by benjamin
November 28, 2016
There can be no doubt the United States is in the throes of a revolution. As a part of this, US military sources say “44 wildfires in the Southern states of Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina smoked out underground cabalists,” making it clear a real purge is ongoing.
The Pentagon sources are also saying “another cabal spacecraft escaping earth was shot down over Florida on November 21st.” Yet a further cabal spacecraft was shot down off the coast of Fukushima, on November 22nd after it attacked Japan with an earthquake weapon, White Dragon Society sources in Asia say. A video of the craft going down can be seen at this link.
For those of you who think this is too far-fetched, please bear in mind that stealth jets were flying for close to 30 years before they were revealed to the public. That means the F-35 flying turkey is just a diversion and the US military has stuff that is at least 30 years ahead of what we are being shown.
Speaking about the military, Pentagon sources say they are pushing to have generals appointed as Secretary of State and as Secretary of Defense. In particular, they are pushing to have Marine General John Kelly as Secretary of State.
The Pentagon sources are also saying Trump will have a “private army of 2 million veterans, bikers and gun owners to confront Hillary thugs in DC for the inauguration.”
Newly appointed Education Secretary Betsy Devos will be “another general in the Trump cabinet” since she has her own army run by her brother Erik Prince who founded Blackwater with her money, the sources add. This means the mercenaries will no longer be sub-contracting for the Khazarian mob. If so, then it really is game over for the Khazarians.
Also, four separate sources, two Pentagon, one CIA and one ruling bloodline family say some major financial announcements are coming soon, possibly on December 1st. One announcement which will have a big impact on the gold market is that
“the Islamic Council that sets the standards for Sharia as of December 1st is going to change the rules for 1.3 billion Muslims that previously were only permitted to own gold in the form of jewelry. They are now going to be permitted to purchase gold as an investment,” according to a CIA source in Asia.
The real biggie that came from two separate Pentagon sources is that the US government is about to announce new Treasury dollars for use in North America. Images of the bills can be seen at this link:
The sources have done their own fact checking and they say there is a “90%” chance these are the real deal.
CIA sources in Asia go further and say the new bills will replace the US dollar bills currently in circulation inside the United States and that Americans will take a 50% haircut when they exchange for the new bills. US dollars outside of the United States will keep their current value, the sources say.
A source in the 13 bloodline families independently confirms that some sort of decision has been made regarding the global financial system and that things “will be starting possibly in December or sometime in January.”
The CIA sources in Asia also say the “one million ton” gold scam being attempted by Federal Reserve Board Chairperson Janet Yellen, Wilfredo Saurin etc. has been quashed.
“Saurin has been tossed out of the palace in Thailand. The new King, whose ascension will take place at the right time, doesn’t want anything to do with him,” a source in the Thai Royal Family confirms.
The Royal source also said that if people want to find where the biggest gold stash is: “Look under the Royal Palace in Tokyo. Why do you think the Cabal has kept Japan under lock and key since WW2 ended”.
This ties in with all of the infighting going on with the powerful factions now in Tokyo, CIA sources say adding that “The key players are jostling for control of that gold. On one side you most likely have Saurin and his team trying to get their hands on the booty for their gold bond scam. On the other side you have the WDS and the Gnostic Illuminati trying to protect it for the benefit of the people of this planet and to assist in the global reset. This is one of the reasons the Emperor wants to step down. It is just too much for an elderly man to handle.”
There will be a move in Japan soon enough and the slave regime of Shinzo Abe will be replaced with a real government, WDS sources in Japan say.
Meanwhile in Israel raging “wildfires are a burnt offering and a warning for bibi [Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu] to accept a UN two-state resolution creating the 194th state of Palestine, withdraw to 1949 lines, return the Golan Heights and stop the Gaza siege,” the Pentagon sources say.
Elsewhere in the Middle East, the Egyptian military has joined the battle in Syria against the Khazarian Saudi and Qatari ISIL mercenary army. Iraqi Vice President Nouri al-Maliki, for his part, pointed to the elephant in the Middle-East room by saying “Saudi Wahhabism has to be put on the international terrorism list.”
With Donald Trump saying the US will stop importing oil from Saudi Arabia, hopefully the Khazarian pseudo-Muslim Saudi regime will finally be dealt with by the Russians, the Americans and the real Muslims.
The Russians and the Americans have opened a new channel of communications via the actor Steven Seagal, who was given a Russian passport last week. When handing over the passport “Putin” (or whoever happens to be playing the part now) said “We hope this will facilitate communications with your professional friends,” which CIA sources say refers to them.
This is part of a Russian alliance with the US military and agencies against the Khazarian mafia and their proxies, Russian, Pentagon and CIA sources all say.
The effects of this alliance will be felt the most in Khazarian-controlled Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and the EU politburo.
This is why European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker admitted last week that “without Russia, there is no security architecture in Europe.”
In effect, he was admitting the Russia was now in charge of protecting Europe. This means Khazarian control of Europe is ending. The fact that British newspapers are now openly publishing 9/11 truth stories shows clearly that country has already shed the Khazarian yoke.
The Khazarian mafia-controlled media conglomerates in the US are also having their feet held to the fire, and are being ordered to report the truth or else. Trump is considering revoking the Federal Communications Commission broadcasting licenses of lie-spouting corporate media networks, the sources say. There are also discussions going on about either nationalizing or breaking up the big media cartels, they add.
The attempt by the Khazarians to save themselves by overthrowing the election of Donald Trump through vote recounts is not going to change things. Members of the US Green party admit they took money from the Rothschilds to demand a recount, but that their real intention was to use the funds to fight for greater rights for small political parties like theirs. In any case, any real vote recount would show Hillary Clinton lost by a much larger percentage than is being reported.
Speaking about Clintons, CIA sources reported the following about Hillary’s husband:
“Bill Clinton flew in recently under the radar and was admitted to the cardiovascular unit at one of our ’specialist hospitals’ nearby, which is under the control of the Agency. After a thorough examination, he was told that nothing more can be done for his heart. It is end game for WJC. He most likely will not be celebrating the New Year in this world. This is the reason he has looked so pale for the past several months. His heart is so weak, that it cannot pump the oxygenated blood carried in his arteries through his system. The quadruple bypass surgery was only a temporary solution.”
The source continued by noting that “When WJC dies, he will be kept on ice so to speak. (Just like they did for a few years with the King of Thailand). His death and cause thereof will be ‘announced’ when the time is right. He will receive the full Presidential funeral procession as per current US laws and regulations unless there is a major change in the new US Government policy in the near future.”
It may be that the Clintons, the Bushes and their ilk will all “die” in the near future to avoid airing the dirty laundry that would be exposed if they were forced to face a war crimes tribunal. The people, though, deserve to hear the truth.
Aside from the fiat monetary scam and bloodsoaked petrodollar, another significant source of funds for the Nazionist Khazarian Mafia is the “healthcare” industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
We can all help the revolution by avoiding all Khazarian pharmaceutical drugs, defeat any viral attack and scaremongering, like the Zika virus, easily by knowing how to build our own comprehensive antiviral system. Find more about how we can kill three birds with one stone, right here.
Why isnt Trumip in jail he is a mobster and criminal bigger than Hillary or Bill they are friends cut the crap
Why are you allowed to publish or even to be near a keyboard to spew your ignorance?
Keep knocking back that koolaid, Love.
A lot of good and great things are coming.
Kathy Davis You liberals are a brain dead bunch. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Go get the mental help you need.
🙂 right-o Gene
Trumip indeed lol
Margaret, in terms of dollar valuation. Think of it this way. The USD/FRN is way overvalued. Far more than 50%. The USD/FRN against gold and silver is worth about 3 cents. A 50% haircut is generous. Someone somewhere is offering forgiveness.
The other side of this, is to consider the monetary system is a debt based system. With this RV/GC reset, we dispense with the debt system. Up to 65% of the cost of goods and services, is debt service. If you buy a plane ticket for $150 today. Imagine that ~$100 of that is pure admin cost. Imagine that ticket costing you closer to $50.
So, you shell out $150 for that ticket. All of a sudden, you actually have [real value] $75. But, now that ticket costs you $50. You have $25 left over for a nice meal. Don’t you?
Did you know, that according to the US Treasury. As of Oct. 30, 2016. Total cash (not bank notes, etc.) residing in the Cash Room, totals in excess of $60,000,000,000,000.00. Yes, that is TRILLIONs. With a big T. And, it is just sitting there. Unallocated ..
If they can give David Rockefeller 8 Heart Transplants and he is now 101 years old, why can’t they do the same to WJC?
Let him live so he can spend time in prison for his decades of felonies