Eastern nations want unity and unhampered march to progress, but there are those who seek to impose a divided world.
A victim of Nazionist’s Cold War, the Korean Peninsula was divided for Empire’s sake. Yet lies won’t endure as the human’s resolve for seeking the light.
No matter how they project their might in theaters of war and in the privacy of our own homes, the tradition of fear is ending, and the fearsome army of darkness is cowering from the corner of inevitable irrelevance.
We are moving into a new brave new world of our own choosing. We will get there because we willed it and always believe it to be our only destiny.
Pyongyang calls for Koreas’ federalization & reunification without outside interference
Published time: July 07, 2014 03:31
Edited time: July 07, 2014 04:25
Edited time: July 07, 2014 04:25