a tour of the industrial plant first that was 8 kilometers away via an underground train. He said after the conference we would then tour the colony and meet the people, see their living conditions and ask a family if they would be willing to leave with us.
We were walked through an area of the colony that had obviously been cleared of people for us to walk through. The area was a ghost town and that much usable space is not wasted in these facilities. We made our way to another area that was also cut out of the rocks and unfinished. There was a single monorail track going in one side and out the other of a tube that was glass-like but not smooth or polished. It was ribbed or bubbled it seemed. It was possibly vitrified rock? A very thin train then arrived and we were told to load up.
The way we entered caused us to be seated in a strange order. The seats were two by two and facing each other. I ended up being several people down from Gonzales and had one of our security personnel on either side of me. There was a solid row of the facilities security personnel across from me. I noticed one of them kept whispering to the other and finally asked me as we were traveling down the tunnel “Where are you from”, I responded without thinking “Texas” and received a very shocked look on the 3 faces that I could see in front of me. I knew immediately that I had already screwed up.
The facility security began to immediately talk among themselves and I could feel the eyes of our security team (IE’s) on me and within a few seconds could see an outstretched neck and a head turned my way from the general area that Gonzales was sitting. Yea, I screwed up big time. I didn’t want to look at anyone else from my team and just kind of looked out the window behind the facility security team and watched the blurry wall until we arrived at the industrial plant.
As we disembarked from the train, the murmurs were growing louder among the facility security personnel. I then came face-to-face with Gonzales who had a smart ass look on his face and a smirk. I looked at him and said “Yea, I screwed up”. I then told him what happened and he said that he had heard them discussing the way he and I smelled and the fact that I was sun burned and that I didn’t look like someone that has been on a colony or stationed on a vessel. He went on to say that people in these closed environments can tell each other apart. When someone like us comes in smelling like hair gel, deodorant and coconut scented tanning oils and aloe vera sun burn cream we reek of Earth and smell very alien and out of place to them. These people all use the exact same toiletry products and even the smells of the foods that come out of the pores in our skin are a dead giveaway.
He said it certainly doesn’t help when one of us says we are from “Texas”. He said he was brainstorming on coming up with an off the books facility or other vessels or locations that he could say were code named Texas but he thought the damage was done. This proved to be correct half way through our tour of the industrial complex. It was obvious that the talk was spreading through this facility security team very quickly and the ICC representative was very aware of it. He was making sure we saw him glancing back and forth between the people chattering and our group with a disapproving look on his face.
We were all walking in a close group as one of the residents was explaining what each of the robotic machines did and along the conveyor systems what each of the people did at the work stations in the process of producing the various shaped panels that were optical and neurological relays and displays. We were seeing a version that was a slightly curved panel of one size but they stated down the tunnel system there were other rooms where the same panels were produced in various configurations and for various other types of biological neurological interfaces (non-human customers).
It was at about this time that another monorail train arrived with many more security personnel. They told us to halt and they separated the security team that was with us, disarmed them and escorted them to the trains and left. A new security team was assigned to us and the ICC representative that obviously had an “ear wig” (communication device in his ear) told us that we were not to communicate with the security team unless it was to do with something security related. They then brought over a metal cylinder that had a spray atomizer on it and told us to spray it on our bodies and rub it into our faces and hair. It was an odor neutralizer and it didn’t have a scent of its own.
I was worried that it had something in it but Gonzales said its okay and I unzipped my jumpsuit and pulled it down to rub the solution into my arms, shoulders, neck, hair and face. We then ended the tour early because the ICC representative stated that the other ICC leadership had arrived and were setting up for their presentation in the “main hall”. We waited for the monorail train to arrive back, piled back on it and headed back to the colony. On the way back one of our security/IE personnel leaned over to Gonzales and I heard him say “Something’s not right”. Gonzales nodded to him and said keep me informed. “IE’s” get false hits often and it’s good to have at least 3 present to triangulate any threats. When we would point out a possible feeling we were always told to stay on the scent and report any new hits.
When we arrived at the colony there was a completely different energy. There were people everywhere that all appeared between the ages of 8 years of age and about 60 (at the oldest) bustling around in one piece suits that were obviously their “Sunday best”. They were also all trying to look like they were going about their business while trying to sneak a peek at the new arrivals and seemed to be trying to make eye contact. It seemed that they had been told that we would be touring the facility and asking one family to leave with us to give a report about the facility and how it is ran and what it’s like to live there.
We were brought into the “main hall” that looked like an area that people are brought in for daily propaganda and there were a large number of ICC leadership members present who were bustling about as well and it was difficult to count how many were there. They sat us down and put on a “Dog and Pony Show” on a large “smart-glass screen” that showed all sorts of technologies that they produce, what they procure in trade for those technologies and stated that they had ongoing trade agreements with almost 900 civilizations and did occasional trade with far more than that.
They showed all sorts of spacecraft and spacecraft components that some groups integrate into their own technologies and also discussed the exopolitical agreements they had made with groups that pass through our sector on a regular basis using the nearby natural portal systems that are a part of the “cosmic web”. After this presentation we were taken on a tour of the colony. People were very eager to please and show us their dwellings that were the size of my dining room and housed a family of 4. They had very little in the form of physical possessions and there seemed to be a cast system that ironically was similar to the movie Divergent but on more of a micro level.
We had gotten to the end of the tour where we had seen their environmental control system and their laundry and recycling system (everything is recycled) and community centers. It was now time for Gonzales to give the ICC representative the choice of the family we were to take back with us. He gave the number of a certain family’s dwelling that was an alpha numeric number outside their door and 15 minutes later a man, woman, teenage son and pre-teen daughter showed up with a small bag in each of their hands. They seemed kind of stoic and nervous. This was to be expected but they seemed off to me. I didn’t say anything at the time. One of the “IE”/Security Personnel leaned over to Gonzales and whispered to him and Gonzales ordered us all to our vessel.
When the door was closed Gonzales turned to the people and told them they were safe and that he would not betray their good faith. He said that “We know that there is another member of your family that is not present”, the father said “How could you know that?” Gonzales motioned to our security personnel and said that “our people have abilities”. The family then clammed up and would not talk. Gonzales became upset and said he would straighten this out and he and the two security personnel assigned to him left the vessel.
We sat in uncomfortable silence for about 10 minutes and then all 4 of the crew came out and said “We have over a dozen of the facilities security personnel coming out fast with weapons high towards the craft”. They asked me “What should we do?” I asked if they saw Gonzales and they said no, he was not out there. I told them to open the doors and to stand down. The crew enacted security measures that wiped the systems of information that would be helpful to the enemy. When the doors to our vessel opened the facility security personnel then entered and disarmed our security personnel and took us into custody. I had that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach knowing that something had gone wrong and wondering if Gonzales and the others were okay.
The facility security team walked us in, straight past the base commander that was in a very heated conversation with the ICC representative. Something had gone very wrong and his ego was bruised or his authority was challenged in front of his men. He was extremely upset and was no longer listening to the ICC representative who outranked him.
We were walked to a wall that suddenly had a double door where there was none before. They opened it and we were then walked into a detention facility that was conspicuously absent on the previous tour. As we walked back through the rows of cells we saw quite a lot of people in various psychological stages of psychological distress locked up. When we reached the back cell where Gonzales and the two other security personnel were detained I was relieved to see them alive. We were all locked up and left without a word spoken to us in the same cell.
Gonzales said that the base commander was a tyrant and a total megalomaniac who was not used to people challenging him diplomatically or otherwise on his base. He said that the recent attack that the rogue SSP Alliance Forces had done on Mars had come up in the argument and was obviously a point of contention that the base commander used to toss him in the brig. I asked what was going to happen and he said that from the way the base commander was talking it didn’t sound good, which then left all of us thinking the worse.
It wasn’t a minute later that we saw our blue/indigo orb friends zipping through the walls of the cell, one for each of us. They danced around for a couple seconds and the other SSP personnel who had never traveled this way backed against the wall. Gonzales explained how the transportation works and then we each followed the SOP and were soon back at the LOC room where I was transported at the beginning of this journey. Upon our unexpected arrival there was an intrusion alarm going off at the LOC and armed security came into the room very quickly. Gonzales told the SSP Alliance personnel to report to their units for debriefs. They left the room with the armed security teams and the door was closed leaving Gonzales and myself alone in the room.
Gonzales then said “We lost a vessel but didn’t leave any team members behind, that’s something”. He stated that we received quite a lot of good intelligence which was the real goal of this mission. He stated that the ICC’s goal was propaganda and that since the recent reports that were released to the public about the slave trade and labor going on by the ICC that they have been extremely upset and worked-up about information being public that was never supposed to be so. He told me to continue doing what I am doing and that he didn’t know where I was going from here. He said he didn’t know if I was going to visit Raw-Tear-Eir or be taken back home. We said our goodbye’s and he left to begin his debrief process.
I was extremely exhausted from the 14 hour ordeal and the stress from the adrenaline highs and lows and was ready to just go back to bed. I removed the borrowed jumpsuit and boots and placed them on the table that used to be in the middle of the room where my flip flops were setting. Since that room had become so popular as a drop off and pickup area the large wooden conference table had long since been slid against a wall to the side of the room to make more room for foot traffic. I was once again standing alone in the room in my night time tee shirt and shorts looking around at the walls.
Soon enough the blue/indigo orb zipped into the room and transported me back to the same point in the living room that I had been picked up from. As usual only a few minutes had passed local time and I tried to go back to bed to sleep. I really had a lot racing through my head at that point so I laid in bed staring at the ceiling and finally got up and did a small update on Facebook and gave David Wilcock a small update on Skype. I then began to type out the details of the conference so that I would have them outlined for this longer report.
This ends the report of this particular conference. I’m now in Boulder, Co at the Gaiam TV HQ shooting 5 episodes of “Disclosure” with David Wilcock. So far, I have not been informed of any upcoming SSP/Sphere Alliance Conferences and hope to have some downtime to spend with my family and recover from the recent high activity period of meetings.
Thank you for all of the moral and other support that has been offered. It is much appreciated and is vital to assisting me continue this work. Gonzales has a very nice support structure of both funds and technologies through the SSP Alliance. As I have been reminded several times by the SSP Alliance Council, I do not work for them. I work for the Sphere Alliance who see things on a different level. They are great about working with people’s hearts to make sure we have what we need and nothing more. They certainly want to keep me humble and dependent on maintaining a positive karma. I have chosen this path and will continue to travel it as difficult as it is at times. Thank you for the love and positive energy.
Audio Player
Chris Thomas, Wales, U.K., psychic healer, author of Project Human Extinction: The Ultimate Conspiracy, 2009; Synthesis, 2011; and seven other related books is a direct reader of the Akashic, of energy signatures and of the complete DNA of any given being in our universe.
He describes in Synthesis, pages 37-43, that there are only seven races in our universe, consisting of so-called semi-physical beings: Pleiadeans, Sirians, NGC-584, Greys, Blues (not avians), Velon and Crystalline. There are no Reptilians. He says the Velon from Velos are the cause of the problems on Earth, and they masquerade as other fabricated extraterrestrial beings as cover to confuse humans. The Velon leader, who chose the name “Lucifer”, and his fellow Velons are invisible to humans except for humans who have powerful psychic abilities, and the Velon infiltrated and control the Illuminati and related secret societies of elites on Earth.
Chris Thomas explicitly identifies Tolec, Andromeda Council, Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command, and many other entities as being fronts of the Velon. He says that Edgar Cayce was controlled by the Velon when it suited their purposes, as well as essentially all other psychic channelers and their messages since at least about 1950. The psychic channelers failed to test the spirits.
Chris Thomas explains realistic “dimensions” based on energy vibration frequency, and he debunks so-called densities and human ascension, e.g., from a Third to a Fourth or Fifth Density or so-called dimension. Human beings have more than 50 dimensions based on energy vibration frequency.
In his published books, Chris Thomas reveals human origins and human development and evolution since their first appearance on planet Earth. Other than a few hundred true Earthlings who live in hiding to avoid capture and destruction (not Sasquatch or Big Foot), all of the human beings on planet Earth are extraterrestrial in genetic origin and soul origins. To paraphrase Pogo: We have found the extraterrestrial aliens, and they are us.
The significance of the disclosures and revelations by Chris Thomas is that they explain more than any other known hypothesis with the fewest number of variables or factors. His hypothesis is elegant and parsimonious. He corroborates his psychic readings with documentation, and vice versa. He does not have a monopoly on access to the Akashic and encourages others to do their own research and come to their own conclusions.
Very illuminating. If its our knowledge its our duty to improve it. Thanks