Tag Archives: istanbul

History: Global Collateral Accounts

We have been mentioning Collateral Accounts for more than two years in this blog, and while we understood what its implications for the future are, most of us don’t really know the whole story.

Continue reading History: Global Collateral Accounts

Monsanto Gives Up Europe


The company that’s been playing God with all of us is giving up its influence in Europe.

Monsanto epitomizes all that is evil in the world of Corporatocracy we are all in.

We should be aware that this company is everywhere.

monsanto companies


It’s almost surreal, but it’s true. Monsanto has officially give up its fight to spread genetically modified seeds and plants throughout Europe.

In a time when the power and political influence of Monsanto Co. seems nearly insurmountable, this is a huge victory for opponents of genetic engineering. For those in the U.S. and other countries where Monsanto’s stranglehold is palpable, it serves as a rally cry to keep up the good fight.

“We’ve come to the conclusion that this has no broad acceptance at the moment,” Monsanto Germany spokeswoman, Ursula Lüttmer-Ouazane, told Taz, a Geman newspaper. According to Reuters, European officials for Monsanto also told Taz “that they were no longer doing any lobby work for cultivation in Europe and not seeking any new approvals for genetically modified plants.”

Just as in the United States, millions of European citizens have spoken out against Monsanto’s unchecked control of agriculture through the use of patented, genetically-modified seeds and plants.

A recent poll in Europe found that 60% of respondents considered “Frankencrops” a threat to public health. In 2007, the United States launched a planned retaliation against European countries for refusing to take GMOs into their food chains. In 2009 Monsanto sued Germany because it banned these products, reported FarmtoConsumer.org in late 2012.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/monsanto-surrenders-ends-all-gmo-lobbying-in-europe.html#ixzz2VURHG9UR

We should not stop the rage until the last seed of Monsanto is crushed.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Massive Resignations 6.0

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Now, it’s time for some serious stuffs.

We’re happy to see a major fallout from the corporate institutions. Are we now looking at the Final Breakdown of the Slavery System?

In this article, we are surprised to see a number of high-ranking politicians experiencing the crunch, too. From UK, India and here in my country, the so –called public servants are feeling they are no longer relevant.

They never were. They never will be.

We are afraid that anytime soon, we won’t be able to compile every resignation as we are expecting these to keep on coming.

To our delight, of course.


The chairman of Housing New Zealand (HNZ) has stood down because of a potential conflict of interest.

Housing Minister Nick Smith today announced he had accepted the resignation of board chairman Alan Jackson.

Jackson’s role as a director at Fletcher Building had become an issue because of the building work HNZ was undertaking.

“Dr Jackson wrote to me earlier this week to let me know he would be stepping down as chair to avoid a potential conflict of interest with his role as a director at Fletcher Building,” Smith said.

“Given the scale and pace of new work by Housing New Zealand, including the massive rebuild programme in Christchurch, of which Fletcher Building may potentially tender for, he considered it was untenable to continue in both roles.”

At the end of last month, Smith previously described HNZ’s contribution to the rebuild as “the biggest Government house building programme in Christchurch’s history”.



JERUSALEM (Reuters) – An Israeli judge resigned from a government appeals board on Wednesday after public uproar over reports he had told a courtroom that some girls “enjoy rape”.

Nissim Yeshaya headed a three-member panel hearing a young Israeli woman’s appeal for recognition as a victim of a nationalist attack for having been raped when she was 13, in a crime blamed at the time on four Palestinians.

He had remarked during a session on the case that “there are some young girls who enjoy rape”, an attorney representing the woman told Israeli radio stations on Wednesday.



(WASHINGTON) — President Barack Obama’s top national security adviser Tom Donilon is resigning and will be replaced by U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, marking a significant shakeup to the White House foreign policy team.

A White House official confirmed the personnel changes Wednesday morning ahead of a planned announcement by the president later in the day.

Donilon has been a key foreign policy adviser to Obama since he first took office. But the 58-year-old had been expected to depart sometime this year, with Rice seen as the likely candidate to replace him.

Rice, a close Obama confidante, came under withering criticism from Republicans as part of the investigations into the deadly attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. Rice, relying on talking points from the intelligence community, said in television interviews that the attacks were likely spontaneous, which was later proven incorrect.

Read more: http://swampland.time.com/2013/06/05/tom-donilon-resigns-as-obama-security-adviser/#ixzz2VRneuGFF


According to the latest Associated Press feed report, the confirmation comes from Obama just minutes ago today. While this is certainly the beginning of the massive resignations that should (and will likely) come from the massive exposure on the IRS corruption that has been covered by major news outlets for the past few days, it is important to remember that the real action here needs to go beyond a few layoffs and more towards criminal charges. At the same time, it is a victory when it comes to the spread of information and the overall impact that syndicated awareness has on the flow of the nation.

Even so-called ‘left’ wing groups were outraged at the fact that the IRS had openly declared financial warfare on all groups considered to be ‘conservative’ in nature, and the admission by the agency here shows that we are facing corruption seated at the deepest levels of United States government wings. Corruption that can be rooted out if enough outcry is presented through all channels of media and social networking — usually staring with the alternative news media and working its way ‘up the ladder’ in popularity until the mainstream is forced to cover it.





(Reuters) – Martin Abbott has resigned as chief executive of the London Metal Exchange and co-head of global markets of the Hong Kong Exchanges, the exchanges said on Thursday.

Abbott agreed to stay in his current positions until the end of this year to facilitate a smooth and orderly transition, the LME said in a statement. A replacement will be announced in due course.

(Reporting by Silvia Antonioli; editing by William Hardy)



In a shocking development, BCCI secretary Sanjay Jagdale and treasurer Ajay Shirke resigned from their posts on Friday night.

There were also reports that all five BCCI vice-presidents would resign in the next few hours.

Shirke had been saying for the past few days that BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India) president N. Srinivasan should step down on moral grounds in the wake of the spot fixing scandal in which his son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan was arrested.





A Liberal Democrat MP who is fighting a high court claim that he sexually assaulted a vulnerable constituent has stood down from the party whip – two years after the Lib Dems were first warned about the allegations.

Mike Hancock, 67, the MP for Portsmouth South, made the decision after holding a meeting with Nick Clegg and senior party figures on Monday afternoon.

The decision follows accusations in court papers, first disclosed in the Guardian, that he formed an inappropriate relationship with the woman over a 10-month period after she approached him for help with noisy neighbours. Hancock is planning to fight the writ.

The Lib Dems were first contacted by the 39-year-old alleged victim by letter, but she did not receive a response.



Patrick Mercer, the former shadow minister, has resigned from the Conservative party after being caught up in a sting by journalists posing as lobbyists, having failed to declare £2,000 of the £4,000 they paid him.

The Conservative MP for Newark said he was resigning the Tory whip immediately “to save my party embarrassment”, and would not stand at the next general election. It is understood that he had been approached by a fake lobbying firm seeking help in parliament for a fake client, believed to be related to Fiji.

The move comes before a BBC Panorama programme in conjunction with Daily Telegraph journalists, due to be broadcast next week, which will allege that he has broken lobbying rules.



Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Senator Ishaq Dar announced his resignation from the post on Tuesday.

Dar, a Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader said his resignation letter has been sent to the Chairman of Senate.

His resignation comes in the wake of reports that he is soon to become the finance minister of Pakistan.

Talking to reporters at the Parliament House,  Dar said PML-N will strive to resolve the challenges faced by the country and would work to uphold the interest of the masses.




The top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Joe Garcia resigned this weekend after being implicated in a voting-fraud scheme.

Chief of Staff Jeffrey Garcia resigned Friday after taking responsibility for the plot and being asked by the congressman for his resignation.

A “well-intentioned attempt to maximize voter turnout”

– Rep. Joe Garcia, D-Fla.

The congressman said Saturday he thinks the plot was a “well-intentioned attempt to maximize voter turnout” and that the system is “prone to fraud.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/06/02/top-staffer-for-florida-democratic-rep-resigns-amid-voting-fraud-probe/#ixzz2VRt3taDQ




government resigned from the Conservative caucus last night, citing amendments made to his private member’s bill seeking public disclosure of the expenses and salaries of highly paid public service workers.

“I’m doing what I need to do for myself and for my constituents,” Brent Rathgeber told CBC News when reached at the Ottawa airport on Thursday morning. “I don’t think that I can continue to represent them when I am told how to vote, told what to speak.”




The lead attorneys probing a deadly pipeline explosion for California regulators have abruptly quit the investigation, putting the integrity of the probe in jeopardy, a San Bruno city official said Wednesday.

The four California Public Utilities Commission lawyers removed themselves from the matter earlier this week, just as the agency is poised to decide a fine for Pacific Gas & Electric Co., which owns the pipeline that ruptured in San Bruno, City Manager Connie Jackson said.

“Those attorneys worked on the briefs that the CPUC will use as its basis for holding PG&E accountable,” Jackson said. “This absolutely will jeopardize the integrity of the process that has gone on for the last 2 1/2 years, and San Bruno cannot stand still and let that happen.”



'No confidence': 13 of Boston's 14 deputy fire chiefs co-signed a letter blasting their boss Steve Abraira (pictured) saying that he showed no leadership at the Boston Marathon bombing

The embattled Boston Fire Chief Steve E. Abraira resigned on Monday after clashes with senior staff over his management style and his perceived weak handling of the Boston Marathon bombings.

Abraira was the first chief in Boston Fire Department’s history hired from outside of its powerful union and since the April 15th terror attack he came under pressure from his 13 deputy chief, all who have risen up through the city ranks.

He will leave his post on June 7th and Deputy Chief John Hasson will step in to take temporary charge according to Stephen MacDonald, a spokesman for the Boston fire department.

In May, the Boston Globe obtained a leaked letter that 13 of the city’s 14 deputy fire chiefs co-signed on April 26th signalling a vote of no-confidence in Chief Steve Abraira.

‘His justification for failing to take action is indefensible,’ they wrote.

That was just 11 days after the bombings at the finish line of the marathon killed three people and injured more than 250 others.

In his resignation letter, Abraira said that he was leaving his job because of the ‘baseless attacks by the Deputy Chiefs, especially their actions of making this a matter of public debate by leaking their letter of April 26th to the press, has made it impossible for me to continue to do my job.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2335309/Boston-chief-RESIGNS-public-backlash-handling-marathon-bombings-confidence-letter-signed-13-14-deputies.html#ixzz2VRlQnuUP
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


The Telegraph and the BBC’s Panorama have been investigating the former shadow minister over a major lobbying scandal and is poised to publish a series of revelations about Mr Mercer tomorrow.

He was yesterday asked questions over his activities and was expected to be suspended from the Parliamentary Conservative party this evening.

However, the Conservative MP for Newark is thought to have resigned the whip and is poised to make a statement.

The scandal, details of which will be exposed by The Telegraph and Panorama, involved Mr Mercer lobbying on behalf of Fiji.

Parliamentary records show that he asked a question about the regime’s suspension from the Commonwealth and put down an Early Day Motion – a device used by MPs to draw attention to certain causes.



MP Brent Rathgeber has resigned from the Conservative caucus because of “the government’s lack of commitment to transparency.”

Rathgeber, who represents the Alberta riding of Edmonton-St. Albert, announced his resignation on Twitter late Wednesday.

“I just notified the Board of Directors of the Edm-St. Albert CPC Association and the Speaker that I have resigned from the CPC Caucus,” he wrote.


Brent Rathgeber resigns from Conservative caucus

Conservative MP Brent Rathgeber stands during question period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Tuesday, June 21, 2011. (Sean Kilpatrick / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

The Prime Minister’s Office has called on Rathgeber to resign as an MP and run in a byelection.

Rathgeber’s announcement comes hours after members of his own party pushed changes to his private member’s bill calling for the disclosure upon request of any public sector salaries with earnings of approximately $188,000 or more.

But a series of amendments at a committee meeting earlier Wednesday resulted in major changes to the maximum salary amount.

“I’m obviously very, very disappointed both with the government position and certainly with the (committee’s Conservative) colleagues, many of whom philosophically support this legislation unequivocally, but seemed powerless to resist the instructions that were given to them by the (Prime Minister’s Office), by the whip or wherever the final instructions came from,” Mr. Rathgeber told the Globe and Mail.

Rathgeber went on to say that transparency is key in light of the ongoing controversy surrounding Senate spending.

Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/mp-brent-rathgeber-resigns-from-conservative-caucus-1.1313329#ixzz2VRm360FD



MANILA, Philippines – Saying he had seen the handwriting on the wall, Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile resigned yesterday as Senate president, ending a leadership marked both by brilliance and turbulence.

With just two days left in the calendar for the 15th Congress, Enrile tendered his irrevocable resignation as Senate president “as a matter of personal honor and dignity.”

Senate President Pro-Tempore Jinggoy Estrada took over Enrile’s post for the day.

“Old age may have physically impaired my vision. But let me assure all of you, I can still see and read clearly the handwriting on the wall. I need not be told by anyone when it is time for me to go,” Enrile said.

He opened the second to the last plenary session of the Senate with a privilege speech in which he voiced his grief over the failed Senate bid of his son Cagayan Rep. Jack Enrile.



MANILA, Philippines—Senate Majority Leader Vicente “Tito” Sotto III formally announced his resignation from his post on Thursday, the last session day of the 15th Congress.

“As the curtain falls on the regular session of the 15th Congress, and its legal life draws its last breath at end of June this year, please consider my position as Majority Leader co-terminus therewith,” Sotto said before the Senate adjourned sine die past 7 p.m. The next Congress will commence in July.

With this statement, Sotto told reporters after the interview that he is now deemed resigned.

“Yes, resignation as Majority Leader although kung tutuusin   pwede pa nga, if I don’t say that and I do not do that then I will be a carryover up to the 16th Congress, until July 22. E ayoko na nga e,” he said.

“As of today, I consider myself resigned,” he pointed out.

Asked why he did not categorically say the word “resignation” in his manifestation on the floor, Sotto said, “Kawawa naman yung mga empleyado.  Sa akin naman kasi I think it’s no big deal. My resignation is no big deal. Talaga naming sa July 22, malamang palitan din naman kami so I just want it ahead.”

Sotto’s move came just a day after Senator Juan Ponce-Enrile stepped down from his post Wednesday.

Read more: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/421919/tired-sotto-resigns-as-majority-leader#ixzz2VRmKeY2l
Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook


Neal Humphrey, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church in north Utah, recently resigned as a member of the executive board of the Trapper Trails Council, charging that the Boy Scouts’ new membership policy excludes evangelical churches and other Christian denominations.

On May 23, after a controversial challenge, 1,400 delegates of the 103-year-old Boy Scouts of America voted overwhelmingly to lift a longstanding ban on homosexual youth in the organization.

“They are asking us to endorse something that the Bible says is sin…And we will not follow the Scouts in endorsing sin,” said pastor Humphrey in one report which noted that he delivered his resignation in a letter to Trapper Trails Executive Allen Endicott.



With Roseland Community Hospital on the brink of closure, President and CEO Dian Powell has resigned a day after officials said she inaccurately blamed the hospital’s financial insolvency on missing payments from the state.

Powell on Monday said the hospital could be forced to close to new patients on Wednesday because the state hadn’t paid $6 million it promised for development and operation of an adolescent behavioral health unit that opened in 2011.

A day later, the hospital said her statement was inaccurate. Instead, it said, the state issued an advance supplemental payment of $958,240 to help keep Roseland afloat amid mounting debt.



FORT WORTH — The Richmond, Va., minister accused of sexually assaulting two girls in the 1990s in Fort Worth has resigned as senior pastor along with three members of his staff, church officials said Wednesday.

The Rev. Geronimo Aguilar, 43, who was senior pastor of Richmond Outreach Center, or ROC, is free on $200,000 bail. He was briefly jailed last week in Tarrant County.

Wednesday evening, the ROC board of directors issued a statement announcing that they had accepted Aguilar’s resignation “upon mutually agreeable terms.”

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2013/06/06/4914337/virgina-pastor-accused-of-sexual.html#storylink=cpy



The man who led Toyota’s charge into NASCAR is relinquishing his day-to-day to duties and will retire at the end of the year.

Citing “family health care needs,” Lee White, the president of Toyota Racing Development, is stepping aside according to a statement released Tuesday.

White joined Toyota in 1997 and guided the manufacturer’s North American racing programs in NASCAR, IndyCar, CART, Grand-Am, NHRA and USAC.


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Vice Pope Bertone Resigning


This just in. Thanks, Jean.

The second in command in the House of the Demons is resigning. Cardinal Bertone is said to have handed his resignation letter, as the present Secretary of State, to Mr. Bergoglio, i.e. the pope.

Jesuit “Mr. Pro-poor” Bergoglio is yet to decide about the matter.

Both these resignations can be considered as the icing on the cake for the massive high-profile resignations that have been happening since 2008.

bertoni resigningVATICAN CITY — We are living historic times, whereby we will see the final destruction of the Vatican just as the prophesies foretold. Already, we are seeing the Catholic Church being left desolate right before it goes up in flames forever, and unprecedented events are taking place.

The Cardinal holding the second most important position within the Vatican next to the Pope, has just handed in his  resignation letter. That’s right, we are speaking of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of the Vatican State.First ex-Pope Benedict XVI Joseph Ratzinger left his post…and now this past weekend, as reported by Dagospia.com, a resignation letter was presented by the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone to Pope Francis as a result of pressure received by the eight Cardinals that form the Commission formed by Bergoglio.

The Pope has not yet made the decision whether to accept the resignation or not.

But the signs of the times are clear. The turmoil within the Vatican is seeping out left and right. The Man Christ Jesus, Jose Luis De Jesus, is unmasking this corrupt organization just like He said he would in His second coming. 2 Thes 2:8.


This Holy Turmoil is now confirmed by the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State, which ago handed over a guilty verdict against the Church and Crown and Big Pharma for Crimes of Genocide, among others.
:::ITCCS Special Report:::
Cardinal Bertone hands in resignation letter to Pope Francis, Vatican insider confirms

VATICAN CITY — A source within the Vatican announced today that Tarcisio Bertone, the most powerful official in the Roman Curia and one of five Cardinals convicted by a Common Law Court of Justice last February, has prepared his letter of resignation.
Cardinal Bertone has been the effective “king maker” at the papacy for many years, and helped force Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, from office on February 11 just days after an arrest warrant was to be issued against Ratzinger.
According to the Vatican insider,

“Bertone knows that if he’s arrested while in office, all of the Vatican archives and his records are subject to seizure, and they can never let that happen. Once he’s resigned, he can do like Ratzinger and claim immunity from prosecution as a ‘private citizen’, something the Lateran Treaty allows. These guys understand the power of the common law court arrest warrant, even if others don’t.”

Bertone’s resignation also coincides with the recent formation of a new Italian movement to expose child torture and trafficking within the Vatican, announced by the ITCCS and Rete L’Abuso in Savona, Italy on May 23.
This campaign will commence on September 20 in Rome with civil disobedience actions and church occupations, and demands to the Italian government to revoke the Lateran Treaty with the Vatican. (see itccs.org, May 24 posting).

ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett is in Europe investigating this latest development.

Further communiques on the impending Bertone resignation and the September 20 campaign will be forthcoming.

ITCCS Central Office


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

The Revolution Intensifies 2.0

The effects of the cyclical event which could only happen every 25,920 years, when solar energy is at its peak, are manifesting in a very fascinating display of increased awareness over the greatest lie of them all – fiat currency.


Fiat Currency represents not just the bogus economy but the whole Fiat Establishment, i.e. Religion as Fiat Spirituality, Corporate Democratic Government as Fiat Republic, etc., that by virtue of deceit, surgical and mass murders able to usurp lawful indigenous systems to feed and sustain itself.

Day by day, the ordinary man on the street is learning why and who are responsible for the deteriorating quality of life that each of us must endure.

In Europe and elsewhere, they are revolting in a big way.

Taksim Square Istanbul Turkey

The Turkish revolution is on. They’ve refused, among other issues, to go to war with their neighbors, Syria and Iran, as their Cabalist government would have done long ago.

There certainly is a massive awakening in that corner of the world as the current civil unrest is sparked by a mere clamor to preserve Gezi Park from being transformed into a giant shopping mall.

Here’s PolicyMic.com giving some light on the evolution of the Turkish Revolution that is still happening now.

“Turkey is buckling as its youth calls for the resignation of the prime minister and his corrupt regime.

Yesterday’s anti-government protests in Istanbul have quickly spread to almost all major cities in Turkey, totaling over 90 demonstrations thus far. Most of the protesters are youth who are worried that the prime minister’s government is becoming both more authoritarian and more Islamic, threatening Turkey’s secular state.”

“Friday’s protests began on the relatively-smaller issue of Gezi Park. As one of the last remaining green spaces in Istanbul, many want the park to remain, well, a park. However, Erdogan and his administration have plans to redevelop the area into a giant shopping mall, and they have ignored the public outcry against the park’s demolition. Turkish youth began peacefully protesting the redevelopment plans this morning with singing and book readings in the public space, but as more people congregated, the protest (while still peaceful) began to take on more of an anti-Erdogan theme. And that’s when the police arrived, turning a peaceful protest into what is already being termed Bloody Friday.”

continue reading

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turkey march

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photos: http://www.policymic.com/articles/45849/taksim-square-protests-13-photos-showing-severity-of-the-protests




“Demonstrations are taking place all over the world in support of Bradley Manning, the US army private Whistleblower who leaked intelligence to WikiLeaks.

Manning’s trail will start Monday at the Fort Meade military base in Baltimore, some three years after having been accused of the largest leak of classified materials in the history of the United States. Among other things, he has been charged with ‘aiding the enemy’ – which could potentially land him in jail with a life sentence without parole.

Already the stenographers who were meant to create daily transcripts of the trial have been denied press passes and will not now be at the trial.  “



People from all over the world are expressing their anger and frustrations from:

  • their shrinking economic power
  • deliberate manipulation of the food they ate
  • wanton destruction of the environment
  • deteriorating quality of public services
  • obvious scripts behind false flag operations
  • suppression of the Truth

Not too many of them have realized it yet, i.e. that they don’t really need to ask any government for change because it can’t afford to be. Government is there because we can’t govern ourselves. We prefer other people to do the hard work for us instead of us taking more responsibility for our future.

The act of protesting to demand for change from an entity that is design to enslave all of us is lesser than a pipe dream. The key to real freedom is to empower oneself by learning the methods of living off-grid.

If we have to revolt, as we feel to be doing right now, we should go beyond rhetorics. We should tear down the system to pieces. And that requires actions other than marching in droves. Or, are we marching to exert pressure on all Oathtakers to take visible action now?

white house eviction notice

We must remember, most of what we see in the news are mere distractions to arrest our attention to the real enemy. Once again, the enemy is sporting a pro-Mankind marketing strategy.


Being a Jesuit himself, he is an expert in the gullibility of even the most sophisticated Mind. Early on, he tried to project himself as a pro-poor, kind-hearted Caretaker of the Holy and the Most Supreme.

Just recently, he is asking us to pray for Syria as if prayer is the answer to the bloodshed that even the Vatican, Inc. itself sanctioned thru its subsidiary corporate headquarters in Washington DC, France and City of London.

The Puppeteers are content watching behind the scenes as their puppets manning the institutions are busy trying to fend off these escalating massive protests. The use of strong arm policy would surely keep the revolutionary hearts burning.

But to the Puppeteers, both these protests and the corrupt governments the people are protesting against are mere distractions to keep both groups preoccupied, so they, the Minions of the Dark, could go on with their business of philandering the planet as usual.

In the end, the Revolution is won not by consistent high pitch barking on institutional facades such as governments, but by looking inwards and learning the ways and methods of living off-grid.

Learn about sustainable food production like permaculture, free energy generation and free medicine, i.e. as described in our eBook Towards Healthcare Emancipation. These are the primary keys to Real Freedom.

Critical knowledge of living independently is what the enemy really is wary about.

So, once we have made our point clear in all the squares around the world, we must go back to where we came from and do implement real solutions inside our every home.

Never ever beg for institutional solutions again. We are all old enough to understand that they will never do it.

The internet is here to Empower yourself.

Learn and do something.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


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