Houston Rescue Images Destroying Media’s Race Narrative

Any disaster can be a powerful tool of exposing the weakness of anybody, or any government. However, in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, and while the mainstream media is developing its own story along pre-cooked up racial narratives to continually destroy their flavor of the season, Donald Trump, the people of Texas are doing what normal human beings do, i.e. help those who are in great need, irrespective of color.
Here’s a powerful video sent to us by our friend, John.

Houston Rescue Images Destroying Media’s Race Narrative

Countless pics and videos show white, black and Latino Americans aiding each other without hesitation
by Margaret Menge | Updated 31 Aug 2017 at 10:56 AM
For the past two weeks, media panels on CNN have painted a picture of America as a nation deeply divided by race. But the countless rescue stories out of Houston, and the images of men rushing in with boats to rescue whites, blacks and Hispanics from rooftops and flooded homes and streets have shown Americans something different.
“The racist thing is going out the window because of the hurricane that happened in Texas…” a Florida woman named Jennifer Santana who goes by the pen name Political Avenger said in a YouTube video that got a thousand likes on Monday.
“It kills the media that there’s such a diversity of people in Texas that are helping each other,” she said, describing news photos and video of black and white rescuers pulling people out of floodwaters.
“You see all kinds of people doing the rescuing and being rescued. All kinds. All types. All peoples,” she said. “This event has literally destroyed the Nazi, racist narrative of the mainstream media. Killed it … It has destroyed it. You can see it, and it’s plain as day. Nobody cares about racism. Nobody cares about race. Nobody cares about class. People are just caring about people.”
The round-the-clock coverage of rescuers coming in with their own boats to help people off rooftops and from flooded streets has been intermingled with feature stories such as the one about “Mattress Mack” — the furniture-store owner who put out a video inviting flood victims to come and crash out on his furniture for the foreseeable future. Hundreds of people, some of them soaked through to the bones, showed up and are now camped out in his showrooms. And even after many had arrived, he went on CNN and gave out his own phone number on live television, inviting more to come.
“Race War? I don’t see it. I just see Americans,” said Twitter user Cari Kelemen in a tweet accompanying a photo of a white man carrying a black child on his back through a flooded road, and a black rescue worker carrying two white children, one in each arm.

“This is where, to me, and the rest of the country, a natural disaster like this is a moment for unity,” says Tim Graham of the Media Research Center, adding that a disaster like Hurricane Harvey is usually a slow period for his organization, which tracks liberal media bias, as real news takes over from opinion journalists.
CNN panels on Charlottesville and race are gone, and instead, Americans see footage of people of all races coming to each other’s aide in Houston and other cities in Texas and now southern Louisiana, where Harvey made a second landfall on Wednesday.
Ward Connerly, head of the American Civil Rights Initiative (ACRI), was watching the coverage of the historic flooding in Houston with great interest.
“The most impressive image that I saw yesterday were these two little girls, one brown-skinned and one pink-skinned, and they were playing together … they were playing as if they’d known each other their whole lives,” he said.
He said it reminded him of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. When he first heard it, he didn’t believe it could be possible.
“I thought, that dream is not reality, doctor,” he told LifeZette this week.
But he believes it now. For the last 20 years, Connerly and ACRI have fought racial preferences in college admissions, and also state hiring and contracting, most recently focusing on the extreme discrimination against Asian-Americans in college admissions.
Connerly said that what he saw in the coverage of the disaster in Houston confirmed what he’s long felt — that most Americans don’t care all that much about skin color.
“My view is being reinforced every minute in Texas,” he said.
The media’s message in the aftermath of the clash between white supremacists and Antifa in Charlottesville, he says, was that “hate has returned to America.”
But in the coverage from Texas, Connerly said, we all can see that this isn’t true.
“There are other human beings who are in search of assistance, and it really doesn’t matter to them what color the person’s skin is.”

6 thoughts on “Houston Rescue Images Destroying Media’s Race Narrative”

  1. Well all I hope for is these good deeds to continue – and for the world to come to peace. Get the troops back, stop the wars and stop the lies on mainstream news.

  2. So heartwarming at this time when all over the world, people’s thoughts are for the peoples of Texas. United in their unsparing efforts to ensure the safety of one and all, they;re not only setting an example for the rest of the USA, but for the world as a whole. Yes, sometimes it needs a catastrophe to wake us up to our commonly shared humanity, but what a spontaneous joy it is! Reaching out and giving the death knell to all artificially created and divisive preconceptions of race– just being there to help anyone in need of it!
    Just proves true that Texans really live up to the broad minded outlook and generosity they are known for~! God bless you all and for sure, Texas will be stronger than ever before after beating big bad Harvey!
    Just wish the whole American nation would follow the example of togetherness set by Texas and unite against the cabal which hijacked their country! Stand together as one and send them packing, whatever it takes!! What a triumph that would be for the USA and humanity!

  3. Wells Fraudgo” – Sunday – September 3, 2017
    It appears investment legend Warren Buffett might have brought a new plague upon new Wells CEO Tim Sloan with his recent comment: “There’s never just one cockroach in the kitchen.”
    And the following scandals all attached to Wells Fargo’s reputation since 2009 might explain why:
    Customer Accounts
    Because Wells Fargo is the third-largest bank in the US, as such it committed crimes against the entire nation when it opened 3.5 million fake accounts from 2009 to 2016 — 70% more than the 2.1 million Wells Fargo had previously estimated.
    Wells Fargo even admitted that 528,000 customers that supposedly signed up for online bill payment did so without their authorization, and will refund over $910,000 in fees to those customers.
    This had explicit echoes of Wells Fargo’s previous massive scandal, opening up to 2.1 million unauthorized credit-card, checking and savings accounts in branches across America from 2011 to 2015.
    Such a public and mass scam led to the eventual resignation of CEO John Stumpf, and the firing of more than 5,300 employees, a $185 million federal fine and a settlement of a class-action lawsuit that will cost at least $142 million.
    Well Fargo’s corporate accounting firm, Price Waterhouse Coopers, was also secretly told by former Chairmen of the Board Stephen Stranger not to report an additional seven-year period from 2002 to 2009, during which Wells admitted back in April 2017 it had also opened fake accounts–creating the need for a new $32 million civil class-action settlement, including the period right after Wells purchased Wachovia Bank (2009).
    By omitting this sizable time period, Wells Fargo was attempting to cut off full restitution for defrauded customers and preventing the true scope of their fake-accounts scandal from being known.
    However, improperly creating such accounts without customer consent was not only confirmed by former bank employees, who blamed the scandal on an internal high-pressure sales culture, but openly encouraged and demanded by senior management despite internal staff complaints about the fraudulent sign up practices.
    Auto Loans
    The New York Times reported last month
    the paper had received internal documents showing the San Francisco-based financial giant Wells Fargo Bank had charged more than 800,000 customers with fraudulent auto loans for GAP insurance they didn’t need or agree to purchase.
    The result was more than 270,000 auto loans became delinquent with more than 24,000 vehicles repossessed.
    Wells Fargo released a statement last month admitting that roughly 570,000 customers were signed up for and billed for car insurance that they didn’t need or knew about. Many couldn’t afford the extra costs and simply fell behind in their payments and this is why their cars were repossessed.
    Wells Fargo was scheduled to refund $2.8 million to customers, in addition to the $3.3 million it already agreed to pay. That number has grown as high as $6.7 million all to be paid out as of August 2017 per the latest class action lawsuit.
    Mortgage Loans
    Wells Fargo secretely and manipulatively modified thousands of home loans to profit from unknowing customers by lowering their monthly mortgage payments, while at the same time increasing their loan term length (more months) as well as increasing their interest some as much as 40%.
    And because changes to any payment plan for a person in bankruptcy is subject to approval by a court with all interested parties involved, Wells Fargo knowingly put forth additional bankruptcy modifications without client approval for a second time after assisting putting them into bankuptcy, this according to several lawsuits brought against the bank.
    Wells Fargo stood to profit as much as $1,600 from every government program they adjusted, no matter how many times they adjusted it!
    This is not the first time Wells Fargo has been accused of wrongdoing related to payment change notices on mortgages it filed with the bankruptcy courts.
    Under a settlement with the Justice Department back in November 2015, the bank agreed to pay $81.6 million to borrowers in bankruptcy whom it had failed to notify on time when their monthly payments shifted to reflect different settlement dates for increased real estate taxes or additional insurance costs.
    In that 2015 settlement, Wells Fargo agreed to change its internal procedures to prevent future violation, which at the time affected 68,000 homeowners.
    Board of Directors
    The latest scandal almost certainly is behind an announcement that three veteran Wells Fargo board members are departing, including former Chairman Stephen Sanger. It strongly suggests a companywide cultural problem built on the idea that customers should be treated like profit centers.
    In Congressional hearings earlier in September of 2016, Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat who is on the Senate Banking Committee, also reiterated her request that the Fed real government oust 12 of Wells Fargo’s 15 directors, saying they had violated their duties to oversee risk management at the bank in the period when the improprieties had taken place.
    And when former CEO John Stumpf openly lied to Congress, under oath, when he stated that the bank’s internal fraud issues were all “cleaned up,” and there were no further fraudulent practices engaged by Wells Fargo in that same time period.
    Not only was he not imprisoned, he was given a $130 million severance package in his subsequent shamed departure from the bank.
    Warren Buffet
    Berkshire Hathaway, a Warren Buffet controlled investment house going back to 1962, is the largest owner of Wells Fargo stock.
    Wells Fargo is the second largest owner of Berkshire Hathaway stock. Meaning, they’ve been in bed together long before this scandal ever started, and will be long after per his own words in the below interview:
    So Warren it is true, there are many cockroaches in the Wells Fargo kitchen… of which you are the largest and most grotesque.
    God is with us

  4. Wells Fraudgo” – Sunday – September 3, 2017
    It appears investment legend Warren Buffett might have brought a new plague upon new Wells CEO Tim Sloan with his recent comment: “There’s never just one cockroach in the kitchen.”
    And the following scandals all attached to Wells Fargo’s reputation since 2009 might explain why:
    Customer Accounts
    Because Wells Fargo is the third-largest bank in the US, as such it committed crimes against the entire nation when it opened 3.5 million fake accounts from 2009 to 2016 — 70% more than the 2.1 million Wells Fargo had previously estimated.
    Wells Fargo even admitted that 528,000 customers that supposedly signed up for online bill payment did so without their authorization, and will refund over $910,000 in fees to those customers.
    This had explicit echoes of Wells Fargo’s previous massive scandal, opening up to 2.1 million unauthorized credit-card, checking and savings accounts in branches across America from 2011 to 2015.
    Such a public and mass scam led to the eventual resignation of CEO John Stumpf, and the firing of more than 5,300 employees, a $185 million federal fine and a settlement of a class-action lawsuit that will cost at least $142 million.
    Well Fargo’s corporate accounting firm, Price Waterhouse Coopers, was also secretly told by former Chairmen of the Board Stephen Stranger not to report an additional seven-year period from 2002 to 2009, during which Wells admitted back in April 2017 it had also opened fake accounts–creating the need for a new $32 million civil class-action settlement, including the period right after Wells purchased Wachovia Bank (2009).
    By omitting this sizable time period, Wells Fargo was attempting to cut off full restitution for defrauded customers and preventing the true scope of their fake-accounts scandal from being known.
    However, improperly creating such accounts without customer consent was not only confirmed by former bank employees, who blamed the scandal on an internal high-pressure sales culture, but openly encouraged and demanded by senior management despite internal staff complaints about the fraudulent sign up practices.
    Auto Loans
    The New York Times reported last month
    the paper had received internal documents showing the San Francisco-based financial giant Wells Fargo Bank had charged more than 800,000 customers with fraudulent auto loans for GAP insurance they didn’t need or agree to purchase.
    The result was more than 270,000 auto loans became delinquent with more than 24,000 vehicles repossessed.
    Wells Fargo released a statement last month admitting that roughly 570,000 customers were signed up for and billed for car insurance that they didn’t need or knew about. Many couldn’t afford the extra costs and simply fell behind in their payments and this is why their cars were repossessed.
    Wells Fargo was scheduled to refund $2.8 million to customers, in addition to the $3.3 million it already agreed to pay. That number has grown as high as $6.7 million all to be paid out as of August 2017 per the latest class action lawsuit.
    Mortgage Loans
    Wells Fargo secretely and manipulatively modified thousands of home loans to profit from unknowing customers by lowering their monthly mortgage payments, while at the same time increasing their loan term length (more months) as well as increasing their interest some as much as 40%.
    And because changes to any payment plan for a person in bankruptcy is subject to approval by a court with all interested parties involved, Wells Fargo knowingly put forth additional bankruptcy modifications without client approval for a second time after assisting putting them into bankuptcy, this according to several lawsuits brought against the bank.
    Wells Fargo stood to profit as much as $1,600 from every government program they adjusted, no matter how many times they adjusted it!
    This is not the first time Wells Fargo has been accused of wrongdoing related to payment change notices on mortgages it filed with the bankruptcy courts.
    Under a settlement with the Justice Department back in November 2015, the bank agreed to pay $81.6 million to borrowers in bankruptcy whom it had failed to notify on time when their monthly payments shifted to reflect different settlement dates for increased real estate taxes or additional insurance costs.
    In that 2015 settlement, Wells Fargo agreed to change its internal procedures to prevent future violation, which at the time affected 68,000 homeowners.
    Board of Directors
    The latest scandal almost certainly is behind an announcement that three veteran Wells Fargo board members are departing, including former Chairman Stephen Sanger. It strongly suggests a companywide cultural problem built on the idea that customers should be treated like profit centers.
    In Congressional hearings earlier in September of 2016, Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat who is on the Senate Banking Committee, also reiterated her request that the Fed real government oust 12 of Wells Fargo’s 15 directors, saying they had violated their duties to oversee risk management at the bank in the period when the improprieties had taken place.
    And when former CEO John Stumpf openly lied to Congress, under oath, when he stated that the bank’s internal fraud issues were all “cleaned up,” and there were no further fraudulent practices engaged by Wells Fargo in that same time period.
    Not only was he not imprisoned, he was given a $130 million severance package in his subsequent shamed departure from the bank.
    Warren Buffet
    Berkshire Hathaway, a Warren Buffet controlled investment house going back to 1962, is the largest owner of Wells Fargo stock.
    Wells Fargo is the second largest owner of Berkshire Hathaway stock. Meaning, they’ve been in bed together long before this scandal ever started, and will be long after per his own words in the below interview:
    So Warren it is true, there are many cockroaches in the Wells Fargo kitchen… of which you are the largest and most grotesque.
    God is with us

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