Suddenly all sorts of people who dropped contact after the March 11, 2011 Fukushima terror attack are trying to contact the White Dragon Society (WDS) through this writer. These include a top Yakuza assassin, a senior MI6 operative, an NSA representative, a representative from a new CIA faction, and others. They, together with our regular contacts, all agree that something big is coming.
The most colourful character to renew contact was a Mr. K, who was introduced to this writer years ago by Japanese military intelligence as the top assassin for the Yamaguchi-gumi mutual protection syndicate (this was before it splintered into three factions). The diminutive and serene-looking Mr. K says his job consists of chopping peoples’ fingers off, one knuckle at a time, until he extracts the information he needs. He then wraps the bodies in lead and dumps them in the ocean, something Takamasa Kawase of Japanese military intelligence independently confirmed. Mr. K also says that he has done work for the Mitsubishi banking conglomerate (presumably helping them locate missing funds).
It was an associate of Mr. K, the daughter of former Yamaguchi No. 2 boss Masaru Takumi, who insisted on meeting this writer on March 10, 2011 to set my mobile alarm to ring at exactly 11:00 AM on March 11, 2011, the day of the nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan.
Trucks were also spotted bringing large amounts of emergency relief supplies to the Yagamaguchi-gumi’s headquarters in the days before the January 17, 1995 Kobe earthquake, according to Kobe residents who live near their headquarters. As a result, their gang was far faster than the central government to provide relief supplies to quake-stricken residents of Kobe.
Now Mr. K says his group has become “spiritual in nature” and that starting in late October, the world will experience “earthquakes, storms, and other disasters” that will result in a large drop in the world’s population before “a happy new era” begins. Mr. K was evasive about details, but did say something could happen in Japan just before the October 22nd Japanese general election that Asian secret society sources say will result in the ouster of Khazarian slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Japanese gangsters have told this writer on numerous occasion that they get billions of dollars in payments from the Khazarian-controlled Bank of Japan in return for acting as their enforcers. It is clear they have been told to do all they can to keep Khazarian proxies like Abe in power, under threat of new attacks on Japan with earthquake weapons.
The WDS conveyed a message via Mr. K and others that should the P2 Freemasons and their bosses in Zug, Switzerland try another stunt like Fukushima, there would be serious retaliation. There are three nuclear weapons that have been placed in top Khazarian power spots by the Gnostic Illuminati with the purpose of reminding them that mass destruction is a two-way street, Illuminati sources say. It has also been recommended to the U.S. military that they physically occupy the Bank of Japan and round up the people distributing its money to gangsters. They know exactly who they are and where they are. Crown Prince Naruhito is ready to point out all of them if asked, say sources in the Three Legged Crow secret society.
In any case, Mr. K is not the only person predicting that something unusual is about to happen. The world’s media, for example, have taken note of U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent hints of ominous things to come.
Pentagon sources explain that, “After the Las Vegas massacre and an Israeli ambush that killed 4 U.S. special forces troops in Niger, [White House Chief of Staff General John] Kelly summoned the Joint Chiefs of Staff and combatant commanders to the White House on October 5 to bring all hands on deck to back Trump against the NFL, Antifa, the deep state, and the cabal.” The source continued by noting, “Even NSA boss Admiral Mike Rogers and Pacific Commander-in-Chief Admiral Harry Harris were invited, as Trump said cryptically that this is ‘the calm before the storm.’” The “storm” would take place in the form of mass arrests, the issuance of a new currency, and the launch of a global currency reset, the source said.
“‘Calm before the storm’ means the swamp is about to be cleaned out and they are all scared sh#tless, so we better take a picture,” a CIA source confirmed.
The mass killing operation in Las Vegas and the accompanying corporate media BS storm about a single, now-dead killer being responsible was a fatal mistake by the Khazarian mafia, many sources agree. The Internet is full of videos showing that multiple shooters were involved, and calls for comprehensive revenge are being made. By promoting this obvious lie, the FBI, nominally in charge of the Las Vegas investigation, has made itself a target of the U.S. military and other agencies.
It has already been leaked all over the Internet by insiders that casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and former Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff were planning to make a fortune by using this incident as an excuse to make metal detectors manufactured by a company they own mandatory at all concerts, bus terminals, etc. Instead, both men are now hunted, if not already dead.
A different CIA source says that Las Vegas is run by the Chicago Mob and that even honchos like Adelson and Chertoff are just front men for the Italians. “It is Florentine nobility running the Chicago Outfit and the remnant of the Jewish Mafia. The Chicago Outfit is involved in weapons, drugs, and human trafficking across the U.S.-Mexican border. John DiFronzo is a top boss of the Chicago Outfit along with his brother Peter DiFronzo,” this source says. In other words, it is the fascist P2 Freemasons who were ultimately behind the Las Vegas Gladio-style operation. The FBI is a P2 subsidiary and you can expect tanks at their headquarters soon.
Another Khazarian power center that is under attack is their control of academia. “To improve meritocracy to make America great again, the Jewish bastion Harvard University is under a Department of Justice probe for overrepresentation of Jews and helping mediocre Jews like [Trump son-in-law] Jared Kushner steal admissions from more qualified whites and Asians,” the Pentagon sources say.
Also, “Hollywood and the Democrats are reeling as the New York Times was ordered to do a hit piece on a fellow Jew, the serial sexual predator film producer and major Hillary and Obama fundraiser Harvey Weinstein,” the sources say. Of course, the New York Times story…
…is just the tip of the iceberg, and you can be sure much worse revelations about murder, rape, pedophilia, and human sacrifice rampant in Hollywood will come out.
Donald Trump himself is clearly being pulled at by opposing forces. While some CIA and Pentagon sources portray him as a hero who will “drain the swamp,” other CIA sources say he is “drugged and blackmailed.” A clearly visible sign of a split in the U.S. government came last week when the CIA, speaking on the record, contradicted Trump’s statements about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un being a madman. The CIA made it clear that if a war was started on the Korean Peninsula, it would not be started by the North.
Now that the campaign to use North Korea as an excuse to start World War 3 is being undermined, the Khazarians are trying to reignite tensions with Iran as an excuse to start their Gog-versus-Magog end-times war. However, Pentagon sources say the Iran thing is not going to happen either.
The big reason for the rise in tension in the U.S. is that the Washington D.C. Corporation—not to be confused with the Republic of the United States of America—missed a payment deadline that came due on September 30th, its fiscal year end, say MI6 sources. The U.S. government’s budget had a $1 trillion shortfall and the situation has reached the point that, by its own estimates, its net worth is minus $65 trillion.
The MI6 sources say that when the payment deadline was missed, an extension was granted that lasts until October 17th. However, previous reports say that an extension was granted until December 15th, so it is not wise to fixate on a particular date. It is clear that this year is proving to be especially difficult for the U.S. corporate government to find money to keep its operations going.
Another reason the Khazarians are flirting with real bankruptcy and loss of power this time is the demise of their petrodollar. Saudi Arabian King Salman (or perhaps his body double) made the first-ever visit by a reigning Saudi monarch to Russia last week. The Saudis agreed to buy arms from Russia and reached many other deals, according to various press releases. Furthermore, the Saudis also talked about the possibility of ending the petrodollar by selling their oil for currencies other than the U.S. dollar, Pentagon sources say. This led the U.S. military to issue a veiled threat to the Saudis by suspending all military exercises with the Saudis and their allies.
The Pentagon still needs Saudi oil to run its machines and Saudi money to pay its salaries, and thus will not allow the complete death of the petrodollar until a comprehensive global financial reset is in place, Pentagon sources explain.
Another sign seen last week that something big was about to happen was a fire burning on the roof of the New York Federal Reserve Building.
If you want, you can believe the Fed’s story that a generator caught on fire, but a good guess is that they were burning evidence before the U.S. military makes their long-overdue move to occupy that criminal institution.
This autumn we have a real chance to permanently end criminal Khazarian rule of the planet. If you are in a position personally to take action, please do so.