Tag Archives: US troops in Afghanistan

How the CIA Turned Afghanistan into a Failed Narco-State

AFGHANISTAN — The COVID-19 pandemic has been a death knell to so many industries in Afghanistan. Charities and aid agencies have even warned that the economic dislocation could spark widespread famine. But one sector is still booming: the illicit opium trade. Last year saw Afghan opium poppy cultivation grow by over a third while counter-narcotics operations dropped off a cliff.

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Senior U.S. Official Acknowledges Washington Has Spent $143 Billion to Destroy Its Own Gov’t in Afghanistan

The U.S.-created and supported government of Afghanistan is on the brink of collapse. It has lost all credibility with its people because of its incompetence and unbelievable corruption. If U.S. military aid and the enormous inputs of international aid were to be withdrawn, the Taliban would be at the gates of Kabul and poised to take over the entire country in a matter of days.

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Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Opium Trade, Rising Heroin Addiction in the US

In December 2019, the Washington Post released a reviews of The Afghanistan Papers. A series of interviews and documents “compiled in secret” and then the subject of a “legal challenge” from the US government.

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Multiple US Gov’t ShutDowns Didn’t Deter Highest Ever Budget for Pentagon

The United States, Inc. just survived two shutdowns in two months yet this did not deter the approval of a $716 billion military budget for the year 2018-2019, the highest military budget ever, and still is among the G7 countries’ military spending combined.
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New US' Afghanistan Strategy 'Puts Trump in a Silly Position', Here's Why

Trump said on Tuesday that the consequences of rapid withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan are “unacceptable,” as it will create a “vacuum” that will be filled by Daesh and al-Qaeda terrorist groups, adding that the number of US troops involved in operations in the country wouldn’t be released. Continue reading New US' Afghanistan Strategy 'Puts Trump in a Silly Position', Here's Why

It’s the opium, stupid: ‘Afghan surge guarantees CIA black-ops budget boost’

The CIA is also overjoyed because its black-ops budget – which is tied to the exponential growth of opium production in Afghanistan – is now secured possibly for another 20-50 years, claims Mike Raddie, co-editor of online site BSNews. Continue reading It’s the opium, stupid: ‘Afghan surge guarantees CIA black-ops budget boost’

Why are U.S. Troops Still in Afghanistan?

Back in 2007, circus clown O’bummer promised to bring US troops in Afghanistan once elected to the White House.

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