Tag Archives: war in Afghanistan

Why are U.S. Troops Still in Afghanistan?

Back in 2007, circus clown O’bummer promised to bring US troops in Afghanistan once elected to the White House.

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Operation Enduring Freedom Ended After 13 Years

After 13 years, NATO has finally delivered the package, i.e. it has declared mission accomplished in Afghanistan.
Enduring Freedom, as the whole operation is called, will be leaving a country that is now  “more stable and more prosperous than ever.”

“Together… we have lifted the Afghan people out of the darkness of despair and given them hope for the future,”

“Together… we have lifted the Afghan people out of the darkness of despair and given them hope for the future,” General John Campbell told NATO soldiers at the ceremony, as quoted by AFP. “You’ve made Afghanistan stronger and our countries safer,” he stated.
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