by benjamin
October 17, 2016
World events are clearly heading to some sort of big turning point in the coming weeks as can be seen by many events in the news and in the secret world. What is going on is that two massive rival factions vying for control of world power are entering the final round of their titanic struggle to control the financial system and thus process of deciding what humanity does in the future.
The outcome looks certain to be the defeat of the Khazarian mafia cabal that has secretly controlled world power since at least 1913 and, in the West, probably for thousands of years.
In the news and in public we can see, for example, that US Democratic Party Presidential Candidate and senior Khazarian gangster Hillary Clinton has cancelled all public campaign appearances other than her scheduled debate (which may also be cancelled) with Republican Candidate Donald Trump.
Such a thing has never happened before in the history of US presidential elections and backs up claims by CIA sources the US elections will be cancelled.
However, it is clear the power struggle is still raging inside the United States with sources from one faction saying the election will be cancelled because one candidate (Hillary) will drop out. CIA sources connected to this faction still say the election will be cancelled, President Obama will resign and then Vice President Joe Biden will take over only to be quickly replaced by Hillary’s VP candidate Tim Kaine.
However, another senior CIA source says “they cannot cancel the election, if Hillary drops out, the Democrats will just have to find another candidate to run against Donald Trump. Trump will win and he is going to start mass arrests and nobody is going to stop that.”
These two factions each have different views of what the new financial system will look like. On this subject, this writer was finally able to get in touch with Neil Keenan. It turns out some third party hijacked Keenan or this writer’s Skype account and pretended to be Keenan. The only person who could do this would be Skype owner Bill Gates. Message to Bill Gates: surrender or die. Keenan says he was poisoned again but has recovered. He says his sources in the Vatican P2 lodge, as do my sources there, say as a base for the new financial system the P2 favours using the Zimbabwe dollar or else the Iraqi Dinar. The reason for this is that neither of these currencies is under control of the Rothschild family, they say. They also claim these currencies can be backed by the Global Collateral Accounts.
However, the Rothschilds and the European faction of the Khazarian mafia are pushing for a continuation of the current system with China taking the driver’s seat. Chinese and P2 sources both agree that as a part of this, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have already been taken over by the Chinese. IMF head Christine Lagarde is just a figurehead and real power is now in the hands of three Chinese officials, they say.
This would certainly explain China’s sudden eagerness to promote the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (convertible to Chinese yuan) as a new international currency to replace the US dollar.
This, from Zero Hedge, seems to back up these allegations:
“On August 31, in what was dubbed a “historic event”, the World Bank became the first issuer of bonds denominated in SDR and settled in yuan when it sold 500 million SDR units worth of bonds in China. Then, overnight, in yet another historic event, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) said on Friday that it has obtained approval from the People’s Bank of China to be the first commercial issuer of bonds denominated in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in China’s interbank bond market.”
The Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller controllers of the old dollar system are still putting up a vigorous fight in their final strongholds that include the Ukraine, the US corporate media, Israel and the Gulf Petro-Monarchies like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
The battle for Aleppo, Syria is really the last stand of the old Petro-dollar mafia. This mafia has been trying to provoke World War 3 by painting Israeli warplanes with US markings and sending them to attack Russian aircraft. That is why Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s envoy to the United Nations, publicly declared the situation in Aleppo, Syria was a “planetary-scale” crisis.
Pentagon sources, for their part say the recent “USA missile strikes on Yemen Red Sea coastal radars was a warning to Chinese military bases in the South China Sea as Russia returns to the Cam Ranh Naval Base [in Vietnam] to contain Chinese hegemony.” This seems to be the US military drawing a line in the sand saying they will not let the Chinese take over the oil and gas interests in the Arabian Peninsula.
Finding a solution on how to divide the Middle Eastern oil and gas pie is probably one of the real reasons why Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill is in England for a visit with Queen Elizabeth.
The subject of Israel, many of whose citizens came from Russia, is also coming up. The United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization has passed a resolution “backed by Russia and China, but abstained by France, as a precursor to a two state solution for Israel that is backed by France and that Obama will not Veto,” Pentagon sources say. UNESCO says the Jews have no historical ties to Jerusalem since Roman Emperor Titus destroyed it completely in 70AD, and that the Western (wailing) Wall is not the temple but what is left of the Roman fort Antonia. The Russians want to make sure England also refrains from vetoing this resolution so Israel can be finally forced by the world community to stop its unscientific, anti-historical and anti-social activity in the region, the sources say. Real Jews can use real historical and scientific evidence if they want to keep a genuine connection to the creator, the WDS sources say.
The other reason for the Russian Patriarch’s visit, a first ever for both countries, is to discuss what direction the world should move in after the fall of the Khazarian mafia, according to White Dragon Society sources in Russia and England. Part of these discussions will also cover the subject of whether or not to appoint a new Czar for Russia as a condition for the return of Russian Imperial gold currently being held in England, they say.
The P2 sources also delivered a message they claim is from George Bush Sr. claiming Bush is avoiding all involvement in politics and just “wants to concentrate on his drug business.” It is probably too late at this point and Bush will have to deal directly with the American people who will probably, as he famously said, want to string him up.
There is also a growing body of evidence being made public that Bill and Hillary Clinton are mass murderers. The Wikileaks revelations about Clinton Campaign manager John Podesta referring in advance to a “wet job” (agency talk for murder) days before the mysterious death of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia are just the tip of the iceberg.
CIA sources are saying an avalanche of murder allegations against the Clintons is being prepared and that this crime family will be taken down along with their Bush/Rockefeller partners. The story at this link is just another of many to come, the sources say.
The Clintons and their fellow gangsters are almost certainly thinking of trying to use an EMP attack as an excuse to cancel elections and avoid trial and punishment for mass murder. The problem is they can’t seem to decide whether to blame this on the Russians or on a “space weather event.”
Either way, they are not going to be able to use a manufactured mass terror incident as a get out of jail free card this time, Pentagon and agency sources agree. Pentagon sources say “the Nobel Prize for literature was given to anti-Vietnam war songwriter bob Dylan as a message to Obama to earn his peace prize and for the cabal to stop WW3, since this was never given for songs.”
In Asia, meanwhile, there is a lot of intrigue going on in Thailand now, following the official announcement of the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Here is the raw intelligence from WDS sources in Thailand on this subject:
“There are very serious discussions taking place NOW. You noticed that the PM Prayut Chan-O-Cha made the statement that the Crown Prince is in mourning with the people of Thailand and is in no hurry for the coronation to take place. Why didn’t the Crown Prince make the statement? SOMETHING IS GOING DOWN FOR SURE.
He will not be on the throne for long…. which means his first born son will be the next in line for the Throne.
As you know, the Queen passed on to another dimension back in 2012. This has been confirmed to me directly by Agency operatives stationed at the US Embassy in BKK. There has been a double taking her place since then. The double has not been seen in public for almost a year as well.
As for the Thai Gold, it is in safe keeping and I know who has the keys to the kingdom, so to speak. Our Group’s intent is to use it for the new global financial system along with China and Russia. They may set up a bullion bank as well.”
Chinese government sources, for their part, also confirm the Thai royal gold as well as the Persian royal gold being held for safekeeping in Thailand, will not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands no matter what.
In Japan, meanwhile, sources close to the Prime Minister’s office say that 300 Khazarian mobsters and their lackeys have been rounded up and taken to a US military base in preparation for their being sent to the US for the upcoming war crimes tribunal hearings.
The October surprise is here and now folks, and more is coming so please stay tuned and avoid all fear mongering because the good guys are winning. There is still a lot we cannot write about (for security reasons) but if you compare the current situation to World War 2, it is like the battles for Berlin, Germany and Okinawa, Japan. This time nukes won’t be used.
Aside from false philanthropy, fiat monetary scam and bloodsoaked petrodollar, another significant source of funds for the Nazionist Khazarian Mafia is the “healthcare” industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
We can all help the revolution by avoiding all Khazarian pharmaceutical drugs, defeat any viral attack and scaremongering, like the Zika virus, easily by knowing how to build our own comprehensive antiviral system. Find more about how we can kill three birds with one stone, right here.

What… “Chris D” hasn’t popped up yet to call the entire article bullshit like he does every Monday? He must have overslept this week.
No Danny. Im here, just dont see the point. But as youve asked. Lets face it, how many times has Ben contradicted himself this week??? P2 Masonic lodge? The British (really German) Paedophile Royals. And the Chinese with their skinning animals alive, because they taste better. And treating humans just as badly. Cabal 2.0
There are others out there who speak a lot more sense. Time will tell, nothing Ben has said has ever happened.
“Nothing”…..that stupid comment just debunked u🎹Chis☻
Have anybody informations about the european situation?
Till 2001 they built many hidden military facilities (bunkers) under german city´s for the islamic miltary units that will take over Europe…?
Know that information say the facilities have 30% staff of that terrorist who came masked as refugees.
I hope that information is still a rumor!
” the Jews have no historical ties to Jerusalem since Roman Emperor Titus destroyed it completely in 70AD, and that the Western (wailing) Wall is not the temple but what is left of the Roman fort Antonia.”
Matthew 24:1-2
1 Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him. 2 And He said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.”
Mark 13:1-2
1 As He was going out of the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, “Teacher, behold what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” 2 And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left upon another which will not be torn down.”
Luke 21:5-36
5 And while some were talking about the temple, that it was adorned with beautiful stones and votive gifts, He said, 6 “As for these things which you are looking at, the days will come in which there will not be left one stone upon another which will not be torn down.”
Destruction means destruction. There is nothing left. Not one stone. There is NO wailing wall ..
There are no Jews from Jerusalem. Only Hebrews at the time. Jesus was not a Jew. What Hebrews were left (alive), became Christians ..
Most of these died in Roman arenas throughout the empire ..
Most archeologists say the site of the wailing wail is nowhere near the site of Herod’s Temple. It is more in proximity to the Fortress Antonia ..
Not just the temple, but ALL of Old Jerusalem was destroyed. What use for Old Israel? For the Old Covenant? In the new world to come ..
Fulford got this much right. He does know his history. Some of his sources may be lacking in some areas. We’re all human. It remains to be seen what has yet to come to pass ..
I thought Hillary was dead?
lol me too.
Why do they want that wretched desert, anyway (Middle East)????