New York branch of Khazarian mafia now final obstacle to world peace

When Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, hiding out at Mark Rich’s house on the hill in Zog, Switzerland was identified as the head of the Khazarian mafia, Rothschild reached out to the White Dragon Society via a nephew to negotiate a peace settlement involving and exchange of gold for money and the establishment of a future planning agency. This is now on hold because the New York branch of the Khazarian mafia, headed by the Cohen crime family, blocked it, Rothschild family sources say.

by benjamin
May 30, 2016
The final Khazarian mob hold outs are trying to present WDS plans for the world economy as socialist or Stalinist. They are hoping to use either Vice President Joe Biden, Democratic Party hopeful Bernie Sanders or US Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump as people who will reform the existing system enough that they can avoid rebooting the system all together as the WDS proposes. What these people need to understand is that on May 2nd , 2016 the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION went bankrupt when its Puerto Rico subsidiary defaulted on a 422 million dollar payment. Legally the United States Corporate government is now under the control of the United Nations Corporation headed by Baron Rothschild. However, the status of the United Nations Corporation itself is doubtful because they have neither the gold or the moral standing to maintain the current chaotic and planet destroying system they oversee.
Rothschild and Khazarian mafia control has been reduced, in essence, to the bankrupt G7 group of nations. Take a look at this picture taken at the G7 meeting last week in Japan.
Notice that while all the other leaders are waving in the group photo German Chancellor Angela Merkel is making the sign of horus with her hands, using the button on her jacket as an eye. Since Merkel is the only leader there who is of the Saxe Gotha Rothschild bloodline that runs the G7 and the eye of Horus represents supreme leadership, she is sending out the message that the other leaders in the photo are just servants.
What is important to know is that the WDS and its allies have identified the names and locations of all the top members of this ruling bloodline and have the technical capability of removing them from this world. Doing so would be the very last option the WDS would take and it would only happen if it became necessary to do so to prevent genocide.
The point though is that the families that currently control the G7 and the UN corporation are no longer in any position to dictate to the world. Their financial system, the source of their power, is now based almost entirely on fraud. The Rothschilds once famously bankrupted the Bank of England by taking their paper money and demanding payment in gold. The WDS and its allies are now in a position to do the same to the European and US bloodline families. The London and US gold trading markets are now trading 600 times more paper gold than they have real gold to back it with. Almost all of the real gold in the world is now in the hands of WDS allies.
What this means is the WDS is now in a position to offer to trade gold for all outstanding Euros and US dollars that can be traced to legitimate commercial activities. After a two month window US dollars and Euros would no longer be accepted for international payments. Under this proposal the US military and agencies would continue to be financed using the new currency. This would essentially remove the final vestiges of power of the Khazarian mafia.
In such an event the WDS is proposing that all legitimate commercial activity continue as always. The illegal drug trade and other grey area activities would be given appropriate legal status and moved into the new system.
The future planning agency proposed by the WDS would start by hiring, as initial planners for setting up the agency, about 7 to 9 people. For example, either Chinese President Xi Jinping or Vice-President Li Keqiang could represent China, Donald Trump or whoever is selected as President to represent the US, Russian President Vladimir Putin or Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to represent Eurasia, Prime Minister Narendra Modi to represent India, someone to represent the Islamic world, perhaps Indonesian President Joko Widodo, someone to represent Africa, possibly Jose Eduardo Dos Santos of Angola and Angela Merkel of Germany or some suitable substitute to represent the old bloodline families of Europe.
This list is just what the Japanese call a “tatakidai” or initial proposal designed to stimulate debate on a particular topic.
The members of this agency would continue in their current jobs and would contribute to the future planning agency through part time consultations. The main initial job of the agency would be to stop the ongoing destruction of the planet. This means stopping environmental destruction, ending poverty, ending war, eliminating disease and otherwise restoring the planet to full health. After this, the Chinese could work on their plans for a high tech world spanning communications and energy grid. The Americans could work on a swords to plowshares transformation of the Military Industrial Complex and focus on future technology and exploring the Universe, the Russians and Rothschilds could work on Russian/European economic and social integration. The Africans would work on modernizing Africa in tune with traditional culture and Modi could continue his good work on the Indian sub-continent. The Islamic representative would need to work on ending the Sunni/Shia split and bringing full peace and prosperity to the Islamic world. The US military industrial complex would help end Khazarian war mongering and trouble making in the region.
Most future planning agency projects would be put out to competitive bidding and run by the private sector, which is why it will never become a Stalinist type central planning monolith.
The above is meant to be a starting point for serious debate about how to improve the running of the planet. As mentioned above the current system, under the UN Corporation run by the Rothschilds, is bankrupt and largely dysfunctional. There is thus an urgent need to start working on rebooting the system in a manner that is more beneficial to the humans and other life forms on this planet.
The WDS believes we need to start with a campaign, similar in scale and ambition to a world war only this time the enemy will be poverty, environmental destruction, disease and anything else that plagues this beautiful but fragile planet we all share. A jubilee, or one time write off of debt and redistribution of assets would be a very good way to start us on a track to exponential growth into the future.
The Asian allies have already offered an initial tranche of 20,000 tons of gold to be sold at a 13% discount in order to back these WDS plans. The buyers of this gold could then use it to back their projects while the sellers of the gold could use the money they receive to do the same. The planning agency would use its shares to, according to best practices known, to hire some of the most intelligent people on the planet to come up with visions of the future they wish to turn into reality.
In any case, negotiations are ongoing and the above represents the initial bargaining position of the WDS and its allies.
If no counter proposal is received within a week, the WDS and its allies will officially go on the offensive in ways that will be both “unpredictable and worse than they could imagine.
For now, the attack on the Khazarian mafia is proceeding as follows, according to WDS agency and Pentagon allies. Their oil concessions in the Middle East are “under siege with assaults on ISIS in Mosul, Fallujah and Raqqa,” the sources say. On Israel’s border Russia has armed the Hezbollah militia to the teeth and returned a destroyed Israeli tank from the 1982 invasion of Lebanon as a warning to the Isrealis, the sources say.
On the financial front the BIS, the World Bank, the New York Stock Exchange and the Federal Reserve Board have all been hacked, agency sources say. The US Treasury Department, now free from Khazarian control, is issuing a new $20 bill that will either be backed by Asian gold or will be a new US domestic currency, depending on how financial negotiations go, they say.
Asian allies of the WDS have attacked with Khazarian controlled SWIFT international payments system in Bangladesh, Vietnam, the Philippines, Ecuador and elsewhere. The new international currency to replace the Euro and US dollar will use the CIPS system since Swift cannot deal with Chinese yuan, the sources continue.
US President Obama was ordered to meet with atomic bomb victims in Hiroshima last week and call for a world without nuclear weapons in a cryptic US/Russian warning to Israel they will have to dismantle their nuclear arsenal, Pentagon sources said.
Despite moves by to influence the upcoming US presidential election will all be stopped, the sources say. As a result of this, Khazarian presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has shown signs of mental instability as prosecutors move in on her and force Obama to stop trying to protect her.
To conclude, if the Rothschilds and their fellow Khazarian gangsters fail to negotiate a deal soon with the WDS, they will have no bargaining chips left and will be forced to panhandle on the streets of New York and elsewhere for pocket change on the streets of New York and elsewhere, if they are lucky. A nephew of Jacob Rothschild was supposed to contact the WDS this week, we hope, for the sake of that extended family, that he does. World peace is now a realistic possibility.
Aside from the fiat monetary scam and bloodsoaked petrodollar, another significant source of funds for the Nazionist Khazarian Mafia is the “healthcare” industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
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8 thoughts on “New York branch of Khazarian mafia now final obstacle to world peace”

  1. Benjamin,
    With Hillary out of the way, the prospect of a Trump presidency is of great concern, his anti-cabal sentiment notwithstanding. Words are incredibly powerful. At this pivotal time in human history, The Republic – The USA, and the rest of the world by extention, need a statesman who’s got not only a high intellectual quotient, but an equally high emotional quotient to match. Someone who can truly unify not only the electorate of this divided nation, but the vast and diverse expanse of humanity across the globe – preferably, an individual with no religion or religious affiliation who is viewed as being theologically neutral by the indoctrinated masses across the globe. Someone who makes a sincere attempt to bridge the gaps between the world’s faiths. And finally, a person who’s intimately familiar with the esoteric nature of the planet’s competing power structures.
    Jon Alexander
    Native of Michigan and long-term former resident of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

    1. Absolutely! Just because Trump is anti Illuminati does not make him wise or loving enough to guide the US.

  2. Trump has a lot going for him because of his race, creed, wealth, power, and Zionist connections. Too many anti-white and anti-christian subversives becoming openly violent against our dominant white protestant and the white catholic people and culture here in America and around the world where we are experiencing mass Zionist orchestrate dark enemy coreligionist immigrant invasions, hedonistic miscegenation, and white genocide. Our numbers are rapidly declining. Trump is seen to be representing us and our founders because he is a white protestant man wherein America was at one time 98% white protestant. and a possible threat to the elitist Zionist/Jesuit/Islamic multicultural agenda that’s being used to rob, supplant, and destroy white christian nations, and Christendom globally overall. Two of Trumps kids married into elitist Jew families. had kids, and converted to Judaism becoming enemies of Christ, of white. and christian America…No protestant on our white protestant built supreme court = Subversion. Food for thought.
    The democrats and republicans are in fact pushing an anti-white christian Zionist Bolshevik agenda here in America. Google the Jews behind holodomor and the Jewish multicultural agenda here in America.
    From a Jewish man:—Case-Closed!.php

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