Tag Archives: NINTH CIRCLE

Canada Cabinet Minister Denis Lebel Identified in Jesuit Child Sacrifice Ritual

ExopoliticsTV publishes Canadian Harper Minister Denis Lebel secret Rome child sacrifice video after anonymous “defamation” complaint leads You Tube to disable viral video in Canada only

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Pope Francis Resigning [ITCCS]

Here’s the latest update from The Tribunal [ITCCS].
Pope Francis hinted again at resigning by saying he might be “dead in 2-3 years.”

Child Sacrifice Ritual stopped, and Pope Francis set to resign:

An Update from Kevin Annett in Montreal
August 19, 2014, 930 pm EST
On August 15, our Direct Action Unit Alpha Team stopped a planned child sacrificial ritual in the Outremont district of Montreal, and arrested and interrogated two members of the Ninth Circle cult. (see www.itccs.org, August 17)
Continue reading Pope Francis Resigning [ITCCS]

Satanic Ceremony Disrupted; 2 Cultists Arrested [ITCCS]

Here’s the latest update from the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] to the scheduled satanic ritual in Montreal, Canada.

Child Sacrificial Cult Disrupted, Arrests made in Montreal

Public Announcement of the Central Command of the Direct Action Units established by the International Common Law Court of Justice
Global Communique No. 2: August 16, 2014 – Brussels
​ ​Striking in the early hours of Friday, August 15, one of our trained Direct Action Units (DAU) in Montreal, Canada successfully disrupted the preparations for a child sacrificial cult ritual at a private residence in the fashionable Outremont district.
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Armed Direct Action Units to Arrest Satanists [ITCCS]

The upcoming Satanistic ritual in Dublin and Montreal will be disrupted in order to save would be victims.
The notorious Ninth Circle, a Catholic cult whose appetite for child torture and rape can only be quenched by eventually killing the victim in a ritual officiated for the glory of Lucifer.

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ITCCS Takedown Units Prepare for Pope's Resignation

The unstoppable barrage of Truth coming from the alternative media and cascading into the mainstream consciousness has left the Vatican Hierarchy with no viable options other than to surrender peacefully, or keep pushing the button of Armageddon without knowing it’s been disconnected from its powerbase systematically.
In a chaotic frenzy for cover, some Cabalists are now choosing the exit door to appease the awakened population.  One of these individuals is Bergoglio.
We are anticipating for  his removal or voluntary resignation anytime soon…
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Trial of Pope Francis [ITCCS]

With reference to our previous post and this one from our sister site, Irish babies may have been ritually sacrificed by the most notorious cult in the entire history of mankind, the Vatican.

Breaking News from the Trial of Pope Francis issued by the Citizen Prosecutors’ Office, Brussels – Wednesday, June 11, 2014 – Public Information Bulletin No. 5

In this Report:
• Irish babies may have been ritually murdered : New eyewitnesses in Ireland and Holland describe more Ninth Circle killings, name George Soros, Prince Friso and Dutch Prime Minister
• Direct Action Units prepare to shut down Ninth Circle rituals at Montreal and Dublin churches
• Canadian common law courts convene under the authority of a new Republic
• Child rape not a crime in Catholicism: Archbishop’s admission to American court is a wake up call to why it all must end
Continue reading Trial of Pope Francis [ITCCS]

Judgment Day for Vatican

The laudable work that the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] continues to do  against the unsuitably venerated Church of Satan, known as the Vatican Church, may not be enforceable for now, but the steadfast presentation of damning evidence against the Harlot of Darkness in Common Law Court trials may soon create an impetus for worldwide condemnation as more and more Sheeples become aware of its true nature.
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