The ebola virus is said to have an incubation period of 21 days, although 10 days is still normal.
But after an hour of WHO administered vaccinations, 15 to 36 children in Syria died depending on which sources you would refer to.
15 Syrian children dead following UN measles vaccination campaign

“UNICEF and WHO have been shocked and saddened to learn of the deaths of at least 15 young children in Idlib, Syria,” the statement said. “The deaths of the children occurred in areas where a measles immunization campaign had been under way.”
The children were all under the age of two, Reuters reported, citing aid workers.
Around one hour after being given a second round of the measles vaccine in Idlib on Tuesday, the children demonstrated signs of “severe allergic shock,” said Abdullah Ajaj, a physician administering the vaccinations at a medical center in Jarjanaz, according to AP. The second round of vaccinations began in Idlib and Deir Ezzour on Monday.

Following the vaccine, some of the children’s bodies swelled and they suffocated to death.
“There was shouting and screaming, it was hard for the parents. You get your child vaccinated and then you find your child dying, it’s very hard,” Ajaj said.
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Dozens of children feared dead after being injected with ‘tainted’ measles vaccine in Syria
World Health Organisation programme is suspended after reports that up to 36 children have died after receiving the vaccination
“It’s very bad. The figures of dead we are getting go into the 30s. Children are dying very quickly,” said Daher Zidan, the coordinator of the medical charity, Uossm. “We think it will get worse.”
The Syrian opposition coalition, which controls the area of Idlib province and had been administering the programme, said it had halted the immunisation project forthwith.
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Osama Obama is the more deadly.