Early on in his presidency, Philippine’s Rodrigo Duterte had to deal with the persistent pestering of the Western Deep State and the local high profiled detractors allied with the Deep State, that were all bound to lose their inordinate grip on the government.
Among the recent methods used against Duterte are the following:
- Persistent twisting of facts in the mainstream media and pulpits nationwide, e.g. focus on inflation, but silent on the massive ongoing infrastructure works in the countryside and in the capital;
- Highly coordinated hoarding of rice and other commodities, which resulted in price increases in basic goods and services;
- Mass sending of alarmist text messages informing the recipients of being in the police watch list for being drug users, or drug pushers;
Although the police department was quick in dismissing it as merely extortive, those who made their return calls to the cell numbers being used were not successful. This indicates that the viral message was not meant for extortion at all, but accumulate to induce fear among the population.
Empirically, the Light A Fire Movement was a CIA, Liberal Party and communist coordinated spate of bombings aimed at undermining the Marcos regime. The same methods are now being adopted to the prevailing technologies to undermine the present government.
It must be understood that prior to Duterte, government projects were deliberately sabotaged so that they won’t be in competition with private monopolies. The worst of all is the unfettered destruction of natural resources and the indigenous peoples dependent on them due to the explosion of open pit mining.
The Pre-Duterte Years
The country has been longing for a real leader after the Marcos dictatorship, but the deeply entrenched oligopoly rules the day by the constantly installing mindless leaderships of their own choosing.
The 2016 presidential election ended all that, and as a bonus gave the thinking segment of the population to disclose the crimes of church and the oligarchy, which includes pedophilia, shameful amounts of investments of the Catholic Church into various oligarchy controlled corporations, non-paying of corporate taxes and rentals to government owned properties by the Prietos who owned the Inquirer, outright condonation of corporate loans in government owned financial institutions designed for countryside developments, by the Lopez oligarchy controlling ABS-CBN broadcast network, etc.
Yes, the media networks, while promoting good behaviour, are themselves caught dipping their hands in the cookie jar, for decades post-Marcos administration, such that the latter went from being the most evil to outright benevolent in the eyes of ordinary folks in the countryside that has been peppered by infrastructures built during the Marcos years.
To put it simply, there is now a nationwide awakening about the real culprits which made the Filipinos poor and for the country to become a universal resource for highly skilled slaves and artisans. This journey towards enlightenment cannot go on. The slaves must never be allowed the keys to the temple, where shenanigans against innocent children are still happening even to this day.
The most glaring indication about the church’s insatiable desire to remove Duterte from the highest office is that of one priest’s prayer that the president should suffer a malady that would lead him to vacate his duly elected post.
Now, that should simplify matters among die hard Christians.
The unemployment rate in 2016 stood at 5.8%, but that is only possible by defining unemployed workers to be those who are actively looking for jobs. Otherwise, those who cannot afford to file their job applications are deliberately ignored. In contrast, the Duterte government does not include overseas workers in its statistics, but only those who are directly employed at home, especially in the ongoing 24-hour shift Build, Build, Build Infrastructure program.
The Conspiracy vs. Duterte
The most convincing evidence of the plot to oust Duterte was the leaked US Embassy communique written by the previous US Ambassador to the Philippines, Philip Goldberg , detailing the profile of the current presidency and the identity of personalities and organizations, including political parties and communist insurgents, that would provide the right strategy to reassert control over the colony.
Until mid-2016, the Philippines is one of the few countries that are providing a fulcrum against China, and as a staging ground for the “war of terror” in the Far East. Before the rise of Duterte, the country had to endure staged terror bombings with real casualties, as exposed by the disgruntled military officers during the Oakwood Mutiny in 2003.
Sadly, one of those who were hailed as heroes, Antonio Trillanes, who then became a senator, was not able to sustain the fire of idealism and allowed himself to be swallowed up by the very same system he ardently condemned, although some would rather say that he swallowed the system for his own ambition to become the next president, as he reportedly shared candidly to his close friends.

He promised and delivered the doubling of salaries of the soldiers and police personnel on the first part of this term. Given the opportunity to rid the parasites lurking at the Supreme Court, he gave back its sanctity by appointing the most senior justice associate De Castro to be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, even if it means she’s left with only 2 months before retirement.
Slowly but surely, more of the same tactics were being employed across the entire bureaucracy, thus ensuring that the usurpers could no longer find leverage and advance their own vested interests by positioning themselves at the driver seat. All of these proactive action from the incumbent leader did not go unnoticed by the oligarchs controlling the media.
Not a day goes by without them spewing negative “news” about the current situation in spite of the more important massive infrastructure developments being implemented 24 hours a day, continuing reforms and streamlining of procedures within the bureaucracy, decreased criminality that attracted more tourists to the islands, across the nation.
The same job generating projects, e.g. Build Build Build infrastructure, presidential investment gathering trips abroad, that are responsible for generating more income to more people, aside from the tax reform been made in their favor, in spite of all that has been accomplished in so short a time, the paid hacks in the media would rather play blind, deaf and dumb as they all sought to change the rosy picture into an imaginary nightmare.
There really is no difference between what is happening in the US and the country, except that in the latter the leader enjoys the trust of the large majority of the people, which made his job easier in the legal removal of Deep State stooges in other branches of government.
The removal of one Chief Justice Sereno by her peers through a quo warranto petition filed by the Solicitor General, alleging that she failed to qualify for the position held for failing to submit the most basic of all requirements, SALN, was more than justified due to the contribution of the latter to the unceremonious impeachment of the late Chief Justice Renato Corona, who made it possible the awarding of Hacienda Luisita to the farmers-beneficiaries of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform that the Aquino clan of the Liberal Party sought to maintain illegal ownership thereto.
Upon assuming the presidency, Duterte accelerated the distribution of land titles to the Hacienda Luisita beneficiaries, among other farm lands in the various regions of the country and provided free irrigation to the same. It’s only now that we became aware that farmers were allocating a portion of their income to pay for irrigation post Marcos era.
But the media would rather talk about the 6% “rising inflation” that is really much lower than all the post Marcos regime inflation rates.

The highly coordinated hoarding of rice, the primary staple of the country, has led to the meteoric rise of other commodities, as compounded by the trade war between China and the US, the manipulation of the prices of energy products by the cartel, are properly timed for maximum impact on the poor that will make them hate their leaders, who need to find some quick solutions which will defeat the NFA council that has deliberately sabotaged the order of the president to import rice much earlier.
The combined National Food Authority and Department of Agriculture operations have yielded proof about this massive hoarding, and the president issued his last warning.
It is in their interest that Duterte must go. It would be smarter for them to form an alliance with the rest of the groups that were directly outcasted by the current paradigm, where people are undergoing a great awakening of sorts as to the identities of the true enemies of the State. The Filipinos are in the point of no return as far as politics is concern. No amount of fact twisting by the mainstream media can stop this.
The same mainstream media also refused to air the senate investigation of the massive COMELEC-Smartmatic manipulations of the 2016 election results which saw the rise of Liberal Party rejects, e.g. Drilon, Hontivirus, and drug queen Delima, where the graph of incoming polling results consistently showed a fixed percentage of votes for all candidates, proving the predetermination of who among the candidates will win to occupy the senate and the vice presidency!
They could not manipulate the overwhelming votes for Duterte so they settled in insuring that the vice presidency goes to them, with the understanding that she will win in the ongoing recount through a friendly PET.
Duterte Challenges All Enemies of the State to Topple Him Now
Having understood the true breadth and magnitude of the covert actions taken to remove him, Duterte talked directly to the people to inform them of the present situation.
The timely response of the Duterte government in the Philippines has averted what could be an elaborate plan to remove him a little more than 2 years into his 6-year term. His removal was motivated by his endless tirades against the Church of Pedophiles and relentless campaign, not only against druglords and criminality, but also against corruption in government, the latest of which is the removal of a military general and 19 others, who have been milking the healthcare division of the armed forces.
He challenges the rumored plan to topple him by a group sympathetic to Trillanes. The latter is also claiming that he indeed has the favor of “half of the Armed Forces,” according to GMA broadcast network.
CIA Advised to Leave Philippines Alone
The above presidential report to the public was preceded by a visit of his own security adviser to Langley, where the latter reportedly requested the CIA not to intervene in the country’s internal affairs. It is not clear, however, where national security adviser Esperon, or the president took their intelligence information about the developing coup d’ etat from, considering that Duterte just arrived home from his state visits to Israel and Jordan, where he sought better treatment for overseas Filipino workers in the region, and military equipments.
The planned coup d’ etat with the able participation of the church hierarchy and the old media was successfully thwarted when its supposed ring leader, Sen. Antonio Trillanes, who made countless trips to the US and Europe, was threatened with military arrest after his amnesty was revoked by Duterte a few days ago for being invalid ab initio, i.e. no acknowledgement of crime committed was made as required before the amnesty was granted by somebody other than the then president BS Aquino, which was another anomaly unto itself.
In hindsight, we can say that Trillanes was not given a true amnesty because BS Aquino was also wary about his own political survival should the Magdalo mutineers stage a coup d’ etat against him. In short, there is never any mutual trust between stooges.
It’s worthy of mention that the high court rejected the TRO filed from Trillanes’ camp, and instructed that a lower court should be the one deciding whether an arrest warrant be issued against him, which should led him back to his prison cell while waiting for the general court martial to convene.
For what it’s worth, Trillanes started his tirade against Duterte after the latter refused to run with him as the VP candidate during the 2016 elections. In hindsight, that could be his stepping stone to the presidency, and the method to wrestle the position wouldn’t be conventional as his own previous actions may suggest.
This latest attempt at changing regime in the Philippines may have suffered an early death, but the impending geological disaster of Typhoon Mangkhut is expected to bleed the country of its limited resources. Weaponization of the weather continues to be one of the favorites in the Deep State’s arsenal that is meant to frustrate the people and hate their own government.
Eerily, the government weather bureau issued a statement a few days ago that the news about another strong weather disturbance is fake news. So, how did the media able to sound the alarm too early in the game?
Can you understand now why the sky needs to fall under a lower than average 6% inflation rate?
We have no time to make a video explaining the technology that is being used at this time, but understand that weather manipulation technology is real that they have a treaty to regulate it.
- Weather Weapons are Real, They Have a Treaty to Regulate Them
- US Air Force Admits They Can Control the Weather
What could be the best time to unleash a devastation while the White Helmets are filming their chemical attack false flag in Idlib, which will then provide the pretext for Western armed intervention to prolong the agony of the Syrians?
“The typhoon is arriving at the start of the rice and corn harvest season in Cagayan, a major agricultural producer, and farmers were scrambling to save what they could of their crops, Mamba said. The Philippines has been trying to cope with rice shortages.” -AFP
Yes, it’s all the same formula everywhere a regime change needs to happen.
We know that China and other wealthy countries in the region have the capability to change the trajectory of the developing catastrophe, and we are requesting that appropriate actions will be taken in the next few hours.
Whatever happens, we will never go offline this time around.
All Bull-Chit Aside…Just ANOTHER means to “Justify” a FUTURE War…The Philippines is just ONE of MANY Counties INVADED by the “European” WHITE race of Man-Kind (Non-Human’s) or Non-Melaninated VERSIONS Of Hu-Manity.
They will ALWAYS be finding “Reasons” to “Perpetuate WAR” so that the BANKOHOLIC’S Can keep FOOLING AGAIN…THEIR “SLAVE-CITIZENS” INTO DYING FOR THEIR “PROFITS”….GET-IT???
Aside from the deep state my country is invaded by greedy, power hungry and cassava oligarch filipinos (cassava is brown outside and white inside, a characterestic of colonial mentality), and church people who have become political prostitutes.
Bless You Beloved Sister…You are AWAKENING to HOW these “Luciferians” have deceived most of Humanity into the idea of Worshiping THEM as a WHITE Saviour.
A study of “OUR-Story” instead of “THEIR-Story” (History) reveals that IF the man called Jesus actually existed…He would have Had to be of the BLACK race.
The so-called “Chosen Race” HAD to be of the BLACK races, because ALL HUMANITY CAME “OUT OF AFRICA”.
The Internet is LOADED with Proof of this!
YOU are also correct about HOW “Religion” was used to deceive, and have “Prostituted” themselves with their “Political” counter parties to keep US Blind to the REAL Truth about EVERYTHING.
Try and find a DVD available on line called: “OUT OF DARKNESS” and see for yourself HOW THIS WAS DONE TO HUMANITY.
That video is only ONE of MANY that prove WE have been LIED to by White men for almost 1000’s of years.
Watch THIS about WHO the “Original American’s” were!
No mention of Duterte being butt-buddies with Bibi in Tel Aviv? During hist visit, Duterte also apologized to Obama for calling the magic negro son-of-you-know-what. Care to spin that one?
“Employment Rate in April 2018 is Estimated at 94.5 Percent”
Which means an unemployment rate of 5.5%, which means Philippines has full employment… lolz C’mon dude, who are you kidding??
When employment is full – which is what a 5.5% unemployment rate means – wages are bid up as employers compete for scarce labor. This raises the labor force participation rate which btw continues to decline, now at 60.1%. Full employment with no wage pressure and no rise in the labor force participation rate is an impossibility. But meh, I guess common sense ain’t so common these days.
Is your head the one that’s spinning?
“… which means Philippines has full employment”?
Where did you get that?
Read again with your self-proclaimed common sense and underscore the fact that not all projects in the pipeline have started yet.
You have also conveniently forgotten the bigger take home pay due to lesser withholding tax deductions and the regularization of 250,000 casual employees.
Go back to your mainstream medium where you came from
I smell a big fat rat here… There are figures and occurrences that are not adding up. I think that the Philippines is still ‘governed’.
And I do not care much for those video presentations either. A load of BS really!
Are you saying that the deep state trying to overthrow Duterte is the same deep state that’s trying to overthrow President Trump? who the hell do they think they are and why haven’t they been arrested and held accountable for their malicious covert operations? They are mocking us…it’s like they’re a bunch of bullies going around and blowing up communities and laughing at us the whole time!! WHEN IS THE DEEP STATE GOING DOWN?!
Duterte and Trump are going through the same coup d’etat orchestrated by the same bad actors…
This is the most outrageous lawlessness with no consequences perpetrated by the same khazarian deep state mafia crime organization that i’ve ever seen. UNBELIEVABLE.
And it will continue to be so as long as the general populace has beers to drink and lots of meat and entertainment on the box. But when the folks start losing loved ones especially when they start the more obvious depopulation measures then they will awake. It will be too late then I am afraid.