Tag Archives: grexit

Inflexible EU Creates Conditions for Russia and China to Act

There is a great probability that even with the resounding NO vote against austerity the EU Vultures will never give away their inflexible position and just let the Greek economy slide deeper into recession. This creates impetus for the BRICS Alliance to come in as it has been itching for the past few weeks before the successful Greferendum.
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Greek Banks On Verge Of Total Collapse

The collapse of the Greek economy is fast approaching.
There’s a very high probability that it won’t be able to pay $1.8 billion owed to the IMF this month.
Both Tsipras and Putin are said to be talking about the options in dealing with inevitable possibility of a “Grexit”.
The local banking industry is already heating up from massive withdrawals.
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Greece @ Breaking Point; Grexit Will Trigger ECB Demise

Three days ago, Greece interior ministry admitted it won’t have money to pay its June obligations to the IMF. A sizable $1.8 billion needed to be raised and from the looks of it, nobody in the EU is willing to kick the can one more time.
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