In a shocking turn of events, Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested at Paris-Le Bourget Airport on a Saturday in 2024. This incident has sent ripples through the tech world and raised serious concerns about the future of online privacy and free speech.
Continue reading Pavel Durov’s Arrest: A Turning Point for Free Speech and Online PrivacyTag Archives: tucker carlson
Kremlin Reveals Main Goal of Putin’s Interview for Carlson
The interview was viewed for over 150 million times on the X platform alone, said Dmitry Peskov.
Continue reading Kremlin Reveals Main Goal of Putin’s Interview for CarlsonThe Real Propagandists are Those Who Dismiss Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview
Will Western media outlets look past their egos and establishment narratives to take advantage of the insights from the conversation?
Continue reading The Real Propagandists are Those Who Dismiss Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview