Illuminati Earthquake attack on Tokyo was deflected, England and the United States are the next target

Posted by Benjamin Fulford – March 16, 2011

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The earthquake and tsunami attack on Japan by the criminal corporate Washington D.C. cabal was meant to intimidate the people of the world into submission. Instead, it has provoked a threat by a very powerful group outside of the control of the White Dragon Society to “sink England, Italy and the United States into the ocean.” The White Dragon Society and its allies are appealing for calm and a negotiated solution before the planet earth is destroyed. High level negotiations aimed at accomplishing exactly this are now taking place in Tokyo and Osaka.

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The earthquake attack was preceded by some very interesting numerical “coincidences.” First of all, a sum of 888.88 dollars was sent on March 8th to a key individual in New York who was supposed to cash it on March 8th, instead the cashed it on March 9th. Then on March 10th, an agent of the dark cabal set a key White Dragon Society member’s mobile alarm to ring at 11 AM Japan time on March 11th . Then at exactly 12:34 two identical e-mails were sent by two individuals to each other giving the geographical coordinates to the Ogasawara Islands. The quake that hit Japan on March 11 was initially given a magnitude of 8.8 but was then revived upwards to 8.9. The quake and tsumani attack was originally intended for Tokyo but was deflected to the North-East of the Ogasawara Islands.

A look at the tsunami map will clearly show it does not make sense as a natural disaster because Japan’s major urban locations (except Sendai) along the tsunami hit coast experienced no wave whatsoever. All this sounds very bizarre but can be proven scientifically.

We can also say that this writer has received multiple threats from Satan worshippers located within the Vatican and in Washington D.C. that “Japan will be sunk into the ocean.”

There is also evidence of insider trading related to this earthquake attack. For example the stock price of the company Higashi Nihon House, has been rising unnaturally for the past month. Japan has over 3 million vacant houses and a shrinking population so it is hard to explain the stock price rise unless somebody knew there would be a lot of reconstruction of destroyed housing. It would not surprise me if the investigative trail in this probable insider trading case led to cabal members.

In any case, negotiations are now taking place between the White Dragon and representatives of the Wall Street faction of the U.S. corporate government. The White Dragon Society is asking for a new global economic planning agency charged with ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and releasing free energy technology in a safe and orderly manner. The Wall Street faction wants three new sovereign offshore centers for Oligarchs to conduct their business in private. The White Dragon Society is hopeful negotiations will conclude harmoniously this week.

However, the hard-core Satanic faction that still wants to kill over 4 billion people is still making threats. They fear mass arrests and are threatening to “split the planet in half” if these arrests take place. The Satanists have all been physically located and are being monitored by White Dragon forces and their allies.

The Satanists are also now trying to exaggerate fears about nuclear fall-out and nuclear melt-down in Japan. This is part of a psychological warfare follow-up to the earthquake weapon attack. Panic causing information is emanating from the U.S. embassy in Tokyo, U.S. corporations and their agents. The Satanists need a critical mass of fear and negative feeling in order to force populations to submit to their will and obey them.

The White Dragon Society urges everybody to take appropriate precautions based on correct scientific evidence but to avoid irrational panic because that is exactly what the Satanists want.

The faction making the threat to sink Italy, the U.S. and England to the bottom of the ocean has in its hands a weapon with planet destroying potential. The White Dragon Society has asked them to please avoid killing innocent people if they do go ahead and use their weapon. If we can give them precise coordinates of key Satanic infrastructure this would make it easier to avoid the deaths of innocents.

We would like to ask readers to find the precise GPS coordinates of the various HAARP facilities and other weapons of mass destruction still in the hands of the Satanic faction. This way the White Dragon Society could offer the holders of the planet destroying weapons an opportunity to protect lives.

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5 thoughts on “Illuminati Earthquake attack on Tokyo was deflected, England and the United States are the next target”

  1. HAARP can indeed affect the ionosphere, enough to send a tight beam for communications to a submarine, or an underground facility, anywhere in the world, without the security risks of a broadcast communication medium, which broadly casts its message over the world, forcing the sender to rely on codes to keep messages private.

    That is HAARP’s purpose. It is not an earthquake machine, it is a very, very private intercom. It can’t affect tectonic plates any more than your cell phone can.

    The highest secret of the Illuminati is this: There is no one at the wheel.

    Theories like the one on this page provide you a comforting fantasy, someone you can blame, someone who could then, presumably, step in and fix everything, if only you could find the right inducement to encourage them.

    There is no such person or group. We are all on our own, and if we want the world to be a better place, then we have to do it ourselves, working together, learning as we go, and building step by step.

  2. I’m new here, but I’m really into this sort of thing, and I like to help people understand what is truly going on,l and how you can prepare for it.

    I came across this site last week, and I think you could all benefit from it.

    Anyway, mods, if this in in the wrong section, please move it, or, if you must, delete it. I think that this info needs to be out there though.

    I hope some of you find this helpful. Good luck, and god bless you

    2012 Survival

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