Category Archives: Wrong Reset

UK SPI-B Scientists Admit COVID19 Scare Tactics Unethical & Totalitarian

Governments are using fear to control and manipulate their citizens. That has now been admitted by members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavior (SPI-B), a subcommittee that advises the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) in the U.K. And they should know, because they advocated for it, and now say it was a regrettable mistake. As reported by The Telegraph, May 14, 2021:1

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Have the Great Reset Technocrats Really Thought This Through?

With the UN World Food Program announcing that some 270 million people worldwide now face starvation, the ongoing debate about the real aims of the technocracy is profound. The question is whether their aim tends more towards major population reduction, or more towards a new type of slavery.

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Rothschild Dynasty is Seeking to Fulfill Kalergi Depopulation Agenda

The Venetians were once the most powerful maritime force in Europe, with an Empire that traversed the Eurasian continent. By aligning with mercenary armies of Khazars, Mongolians and Turks, they slashed and burned their way through one community after another, killing millions of people and seizing their wealth.

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Do You Want to Finance a Killer “Vaccine” and be “Inoculated” with It? Pass Me the Cup of Hemlock!

After my wife carefully read Prof. Chossudovsky‘s startling article “Big Pharma Conglomerate with a Criminal Record: Pfizer ‘Takes Over’ EU Vaccine Market” in “Global Research” (1), she said,

“So we citizens are paying for the poison Big Pharma wants to inject us with.”

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“Asymptomatic COVID19 Spread” Proven Myth by 10 Million Wuhan Residents |

A new peer-reviewed study on asymptomatic transmission of COVID19 not only proves it doesn’t happen, it proves that the panic promoted by the political elite was meant to control the populations, and force us to swallow whatever intrusive measures we must comply to.

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H.G. Wells’ Dystopic Vision Comes Alive With the Great Reset Agenda

In the Time Machine, society one million years in the future has evolved into two separate species called Morlocks and Eloi. The Morlocks represent the ugly dirty producers who by this future age, all live under ground and run the world’s manufacturing. The Eloi are the effect of the inbreeding of the elite, who by this time are simple-minded, Aryan, above-ground dwellers living in idleness and consuming only what the Morlocks produce. What was the trade off?

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All that is Solid Mutates into Air: Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Today all radio stations on Planet Earth should be playing this song. What the aptly named Fifth Dimension immortalized in their spring of 1969 psychedelic soul classic is now literally true: This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius – the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st  at 𝟬° in Aquarius.

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Pope Francis plans to ‘fix’ global capitalism with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Mastercard

The Vatican has said it will partner with Fortune 500 companies to address various economic grievances, including inequality and environmental degradation. But is it really incumbent upon the Bishop of Rome to virtue-signal?

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Dystopian “Great Reset”: “Own Nothing and Be Happy”, Being Human in 2030

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting at the end of January in Davos, Switzerland, brings together international business and political leaders, economists and other high-profile individuals to discuss global issues.

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The Dystopic Great Reset and the Fight Back: Population Reduction and Hope for the Children of Men

The Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution, the 4th Turning, the Great Awakening, and Artificial Intelligence. These are the real themes that are shaping the sociopolitical, cultural, and ideological landscape of our lives in 2020.

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