Tag Archives: Gaza gas reserves

Israeli-US Ethnic Cleansing Plan To Salvage “New Middle East” Model

In light of emerging evidence of an Israeli plot to ethnically cleanse as many as 2.4 million Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, the U.S. continues to deploy unprecedented reinforcements to the Mediterranean while steadfastly rejecting the consideration of a humanitarian pause or ceasefire.

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Texan Noble Energy & Israel are Stealing Gas Reserves in Gaza

It can be said by now that the primordial intention why Palestinian lands must be usurped by the Rothschild agents in the Middle East is to plunder the natural resources hidden beneath the Levant Basin. The Levant has throughout history meant Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.  The discovery is the largest discovery in the history of Noble Energy, “more than 40 Tcf of natural gas resources in the Levant Basin”. Continue reading Texan Noble Energy & Israel are Stealing Gas Reserves in Gaza