Tag Archives: Federal income taxes

Sanders Exposes 18 CEOs With Trillions in Bailouts, Evaded Taxes, Outsourced Jobs

Sen. Bernie Sanders fired back at 80 CEOs who wrote a letter lecturing America about deficit reduction by released a report detailing how 18 of these CEOs have wrecked the economy by evading taxes and outsourcing jobs.

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LAX Americana: #1 Reason for WH Report #48 Delay

The causes of the delay in the publication of the White Hats Report #48 can be gleaned from this statement from the WhiteHats blog:
“In my mind, the apathy of the general public was the critical con factor that made the decision not to publish 48 a no-brainer. It seems no one thought… or understood… that the $15 Trillion fraud exposed by Lord James in February of 2012 impacted every taxpaying Amerikan.
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