The deeply embedded permanent residents of the Corporatocracy disguising as a Republic are now moving into the removal of Trump’s attorney general Jeff Sessions with the same formula they’ve successfully used against National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, i.e.
… talking to the evil Russians. Washington Post reports,
Then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) spoke twice last year with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Justice Department officials said, encounters he did not disclose when asked about possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow during Sessions’s confirmation hearing to become attorney general.
One of the meetings was a private conversation between Sessions and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that took place in September in the senator’s office, at the height of what U.S. intelligence officials say was a Russian cyber campaign to upend the U.S. presidential race.
The previously undisclosed discussions could fuel new congressional calls for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 presidential election. As attorney general, Sessions oversees the Justice Department and the FBI, which have been leading investigations into Russian meddling and any links to Trump’s associates. He has so far resisted calls to recuse himself.
What this means is that, one by one, the Trump government will be decapitated from its first cabinet choices, and soon, his government will be populated by those who can serve everybody’s interest except that of the people’s.
The now-sidelined Democrats couldn’t be more optimistic.
Barack Obama is getting closer to making his public reappearance in politics, his friend and former Attorney General Eric Holder said on Tuesday.
Former Attorney General Eric Holder
Holder said he’s been talking to the former president about ways — including fundraising and interacting with state legislators — that could help the new National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which Obama asked Holder to chair last year.
“It’s coming. He’s coming,” Holder said, speaking to reporters at a briefing for the new group. “And he’s ready to roll.”
Throughout, Holder said, Obama “will be a more visible part of the effort.”
Holder also predicted that the usual pattern of the party in the White House losing state legislative seats in off-year elections would hold next year, but “I expect we’ll see that on steroids with President Trump.”
The bottom line really is that, while it’s a ” threat to the national security of the US when any member of the Trump government is talking to any Russian national,” having a command conference with Daesh “moderate rebels” in Syria is perfectly fine.
In fact, they could even afford to extend an Oscars award and a Nobel Peace Prize nomination to the terror medics known as the White Helmets for its realistic production in the war-torn Syria.
But who exactly are these people?
This is not to mention that no less than the defeated Hillary Clinton had a cozy conversation with the “very interesting conversationalist” Vladimir Putin inside his “inner sanctum.”
“So we go down the stairs, we go down this long hall, we go into this private inner sanctum. All of his, you know, very beefy security guys are there, they all jump up at attention, you know, they punch a code, he goes through a heavily-armed door,” she reportedly narrated. “And then we’re in an inner, inner sanctum with, you know, just this long, wooden table, and then further back, there’s a desk and the biggest map of Russia I ever saw. And he starts talking to me about, you know, the habitat of the tigers and the habitat of the seals and the whales.”
Earlier that year, Clinton reportedly dismissed the possibility of Putin’s military buildup being a threat to the United States. “I last saw [Putin] in Vladivostok where I represented President Obama in September for the Asia Pacific economic community,” she allegedly said in remarks at Sanford Bernstein. “I sat next to him. He’s an engaging and, you know, very interesting conversationalist.”
“We talked about a lot of issues that were not the hot-button issues between us, you know, his view on missile defense, which we think is misplaced because, you know, we don’t believe that there will be a threat from Russia,” she continued.
So, if Russia is really not a threat, what are these people up to?
The answer to that question may require us to go centuries back when Russia, or the people that would be called as Russians today, destroyed the Kingdom of Khazaria.
Nonetheless, Hillary Clinton did not view Putin as the enemy after the Russian government reportedly “donated” a considerable amount in exchange for the approval of its purchase of US uranium assets.
For the Russians to buy that Canadian company, it would require the approval of the Obama administration, including Hillary’s State Department, because uranium is a strategically important commodity;
Nine shareholders in Uranium One just happened to provide more than $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation in the run-up to State Department approval;
Some of the donations, including those from the Chairman of Uranium One, Ian Teler, were kept secret, even though the Clintons promised to disclose all donations;
Hillary’s State Department approved the deal;
The Russian government now owns 20 percent of U.S. uranium assets.
In short, here was what you might call a radioactive scandal. It included secret donations, the Russian government, foreign financiers, more than $145 million, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. And this was just two chapters of the book.
And yet, one year later, Hillary Clinton has never once been asked about this controversial uranium deal by the national media. It never came up during the many Democratic Party presidential debates; never during any of her media appearances on cable news or network television; never by print journalists who are covering her campaign.
That article comes from the Chief Strategist Steve Bannon’s Breitbart site, which means that Trump knows the whole Uranium One-Clinton Foundation radioactive story.
We are not the biggest Trump fanatics, but the persistency of the attacks being lodged at his direction is making this divisive president look more anti-establishment than he really is, i.e. he has assured that oil and military arms industry will have their heyday during his term.
Aside from the banking and pharmaceutical sectors, the oil and arms industries are what’s keeping the Khazarian Deep State afloat. By hitting at each other’s actions, are these people just showing us their great acting skills?
Deep State CIA and all the rest of the mob had better look in the mirror before pointing the accusing finger at anyone else. They are the worst offenders of crimes against humanity, Drug Trafficking world-wide is one, why people allow this is beyond me. And as for Washington Post? they too take handouts from Deep State CIA.
If Senator Al Franken had asked Jeff Session if he met with any Russian diplomat during the Trump Campaign and he said ‘No’ then it was a lie. That was not the question by Al Franken.
Al Franken just asked a hypothetical question what Session would do as the new AG if he knew of any Russian involvement in the election. Jeff Session said that he knew of no such involvement and that was the truth.
To prove that Session told a lie the Dems must show that 1) There is a Russian involvement in the 2016 Presidential Election and 2) Jeff Session knew about it.
If they cannot show proofs then Jeff Session should send them a “cease and cesist” letter and then sue Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi for damages at $100 million each, for defamation by calling him a liar.
If Schumer and Pelosi lose the libel case (they should) then they will be declared a bankrupt if they cannot pay up the damages and they will lose their seats in the US Congress.
Sessions and Trump need to cut off the snakes heads right now with all thos B S going down I am sick of them trying to stop Trump from being effective. Blow them out the door!!!
This Obama Guy has caused this world a lot of Problems and has murdered American citizens using the drone program to do his dirty work, all Americans deserver a fair trail even the bad guys. The man has no immunity to prosecution for murdering a US Citizen.
Keep on tellin’ it like it is.
Deep State CIA and all the rest of the mob had better look in the mirror before pointing the accusing finger at anyone else. They are the worst offenders of crimes against humanity, Drug Trafficking world-wide is one, why people allow this is beyond me. And as for Washington Post? they too take handouts from Deep State CIA.
If Senator Al Franken had asked Jeff Session if he met with any Russian diplomat during the Trump Campaign and he said ‘No’ then it was a lie. That was not the question by Al Franken.
Al Franken just asked a hypothetical question what Session would do as the new AG if he knew of any Russian involvement in the election. Jeff Session said that he knew of no such involvement and that was the truth.
To prove that Session told a lie the Dems must show that 1) There is a Russian involvement in the 2016 Presidential Election and 2) Jeff Session knew about it.
If they cannot show proofs then Jeff Session should send them a “cease and cesist” letter and then sue Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi for damages at $100 million each, for defamation by calling him a liar.
If Schumer and Pelosi lose the libel case (they should) then they will be declared a bankrupt if they cannot pay up the damages and they will lose their seats in the US Congress.
Sessions and Trump need to cut off the snakes heads right now with all thos B S going down I am sick of them trying to stop Trump from being effective. Blow them out the door!!!
This Obama Guy has caused this world a lot of Problems and has murdered American citizens using the drone program to do his dirty work, all Americans deserver a fair trail even the bad guys. The man has no immunity to prosecution for murdering a US Citizen.