Tag Archives: anti-semitism

Goodbye Free Internet, Government is Already Here

There is a saying attributed to the French banker Nathan Rothschild that “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.” Conservative opinion in the United States has long suspected that Rothschild was right and there have been frequent calls to audit the Federal Reserve Bank based on the presumption that it has not always acted in support of the actual interests of the American people. Continue reading Goodbye Free Internet, Government is Already Here

EXPOSED: Israel Lobby's Dirty Tactics to Leech US, UK Taxpayers for Apartheid Israel

It is easy enough to see how much the Israel Lobby influences the US and UK politics post World War 2, but do we really have any idea on how exactly it accomplishes its stated and covert goals, to further its interests in the Middle East?
Continue reading EXPOSED: Israel Lobby's Dirty Tactics to Leech US, UK Taxpayers for Apartheid Israel