Tag Archives: hainan

Philippines and the Covert WW3

In response to the covert war waged by the United States, Inc. against my countrymen, we are starting to publish videos, distribute them locally, which would help them understand what is really going on.
Considering the deeply rooted Catholic religion among 95% of the population, i.e. nearly 400 years of brainwashing, they may have a hard time accepting these facts.
Continue reading Philippines and the Covert WW3

U.S. Attacked the Philippines with HAARP

Back in November 2013, we were knocked out of the Net after HAARP devastated much of Leyte and the entire Visayas, Philippines. Until now, people are still suffering the effects of that manmade disaster, e.g. homelessness, high food prices, epidemic, persistent live virus mass injections, etc.
We are also experiencing intermittent internet connections every now and then.
Just before the attack, we already knew it’s not going to be an “Act of God” but a deliberate attempt to pin us further down for reasons that we are also aware of already.
Before you continue reading the featured article below, understand that even the US Air Force officially admitted its ability to control the weather during a congressional budget hearing.

“The US Air Force and DARPA would like us to believe that they have stopped using HAARP in Alaska for research and experiment. Even then, we all know that there are other HAARP systems out there in the form of radar communication and surveillance systems that are rigged on top of mobile platforms that are deployable anywhere in the world.
All they need to do is twist a button to change the frequency to microwave range and increase transmission power enough to reach and heat up the atmosphere above the target.”

Here’s the US Air Force admitting the use of HAARP during a US congressional budgetary hearings…

A Weather Weapon is Just One Big Microwave Radio Transmitter

A weather weapon is not a strange technology that we can never have, or to say the least, ever understand.

The technology is composed of a wireless broadcast system, and the right microwave frequency to produce heat on any target, in this case, the atmosphere. To put it simply, it’s an FM broadcast system and a microwave oven in one device.

The only difference between your favorite FM radio station and a weather weapon is that the latter needs more power to push its signal to greater distances and reach the sky.

If its signals can reach the sky, all the more so with terrestrial targets to agitate long dormant volcanoes, or initiate an earthquake with extremely low frequency modulated into the usual radio carrier frequency through frequency modulation [FM] techniques.

The technology is covered under US Patent 4,686,605 on the “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere.”

us patent 4,686,605

Download the patent from this link:

PressCore has posted this a week after the Typhoon Haiyan, or Yolanda, event. Thanks, I4T.

U.S. Wages War Against Philippines Using its HAARP Weather WMD Systems

Posted by PRESS Core , November 15th, 2013


The U.S. military’s Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1) was ordered to set sail out of its berth in Hawaii on March 23, 2013 on what the United States Department of Defense (DoD) claims to be routine sea trials. However in light of recent events in the Philippines – typhoon Haiyan – microwave data from the devastated region gives evidence that the SBX-1 was ordered deployed by the U.S. government (Barack Obama) to the Pacific to complement other U.S. military controlled steerable phased array radar systems (HAARP) in Japan to wage war against the Philippines using HAARP’s weather modification capabilities.

The SBX-1 was deployed for geopolitical purposes. As a U.S. military controlled weapon of mass destruction – an act of war.

The SBX-1’s active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar is mounted on a Russian-built fifth generation CS-50 twin-hulled semi-submersible drilling rig designed to function in the type of adverse conditions often encountered in ocean operations. The SBX-1 was built for 1 purpose – weather modification which was revealed in the U.S. Air Force report titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” (link is to pdf file on U.S. Air Force website).

The HAARP SBX-1 sea-based platform complies with a directive from the chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force to build upon weather modifying concepts, capabilities, and technologies that the United States can use to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing weather modifying weaponry related to national defense and geopolitical purposes.


The U.S. weather weapon of mass destruction system called HAARP has been fully operational since Hurricane Katrina – 30 years ahead of schedule.

A steerable US land-based X-Band Radar system (COBRA DANE phased array radar system) was already built in northern Japan by the United States military and has been operational since 2006 and a second COBRA DANE installation in central Japan came online just prior to super typhoon Haiyan – the strongest wind storm ever recorded – being formed at sea and steered into the Philippines using HAARP AMISR phased array radar beam triangulation.

The COBRA DANE radar is a single faced ground-based, L-band phased-array radar located at Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, AK. (File photo)

Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) and satellite weather radar data from the Pacific region detected 2 stationary (land based) microwave hot spots and 1 slow moving hot spot at sea (The HAARP SBX-1 is a slow moving sea-based X-Band phased array platform) giving evidence that the U.S. military created and steered typhoon Haiyan using 3 HAARP systems.

The 2 land-based systems in Japan and the seafaring SBX-1. Using 3 phased array radar systems drastically improves the angular resolution of the emitted microwave – steers the microwave beam with pinpoint accuracy. Another U.S. military controlled HAARP installation was available on Guam – the COBRA DANE installation pictured in this article.

SBX-1 was deployed to the Pacific region (Japan / North Korea) March 2013. The SBX-1 has a maximum speed of approximately 8 knots (9.2 mph; 15 km/h) – bicycle speed.

The SBX-1 and the land based systems are all part of the US Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) project and performs a vital role in the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).

The SBX-1, the land based systems and the orbital X-37B are all illegal weapons of mass destruction. All are banned by under the “Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD)” treaty – an international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects. It opened for signature on 18 May 1977 in Geneva and entered into force on 5 October 1978.

  • http://presscore.ca/u-s-wages-war-against-philippines-using-its-haarp-weather-wmd-systems

Related PRESS Core articles on HAARP

November 15, 2013 – 2:44 PM
The US Air Force’s Boeing X-37B (USA 240) Orbital HAARP – the main weapon of mass destruction of Prompt Global Strike (PGS) – was in a geosynchronous Earth orbit over the Pacific on November 9, 2013 during the U.S. government’s HAARP weather modifying operation against Philippines.

One month prior to the HAARP created and steered typhoon Haiyan attack against the Philippines, on Oct. 11, 2013 Lt. Gen. James Kowalski, commander of Air Force Global Strike Command, (commands and controls the Boeing X-37B orbital HAARP) replaced Maj. Gen. Michael Carey from command of 20th Air Force.

20th AF is responsible for the United States’ three intercontinental ballistic missile wings. 20th AF maintains and operates the nation’s ICBM force. Designated as STRATCOM’s Task Force 214, the command provides on-alert, combat ready ICBMs to the President.

Maj. Gen. Michael Carey was fired by Obama for refusing to carry out Obama’s orders to wage war against the United States. Obama intended on levying war against the United States through a false flag – treason.

18 USC § 2381 – Treason – “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Maj. Gen. Michael Carey refused to ready ICBMs for the thwarted Obama false flag operation against the U.S. Isn’t it time to indict Obama for treason and according to US law seek the max punishment for his crime – is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. I am sure no fewer than 60 top military officers will come forward as witnesses.

Since taking office 66 United States military officers, including nine senior commanding generals in 2013, have been removed from active duty (fired) by Obama for misconduct – refusal to follow unlawful orders regarding false flag operations (acts of treason) against the United States by British subject (Kenya born) Barack Hussein Obama.

According to the Pentagon Obama is not only purging the military of commanders that refuse Obama’s unlawful orders, but Obama’s actions are meant to strike fear in the hearts of those still serving. The Pentagon says Obama is threatening “young officers”, down through the ranks not to talk about Obama or oppose the treacherous politics of the White House. They are purging everyone and if you want to keep your job — just keep your mouth shut and commit acts of treason against the United States.

November 15, 2013 – 2:28 PM
What was the purpose of decimating the Philippines with the HAARP created and steered typhoon Haiyan? To establish a permanent military base for the U.S. military within ICBM striking distance of North Korea, China and Russia.

U.S. boots are already on the ground. The USS George Washington arrived in the Philippines with 5,000 Marines aboard. The aircraft carrier battle group was already deployed prior to typhoon Haiyan. US Marines were deployed to Hong Kong for this HAARP attack against the Philippines. Their mission isn’t humanitarian. It is to seize control of the country. As in Korea, Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, and Haiti U.S. troops never leave once boots are on the ground in a foreign state.

Paul W Kincaid, CI PRESS Core editor

November 12, 2013 – 6:58 PM
For more evidence on the hurricane (typhoon) creating and steering technology that exists and is being used today read the article I wrote on June 1st 2011 titled “HAARP electromagnetic waves can be used to stimulate geophysical events such as earthquakes, climate change, volcanic eruptions and the like.http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=2730

That article starts out by stating – “In a lecture on April 27, 1997 at the University of Georgia former Secretary of Defense, William Cohen spoke on weapons of mass destruction. At that lecture Cohen asserted that “electromagnetic waves can be used to stimulate geophysical events such as earthquakes, climate change, volcanic eruptions and the like”. ”

By manipulating the jet stream (pushing or pulling it off course) HAARP can modify the weather. HAARP can alter the path an existing high pressure weather system (clear skies) or low pressure weather system (storm clouds) anywhere on Earth just by heating the ionosphere over the target region.

How hurricanes and tornadoes are created using HAARP
HAARP can also create a column-shaped hole with a diameter of 30 miles that rises a couple of hundred kilometers through the atmosphere. The lower atmosphere then moves up the column to fill in that space, and it changes pressure systems below. The result of hot surface air being sucked up into the column to fill the HAARP created column-shaped hole is a HAARP created hurricane (if HAARP column-shaped hole is made over water) or tornado (if HAARP column-shaped hole is made over land).

Read presscore.ca article titled “U.S. global climate change weapon called HAARP” published December 31, 2010 http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=846 for a list of HAARP patents. For example: The HAARP United States Patent 4,686,605 states: “Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.” ~ page 14

Eleven other Patents documents describe in detail how to make “Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation” ~ U.S. Patent 4873928 Issued: Oct. 17, 1989 Filed: June 15, 1987

The HAARP patent that is specifically for hurricane (typhoon) creation is U.S. Patent 4712155: Method And Apparatus For Creating An Artificial Electron Cyclotron Heating Region Of Plasma ~ Issued: Dec. 8, 1987 Filed: Jan. 28, 1985 Patent available here http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4712155.pdf
and here http://www.google.com/patents/US4712155 presscore.ca February 14th, 2011 article titled “Washington’s new star wars weapon of mass destruction linked to climate change.


Already in the 1970s, former National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski had foreseen in his book “Between Two Ages” that:
“Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised… Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm. ”

Marc Filterman, a former French military officer, outlines several types of “unconventional weapons” using radio frequencies. He refers to “weather war,” indicating that the U.S. and the Soviet Union had already “mastered the know-how needed to unleash sudden climate changes (hurricanes, drought) in the early 1980s.” These technologies make it “possible to trigger atmospheric disturbances by using Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radar [waves].”

In the US, the technology is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) as part of the (“Star Wars”) Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes.

The above presscore.ca article references and listed patents should be enough to convince any intelligent person that man made hurricanes is real and is now actively being used by the US government to modifying our weather and triggering hurricanes and earthquakes. Hurricane Sandy is Obama’s second and very successful use of this weapon of mass destruction technology for geopolitical gain.

November 12, 2013 – 6:44 PM
Excerpt from PRESS Core’s October 29th, 2012 article titled “Obama’s October Surprise – Creating and Steering Hurricane Sandy
The Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate, which direct agencies from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, expressed major interest in the science of hurricane modification.

It sounds kind of crazy and science fiction-ish, but it’s really the direction we need to go in,” Chris Doyle, head of DHS’s science and technology research division, told a conference of the American Meteorological Society in May of 2008.

Hurricane researcher Joseph Golden, a veteran of Project Stormfury, the federal government’s last attempt at militarized weather modification in the 1960s, organized a meeting of scientists at an interdepartmental hurricane conference to discuss weather modification. They discussed how hurricane steering could be used as a geopolitical tool. The major question of the conference was “Where would scientists direct a storm”?

Toward a less populated area or into major metropolitan areas? Steering a hurricane into small communities could wipe them out financially. Steering a hurricane into a farming community could wipe out crops. Steering a hurricane into a major city could cripple it for days, weeks or even years (Hurricane Katrina) and result in significant loss of life. Like Project Stormfury they were discussing how steering hurricanes could be used a geopolitical weapon.

November 12, 2013 – 3:14 PM
Department of Foreign Affairs Republic of the Philippines Oct 22, 2013 – “The Philippines regards South Korea as one of its important economic partners. In 2012, bilateral trade reached USD 7.4 billion, making South Korea the sixth major trade partner of the Philippines. Philippine exports to South Korea increased by 27.93 percent at USD 2.9 billion in 2012 from USD 2.2 billion in 2011.

Top Philippine exports to South Korea include semiconductor components and devices, electronic parts, copper products, electronic data processing machines, coconut oil, and marine products, fresh fruits, among others.

… the Philippines’ imports from South Korea … grew by 1.10 percent to USD 4.5 billion in 2012 from USD 4.4 billion in 2011. Top Philippine imports from South Korea consist of semiconductor components and devices, petroleum products, petrochemicals, electronic data processing machines, iron and steel metal manufactures, metal-based construction materials, motor vehicles, among others.”

The U.S. made typhoon Haiyan has devastated not only the Philippines but South Korea, who will now be forced to import U.S. goods to offset what won’t be coming out of the Philippines for quite some time.

Typhoon Haiyan = Geopolitical Warfare

November 12, 2013 – 3:06 PM
On October 17, 2013 the President of South Korea Park Geun-hye held summit talks with Filipino President Benigno S. Aquino III,. They talked about ways to boost cooperation between Korea and the Philippines. The in-depth talks covered bilateral cooperation in politics, security, investment, trade, development, culture and human resource exchanges. The presidents also discussed ways to jointly deal with both global and regional issues involving the Korean Peninsula and East Asia.

Strong motive for the U,S, to destabilize relations between Korea and the Philippines. Without political tensions in the region the U.S. cannot justify having U.S. military forces there.

November 12, 2013 – 2:19 PM
HAARP is part of the Vatican UN’s global genocide program call NSSM 200 – mass murder of 1/3 of the World Population by man made diseases (Parkinson and Alzheimer, ADD – caused by mercury/aluminum laced vaccines) and influenza viruses (AIDS, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, H5N1 (MERS)), HAARP weather modification (create and steer hurricanes and typhoons, cause heat waves and drought, cause torrential rainfall and flooding) and earthquake induction, Monsanto pesticide contaminated GMO foods, food irradiation and pasteurization, and war.


Unnatural weather patterns suggest HAARP is still here. So, how can we decipher which weather is real, and which is not, especially considering that the owners of the United Nations are considering imposing carbon taxes for industrial emissions on every member country.

They want us to reduce carbon emissions, but they are moving heaven and hell in the continued suppression of a hydrogen-based economy, and the establishments of nuclear fission-fusion hybrid power plants, among 10,000 other patented emission-free energy technologies that were bought by force and shelved beyond the purview of the public.


We have seen the greatest collateral damage my country has to endure in 2013, which is always under-reported in mainstream media. Both the 7+ magnitude Bohol earthquake and the Cat 5 typhoon Hainan, during the last quarter alone, have brought so much misery and pain.

The loss of loved ones, friends and neighbors were so hard to bear. The impact was so great especially during the holiday seasons when everybody should have been home. For many of us, these words have lost their meanings. There’s nobody there to celebrate with and no home to be there anymore.

This is on top of the already dire economic conditions that the mortals who consider themselves godly had imposed upon us.

We have learned how to live with it for the last four centuries of their domination. We have adapted ourselves to the manipulated realities that they who have appointed themselves as the “Chosen Few” have imposed upon us.

Still, they have not been able to break the human spirit. They will never be.

Bangon Leyte

“Rise up, Leyte” is the rock concert we have organized together with local bands facing the Pacific who volunteered their time and talent, giving their best to the people, who survived the worst typhoon in history, something to celebrate on.

bangon leyte 2
That’s me on the 6-string acoustic. Haven’t touch that thing in 15 years. It’s karaoke’s fault 😉

bangon leyte
Everyone’s havin’ a good time last night. They can’t break us down. It’s high time now that they should realize that. ..    ..about time.

This is our way of telling them that they are not alone.

Together with the rest of the world, we welcome this New Year with great hope and pride. The battle is about to be won.

Happy New Year, Everyone. Thanks for all the support through all these years. We’ve never have survived without it.



TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE COME TO OUR AID in the aftermath of the worst typhoon in history, i.e. Typhoon Hainan that ravaged Tacloban and neighboring towns very recently…

… here’s a treat for you…. enjoy 😉

ARVE Error: need id and provider

The band is from Tacloban City.


Please support us by downloading our Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

UNICEF Forced Vaccination on HAARP Victims

It’s never enough that they have killed 30 thousands [and counting] of my countrymen, they now are injecting unnecessary polio vaccines to the survivors of HAARP.

This is happening in spite of the fact that polio has been eradicated long time ago in this part of the world.

So, even if the vaccine hoax is over, the madmen at the UN-WHO-UNICEF are still at it. One “Bonesman” even died trying to inform the world about the dangers and the real reason why they’re doing it.

Walker’s death and those of others may not be in vain, i.e. too many across the world have already awakened to the madness as the sheer number of FB shares this single article have garnered while we were knocked out from the internet for the last two weeks, i.e. 60,000+ page views and 10k+ FB shares!

No Polio in the Philippines Since 1993, But Mass Polio Vaccination Program Targeted for 500,000 Typhoon Victims Under Age 5

Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor

In the aftermath of one of the strongest storms to ever strike land, the most dangerous place for children in the Philippines to be right now could very well be the evacuation centers, or living near one.

This past week, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF began an aggressive program to vaccinate more than 500,000 children with the measles and polio vaccines in the typhoon affected areas of the Philippines. They have already vaccinated more than 30,000 children in Tacolban, one of the worst hit areas.

“It is virtually unprecedented that within two and a half weeks of a disaster of this scale, with this level of devastation and these logistical challenges, that a mass vaccination campaign is already rolling out,” reported Dr. Julie Hall, WHO representative in the Philippines.

The children are being vaccinated for measles and polio, in spite of the fact that measles rates are very low and declining in the Philippines, and that there has not been a single case of polio in the Philippines since 1993.

In the video below, Heather Papowitz, a senior advisor for UNICEF, states that they are vaccinating children for measles even though they have already been vaccinated for the disease, because previous vaccine campaigns were,  ”not enough to protect them, so we need to get them vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Is this a statement to the ineffectiveness of measles vaccines that they need to be vaccinated repeatedly, or that somehow typhoon disasters like this require higher doses of the vaccine? By either reasoning, it allows pharmaceutical companies a larger market for their products.

Regarding their goal to vaccinate 500,000 children with the very dangerous oral polio vaccine, she states, “As far as polio, it was already eradicated in the Philippines, so we just want to make sure it doesn’t come back.”

Watch the video for yourself:

According to statistics supplied by the WHO, measles is rare and declining in the Philippines. In a nation of over 90 million people, there were 6,554 confirmed cases of measles in 2011 (source), 1,536 confirmed cases in 2012, and through November 11, 2013 this year, only 951 confirmed cases. (Source  – Page 6.)

If you are the parent of a Filipino child being told by western aid workers that you need to vaccinate your child for measles (regardless if your child was already vaccinated), you need to ask yourself why you should allow your child to be exposed to dangerous western vaccines when the disease has already been declining and affects so very few people in your country.

As for the oral polio vaccine, this particular vaccine contains the live polio virus, and is notorious for causing vaccine-induced polio and paralysis. It is no longer given in the United States, only in poorer countries like India, Pakistan (where many people are now rising up and resisting it), and now the Philippines. Many have called for a  halt on the oral  live attenuated vaccine, due to the fact that it can actually cause polio and  non-polio acute flaccid paralysis.

In India, for example, the “polio eradication campaign” using the live oral polio vaccine caused 47,500 cases of  non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in just one year! (Source.) Will we now start seeing cases of polio and paralysis arise in the Philippines, where currently there are none, as a result of this dangerous and outdated polio vaccine that is targeted for 500,000 children? We most assuredly will, as this is exactly what is happening in other places like India and Pakistan. (See:  Paralysis Haunts ‘Polio Free’ India  and  Confirmed: India’s Polio Eradication Campaign in 2011 Caused 47,500 Cases of Vaccine-Induced Polio Paralysis)

The measles vaccine is hardly without risk either.  Dr. Viera Scheibner points out in this excellent  article looking at the history of the measles vaccine, that atypical measles outbreaks have occurred as a result of the vaccine, and that natural immunity is wiped out when the vaccine is introduced, which can lead to  more  incidents of measles, rather than less. As I pointed out above, measles is already on the decline in the Philippines and affects a minuscule portion of the population.

I am not sure if there is a single measles vaccine currently available in the market, as by far the majority of the vaccines for measles today are a 3-vaccine combo of mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR).  Here is  Merck’s MMR vaccine package insert  for the MMR vaccine. Be sure to read the ingredients, as well as the sections:  CONTRAINDICATIONS,  WARNINGS,  PRECAUTIONS, and  ADVERSE REACTIONS before you agree to have your children vaccinated. These sections are seldom communicated or explained to parents prior to vaccination, and injuries and deaths do occur, as is evidenced by settlements in the U.S. vaccine court, and also by a court in Italy. (See:  MMR Vaccine Caused Autism in Two Children According to Federal Vaccine Court  and  Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Caused Autism: Why is this story blacked out of the US Media?)

I encourage people to contact President  Aquino and  Dr. Enrique Ona (Secretary of Health) to carefully research this topic so they can be fully informed about these issues. The dangers of the live oral polio vaccine and the terrible side effects resulting in paralysis are very well documented in  the scientific literature. We have also published articles from medical doctors and PhD scientists that summarize the peer-reviewed scientific studies and history of vaccines that is not popularly covered in the U.S. mainstream media, which is for the most part pro-pharmaceutical. See for example:  The REAL History Behind the Polio Vaccine  by  Dr”©. Viera”© Scheibner”© (PhD), and  Did Vaccines Really Eradicate Polio?  by  Suzanne Humphries, MD.

Why are Children Under 5 Dying in Countries Where UNICEF Works?

It would also be prudent to research UNICEF, which likes to present itself as an advocate for children’s health. Their track record does not match up to this image they like to project. In a report published in  the Lancet  (free registration required to read) in 2004, it was revealed that in the countries where UNICEF was working, deaths of children under the age of 5 actually  increased!  Is it a coincidence that this is the same age group UNICEF targets with their vaccine programs? The countries that experienced the greatest increase in deaths were all poor countries:  India (2 ·4 million deaths), Nigeria (834  000 deaths), China (784  000 deaths), Pakistan (565  000 deaths), Democratic Republic of Congo (484  000 deaths), and Ethiopia (472  000 deaths). Will the Philippines now be added to this tragic list?

The largest funding entity to UNICEF is the U.S. Government. People in the Philippines and other poorer countries need to understand that the U.S. Government, unlike any other government in the world, has passed laws giving 100% legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies for any harm or damage that occurs as a result of vaccine adverse effects. This gives them unlimited opportunities to rush new vaccines into the market regardless of their safety, and often the more unpopular vaccines get distributed to poorer countries as part of “humanitarian” efforts, funded by taxpayers in various countries that support the U.N. and UNICEF. There are absolutely ZERO checks and balances to assure that your country is receiving safe and effective vaccines.

I lived in the Philippines for several years, and have been through four Super Typhoons. I have also participated in relief operations after natural and man-made disasters. The amount of fraud and corruption that occurs when millions, or even billions, of dollars are being donated for “humanitarian” purposes after a tragedy like this is always a problem, and this appears to me to be a case where pharmaceutical companies are seizing upon the Philippine Typhoon  Yolanda tragedy to promote their vaccine agenda.

Pharmaceutical sales are slumping in the U.S., and they are looking for new markets, particularly in the poorer countries. Measles is declining in the Philippines and already rare, and there are no cases of polio.  But that may all change now, thanks to this vaccination program that can, ironically, cause the disease for which the vaccine is supposed to prevent, resulting in even more vaccination programs in the future with the claim that these diseases are now returning, thus creating a lucrative market for the western pharmaceutical companies.

What the people in the Philippines in the typhoon affected areas need right now, especially children under the age of 5, is clean drinking water and healthy food, and then help to rebuild their homes and infrastructure. The millions of dollars being spent on dangerous vaccines could better be put to use for much healthier and safer options that will truly help the people, rather than dangerous vaccines that could end up crippling and injuring children at a time when they are most vulnerable.

Government officials and citizens in the Philippines need to understand the profit motive to distribute vaccines and how Western governments fund groups like WHO and UNICEF to promote their agendas in poorer countries. In the process, they exploit the most helpless members of your society, children under the age of 5! Throw off the mantle of Western colonialism and tell the WHO and UNICEF to stop their vaccination program in the typhoon affected areas now!

Article Sources:

About the Author

Brian Shilhavy, BA, MA, is the CEO of Tropical Traditions and the Editor of Health Impact News. He learned first hand in the late 1990s and early 2000 that the truth regarding health and nutrition about fats and oils was NOT being published in the mainstream media. Living in the rural Philippines with his Filipina wife and children taught him a lot about native nutrition in general, and coconut oil in particular.