There are alliances of convenience between occult organizations that rule the planet from behind the scenes, and from time to time these alliances are shattered when those vested interests collide, or when fundamental common ground and contracts are breached for some reason, or another.
Although they participated in it passionately, the Americans, at least the majority of them, are not really responsible for the Trump victory. No, it’s not the Electoral College either.
According to the United States Election Project, there are: 46.9% who didn’t vote, 25.6% voted for Clinton, 25.5% voted for Trump and 1.7% voted for Johnson.
America is not ready for Jill Stein who advocated for student debt bailout, and green jobs to revitalize the American economy. They either voted Trump because they were thinking that Stein was not a winnable candidate, or the rest of them just decided to stay at home out of sheer frustration, 46.9% of them, which made the election results a self-fulfilling prophecy, of course.
Which means that at least 46.9% of the American voters who boycotted the whole exercise may have found it futile, or deflective of the real essence of democracy, considering that there are other candidates who were purposely left out of the mainstream discussions.
If the mainstream media can be controlled, why not the voting system itself?
This massive apathy, which is the direct result of the deliberate suppression of better choices, gives more impetus for the dark forces, who are actively working against each other, to intervene for the ultimate control of America, and the entire Atlantic. Any possible spillover towards Asia is already undermined through the closing of the ranks between ASEAN and China.
A CIA insider retorted,
“… the United States can now be classified as undergoing a coup d’état where Freemasonic forces (for the first time in 188 years) led by American billionaire Donald Trump, and aided by secretive elements within both the Sicilian and American mafia, are presently engaged in a “soon to be deadly” all-out battle against the US Federal Reserve System supported “shadow government” currently ruling that nation, and who on its side is being aided by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the La Santa Sede (Vatican/Holy See).”
“…the Freemasonic forces that led President-elect Donald Trump to victory in America this past week has now re-crossed the Atlantic Ocean to re-claim France from the rule of satanic globalist tyranny, too.
… the full totality of the current Freemason “uprising/revolution” against the satanic globalists seeking to enslave the world became more evident to Federation intelligence analysts last year when a secret 200-year-old archive of this mysterious organizations past members from 1733-1923 was released in Britain—and which the SVR and FSB were then able to use to “discover/decipher” who this ancient orders present leaders are.
One of the Freemason’s “top/main” leaders in Britain today, this report continues, is the United Kingdom’s Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage, who is not only a known member of this mysterious organization, but whose powerful and secretive forces led the effort to free the British people from the grip of these satanic globalists in the stunning 23 June 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum defeat known as Brexit. “
![UKIP leader Nigel Farage (left) in Masonic grip with UKIP MP Doug Carswell (right)](
[We cannot post the entirety of these reports because they carried with them some false information aimed at distorting the facts that it is the Asian block that has been spearheading the actions against the Satanic Cabal from the very beginning, with the significant cooperation from the Russian-led alliance, Moscow Conference on International Security (MICS), which continue to host Ed Snowden.]The Pyramid of Occult Organizations may be jockeying for power, but the entities at the top are more than happy to give them the satisfaction.
But, the 46.9% non-participants of the last US elections could be right. Initial appointments within the Trump Team don’t look promising.
Meet the Neocons, 9/11 Criminals and Goldman Bankers On Team Trump
James Corbett
The voting machines have decided who will be the next puppet figurehead of the Pax Americana deep state for the next four years. The circus is over and the peanut shells are being swept out of the stands. So what do we have to show for all of it?
Well, I have some good news, some bad news, and some not-so-good news for you. Let’s start with the bad news.
Apparently some people voted for Trump in the belief that he was some sort of anti-establishment truth-telling hero of the working class. I hate to be the one to disabuse you of this notion, so let’s just look at his transition team, his campaign team, the people who have already been tapped to be part of the new administration and the people who are being contacted for potential cabinet appointments. Warning: It’s not a pretty picture.
So who’s leading this transition team that’s helping to sort out the cabinet and move Team Trump into the White House? Oh, just the usual assortment of bankster-connected corporate lobbyists we would expect to be hanging around any president-elect. This time is no exception. From former Goldman Sachs lobbyist Eric Ueland to Koch Industries lobbyist Michael Catanzaro to Aetna / Verizon lobbyist William Palatucci, the gaggle of corporate cronies manning Trump for America Inc. (the actual nonprofit group set up to oversee the transition) are as establishment as they come. And the whole kit-and-kaboodle is being run by Chris Christie. Yes, that Chris Christie.
And who are they reaching out to for potential positions in the Trump White House?
Steven Mnuchin – The chief fundraiser for the Trump campaign was not featured in a lot of alt-right cheerleading for the Trump train, and for good reason: He is a 17-year Goldman Sachs veteran who went on to work for Soros Fund Management. Yes, that Soros. Oh, and he donated to Hillary Clinton. But other than that, I’m sure he’s a great fundraiser. Which is why he is apparently a frontrunner to be Secretary of the Treasury in the Trump White House. That’s right folks, yet another Goldman Sachs vampire squid alumni is within a hair’s breadth of taking over the Treasury, just like Hank Paulson and Robert Rubin before him. But don’t worry, because another person in consideration for the Treasury Secretary position is…
Jamie Dimon – I’m going to assume you know who Jamie Dimon is, but just to make sure everyone is aware, let me spell it out in black and white: Jamie Dimon is chairman, president and chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase, the monstrous banking offspring of JP Morgan & Co. and the Rockefellers’ own Chase Manhattan. Other than Lloyd “God’s work” Blankfein, it would be hard to find a more bankster-y bankster in the world of banksterism. To list Dimon’s entire rap sheet would be an editorial unto itself, but let’s just remind ourselves of his role in the 2008 bailout fiasco via my Federal Reserve documentary, Century of Enslavement:
A stunning 2011 Government Accountability Office report examined $16 trillion of bailout facilities extended by the Fed in the wake of the crisis and exposed numerous examples of blatant conflicts of interest. Jeffrey Immelt, chief executive of General Electric served as a director on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at the same time the Fed provided $16 billion in financing to General Electric. JP Morgan Chase chief executive, Jamie Dimon, meanwhile, was also a member of the board of the New York Fed during the period that saw $391 billion in Fed emergency lending directed to his own bank. In all, Federal Reserve board members were tied to $4 trillion in loans to their own banks. These funds were not simply used to keep these banks afloat, but actually to return these Fed-connected banks to a period of record profits in the same period that the average worker saw their real wages actually decrease and the economy on Main Street slow to a standstill.
If there’s any ray of hope here, it’s that (as I discussed with James Evan Pilato on a recent edition of New World Next Week), Dimon recently said he wouldn’t want to become Treasury Secretary due to “Democrat-Republican bullshit.” As Pearse Redmond points out, the Trump team may be floating Dimon’s name right now to make it seem not so bad when they “only” appoint Goldman/Soros insider Mnuchin to the position,
John Bolton – John Bolton is a career Republican insider who served roles in both Bush White Houses, including most recently as UN Ambassador in 2005-2006. He’s also the worst kind of crazed, bloodthirsty neocon who has literally never heard of a foreign invasion he didn’t lust after. Don’t take my word for it, listen to him explain Trump’s foreign policy imperatives…for as many seconds as you can stomach it. And yes, he’s commenting on Trump’s foreign policy because he has been advising the Trump campaign and has been name-dropped for months as a possible Secretary of State in the Trump cabinet. So are all of those who voted Trump over Hillary because they didn’t like her warmongering suitably upset now? Well if not there’s always his picks for Secretary of Defense, like:
Stephen Hadley – Hadley is the man who, acting as Bush Jr.’s Deputy National Security Advisor, served as the conduitfor the ridiculously fake yellow cake uranium forgeries that were used to help drum up the war in Iraq. He was also the guy who kept the bogus yellowcake story in Bush’s October 2002 speech in Cincinnati laying out the case for the illegal bloody war of aggression in Iraq. A share of the million dead Iraqi’s blood is on his hands. And he’s in the running to be Trump’s Secretary of Defense.
Reince Priebus – Nothing says “anti-establishment party outsider” like the current chairman of the Republican National Committee, right? Well, guess what: Reince Priebus is under consideration for Trump’s chief of staff. You know, the highest ranking employee of the White House? Priebus is apparently competing against the likes of Stephen Bannon(Trump campaign C.E.O. and former head of Breitbart News) and Jared Kushner‘s (The Donald’s own son-in-law who the Times of Israel takes great pains to point out is an Orthodox Jew, as is Ivanka Trump). Regardless of who gets the spot, the very fact that Priebus is in the running shows that Trump’s feud with the Republican Party was about as real as Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania.
Rudy Giuliani – Rudy Giuliani is an unconvicted 9/11 criminal who illegally cleared the 9/11 crime scene, and who failed to pass on the prior warning that he received about the towers’ destruction. He is also hated by the New York Fire Department for having kicked the firemen off the pile as soon as the gold was discovered. As Associate Attorney General in 1981 he was involved in the PROMIS software octopus. He oversaw New York’s unconstitutional stop-and-frisk policing policy. He is a ghoul in every sense. So naturally the only question is which spot will he fill in the Trump cabinet: Attorney General, DHS chief, cybersecurity czar, or something else entirely?
We believe the best that the Trump administration can do is replace the few unpopular, too greedy crooks with some corporate “moderates,” to give that semblance of reforms that are in their view enough to appease the wishes of the “moderate revolutionaries” who went out to cast their votes, a few days ago.
Just like we have expected, Trump is already rescaling back on his campaign promises right after his first meeting with the outgoing Obama, much like with Obama’s case right after his own inaugural meeting with George W. Bush.
One of those post-election changes are:
- There will be pick and choose over which provisions of the post 2008 financial crash Dodd-Frack Act will be repelled, or continued, and;
- It’s the same thing with Obamacare, not everything in it will be stopped.
So, the big question now is:
Will he move for the re-investigation of the WTC 911 false flag as promised?
We need to ask this question now because the proper, honest to goodness re-investigation would certainly lead to the arrest of every player who planned and carried out the controlled demolition of the three towers at the World Trade Center in 2001.
In the same token, Trump should also, upon inauguration, immediately move for the arrest of the known Satanists working within the system.
The affairs of the world will never change in the peoples’ favor unless they empower themselves with knowledge that will make them truly independent of the systems created for them by the Elite.
Together, they should work towards the obsolescence of these systems by getting their feet wet through their own establishment of a debt free economic system, and a direct participation in the crafting of binding policies through crowdsourced legislations within an Open Source Governance System [here].
That’s the only way that the people could enjoy real freedom, harmony and the fulfillment of their centuries-old pursuit of happiness.
Seriously, how many more times will people continue to take the bait?
You are ON YOUR OWN. Wake up. You don’t like it then exchange debt in transit for real money (Bitcoin) and invest in yourself.
Occult forces behind Trump. Really?
Who are they? Do they include the Illuminati?
Were they instrumental in making the deal between Trump and Putin by which Soros on order from Putin let Trump win and Putin quashed the plan to inflict an EMP attack on the United States, for valuable consideration from Trump?
The author contradicts himself. First he says that Trump and Freemasonic forces are about to wage war with the Fed. If that is true, why would he hire people associated with big banking? Would they not sabotage Trump’s plans? No, what we have here is an alliance of convenience that will indeed topple the Fed. Who better to do it with than Fed insiders?
The Fed is finished. It’s charter was not renewed in 2013, it has no gold backing, it has been bought by China, it’s currency is being replaced by Treasury rainbow currency, and is only in place as a front until the transition is complete so as to not freak people out. All of these are steps towards GESARA, that the main players are on board with.
Many, many people voted for Trump because he claimed to be pro life. I would have voted for Sanders because I’m pro life and also pro mothers…and he wanted to help the family unit succeed. That got squashed. In going on about the financial power gluttons, you failed to mention those of us who care and voted as best we could for family, for veterans, and for an end to these damned regime change murders.
All over this gadget is a fascination with the power elite and banks to the near exclusion of common people…especially those with no investments or hankering after gold bullion as if it were the Holy Grail.
„US Elections are Over, Trump Won: Will He be President in Face of Neocon Power?“:
Reblogged this on Puppet Master's Slave Market and commented:
If Trump rewards the NEOCONS and covers up 9-11 and the Clinton- Podesta Pedophiles , then we will know that the NWO SATANIC GLOBALISTS AND THE VATICAN are still in control.
They will always be in control until we take our jurisdiction ruin back from DC . Vatican , crown stole it in 1871 finally .. did you not notice the world wars we fought in after that ? We have the same monument as the Vatican and London. ? Yes . They made us their military branch . I am afraid that this is just mere infighting between the illuminati families . It seems until we get rid of that foreign city on the hill .. we will never return to the De Jure republic , constitution of 1789 .
Join us in our fight yo take our country’a jurisdiction back . Only the people can save America . That’s the truth .,in the end.
Hit the weekly call tab and sit in Mon night . We all yo yo back and forth wanting someone to fix it all . I know . The elite know . Perhaps weighing out whether to change it up a bit , their depopulation plan .. because they never thought they would lose dacd due to the internet . Trump may be damage control for a while . Or on Inauguration Day . We will hear the doors lock and the NWO will have begun . Thryvwill put someone else in .
NEVER depend on anyone else . Join us to take back what is lawfully ours . Their corporation gov in DC is a fiction . They have been carrying in and flying our flag while the world elite bloodlines and leaders could care less . We are back at 1776 right now if they do kit inaugurate Trump and he does not ‘fix’ things for a while ..
Our forefathers would be planning , for when the YN troops are let loose on us . Funny Trump NEVER mentions them ..
I wonder Mary, if a bloodless revolution is the only answer, because the luciferian elites need the blood and suffering to grow their fear-power. CAN WE FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE ?, or only fight fire with water ?
A bloodless revolution would be best .. as JFK said it may make violent revolution inevitable , to paraphrase him on his stance toward the warmakers .
I feel Donald Trump stepped up to the plate to save our country sincerely. How much he can depends on his personal genius for making good deals and knowing when to hold the cards, when to fold ’em…this I am certain of in my heart.
We are so accustomed to cynicism, we don’t know how to capitalize on and trust what decency remains.
However the world will only get worse unless the rest of us pray and do good to our fellow man. The power of our smile, of a $5 bill to a homeless soul, to give attention to our families and pets, to be brave and active in old age…these are our battles in everyday life. On these seemingly small choices depend our future.
Trump stepped up to be their CEO . Remember this . Anything short of disassembling it and taking back our Jurisdiction , as DC is a foreign country , whom’s interest does a CEO have allegiance to first? We will continue this dance until we rightfully stop recognizing the De facto DC . The fiction that if is our Republic since 1871. Perhaps see the secret treaty of Verona .
Which they have proven they are…. NO CHANGE SAME OL SAME OL…
Until the Central Bankster families and puppet masters have been outed and all their Debts have been made invalid as frauds, assets property and hidden hoards confiscated NOTHING will change for the better.
Correct , FEDERAL RESERVE needs to be nationalized, IRS abandoned, 911 Truth and prosecution of the Bush Clinton Obama Mafia and the ZioNazi in ALL BRANCHES of a thoroughly corrupted government. RESTORATION of our Constitution rights, suspended illegally by NDAA & Patriot Act, and HEALTH FREEDOM FROM VACCINES AND CHEMTRAIL AND 5G WEAPONS.
#1I do not believe the bar graph stats. I believe that the Democrats were ready to steal the election with illegals, dead people and Diebold and that the loyal constitution believing military told their leaders to stand down or we’ll bust you. Hence a rather large popular vote for Trump after the other side tried to floogle and didn’t get away with it. I further believe we have a shot at getting The Republic back notwithstanding both political parties are a disgrace, everybody is paranoid from long years of being played and lied to. Some of us know who the shadow outfits are. People bitch on my FB site all the time–the Zionists, the freemasons, the Jesuits, the cabal. The revolution is dying of a surfeit of labels, of “allness”, of historical projection. It has not been effective, I believe the Republic has been recaptured by a majority of disenfranchised real folks. For the time being I wish our overthink aternative pundits would STFU, we need a rest I believed when I first laid eyes on him that Obama was a very slick programmed enemy of the people. I was right. I believed despite bluntness and General Bullmoose flourishes that Trump was honest and didn’t need the job as much as it needed him. I am OPEN to real and genuine information, that alternative sources are where the truth is but character destruction and calling people out with glittering generalities just doesn’t cut it as a new timeline. The labels of satanist and luciferian outlived their usefulness and so have a lot of the labels in this article. I think your intentions are honorable, you’re using the simple audacity of claim, some of your claims have already proved inaccurate so lead, follow, or get out of the way. Freemason? Yep, so is Shriner’s Hospital. Jesuit? So are major universities but they’ve beaten the ACT score snot out of public education.. I LIKE John Bolton–he might be able to ream the effete State Dept, cat’s away so mice played through all the administrations, a new orifice. I LIKE Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Ann Coulter. I LIKE Keenan, Drake, Goode, Wilcock, Max Spiers god-rest-his-soul. I think the world needs Full Disclosure PDQ and if they’re crybabies, rioters and snowflakes then to hell with them, we’ll deal with it. The main thing I dislike about this article is it sounds like the progressives: I’m for DIVERSITY, except you, you, and him over there.
If we can’t do UNITY then we’re going to be in 3D slavery and lousy group karma for a loooong time Cheer up–things could be worse and probably will.
Besides that there is lots of comraderie…doctors who are masons work at St. Judes and Catholics at the Shriners. Maybe it’s best to look at a person’s positive contributions
Life is full of surprises. Sam Houston bought a family of slaves to prevent their being separated…does that make him a slaver? George Whitefield, the co-founder of Methodism, worked with Ben Franklin (Oh, the gossip about him!) to build Bethesda Orphanage here in Savannah. Franklin wanted it in Philadelphia, but Whitefield wrote about the kidnappings and sex traffic, complete with pirates, that preyed on Savannah’s street kids. So Ben helped. No white workers would stand the heat, so Whitefield made the painful choice of slaves…and treated them shockingly well, setting an example.
Today’s hypocrites want to tar everyone with brushes of external labels. But what obvious falseness…the very labels in their clothes and on their electronics witness against them.
Christian is as Christian does…or so Jesus said. In which case, many of them wear different hats.
THX Deanna “unity conspiracy” examples!!
No conspiracy…just realistic men who knew God could write straight with broken pencils. They never changed their own principles though. Poor Sam, crying and whittling while the Texas legislature voted to secede.
The way that works is that the Shriners are Masons and the Catholics do St. Jude.
Well, yeah, sometimes they mingle :).
What is the original posting for this apparently excerpted article?
I would like to believe Trump is straight up and down…but I am getting the feeling some things happening since the election are not adding up… seems to me he is doing a “let the voters down easy” .. just a check in my spirit about him… and I am very very rarely wrong when I get a check in my spirit… there is just to many things here that don’t add up.. The mayor guy I thought was a bit spooky too.. I never liked that guy even when he was the mayor.. I am not an American I am an Australian… I think the power elites will crash the American dollar in coming months regardless of Trump or whoever or whatever… remember.. satan may be pulling the puppets strings….. But.. ultimately.. God is in control… whoever’s name is not written in the lamb’s book of life.. ends up with satan in the lake…. keep it in mind folks.. are you good with the Lord… OR NOT?
I agree about the dollar being crashed deliberately. Hopefully the US will print greenback American money so commerce can continue.
Being with the Lord is not an opinion or brag…it’s all there in the Gospels and in the prophets.
A friend of ours was on the Gestapo’s most wanted list in Vienna. He told us, “War shows what’s inside…the best people can be the bad guys and your saviors can be old rascals, even criminals.” God sees our deepest hearts…
You are right. Nothing is as it seems; neither is it any different. I detect a similar odor. As for the dollar, it is being soft-crashed to accommodate the new global financial system. Some say it will be a NESARA, with Jubilee, for all hands. Others say it will be insidiously evil. I’m still hoarding beans and bullets pending further developments.
They will always be in control until we take our jurisdiction ruin back from DC . Vatican , crown stole it in 1871 finally .. did you not notice the world wars we fought in after that ? We have the same monument as the Vatican and London. ? Yes . They made us their military branch . I am afraid that this is just mere infighting between the illuminati families . It seems until we get rid of that foreign city on the hill .. we will never return to the De Jure republic , constitution of 1789 .
Join us in our fight yo take our country’a jurisdiction back . Only the people can save America . That’s the truth .,in the end.
Hit the weekly call tab and sit in Mon night . We all yo yo back and forth wanting someone to fix it all . I know . The elite know . Perhaps weighing out whether to change it up a bit , their depopulation plan .. because they never thought they would lose dacd due to the internet . Trump may be damage control for a while . Or on Inauguration Day . We will hear the doors lock and the NWO will have begun . Thryvwill put someone else in .
NEVER depend on anyone else . Join us to take back what is lawfully ours . Their corporation gov in DC is a fiction . They have been carrying in and flying our flag while the world elite bloodlines and leaders could care less . We are back at 1776 right now if they do kit inaugurate Trump and he does not ‘fix’ things for a while ..
Our forefathers would be planning , for when the YN troops are let loose on us . Funny Trump NEVER mentions them ..
an Australian……..quote…
“…satan may be pulling the puppets strings….”
I agree 100 %.
I haven’t got a clue if what I have posted has any credibiliity but……
I HAVE AN OVERWHELMING FEELING the SCUM at the top are preparing to launch SOMETHING BIG.
Anyone who wants to know what are really controlling the world should this article below:
This is true at the level at which it tries to inform. However, the rabbit hole is much deeper and relates to ET and Artificial Intelligence going back about 350,000 years. Like in the Camps, the Masters get the chosen prisoners to manage the rest of the prisoners. The People are not quite ready for this. But it will come out in the near future.
Wow! If what you say is true then man’s concept of spirituality will change dramatically. Religious dogmas will be a thing of the past.
One question: How did the ET manage to cross the Van Allen Belt coming to Planet Earth without being fried to death by a lethal dose of radiation?
So sad So sad….Anyway chin up./….soon we can go home… I cant wait