NASA Ignoring Russia's Discovery of Microbes on Surface of ISS

We have been brainwashed to believe that life could not exist in space, yet our planet itself is floating in space while we are still breathing.
Last August 19th, a stunning discovery was made by Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station — microbes where found alive clinging on its surface.

ITAR-TASS: Non-political – Scientists find traces of sea plankton on ISS surface

An experiment of taking samples from illuminators and the ISS surface has brought unique results, as scientists had found traces of sea plankton there, the chief of an orbital mission on Russia’s ISS segment told reporters.
military-iss-space-iphone-ipad_523657Results of the scope of scientific experiments which had been conducted for a quite long time were summed up in the previous year, confirming that some organisms can live on the surface of the International Space Station (ISS) for years amid factors of a space flight, such as zero gravity, temperature conditions and hard cosmic radiation. Several surveys proved that these organisms can even develop.
Microorganisms could be found on the ISS surface thanks to high-precision equipment. “Results of the experiment are absolutely unique. We have found traces of sea plankton and microscopic particles on the illuminator surface. This should be studied further,” chief of the Russian ISS orbital mission Vladimir Solovyev said.
He noted that it was not quite clear how these microscopic particles could have appeared on the surface of the space station.
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But why is NASA so silent about it? Are they waiting for the Vatican to confirm that life could exist everywhere in space?
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Published on Sep 2, 2014

On August 19, 2014, Russia’s official news agency, TASS, reported that Russian scientists have found microbial life on the surface of the International Space Station. The Russians first detected the microbes over a year ago and confirmed that the organisms can live in zero gravity, extremely low temperatures and with cosmic radiation. Despite the harsh conditions, the Russian scientists reported that the bacteria were thriving on the surface of International Space Station and could live there for years. In response to the Russian announcement, NASA has maintained a stone face silence, neither confirming nor denying it. Why the strange NASA response? What does NASA have to fear from the Russians announcing discovery of microbial life on the surface of the International Space Station?

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One thought on “NASA Ignoring Russia's Discovery of Microbes on Surface of ISS”

  1. This is because we established years ago that microbes can survive in space some without any form of life sustaining things and enormous radiation this was discovered by guess who NASA u aren’t being brainwashed u just haven’t done enough research there is an animal that can survive s\pace its called a water bear it hibernates in space and can survive for quite a while

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