Tag Archives: The Rothschilds

Pope Francis plans to ‘fix’ global capitalism with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Mastercard

The Vatican has said it will partner with Fortune 500 companies to address various economic grievances, including inequality and environmental degradation. But is it really incumbent upon the Bishop of Rome to virtue-signal?

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Khazarian Mafia’s System of Cartels to Subjugate Entire Planet

All the evils in our society today can be traced back to the biggest crime syndicate that had its roots in the old Khazarian Empire.
The rogue phallic worshiping Khazarian Empire may have been destroyed, but they did not disappear completely.
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Keeping The Fox Out Of The Hen House; Rothschilds Hiding

Keenan on Obama’s Asian destructive island hopping…

 Neil Keenan Update | Keeping The Fox Out Of The Hen House & The Rothschilds Go Into Hiding

The Keenan Team
Little is known what to expect from Neil Keenan. Just when you think you have him pegged, he turns it around, letting you know that you have no idea what he is actually thinking.
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