F. William Engdahl
Icelanders are a proud stubborn people with more than 1200 years of history, rugged Scandinavian stock, living in one of the most beautiful natural areas of our Earth. In 2001 her government made a colossal series of disastrous decisions that resulted in the worst banking crisis in history.
Continue reading Iceland’s Economic Revolution
Tag Archives: iceland
1-Year Sentence for Crashing the Iceland Economy
Another slap on a banker’s wrist for contributing to the destruction of the entire economy…
Iceland Sentences Banker Involved In 2008 Crash to Jail
One year sentence is quickly reduced to three months as banker to decide if he will appeal
Continue reading 1-Year Sentence for Crashing the Iceland Economy
Celebrating Iceland
CNN is not covering this. Forbes is surprised that this is happening. Bloomberg is warning the country that it isn’t good for them in the long term. Well, Iceland just drops the hammer where it needs to fall.
Iceland exemplifies, among others, a unified desire for freedom from slavery. Its elected officials are acting as they should be, true servants of the people and not of the Corporation.
We must celebrate with Iceland by replicating her methods of preserving human integrity over that of paper currency.
We must stop demanding for reforms from a government that’s been hijacked by the Corporation it needs to regulate. We must get rid of that corporate government first and eliminate all greedy corporations for good.
The Corporation and the people behind it are not responsible for the advancement of humanity as Hollywood would like to portray in the “Men Who Built America”. They are nothing more than slave-traders and exploiters, i.e. true pioneers of intellectual property infringements.
Technological advancements are brought about by Technicians, not by politicians, nor the bankers that groomed them.
We don’t need these flesh-eaters in our midst. We need to exterminate these parasites in order to remove this humongous societal cancer they have caused.
An Icelandic court has sentenced four former Kaupthing bankers to jail for market abuses related to a large stake taken in the bank by a Qatari sheikh just before it went under in late 2008.
Weeks before the country’s top three banks collapsed under huge debts as the global credit crunch struck, Kaupthing announced that Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani had bought 5 of its shares in a confidence-boosting move.
A parliamentary commission later said the shares had been bought with a loan from Kaupthing itself.
On Thursday, a Reykjavik district court sentenced Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson, Kaupthing’s former chief executive, to five and a half years in prison while former chairman Sigurdur Einarsson received a five-year sentence.
Magnus Gudmundsson, former chief executive of Kaupthing Luxembourg, was given a three-year sentence and Olafur Olafsson – the bank’s second largest shareholder at the time – received three and a half years.
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Though only a tiny country of 320,000, Iceland made international headlines in 2008 when its banks defaulted on $85 billion, exemplifying the dangers of financial deregulation. But this year, Iceland’s economy will outgrow the euro area and the developed world on average.
And as difficult as it may be for conservatives here in the U.S. to stomach, at least some of the credit for Iceland’s expeditious recovery is due to its astonishing debt relief agreement.
Since the end of 2008, Iceland’s state-controlled banks have forgiven loans for more than a quarter of the population, a total equivalent to 13 percent of its annual gross domestic product. Despite shrinking 6.7 percent in 2009, Iceland’s economy is projected to expand 2.4 percent this year and next, compared with 0.2 percent in the euro area. And while Iceland’s recovery does not provide a complete parallel to U.S. economic woes, the island’s nascent success does demonstrate how loan forgiveness can help reignite a struggling economy. According to Icelandic economist Thorolfur Matthiasson:
“The lesson to be learned from Iceland’s crisis is that if other countries think it’s necessary to write down debts, they should look at how successful the [forgiveness of debt exceeding] 110 percent [of home values] agreement was here. It’s the broadest agreement that’s been undertaken.”
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Credit: Iceland, downtown Reykjavik, elevated view, Getty
You may have heard about Iceland’s toppling economy back in 2008. As one of the hardest-hit countries at the time, Iceland’s heavily criticized method to escape veritable economic demise actually did the trick.
Faced with the possibility of financial failure, Iceland had to think on its feet. Instead of bailing out banks USA-style, the country forgave mortgage debt for the population – and completely started over from square one.
A country with a small population of roughly 320,000 citizens, Iceland‘s entire banking structure “systemically failed” in the early days of the 2008 recession. Despite the fact that Iceland is still on the road to recovery, the country ranks high as a politically and economically stable nation. Their success over the last few years has been largely under-reported, and the story behind it is quite fascinating.
source »
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Hijacking the Revolution 2.0
We’ve written about the potential dangers from Usurpers of the Revolution before. In light of new observations, we are compelled to write another.
In one of the episodes of Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory, he tackled about the issue of Time Travel. From an article in Exopolitics, we understand that it is the most closely guarded secret of the Cabal because it wields so much power as to allow one to alter the future.
Both the military and the Church obviously exercise great interest on this technology. For the former, they could coordinate the precise deployment of the troops and armaments to avoid defeat in any theater of battle. For the latter, they could predict future events to project their close relation with their God, thereby enhancing their credibility in the eyes of the Sheeples. If they so desire, they could also alter events in their favor, such as eliminating their potential enemy right before or after birth.
But how did Ventura treated this topic after featuring foremost authorities on the subject namely Alfred Lambremont Webre of exopolitics.org and Andrew Basiago have delivered their statements supporting the above “theory”?
Ventura’s facial expression said it all.
In the concluding portion of the episode on Time Travel he said the following:
“Do I believe Andrew Basiago really traveled back in time to Gettysburg? Do I believe he showed up in George Washington’s tent?
C’mon, I tell you one thing though, I think Andrew Basiago believes it. And from the evidence we uncovered, I think he was used as a guinea pig in some kind of government black ops program whether it was time travel or whether his memories were implanted. He’s another victim of the covert operations we pay for even when it’s used against us.
Time travel? Yeah, we found out the government experimented with it. It’s a conspiracy that reaches back years. And if they were successful, into the future, too. “
Dissecting this concluding statement reveals how debunking is done with subtlety:
- “from the evidence we uncovered” ß these evidence were not shown in this episode; purely an arbitrary statement; in contrast, Basiago’s statement is supported with clear evidence that he was made to wear a bigger shoes matching that in the photograph of the boy in Gettysburg 1863; another evidence to support Baisago’s claim is the canister he’s holding near his breast, said to contain written instructions to the Secretary of the Navy at that time, to assist him in case of unforeseen problems;
- “his memories were implanted” ß again, that’s a conclusion without the necessary evidence claimed;
- “He’s another victim of the covert operations” ß another personal conclusion in agreement to the real motive of the show;
The problem with this episode is that, it never explored the veracity of the technology itself. It never tried to understand the science of it. How could they? They’re not qualified to do it. Such superficial and myopic treatment of the subject under consideration would negate the factual existence of the “theory” even prior to the actual interviews of relevant resource persons. What’s funny is that these resource persons are primemovers of the “theory” being discussed.
The usual consequence predictably is the effective debunking of such “theory”, and the public humiliation of the primemover, i.e. resource person. The resource person’s only consolation is the mere fact that at least the topic had been discussed primetime; it is now up to the public to make up their own minds.
However, debunking wasn’t always the object. There are other episodes that did show some confirmations on the theory, but only when they can pinpoint or blame it to lesser important players, e.g. Bush, Rockefeller. That was the case with HAARP. But when it comes to the possible involvement of the Church, the Jesuits in particular which are experts in the art of mind reprogramming, and 13 bloodlines higher than this military organization disguising as a religious order, Jesse Ventura is mum about it, just like his best friend Alex Jones.
We may also look at the new members of this high profiled debunking group. First, is his son and the other is Oliver Stone’s. But who really is Oliver Stone?
Stone did several multi-awarded films about Vietnam, JFK, and the Untold History of America. But did any of these films ever mention the men behind the Nazi operation in the CIA? Have you ever heard him say the “J” word?
Well, just like Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones, he is also a Jesuit Coadjutor. This trio, among others, may have been assigned to put all the blame on the puppets to avoid exposing the puppet masters. The methods and formula used are mostly the same, i.e. 95% truth, 5% silent lie.
In the case of the Untold History of America, he’s just repeating what have been told before by Soviet “historians”…
“Stone, it turns out, has been engaged in some false advertising. For what he has produced, at least so far, might be better entitled “A Twice-Told Tale” — because the narrative he presents was told first by official Soviet “historians” and their fellow-travelers in this country, albeit without the hi-tech enhancements and prominent platform available to Stone. And if you think this is just cheap red-baiting, then go on over to Digby’s site and watch chapter one.”
- http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2012/11/27/oliver-stones-untold-history-a-twice-told-tale/
Both Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones are guilty of not telling the critical 5% of the story. Their names floated during the last US Elections.
“People like Alex Jones and Ron Paul, while claiming to offer an alternative to American corruption, are strangely silent when it comes to the agency that is historically most culpable. While ostensibly defending our Constitution; they say nothing of the organization that has opposed it the longest. “None of these self-styled ‘freedom fighting’ conspiracy theorists expose the real power behind all the conspiracies at work,” writes Seventh-day Adventist layworker, Roland Temple.
“Alex Jones is hiding the biggest part of the NWO. He’s hiding all this and it’s not by accident,” says (non-Adventist) Christian activist, Thomas Richards. “A lot of the things he covers have a direct connection with The Vatican, but he never mentions it.” That’s suspicious, say some, because the Commander of InfoWars.com seems very well informed about everything else that’s going on behind the scenes, almost as if he’s got a back-stage pass.
Jones may have rock-star appeal, but he doesn’t have a degree. A doctor of political philosophy, however, author John Robbins has well documented Rome’s surreptitious role in global events. Then there’s Jesuit Malachi Martin’s Keys of This Blood, “the untold story behind the Vatican’s role in today’s winner-take-all race against time to establish, maintain, and control the first one-world government.”
Unwilling to debate these claims, Jones just writes them off as “mental cases,” deferring instead to the wisdom of one such as Representative Ron Paul. Like Alex, this fellow Texan seems to have some good ideas about restoring our rights, but has a stunning disconnect when it comes to the Vatican. In a 2005 letter, the Congressman praises the “commitment to human dignity” of a Pope who shamelessly covered for pedophile priests.
Mail-carriers have known for years that the best way to keep a dog off their trail is to give them a bone to chew on. The “alternative media” may serve this function, occupying listeners with unsatisfying bones of contention—stripped of real meat. “The conspiracy theorists actually tend to point the finger away from the Babylon of the Three Angel’s Messages,” writes Temple. These messages, say Seventh-day Adventists, not only provide a solid Scriptural basis for the conspiracy, but point people to the One who can deliver them from its clutches. ”
- https://web-beta.archive.org/web/20160503230755/http://www.examiner.com/article/alternative-media-hard-on-us-soft-on-rome
How about Drake Bailey? Weeks ago, he supplied the links to the videos of Untold History of America by Oliver Stone. Has anyone heard him say the “J” word yet?
For anyone interested, try reading Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps as your basic lessons in history as the Jesuits have virtually written it.
The Philadelphia Experiment
Again, time travel is the most closely guarded secret of the Vatican, and the 13 bloodlines behind that elaborate facade. It’s understandable that any mainstream discussion regarding the subject is designed to weakened the theory, not strengthened it.
The Philadelphia Experiment is said to be dealing primarily with cloaking, but the result went far beyond this intention. The device transported the entire ship USS Eldridge from Philadelphia to Norfolk instantly. We know that space and time are very closely related, if not two sides of the same coin, i.e. if one could manipulate space or teleport in an instant, then one could also travel through time using essentially the same high-powered device shown below.
Here are some photos of the Philadelphia Experiment, showing actual “send off” of the naval destroyer escort.
The last two photos could be the mammoth power plant used, or same like it, to generate the required amount of power that tore the fabric of space and time, both of which are just made of the same electromagnetic waves that manipulated them, i.e. the low energy wave perturbed by the same, yet ultra-high, energy wave.
Have you noticed The Fuehrer himself?
Of course, Hitler was still alive after WW2 as Otto Skorzeny, his personal bodyguard, confessed in his deathbed in December 31, 1999. Below, is a post-war photo of him and his daughter, Angela Merkel.
In the early years of the experiment, and with the non-cooperation of Nikola Tesla, countless Navy personnel serving as guinea pigs suffered from multiple side-effects, the worst of which was when the whole crew melted into the metal deck of the ship. The agonizing pain compelled some to shot themselves and others to death.
Where Are We Now?
The fact that we are still here at this time suggests that we are already navigating into another timeline separate from that of the apocalypse scenario. At this time we can rest assured that another world war will never happen. We can also go to bed every night knowing that any morning from now we would wake up to the long awaited, carefully planned, redistribution of the planet’s wealth for everyone to benefit from.
The only problem left is when those groups promoting themselves to have done some actions, legal or otherwise, to regain freedom, will claim credit for the release of these massive prosperity funds. Already, some of these groups are spreading sophisticated variations of their religious bad taste.
The revolution should therefore be perpetual. We shall never go back again to ignorance.
Desperately Looting [UPDATED]
Update 5:52 PM 26jan2013: The Philippines is said to be clueless as to why a US minesweeper is in the area of a world heritage site we love to call as Tubbataha Reef. USS Guardian is causing about 1,000 square meters of damage and counting.
The irresponsible parties are now considering three options on how to remove the stranded minesweeper: crane, towing and dismemberment. Of course, the use of crane is more appropriate considering the additional damage towing may imposed on the natural preserve.
The use of crane could also help facilitate the recovery of any sunken treasures in the area. And that’s what exactly the option they are prioritizing.
They are also waiting for USNS Salvor, a very powerful Safeguard salvage ship, to arrive at the vicinity. Even without the crane, this rescue and salvage ship can very well do the job as well…
Stranded vessels can be retracted from a beach or reef by the use of Salvor‘s towing machine and propulsion. Additional retraction force can be applied to a stranded vessel through the use of up to six legs of beach gear, consisting of 6,000-pound (2,700 kg) STATO anchors, wire rope, chain, and salvage buoys. In a typical configuration, two legs of beach gear are rigged on board Salvor, and up to four legs of beach are rigged to the stranded vessel.[5]
In addition to the standard legs of beach gear, Salvor carries 4 spring buoys. The spring buoys are carried beneath the port and starboard bridge wings and are painted bright orange.[6] Each spring buoy weighs approximately 3,100 pounds (1,400 kg), is 10 feet (3.0 m) long and 6 feet (1.8 m) in diameter, provides a net buoyancy of 7½ tons, and can withstand 125 tons of pull-through force.[5] The spring buoys are used with beach gear legs rigged from a stranded vessel when deep water is found seaward of the stranded vessel. more »
So far, the insidious plan is working. Even the noisy Department of Justice is unusually silent about the whole issue. That’s the clue right there, that this administration know exactly what’s really going on but they’re not ready to tell you about it.
That’s Tubbataha Reef in all its splendor. Sadly, just recently, some rogue elements of the US Navy decided to ram their ship into our underwater paradise without the slightest provocation from anybody.
They can drive drones remotely, but they can’t steer a sophisticated warship without smashing a highly protected marine sanctuary, a world heritage site for that matter, in spite of repeated radio warnings from park rangers. If this is not deliberate then, are they all drunk on board?
Please read below to see how these assholes showed their arrogance on the way to the event.
Possible Dark Mission
Only a few days ago, Germany demanded repatriation of their gold deposit at Federal Reserve NY. Other countries are also doing the same recovery measures after falling victims to Tungsten Bullion plated with thin coats of the real deal.
Early last year, as the bankers were jumping off the sinking ship in droves, intel reports received through Ben Fulford talked about raids of old buildings and caves in the area of Palawan, in the guise of a joint military exercise, Balikatan 2012.
They’ve done this same monstrosity to my country in 2006. Now they are back again.
If more of their ships or submarine will come, then, it’s obvious that this is a deliberate action to create a need for another recovery effort beyond the removal of their grounded USS Guardian.
This week’s Fulford Update also mentioned about the real intent of the occupation forces in Mali, i.e. to make sure that her annual gold production would be allocated for the repatriation of the German gold. The second purpose is to divert attention from a last ditch land grab of a potentially lucrative post-Cabal Saharan desert.
Whatever the case maybe, the damage to our crowning jewel is said to have irrecoverable consequence.
The action was deliberate showing nothing but desperation out of an imminent defeat.
The Philippine government has fined the US Navy for unlawfully entering and damaging a World-Heritage listed coral reef aboard the USS Guardian, even after receiving radio warnings by park rangers to avoid the reef.
Penalties of unauthorized entry to the Tubbataha Reef are severe, and include a maximum penalty of one-year imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 pesos (about $7,300). The Philippine government has decided to fine the US Navy, but will not be sending anyone to prison, according to information obtained by the Agence France-Presse.
Ever since the USS Guardian damaged the protected reef on Jan. 17, Philippines have expressed growing anger over the perceived carelessness of the US. A government-led board that manages the reef took several days to assess the destruction to its reef and resources and decide on the penalty.
Jose Lorenzo Tan, a member of the board, refused to discuss the amount of the fine the US Navy will be forced to pay, but confirmed that there would be no jail time.
Angelique Songco, head of the Philippine government’s Protected Area Management Board, told the Huffington Post that the government typically imposes fines of about $300 per square meter of damaged coral. The World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines estimates that at least 10 meters (11 yards) of the 68-meter (74-yard) reef have been damaged.
On Jan. 17, the USS Guardian, an American minesweeper, went aground the coral reef, even after receiving radio complaints from park rangers assigned to warn oncoming ships of the World Heritage-listed site’s location. After park rangers contacted the USS Guardian, the ship captain told them to direct their complaints to the US embassy instead. The US Navy then continued along their route, going aground against the Tubbataha Reef and getting stuck.
The US Navy released a statement after the incident, blaming the slip-up on bad weather, wind and waves, and promising that some of its personnel will remain aboard the USS Guardian to help free the ship from the coral it was stuck on and to minimize the environmental damage.
The US has long planned to increase its military presence in the Philippines in order to counter China’s growing influence in the region. Last month, the Obama administration began to significantly increase its number of troops, aircraft and ships that rotate through the island nation. The US has also provided the country with financial assistance and signed a five-year joint US-Philippine military exercise plan. The US Navy also visits the Philippine ports to refuel its ship and allow its forces to rest and relax. But while the administration has tried to keep up good relations with the Philippines and gain a strong presence in the region, its mistake on the World Heritage-listed coral reef upset many locals and may cause a setback.
The USS Guardian is now grounded on the south atoll of the Tubbatha Reef. The Phillipine Coast Guard will attempt to remove the ship from its dangerously close location to the protected reef and will continue to assess the environmental damage.
Source »
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Thanks to the following for continuing to support this humble endeavor:
- Alison vG, $40
- Ryann M, $10
- Sandra B, $20
- Hahn E, $25
- Steven K, $15
- Sharon dS, $10
- Penny P, $7
All for the month of January 2013.
Final Push for Golden Age Accelerates [UPDATED]
Update 11:44 AM GMT+8 25jan2013: From the same Youtube Channel, Alang Jr, showing details of the Global Settlements. These videos prove, once and for all, that the funds known as Collateral Accounts that would eliminate global poverty in 3 months and usher a Golden Age for humanity, do exist.
Update 7:37PM GMT+8: This video is the subject of Djon’s comment below. After the statement about payments and distribution schedule, photos of actual cash, gold/silver coins, bonds and gold bullion are shown.
INFINITE BANK STATEMENTS from The World Bank can be viewed/downloaded here. For those who are new to this blog, you can have a good background as to the story behind this document here.
Unlike earlier versions of this document, this one does contain Obama’s signature, among others in his administration, as well as the signature of Pope Malevolent XVI.
Obama’s signature was supposed to be required for the Global Settlements to push through. Now that it’s already done, the redistribution of wealth should begin any day from now.
Some of the red flags written on that document are the following:
- That nobody are Allowed to Open, Deal, Transact and Negotiate said above mentioned accounts except King ASM, US/Philippine Government Designated Officer and the Host Government and its Duly Designated Government Officer/Employee anybody who are going to interfere and/or claim as claimants without the approval of all above mentioned Government Officers/Employee and King ASM shall be immediately net and imprisoned with a maximum penalty of International Law against them. | Comment: This requires that the US/Philippine Corporate Governments must be restored first to their being republic. Otherwise, the same politicians will block these funds as they have always done before in the case of the Philippines.
- That all above mentioned accounts are subject forever for clearance to the Committee of 300 leveling from United Nation Organization down to US Federal Reserve and only US Federal Reserve Board are only Authorized and Allowed by the World Trade Organization and World Bank Group to conduct Fiscal Trading and US Federal Reserve Board are Authorized by the World Bank Group to keep and care all information list of above mentioned accounts; | Comment: “to” instead of “from”… we need to ask for clearance forever from the same institutions that put us in Hell even before the day we were born.
- That the Committee of 300 unanimously Recognized GROUP OF FAMILIES IN SACRED BLESSINGS, INC. with Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission Reg. No. CN201200127 as Local and Legal Affiliation of ASBLP Group in the Philippines. | Comment: Who are these families? Does this include the Dragon Families that Ben Fulford represents or this is another group altogether? There are at least three groups claiming ownership/authority over the accounts. One of them commented elaborately on this subject while being discussed on this blog. Who gave them the Sacred Blessings? The illustrious signatories on the the last page?
- That all Interesting Parties and the Host Governments are Disallowed to Use funding originated from ASBLP Accounts to Extend and Source Tool for Military Power … | Comment: Deliberate misspellings again, or unintentional as English is not the native language of our brothers in Indonesia? The Federal Reserve Notes or FRNs issued to owners of the gold bullion they “borrowed” have deliberately misspelled texts on them and the rationale forwarded was that they are going to be used to detect authenticity. As it turned out, the discrepancy was used to deny claims in its favor. The issuer has no intention of paying what was owed from the very beginning. In short, it was the biggest swindle in the whole history of finance and banking. However, if the misspellings in the above document are not deliberate, it would mean that the document was prepared by Indonesians and as such may give us some level of assurance that the whole thing is indeed above board, unlike the version of the document issued in 1988 and signed by ex-Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos obviously under duress.
The biggest red flag of all is the fact that the present Philippine Government is visibly controlled by the Jesuits, and 90% of the population are brainwashed Christians. Sorry, but they include the rest of my own family, too.
As far as that document is concern, the road ahead is still not paved with good intentions. We all need to be vigilant. We’ll find it very soon if this is another attempt to hijack the revolution.
It’s exactly 5:00 AM GMT+8. Can hardly open my eyes but I can’t wait another minute to share with you the latest financial intel from China through Drake and perhaps from Keenan.
As with all posts before, this page will be updated from time to time. So, just look for the [UPDATED] tag. Also, remember, Drake dropped the date 23rd January, as the ultimatum day for those who promised him the “action” to take place. Otherwise, he will drop the names of these people in the military hierarchy giving false intel.
by Drake
Financial Intel
HUGE assets and MONEY from the imperial families are in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Specifically, China, Japan, Indonesia.
The new China Government is to change it all in 8 weeks time (?) so people are moving stocks…
JP Morgan is having a huge issue as all their customers are moving their Gold (AU) now QUICKLY…
All the families mentioned above and Morgan included are very nervous because everything they have falls under the Xing Dynasty.
The Real Buddha, The Empress of the Xing Dynasty Empire is nearing return and showing all parties that the thievery must stop now!
She is responsible for the rightful arrests of those in Hong Kong involved in the outright theft of the Xing Dynasty Royal Assets and the firing of many top Chinese Officials.
She is very fair in her ways and she is going to take the course that her ancestors took of assisting the people of the world. She will stand strong and be unshakeable against those who test her will.
Finally Asia will get rid of the demons they have allowed in and those inside that have become evil themselves.
The assets JP Morgan is trying to dump now in Hong Kong are well known and belong to the Xing Dynasty. They are watching every move they make and with whom.
The traders, players, and frauds think they have eight (8) weeks left (?) to play and get rich but get this, BUT, there is no eight (8) weeks, as it has already begun.
The Empress is on her way to her rightful home now, to arrive before you expect it… HSBC close your 13th floor right now they are watching you after hours because they know this is when you do your illegal trading.
Things have started.
~ Drake
Drake | January 22, 2013 at 1:20 pm | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-Ft
Thanks to the following for continuing to support this humble endeavor:
- Alison vG, $40
- Ryann M, $10
- Sandra B, $20
- Hahn E, $25
- Steven K, $15
- Sharon dS, $10
- Penny P, $7
All for the month of January 2013.
We will try to post a list of all last years’ donors as time permits. Thank you for all the love and support you have given us since 2011. We appreciate it very much.
In case you haven’t notice it yet, we are making donations to the Red Book as optional since last week of November 2012. This is to give everyone the opportunity to have access to practical solutions to all forms of cancer /immune disorders.
Xi Jinping is Reinforcing Deng Xiaoping’s Open Policy as opposed to the Jesuit-Maoist Principles
Only a few weeks ago, CCTV broadcasted for the first time the highly subversive “V for Vendetta” video to the stunned millions of viewers across China.
Now, China is moving ahead with the removal of her highly condemned labor camps.
Chinese ‘re-education’ labor camps set for abolition: official
China’s hugely controversial “re-education” labour camps are set to be abolished this year, state media Monday quoted a senior legal official as saying.
It is another signal that the widely criticised system — where people can be sentenced to up to four years’ “re-education” by a police panel, without an open trial — is coming to an end.
The comments come after the Communist Party’s new leader Xi Jinping said the party recognised as a “pressing problem” that it was “out of touch with the people”.
About 60,000 people are detained in the camps, officials say, most of whom serve from six months to a year.
Opponents say the camps are used to silence government critics and would-be petitioners who seek to bring their complaints against officials to higher authorities.
Earlier this month reports emerged briefly that the system — known as laojiao — would be abolished. But they were swiftly deleted and replaced with predictions of reforms, with few details and no timetable.
Chen Jiping, deputy director of the China Law Society, was quoted by the China Daily as saying that a key meeting had agreed tightly to limit use of the system until it could be scrapped by China’s rubber-stamp parliament, the National People’s Congress (NPC).
It added in reported speech that he described laojiao as having “made its contribution at a time when the Communist Party of China was consolidating the republic and rectifying social order, but now China has well-established legal systems”.
“Ending the system requires the approval of the top legislature which originally endorsed laojiao in 1957,” the paper said. The annual session of the NPC is due to be held in March.
Currently, people sentenced under the laojiao system are forced to perform manual labour such as farm or factory work, but do not receive a criminal conviction.
Authorities will need to replace it with alternative punishments for those accused of petty offences, the paper added.
Geithner Leaving Treasury on Friday
We been expecting this to happen any day after he was said to have shared vital information that would bring down the Dark Cabal in exchange for his immunity.
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who steered the administration of President Barack Obama through the financial crisis, will step down from his post Friday, a source told AFP on Tuesday.
Geithner had said he would leave the department after the conclusion of Obama’s first four-year term. The president was sworn in on Sunday for a second term.
Obama has nominated longtime Washington insider Jack Lew, his current chief of staff, to succeed Geithner. His nomination requires Senate approval.
Deputy treasury secretary Neal Wolin is to serve as acting secretary pending Lew’s confirmation.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Doing 2013 [UPDATED]
Update 21 jan 2013: Drake drops Wednesday 23rd as D-Day or else he will begin to “out”, i.e. mention names of, people giving false intel. He’s obviously pissed off with all the “horse hockey” and “ringing around the rosie” ruining our “fun and games”. Download here [mp3].
The year 2012 was said to be the year when all secrets are no more. Indeed, it was the year of Knowing.
The fundamental question right now is what are we going to do with it?
What are we going to do with all the knowledge that have been leaked to us by living heroes like Bradley, Julian, Anonymous Collective, and the legacy of the fallen, Aaron, Innocent Children of false flag operations, etc.?
Should we just sit idly by, and consider every sacrifice made by both known and nameless individuals as another form of sophisticated entertainment that will just fizzled out when a new one steals the limelight? All pure distractions to our normal lives?
Some of us are looking up to the next fellow to determine on what exactly is needed to be done, and when we realize that he’s got a perfect idea, we readily swarm upon it, and that’s how a petition for cessation from Corporate United States was born. That’s how Idle No More is setting fire on that cold winter Canadian storm these days.
Of course, others would not want to be outdone or rest in their laurels until the establishment does get the message. Raising the threshold from 25,000 signatures to 100,000 for government to act on a single We the People petition is such a bad idea. It makes people want to revolt instead.
And we are seeing signs that “We the People” are more than ready.
But this is just the beginning. In a few days, the Americans at home (streets for the homeless) will start to remember the year when it all started. More importantly, how it’s done.
Photos »
I have a feeling that we are already looking at the shadow of the next American Revolution. Be prepared.
Drake did mention Wednesday as when some form of instructions will be given for the militia to act. If not accurate, he threatened to “out” those people giving false intel. He’s obviously tired of the “horse hockey” and “ring around the rosie” unnecessarily delaying our “fun and games”.
Mainstream Broadcast of Financial Tyranny
A prelude to financial disclosure of the third kind, Russia’s mainstream medium RN-TV successfully broadcasted to at least 30 million potential viewers the popular series re Financially Tyranny which explains the events behind the recent collapse of western economies.
Featured on primetime were David Wilcock and of course, our very own fellow Asian, Benjamin Fulford. Although i don’t know a single character in the Russian alphabet, I can sense just by looking at the images that this is undoubtedly the most explosive so far, it will blow every Sheeple’s mind, and a huge slap to the Old Media!
Some footage in this video may have been taken by undercover agents.
Probably, the first of its kind that a mainstream medium treated such occult subject in great detail. It’s pretty exciting to see how the masses would react when the English version hit the road.
And as Neil Keenan mentioned earlier, this is just part of what the Real Buddha intends to do, i.e. house cleaning.
Secrecy of Cayman’s off-shore tax haven to be blown

AFP Photo / Valery Hache
The legendary secret tax haven status of the Cayman Islands is coming to an end. The islands’ financial authorities are going to begin scrutinising the companies and hedge funds set up there.
Thousands of enterprises and financial institutions in the British overseas territory that kept a low profile will soon come into the spotlight. The Cayman Island Monetary Authority (CIMA) wants to set up a database of funds registered in the island which will include the names of the bosses, according to the Financial Times (FT).
Looking Back
Soros is said to have indirectly funded the Occupy Wall Street in the beginning. Well, I think the people have successfully hijacked the movement to the point of even transforming it to a Global Occupy Everywhere raising a new level of awareness that continues to move people against oppressive austerity measures even today. Governments are in disarray, and the whole Cabal is evidently in panic mode as the endgame is concluding.
In desperation, they resorted to Sandy Hook false flag and its predecessors, without realizing that we have successfully used their personal information gathering mechanism, aka social media, as our means of sharing establishment secrets, revolutionary ideas, and coordinating concrete actions that would surely bring them down to their knees.
We have successfully hijacked every system of oppression in our favor.
Verily, real power truly belongs to an Awakened Collective.
But the job is not done yet. The momentum must be sustained. The spirit that brought us here must be rekindled in perpetuity.
Let this be the year of Doing for the Common Good, and like so for all the years thereafter.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
What Does It All Mean? 2.0
It amuses me somehow to see how most people would respond to statements like “cancer and AIDS are curable” or “money will be flooding soon and eventually becomes irrelevant”.
“When all diseases are curable, how and when are we going to die?”
“When money is flooding, and I don’t have to worry about anything, what is there left to do?”
An attorney even replied to me once, “When everything is made free for all, then what is there left to satisfy me?” Admittedly, I was shocked at first, because I was expecting that he is more open minded and should have figured it out considering his level of “education”. So, after a while I smiled and asked him,
“What is it that you really love doing? You see, when everyone is already living in that free world, the level of thinking may have risen up a few notches, and by that time, people will have figured it out. There may be physical changes to their desires, but the fundamentals will remain the same. They will keep doing what they love most; all those things that they want to do now but don’t have the time or resources to do them. It is the fulfillment of childhood dreams.”
That’s the irony. We need to think so high enough to be able to play. After all, isn’t it that the Artist in all of us is just a kid who survived?
Above all, by that time, we will have more opportunities of looking inward to our own Spirituality. What is it exactly?
And the more we understand our True Nature, the more we appreciate the other man’s existence.
What Would You Create If You Had What You Need?
From: Palmi
Subject: Hello my beloved lightworker
Date: January 19, 2013 9:06:29 AM PST
Thank you so much for all your work regarding our new world.
I´m not sure what I want to do with this but I somehow felt that I needed to write this to help people better understand what we are going through. I live in Iceland and I sure I am on this planet for a good reason like yourself and that I´m trying to think about how one can contribute to our efforts in getting the message out to the rest of the world and what we should DO in the near future.
It´s important for people to start realizing and understanding this issue in plain 3D English. Maybe you and the readers of your page can help us get an article up that will do just that. Bellow is what I have written so far but I´m sure there are sooooo many things that I am missing and together is the new word so maybe we can work something like this out together.
Thank you my dear love for all the work you have done and will DO in the future.
Lots of love.
The GOLDEN AGE of mankind.
Google “One People’s Public Trust” or “OPPT” (lot of this is written in “legalese” but that´s kind of required for this kind of action) but you will have to do some research to find this since no one of the mainstream media has picked up on this yet.
I also encourage you to look up these documents in the legal system:
All the financial/corporate structure (owned by the “ELITE” or sometimes called the “CABAL”) that were in place is now foreclosed upon and does no longer have any authority to claim anything from you!
I realize this is so unbelievable and amazing and many will cry “wolf” before generally excepted but never the less then I encourage you to read up on this as it is very inspiring and eye opening as you start to ask yourself questions like:
Am I really free?
Have I been in chains all my life
and not just realized it until now?
Who do I really report to?
My government?
My bank?
Who owns me?
If you think about it, no matter what religion you belong to then you have to admit that someone created all of this, can we agree on calling “this force of creation” GOD? If we can agree on this then it is him, and only him that you can and should report to. Now, since this creator GOD is not readily available here on planet earth to claim ownership over YOU then it is only one person that can rule over you, “YOU” are in charge of yourself until someone else claims “ownership” over YOU.
Now, what these filings from the OPPT, DO claim in legalese is: ONLY THE CREATOR OF YOU CAN CLAIM OWNERSHIP OVER YOU! This is now on paper in our legal systems and everything is properly done from the legal standpoint. What was then done at the same time was to overthrow all of the monetary system that we are born into and we claimed sovereignty from those who have kept us in shackles for a long time (remember that the “old” monetary system is based on dept! there were no funds to begin with, it was created out of thin air, e.g. hence the FED).
Now here is where this becomes very interesting. According to the OPPT then the gold and silver amount owned by OPPT is quite a lot! (NESARA Fund and St St. Germain Fund, please google these) or about $500 billion in Gold and Silver per person on the planet… This means in plain 3D English that the 7 billion humans on planet earth have now pretty good funds to build a new world, hence the Golden Age Of Man Kind.
It is interesting to note that the final filings from OPPT are dated on the 25th of December 2012. Those of you that know astrology know that this is the day that the sun rises after three days of darkness and then on the 25th it rises again and a new AGE is born or The age of Aquarius (we are coming out of the Age of Pisces (hence the letters “Jesus” are often depicted in a fish symbol). Again, those who know anything about astrology know Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. In much the same way that the Water Bearer brings that precious liquid as a gift, Aquarians shower the world with their thoughts and new ideas and are the bringers of prosperity and growth.
We know that the earth does wobble on its axis and it takes the earth 25.960 years to do a full circle or 2160 years in each Zodiac (this number 25.960 is also the Mayan long calendar). This 25.960 years are just like our 24hour day cycle with 12 hours in night and 12 hours in the day or with two seasons in growth and with two seasons in hibernation but there is a much longer cycle as well and in the long cycle this is 12.960 years of “night” and 12.960 years of “day”. On the 25th of December 2012 was the first day of “day” timeline for our planet in this long calendar count. In other words we have been going through 12.960 days of night but 25th of December 2012 was the first day of our next 12,960 year cycle. It is worth noting that in the past 12.960 years of our planet being in the dark side of this cycle, all kind of negative things can manifest. However, as soon as we come on the bright side of the cycle those negative things cease to exist although it may take some time to get rid of all of it.
Having spent many hours over the last year reading/viewing material on astrology, astronomy, cosmology, religion, politics, financial etc. then I find this new information quite interesting and well worth researching as we know that our monetary system is on the edge of collapse, our way of living on the planet is on the edge of no return in terms of destruction, we see people rising up and demanding justice and fairness, we see corruption pretty much everywhere in our societies and people are crying out loud for change. It seems to me that here it is at last.
After about 20 years of creating crap that was designed to last a very short time (remember, pretty much everything is designed to have a certain lifespan so we can keep the economy running) and using resources and materials un-wisely, I realized that I did not want to design “crap” anymore since we do not have materials to keep this going. Over the last 30 years or so we have depleted about 1/3 of all resources on the planet. Now, since I have 4-6-21 year old boys I know that when they will reach my age at 43, we will have depleted completely every resource on our mother earth. As far as I know then we only have one mother earth that we can life on so we better start thinking about this very seriously.
Now we are finally free and have wealth way beyond our wildest dreams, but, what does all this mean for us as free human beings? Are we all now just going to put our feet up and stop working? Why would I work anymore since I have all this wealth? Well, here is the thing. What this means in my mind is that now we have to look at our world and ask our self: How are we going to continue? If everyone stops working nothing will get done, that is for sure. Now we will have to rethink our very BE’ing on this planet together. What we need to do now is to merge into 5th dimensional economics, and in 5D economics everything is free. You say, wait, if everything is free and no one is going to work how is that going to work? Well, that´s up to you whether you work or not, but now it is YOU that will have to make up your own mind regarding what you want TO DO. I personally want to start living/co creating this new world with our new economics, in a world of peace, prosperity and abundance.
How I would see 5D economics work.
You see, I studied Industrial design because I loved CREATING something. Now, since I now am free and can live a life in abundance do you think I want to stop creating? You see that many people on the planet are actually doing what they absolutely love doing. E.g. a nurse in Iceland does study nursing because she or he wants to nurse people, they want to help those who are in need. This gives them life pleasure. Nurses in Iceland have always been on very poor salaries. There was a article in the paper here in Iceland few weeks ago about a nurse that was leaving her job because the salaries where so shamefully low that she was being forced to leave her job and look for an alternative job to make ends meet. Do you think this same nurse, now when she does not owe anything, she does not have to worry about mortgage payments next month, she does not have to worry she will not be able to buy food and clothing for her family next month is going to sit home and do nothing? Or is she going to stand up and say: I WANT TO CONTRIBUTE to my society and be a part of society where we all can live in abundance peace and love. I can assure you that I will do the latter. I will not stop designing products, no I will START designing products that are designed to last, that are designed with our resources in mind, that are designed to minimize pollution, designed to please someone, designed to inspire someone, that´s what I would LOVE to START doing and that´s what I AM going to start DO´ing.
Now is the opportunity for all those that decided to learn something for the money to start learning what they really want to do for the rest of their lives. Now is the time to reflect, WHAT DO I WANT TO DO? WHERE WOULD I LOVE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORLD? Now you can learn many different things and DO different things. You would be able to work in one field for as long as you want but if you ever wanted to learn or DO something else you would just stop DO’ing what you have been doing and just learn the next thing and so on. Now, you will of course say “hang on Palmi” what the hell are you talking about, if everyone starts DO’ing what they want to do, who’s going to DO the things NONE WANTS TO DO? This does never work…or so you think. I think there is a simple solution for this. You see, since we now have abundance and have new economic system there will be a time period where we will have to start by building this new WORLD. With the new economic system there will be a lot of people that will be out of a job, all the banks are gone, all the military is gone, there will be a lot of resources that will become available to us since people will want to CONTRIBUTE. So, just imagine, think about all the resources that will become available from e.g. the military or other institutes that are no longer needed. Imagine all the brilliant designers, engineers, scientists, technicians etc. out there that we will have access to. We will use these resources to design solutions to solve those jobs NO ONE WANTS TO DO. We can design robots or machines to do all this work that no one wants to do. In our new society our goal should be to “WORK” as little or as much as we want. Our goal should be to spend more time living, not working. When I´m designing I´m not really working, I´m loving what I do therefore I´m not really working I´m enjoying myself. If you do not want to contribute then there is no one (except “GOD”) that can kick your butt… but this is your FREE WILL.
This will not happen overnight but, this is what we are faced with and I know in my heart this is what we can very easily do and what we have to do. I promise you that the technology that has been kept hidden from us for a long time or used in special ops. will blow your minds. When we will get access to these technologies things will look and work differently than you could ever dream of.
Being an Industrial Designer and having good background in research and development I have a pretty good understanding of technology and design and I know things can be designed to last. For example, there is nothing in the way of designing cars to last several hundred years. Today our cars are pretty much done after 10years specially here in Iceland where weather does not act in our favor most of the time. Why do we all need to have e.g. golf clubs hanging in our garage that we use couple of times a year? Why does my garage have to be full of tools that I use couple of days a year? Now we will just go to the golf club and pick whatever clubs you want to use (and they will always be the latest and greatest), if you want to keep it then…keep it, you transport the damn thing back to your car and back to your garage, I´ll personally will just return mine to the clubhouse for others to use. You see, we will need much much less of things in 5D since we will start sharing everything much better than we did before.
So, where do I go from here? Well, first, research for yourself everything above, second, share the word, third, start DO’ing. Remember, we have to give this some time to sink in and remember we have to keep things going for awhile in the old system until we have redesigned it. If your job becomes obsolete, ask yourself, where do I want to CONTRIBUTE and go from there.
Things we have to make sure will stay in place during the transition and have absolute priorities.
1) FOOD FOR EVERYONE, AND I MEAN EVERYONE, NOW! Food production is essential, and will have to continue as it is but I´m sure the workers in the food industry will quickly change their practices when it comes to the QUALITY of the food.
2) SHELTER FOR EVERYONE! There is a lot of property that are owned by BANKS and no one is living in. We need to get those who do not have shelter into these houses, NOW and turn on their utilities. The military and other organizations will focus on getting our so called 3rd world assistance in bringing them food and building houses.
4) TRANSPORTATION IS ESSENTIAL. Since we need to keep food, materials and personnel moving.
5) ENERGY PRODUCTION! Needs to keep running as it is but I´m sure new technologies will transpire quickly that will deplete some of the old energy technologies.
6) FORM SOME SORT OF ALLIANCE BETWEEN GEOGRAPHIC AREAS WHERE WE CAN GET OVERVIEW OF OUR PROGRESS. (Since there are no borders anymore and the people of the world is one nation I say geographic areas).
Thanks, RTS.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
China HouseCleaning: Final Push for Golden Age is On
Hot from the American National Militia, Keenan informed Drake about the house cleaning that China is doing right now. This is coupled by Russia’s sweet revenge to the Soros led shutdown of her economy in the late 80s and early 90s.
We are at the threshold of the Greatest Experience mankind can only dream of. Fasten your seat belts. The Golden Age will come shortly.
[Press Ctrl and + sign to increase view size.]
This as far as I know is BREAKING NEWS.
From the information received privately as well as RT I must state this is really the first act to clean house relating to arrests of the CABAL.
Her Majesty the Real Buddha is going to follow the will of her Family which is to keep the world’s peace.
We just might be in a better position and cannot be any worse than the deadbeats that have been playing us for more than 100 years.
[11:16:06 AM] Neil Keenan: the Royal Family Trust has already been turned over to the Emperor and she is cleaning house from what we can see from the Russian Television Network RT. People are being fired holding high governmental positions in China and Traders and Bankers are being taken directly from their positions of power in Hong Kong and taken directly to jail. They are not passing Go
~ Drake
Drake | January 18, 2013 at 1:41 pm | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-Fh

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
What Does It All Mean?
Throughout the journey we all share until this point in time, when all that had happened and those that continue to manifest, i.e. the positive changes that have been effectively downplayed, nay ignored, by the Old Media, we have been brought to the limits of our patience, and imagination. We are forced to understand something that requires a different mindset than that which we were born into.
The concept of freedom is not just the absence of tyranny and oppression. It is a complete reassertion of one’s being, i.e. the Creator and the Created. We are the Collective Consciousness that decided to be here, in this present continuum of space and time, for a certain purpose.
That purpose may have been forgotten for a while, but once etched in memory can never be obliterated through the passage of time, for time never really existed to begin with.
All concepts that limit what can be need not be utilized anymore if we are to survive as a species. The concept of individualism spun a cancerous “survival of the fittest” mindset.
On the other hand, it is easy to condemn the shortcomings of anybody but oneself, yet evolution was never simultaneous. We are our brothers’ keeper. We have to carry them for a while because this is a journey that all of us deserve and decided to be part of.
Together, we will revisit the real meaning of freedom, and be blissful to live in it.
What Does It All Mean?
Nicole Matthews
January 16, 2013
Reading the latest statement from the One People’s Public Trust, and reading the comments from the supportive as well as from the confused has brought one particular thought and realization to mind.
One thing from all of the OPPT documents and statements is perfectly clear. The laws are all reset back to prime, back to ‘zero point’, back to how it was in the very beginning before any man-made laws and rules ever existed eons of our time ago. All rules (laws, statutes, regulations, codes, etc.) are all created by corporations such as the corporation of the United States of America (all countries, political parties, governing bodies, etc.) are actually just registered corporations. All corporations are regulated through the UCC(1) which is owned by all of the people of the earth equally. Therefore, the people once again rule the corporations and therefore rule the systems, legally and lawfully. We are back at ‘zero point’. Fresh start. Where we choose to take it from here is up to us, the one people of earth. I AM is you (and me), the actual, real, spiritual you, which is different than the legal-entity-you. We are spiritual beings who have chosen to currently experience a life on planet earth. I AM created by the Creator and as such, I AM subject to the Creator’s laws which supersede any man-made law. This is the basis for this system reset.
Many are asking why the wording of the OPPT statements are written in 5D or galactic. Well, the systems in the old paradigm (aka 3D) are legally and lawfully foreclosed. The language of legalese is no longer valid. The language of the new paradigm is an enlightened language, from a higher consciousness. It is time for humanity to begin living in the new paradigm.
Human consciousness is made of energy, which includes magnetic energy. Even with humanity’s limited scientific knowledge, human scientists have been mathematically tracking and calculating this rate.(2) Human consciousness is growing and expanding and we are ready to evolve and live in the new paradigm.
This brings me to the thought I had when reading the most recent statement from the OPPT. All of this accomplishes something wonderful. Our galactic brothers and sisters have been offering earth’s population a membership in the galactic community for many years. Two main reasons have prevented this from happening so far. First of all, our corrupt systems, especially the corrupt financial and governing systems were not in alignment with the higher consciousness of the galactic community. Secondly, membership was offered through the ‘leaders’ at that time. The ‘leaders’ at that time were corrupt. They did not want to release their hold on humanity for many reasons that all ultimately would have meant a loss of their control of their power. We are ready at last to move forward and to become a member of the galactic community as our systems are being restructured in a way that aligns with the greater galactic neighbourhood. Between our systems aligning with a higher consciousness and humanity’s consciousness expanding, WE ARE ready!
The people of earth are soon to be again offered a membership in the greater galactic community. THIS time, the decision to join our galactic community will be made for the people, by the people since we the people are now the ‘leaders’ of earth’s community. Let it be known, I AM ready! WE ARE ready!
(1) UCC or Universal Commercial Code was founded and initially owned by The People, it was subsequently usurped by an individual for the purpose of legally enslaving The People. Recently, through the work of the OPPT, the UCC ownership is back in the rightful hands of all The People of the Earth equally.
(2) Research the Institute of HeartMath or Princeton University’s Global Consciousness Project for more information.
source: Removing the Shackles
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
US Republic Restored: Obama Out, Boehner In; NESARA Announcement Soon! [UPDATED]
Updated 19 jan 2013: Russian REN-TV’s “How to get rich” series, aka Financial Tyranny featuring David Wilcock and Ben Fulford is another sign that the highly anticipated NESARA announcement is forthcoming.
Just received this update from Drake. It’s 4:57AM from my end. This will be very good news if indeed all of these are true. Intuitively, though, we do feel the changes we were hoping is about to come soon, that’s why we avoided posting articles we classified as fear porn.
If this is already it, then we must be ready. Well, I really don’t know how, honestly. Just keep the calm, I guess
Consequently, the reinvigorated republic may inaugurate an interim president other than Obama, next week.
If you want to jump for joy, don’t do it near a window. It’s too late for that, too.
Here’s Drake.
by Drake
If this is true, then expect markets to be closed tomorrow.
Subject: Fw: Looks Like things are heating up – Announcements soon…!?!?!?
Thursday, January 17, 2013 This was posted on the RTS Skype room yesterday. ________________________________ Subject: Read this Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 21:11:25 -0600 “I AM READY WITH THE SCREWS TO DRAW EVERY TOOTH..AND THEN THE STUMPS”…Andrew Jackson 1832 Andrew Jackson knew what the banks meant to the REPUBLIC of the USA. SO he stopped them from installing the 2nd bank of the united states. which brings me to this awesome night….our REPUBLIC. Breathe in this word….REPUBLIC. At the latest reading of the ORGANIC consitution by John Boehner he said this word many many times. ACTUALLY lets go further..he said this and the word constituion many times in front of 71 members of congress..not 535!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You heard me right. A lot of information was passed from above to me and you on here…..there are now only 71 members in congress as the ORGANIC republic consitution was read only a few days ago. YES BOEHNER is our interim president and Ron PAUL is interim VP. THE REASON WHY… pay attention all……i have a copy of the Revised Code of the Laws Of Virginia..dating 1819. printer Thomas Ritchie. in other words before me is the original consitution before it was Stolen in 1812..not burned. STOLEN. thank you Tom Dunn and David Dodge. They uncovered this from over twenty years ago in a london library and supreme court in 2000 agreed Commonwealth of Virginia properly ratified so its LAW!!! Now when i read this I note that there is a protocol. Obama was president of corporation US..not USA. He is no longer in that seat. As he has resigned that corporate seat, Joe Biden by law cannot be the president in flux. His position vacated at same point. Only speaker of house can lawfully gain this Pres. seat. Then he can appoint a VP of his choice ONLY on an interim basis. There has to NOW BE a voting period for both seats and others. WHY..cause lawyers are gone from OUR CONGRESS!!! This brings in the reformation law…there will be elections held WITHIN 120 days of this Monday JANUARY 21, 2013. Note what I just said. :)))))) Now moving forward. A VERY CLOSE FRIEND OF MINE(for all the white knight fans)..ohh you should be:))))……told me tonight that Boehener also stated in his acceptance speech..”you abide by the constitution or you hit the road”. Lets move on…confusion about pps, rvs, announcements..and dark agenda people. There have some deliveries made already..they were money investments for the investigators. Now we move on to announcements..this comes next. MY contact says it will be by the 20th, but maybe friday…(dont swear by this). The white knights will implement when THEY feel its right. After the announcements all the rv money, all programs..including but not limited to Omega, farm claims, freedom, bergavine, destiny. and the st germain trusts will be released also. THIS IS ALL PART OF NeSARA. THE FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE DEBT FORGIVENESS FOLLOWED BY TAXES ELIMINATED, AND SO ON. ALL NESARA BASED. The history part will come fter the 3 hour announcements in rotation for 10 days. ALL MEDIA! As far as Obama is concerned AGAIN..AGAIN..AGAIN..he was groomed for this part only. THE WHITE KNIGHTS NEEDED A SMART LAWYER INSIDE TO WEED OUT THE RATS>it worked…leave it alone. His job is done so now hes out. allthe laws he passed including the twenty today is MAINLY for the evil ones in governments here..not just us. THE WHITE KNIGHTS HAVE GUARANTEED that WE ARE SAFE!!!! Just sit back and enjoy the next few days and BE EXPECTANT!!! THE ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE KEY!!! i also have some great history info about wanta/reagan and others thatll rock yer world. and to the dark agenda people on here…stay away..go back to Mcdonalds and apply for a job. You have no recourse for OUR GOLD AND OUR REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION…IT ALL BELONGS TO WE THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Drake | January 17, 2013 at 11:48 am | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-Fd
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
NWO Cabal in Panic Mode, Financial Infrastructure Cut Off
This is an update from Neil Keenan emphasizing the danger arising from the Cabal’s desperation as its financial arm is effectively cut off. To add, proof of financial related development is the Bundesbank Repatriation of their Gold Deposit from Federal Reserve – New York.
To our knowledge, more Central Banks are doing the same following the retaking of the Asian Gold of the Collateral Accounts. Over the last few months, rumors of these massive deliveries of gold bullion crawled around the New Media.
Some of the off-radar actions are outlined in the latest Fulford Update.
The Hidden Truth Behind The News
The New World Order is now in panic mode as its financial infrastructure is cut off
Part 9 – The connections between Port Arthur Massacre, Tasmania, Australia and Sandy Hook, USA
I guess by now you are asking what has all this to do with the New World Order and its eventual demise?
Why you may ask is there a sudden upsurge in massacres?
Why has Obama and the US Government suddenly changed its approach to wars/conflicts and now seeking an urgent withdrawal from Afghanistan?
The answer to all of these questions is simply because the NWO and its cabal have now had their main source of financing cut and are desperately trying to gain as much ground as possible before their eventual collapse and before the next super power takes over.
It is recorded that as long ago as 20 years of more the cabal had huge plans to take over many Islamic countries, create mayhem in many other countries by intentionally collapsing their economies/ industrial base, the installation their puppets via the World Bank and IMF’s bailouts and then to disarm their respective populations.
However, the next Super Power ( Far Eastern) has now advanced is stance in the world and is now demanding not only its stolen gold bullion back but also demanding control of the World’s Collateral Accounts and a more balanced distribution of wealth.
Unfortunately for the Cabal they have been caught with their trousers down midstream and are now desperately trying to finish off what they first started……needless to say gun control formed part of their master-plan!!
Australia became a testing ground for this attempted take over and now the final hurdle is the US but that is not going to be so easy!!
The NRA is not only a powerful group but also has a huge following and the citizens in America have now cottoned on to their evil intentions, especially after the last massacre in Sandy Nook which clearly followed the same trend as that of the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania, Australia.
Let’s now look at this latest “False Flag” and what people are saying about it.
One would first have to observe the lack of compassion and visual presentation given by alleged families of the deceased and immediately you can see that these were not relatives but rather hired actors and certainly would not qualify for a part in a Shakespearean play………..take a look at this link:
Note the initial smile and then the full on dramatics and no tears:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6omFTYw9AM and another short clip of the same actorhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPiQ_E5gHlE
with the caption below it which reads:
Published on 24 Dec 2012
One of the victims reported in the Sandy Hook shooting on December 14, 2012, was little Emilie Parker. However, on the December 16, 2012, President Obama was able take pictures with Emilie. How was this possible if she was reported died? That day, President Obama went to Sandy Hook to speak with the victims’ families, including the Parker family. Before a press, Robbie Parker (Emilie’s father) came out smiling and laughing. Then before he was about to speak, Robbie Parker made himself to fake cry. Were the Parker family merely hired actors? The proof is in the video.
Then we had this pathetic actor sharing his experience…….obviously a guy with the name of Rosen is a Zionist supporter……he had two goes at this play acting take a look at both attempts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFyexz_IuHE and again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02lve5xZeeU
Another couple who were supposed to have lost their child: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmyA81mHVjQ and yet another one worth looking at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B8DuC8Iy8A
I will leave the fake videos now and look at what others are saying about this incident:
As you would expect we frequently get more accurate information from Iranian sources than we do from our own western based media……such as this coverage by Press TV:
The Iranian regime says Adam Lanza was a “patsy” for the Israeli government.
Iran Press TV reported, via Religion of Peace:
Days later, the Sandy Hook Massacre, the iconic slaughter of twenty small children, is now looking like a terrorist attack, not a “murder suicide.” Was “lone gunman” Adam Lanza a “patsy,” the same word Lee Harvey Oswald used to describe himself before being “silenced” in November 1963?
Today, Michael Harris, former Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and GOP campaign finance chairman, in an internationally televised news broadcast, cited “Israeli revenge” in, what he called, “the terrorist attack in Connecticut.”
Harris cited Israeli “rage” against the US and against President Barack Obama. By “Israel,” we mean “Netanyahu.”
The mission was to teach America a lesson, knowing that “America would take the punishment, keep “quiet,” and let a ‘fall guy’ take the blame.”
A “fall guy” is another word for “patsy.”
Press TV extended on this story as per below:
Mossad death squads slaughtered American children at Sandy Hook
Students at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, are being guided to get out of the school after the December 14, 2012 deadly shooting.
Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:27PM GMT
By Dr. James H. Fetzer
The choice appears to be covertly revealing, where “Sandy” means guardian of men (as an allusion to guns) and “Hook” as a euphemism for hooking, gathering or confiscating the only weapons that DHS fears. And who better to slaughter American children than Israelis, who deliberately murder Palestinian children?
While liberals and some conservatives believe the time has come to ban assault weapons, the graver threat to our nation’s security has been swept under the rug.
The Sandy Hook massacre appears to have been a psy op intended to strike fear in the hearts of Americans by the sheer brutality of the massacre, where the killing of children is a signature of terror ops conducted by agents of Israel. This is being used as powerful incentive for banning assault rifles, where most of the public is unaware of the fact that the Department of Homeland Security has acquired 1.5 billion rounds of .40 caliber, hollow-point ammunition, which is not ever permissible in warfare under the Geneva Conventions. A Senate Subcommittee has issued a report (3 October 2012) based upon its review of 680 “fusion center” reports (from 2009-2001) and found not a single indication of any domestic terrorist threat-not one! None! Since the only domestic “terrorist threats” are ones contrived by the government, especially the FBI, the public needs to know. This information-as well as the existence of more than 300 FEMA camps and special boxcars to carry dissidents to them-has been deliberately withheld from the American people, because if they were aware of the facts of the matter, it would become obvious that those camps and ammunition are intended to be used against them.When DHS is gearing up to conduct a massive civil war against the American people, what better excuse could there be for banning assault weapons than the massacre of 20 innocent children at Sandy Hook Elementary School?
The choice appears to be covertly revealing, where “Sandy” means guardian of men (as an allusion to guns) and “Hook” as a euphemism for hooking, gathering or confiscating the only weapons that DHS fears. And who better to slaughter American children than Israelis, who deliberately murder Palestinian children?
Mike Harris of Veterans Today has exposed the pattern relating what happened there to earlier assaults: “This is exactly what Israel did in Norway; the political party that voted sanctions against Israel was retaliated against by a ‘lone gunman’ who killed 77 children. This is what Israel always does, they go after the children.
“It is what they do in Gaza every day. It is what was done in Norway. It is what happened at Sandy Hook. Nobody buys the ‘one gunman’ story anymore, not with the Gabby Giffords’ shooting, not with the Aurora “Batman” shooting, certainly not with Breveik, and certainly not in Connecticut.”
The most likely scenario, given what we know now, is that Adam Lanza and his mother killed the day before. Adam’s body picked up by local police. He was attired in a SWAT outfit, including body armor, and stored in the school.
A three-man team entered the school, one was arrested in the school–cuffed and put on the lawn–two went out the back door, one was arrested, the third appears to have escaped. You can find this on helicopter videos.
Those arrested are currently not in police custody; their names were never released. That is a telling sign that we are being sold a story that is based on fiction, not on fact. What else are the local police concealing?
A parallel situation in Aurora, where there appear to have been multiple participants, but the police concealed information about them. The DC Sniper, John Allen Muhammad, was even a active member of Delta Force, but the public was not informed.
His assistant in this killing spree, Lee Boyd Malvo, had been detained in Seattle but was released, even though he was an illegal alien, where INS has refused to explain how that happened. Did “higher authority” intervene?
Nidal Malik Hasan, the US Army Major who killed 13 and wounded 29 during a rampage at Ft. Hood, Texas, even sat next to the Director of Homeland Security during an event at George Washington University. Can that be coincidental?
When the “long gunman” cover story falls apart, then the national press, which William Colby told us was infiltrated by agents of the CIA-“The agency owns everyone of significance in the major media”-resorts to stories of Mind Control and use of drugs.
We have to see through the smoke and mirrors. These attacks typically involve three-man shooting teams, where, once the story is tainted with bogus MK/Ultra conspiracy disinformation, crucial data, like the assault rifle the Sandy Hook having been left in his car, swiftly disappears.
Lenin and Trotsky were terrorists. Lenin was an outspoken proponent of terrorism. The founder of the Lukid Party and sixth Prime Minister of Israel was an Irgun terrorist. Study its history. No nation in the world cares more about its own interests and less about those of the United State than Israel.
The bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946, was a stunning example. The attack on the USS Liberty and Israel’s bombing of its own Embassy and Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1992 and 1994 are other illustration.
Those who study 9/11 are all too aware of the role of the Neo-Cons and the Mossad. But the American press covers it up-and Congress is controlled by AIPAC. As Bill Casey, former CIA Director, observed, “Our disinformation program will be complete when everything the American public believes is false.” Sandy Hook is the latest example.
Let’s now look at the same story as shown on Alex Jones Info Wars:
Sandy Hook police audio confirms multiple shooters on the scene
Natural News
December 31, 2012
I’ve been listening to a stream of police dept. audio during the initial response to the Sandy Hook shooting.
This link has most of its action in the first four minutes:
At roughly 2:38, a police voice says: “Party in custody.”
Then at 3:49, “We have a suspect down.”
This next link, for me, was somewhat clearer:
Starting at roughly 3:13, there are relevant police comments:
“A teacher reports two shadows running past the building past the gym.”
“They’re shooting.” (??)
“Yeah, we got ’em.”
“They’re coming at me down Kurt’s (sp) Way!”
“Got ’em (?)…proned out.”
We get the distinct sense there are multiple shooters.
Whoever is proned out, whoever is in custody, whoever is “coming at me,” whoever is down…we don’t know what happened to them.
Reporters on the scene have, as far as I know, provided no information, and neither have police. The suspects have disappeared down the memory hole.
Then we have these television interviews with families of the victims.
It’s astounding. Parents are smiling. They’re actors from Central Casting? One thing is for sure. They’re androids, if you measure their responses against reports of what happened in the Sandy Hook School.
And as androids, they’re only matched by the TV reporters who are interviewing them.
If you’re tempted to say the parents and family members are in shock, or they’re reacting to being on television, forget it. Their attitudes don’t match a massacre by any stretch of the imagination.
Is Sandy Hook/Newtown a Stepford Village? Are these people all programmed to be pleasant and accommodating No Matter What?
It’s about as bizarre as the purported video footage of the Aurora theater during the shootings there this summer. As people exit the lobby and come out on to the street, there is no sign of blood and no one is coughing from the reported tear gas inside the theater.
With these Sandy Hook parents, we’re looking at a level of conditioning in which Being Nice can completely overwhelm even the murder of one’s own child.
Tears? Not one person in these interviews has actual tears running down his or her face.
One of the fathers, Robbie Parker, has had his interview played and replayed all over the planet onYouTube, and you can watch him smiling and grinning, for all the world looking like he’s just been appointed CEO of a company he works for…and then he steps to a podium to make his statement, and as one poster succinctly describes it, “gets into character.”
This isn’t just an internal event. You can watch Parker huffing and puffing and pushing himself into what he thinks is a tragic and grief-stricken state of mind. He does it so badly you wonder why no one in the room calls him on it. It’s beyond strange. Yet reporters later talked about Parker “struggling through tears and suffering to make a heartfelt statement…” The reporters are just as deranged as Parker is.
This boggling show isn’t confined to Sandy Hook. A commenter below a Deseret News article on Parker replied: “Brave young father, wise to forgive early and choose to move forward—nothing can be gained by dwelling on what cannot be changed.”
At times, watching these interviews, I wondered whether the parents had been conditioned to believe, in the face of ANYTHING, that good and nice children all take a choo-choo train to heaven and there is nothing to regret about their murders at all.
In an earlier article, I pointed out that, indeed, at 1hr:58 of The Dark Knight Rises, Gary Oldman, talking about an impending attack on “Strike Zone 1,” is pointing to the words “Sandy Hook” on a map in front of him. These are the only legible words on the map.
By happenstance, the production designer of Dark Knight Rises, Nathan Crowley, is related to the infamous British black-magic legend, Aleister Crowley, who was sometimes called The Great Beast 666.
In an interview, Nathan said, “Yes, Aleister Crowley is a direct relative, he’s my grandfather’s cousin, but we were never allowed to even mention his name because we were a very Quaker family.”
Nathan is also the production designer of Lady Gaga’s video ad for her Perfume, Fame.
In terms of “the dark side,” the full 5:41 version of the video-ad makes Dark Knight Rises look like a Disney cartoon by comparison.
But not to worry. What happened at Sandy Hook was exactly as the major media portrayed it, and nothing more. Sure. You bet.
Let’s now look at another well respected site called Veterans Today and what they had to say about Sandy Nook:
Sandy Hook massacre: Evidence of official foreknowledge?
The moment it emerged that he was alive and was taken into police custody in Hoboken, New Jersey, many if not all of the statements previously made to the press by anonymous ‘law enforcement officials’ regarding Ryan Lanza and his connections could no longer have been known beforehand.
In the following passage of my previous article on the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, I made the following reference to Ryan Lanza being the named second suspect caught armed in the adjacent woods:
Perhaps most astonishingly, this suspect arrested in the woods was named in an Associated Press report as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza. The original report has long since vanished of course, but you can see it referenced in the article below……. This was despite the fact that Ryan had already been named as the deceased suspect inside the school, lying next to two handguns.
I have since found the original Associated Press report, which in fact states that it was “Ryan’s younger brother”, Adam Lanza, who was arrested in the woods. So let’s take a closer look at this revealing report.
2:25 p.m. CST — A FoxNews report said:
witnesses said a handcuffed man, dressed in camouflage was led out of a nearby woods by officers who reported to the shooting. The individual is Lanza’s younger brother, according to the Associated Press.
That Fox News report has since been ‘updated’, but here is the full original text and screenshot of the Associated Press report which places both brothers at the scene, one dead (Ryan), and the other arrested (Adam):
This is an extraction from the previous report as referred too above:
3:18 p.m. CST — The Associated Press issued an alert saying the deceased shooter has been identified by law enforcement as Adam Lanza, 20. He was found dead at the school. The official says Adam Lanza’s older brother, 24-year-old Ryan, of Hoboken, N.J., is being questioned by police. An earlier report from a law enforcement official mistakenly transposed the brothers’ first names, AP said.
2:42 p.m. CST — Speaking at the shooting site, Connecticut state police Lt. Paul Vance confirmed New Jersey police are working an angle of the case; that there is a “secondary” crime scene being investigated; and authorities expect to remain on site through the evening and possibly the weekend. He reiterated the death count at the school campus is 27 including the shooter, 20 children and six other adults.
2:37 p.m. CST — A new top to the story from The Associated Press says the brother of shooter 24-year-old Ryan Lanza is being held for questioning as a possible second shooter. According to an official who asked not to be named, the suspect drove to the scene of the shootings in his mother’s car. Three guns were found at the scene — a Glock and a Sig Sauer, both pistols — and a .223-caliber rifle. The rifle was recovered from the back of a car at the school. The two pistols were recovered from inside the school.
2:30 p.m. CST — The latest report from Reuter’snews service says an entire kindergarten class is unaccounted for. The shooter carried four weapons and wore a bulletproof vest.
Melissa Murphy, who lives near the school, monitored events on a police scanner. “I kept hearing them call for the mass casualty kit and scream, ‘Send everybody! Send everybody!'” Murphy said.
2:25 p.m. CST — A FoxNews report said
witnesses said a handcuffed man, dressed in camouflage was led out of a nearby woods by officers who reported to the shooting. The individual is Lanza’s younger brother, according to the Associated Press.
2:17 p.m. CST — “Our hearts are broken,” said President Barack Obama, addressing the Connecticut tragedy. “As a country, we have been through this too many times.”
“Nothing can fill the space of a lost child,” Obama said.
2:15 p.m. CST — The Associated Press reports: A law enforcement official says the suspect in the Connecticut school shootings is 24-year-old Ryan Lanza and that his younger brother is being held for questioning as a possible second shooter. The law enforcement official said the boys’ mother, Nancy Lanza, works at the school as a teacher. The official also said Ryan Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend are missing in New Jersey.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said the suspect is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the source was not authorized to speak on the record about the developing criminal investigation.
2:10 p.m. CST — A Washington Post report says the shooter killed his mother before going to the school.
2:08 p.m. CST — Governor of Connecticut and President Obama expected to speak shortly on the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
2:05 p.m. CST — FoxNews reports both parents of the gunmen were found dead in their homes.
2:02 p.m. CST — The latest Associated Press report says the shooter’s mother worked at Sandy Hook Elementary. It accounts for 26 victims plus the gunman for a total of 27 deaths.Robert Licata said his 6-year-old son was in class when the gunman burst in and shot the teacher.
“That’s when my son grabbed a bunch of his friends and ran out the door,” he said. “He was very brave. He waited for his friends.”
1:59 p.m. CST — A tweet from The Associated Press, quoting a source, says brother of the shooter is being held.
1:56 p.m. CST — The latest report from The Washington Post also identified Ryan Lanza, 20, as the shooter and notes authorities said Lanza killed himself.
1:52 p.m. CST – FoxNews report cites a source saying the shooter’s father was found dead in his home.
1:48 p.m. CST — The latest Associated Press report accounts for 26 deaths, including 18 children. It quotes a parent saying his 6-year-old son said the gunman didn’t say a word. The other deaths were school staff.
1:46 p.m. CST – FoxNews, attributing the information to a source, says the shooter’s mother is “presumed dead.” Reporters stress there is no clarity on where the woman is believed to have died.
1:44 p.m. CST — FoxNews reports its efforts to confirm a link between the shooter and a teacher at the school – who some agencies reported was his mother — were unfruitful.
1:40 p.m. CST – CBS News, as other agencies have through the morning, looks for details on a possible second gunman. CBS’ John Miller reports authorities have an individual in custody who investigators said may be a possible second shooter.
Miller also reports that authorities have gone into a home connected with the individual in custody after seeing what appeared to be a body inside.
1:32 p.m. CST – At the press conference, police confirm the campus is secure. CNN reports the shooter is named Ryan Lanza
1:26 p.m. CST – News agencies continue to report different figures for the number of people killed.
The Los Angeles Times reports at a news conference Connecticut State Police spokesman Lt. Paul Vance refused to give an exact number pending notification of the families. “There were several fatalities at scene, students and staff,” Vance said. “There will be no other information until families are told.”
1:22 p.m. CST – CBS News reports Senior Correspondent John Miller was told the gunman had an argument with the principal before the shooting started.
1:20 p.m. CST – The White House said President Barack Obama has “enormous sympathy for families that are affected” by the shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut, the Associated Press reports.
1:15 p.m. CST – NJ.com reports that an account citing a New Jersey connection to the shooter was refuted by state police.
1:08 p.m. CST – The Associated Press calls the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting the nation’s second-deadliest school shooting, exceeded only by the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007. Mergim Bajraliu, 17, heard the gunshots echo from his home and raced to check on his 9-year-old sister at the school. He said his sister, who was fine, heard a scream come over the intercom at one point. He said teachers were shaking and crying as they came out of the building.
1:05 p.m. CST – A Washington Times report says the school psychologist and the principal are among the dead.
1:02 p.m. CST – FoxNews reports 26 dead.
NEWTOWN, Connecticut -The tragic shooting that centered on a kindergarten classroom at an elementary school here this morning may have yielded up to 27 deaths, new reports show.
An official with knowledge of a shooting at a Connecticut elementary school says 27 people are dead, including 18 children, The Associated Press reported. The Washington Post reports it is the second most deadly shooting on record.
A law enforcement official in Washington said the attacker was a 20-year-old man with ties to the school and that one of the guns was a .223-caliber rifle, AP reported. Earlier reports said two 9mm handguns were recovered.
The official also said that New Jersey State Police were searching a location in that state in connection with the shootings. That official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the source was not authorized to speak on the record about the developing criminal investigation.
Another official, speaking on condition of anonymity for the same reason, says the gunman is among the dead.
The killings happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, about 60 miles northeast of New York City.
State police say Newtown police called them around 9:40 a.m. Eastern. Reports have said the shooter was in the main office of the school at about that time, but that most of the shooting took place in a kindergarten classroom. A SWAT team was among the throngs of police to respond.
This New York Times aggregated post produces a timeline of sorts of the morning’s events, via twitter and various news agency coverage.
One resident of the town of about 27,000 told CNN “It doesn’t seem possible.”.
A mother who spoke to CNN’s Meredith Artley said she heard “at least 100 rounds” being fired,according to another CNN report.
Photos from the scene showed young students — some crying, others looking visibly frightened — being escorted by adults through a parking lot in a line, hands on each other’s shoulders. CNN’s reporting including video interviews with some of the children.
Parent Richard Wilford said his Sandy Hook second-grader, Richie, heard what he described as “pans falling” when gunshots rang out, he told The Hartford Courant. His son told him that the teacher went to go check, came back in and locked the door and told the students to stand in the corner.
“What does a parent think about coming to a school where there’s a shooting” It’s the most terrifying moment of a parent’s life … you have no idea,” Wilford told the newspaper.
Well into the afternoon, law enforcement continued to comb the school’s campus and frustrated parents still tried to get information from officials, The Courant report said.
Eight-year-old Alexis Wasik, a third-grader at the school, said police were checking everybody inside the school before they were escorted to the firehouse.
“We had to walk with a partner,” she said.
Back to the continued article in Veterans Today:
Pete Yost, Associated Press
Friday, December 14, 2012
Washington (AP) – A law enforcement official says the suspect in the Connecticut school shootings is 24-year-old Ryan Lanza and that his younger brother is being held for questioning as a possible second shooter. The law enforcement official says the boys’ mother, Nancy Lanza, works at the school as a teacher.
The official also said Ryan Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend are missing in New Jersey.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said the suspect is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the source was not authorized to speak on the record about the developing criminal investigation.
Who exactly is this ‘law enforcement official’ that has access to the premier news agency in the country, and on behalf of which state agency does he/she work for?
How did they even know at this point that Ryan had a younger 20-year-old brother when there are o public records of Adam Lanza since 2009 and the two brothers had not seen each other since 2010, as claimed by Ryan? How could they have known on Friday morning that Ryan had a girlfriend and that she and another friend were missing in New Jersey? How did they even know that Ryan had any connection to New Jersey at all? The Lanzas’ mother was dead at this point and their father only found out later through a reporter asking him about Adam, who had by then become the ‘lone gunman’ in the official narrative.
Surely the first point on the timeline at which anyone can even begin to discover these things about Ryan is the moment he piped up on Facebook and said “Hi, I’m alive, I didn’t do it, and I live and work down here in New Jersey!” How could ‘law enforcement officials’ have pieced together details of his life but not known that he was actually still alive in the very location where they stated that his girlfriend had gone missing?
The only way they could have found out all this about Ryan Lanza was if they had 100% positively identified him as the ‘dead gunman inside the building’, then worked backwards from there by investigating who his next of kin were, then questioning family members, then discovering where he lived and worked, that he had a girlfriend and that she and a friend were missing, etc.
Such things take time to investigate, especially as they would involve cross-checking with police and other officials in New Jersey. And even before that, somebody there would first have had to receive local reports of two missing people before any connection could be made to the shooting in Connecticut.
Even if we granted these ‘law enforcement officials’ superfast detective powers, they would not have been able to travel back in time to rewrite the script regarding how they knew what they knew about the Lanza brothers, particularly Ryan. Because from the moment the official line was forced to deviate towards saying that Ryan Lanza was no longer the ‘dead shooter inside the building’, it becameimpossible for these ‘law enforcement officials’ who “weren’t authorised to speak” (but heck, were telling lots of people lots of things that morning anyway, and whose credentials enabled them to speak through the Associated Press and other media outlets) to have retrospectively discovered all these connections of Ryan.
The only logical conclusion I can draw at this stage is that somebody or some group with high-level media access had FOREKNOWLEDGE of the crime, foreknowledge that is revealed by their ‘anonymously’ leaking to the press things which they could not otherwise have known, foreknowledge that exposes their hand in originally planning to use both Lanza brothers as patsies.
Finally we have this report from beforeitnews.com
PROOF The Sandy Hook Massacre Was A False Flag Operation? Adam Lanza’s Long Gun WAS Never in the School, It Was in His Car
Who fired the rifle shots responsible for the mass murders at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012? Because we don’t think it was Adam Lanza.
At 1:23 in this video [below] we see a helicopter shot of a rifle being retrieved from the trunk of a car. This video footage is consistent with all of the news reports throughout the day of the shooting and into the second day which repeatedly stated that Adam Lanza was the “lone gunman” and he was found dead with two handguns by his side. That was later revised to “4 handguns” found in the school. But ALL of these reports claimed that authorities retrieved the only long gun from Adam’s car [:30 into the video below]. Again, we can see a long gun being removed from a vehicle at 1:23 in this video.
As we’ve previously reported, the smoking gun hole in the “official” story is that Medical Examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver clearly stated [as seen at 1:44 in this video] that all of the gun shot wounds he examined were “caused by a long weapon.”
So again we ask, who fired the rifle shots responsible for these murders?
See the video referred too above at this link:
To continue:
WHO are the two men in the van driving away from the school who police stopped and detained?
We are living in the matrix my friends. Maybe there is still an explanation for all of these inconsistencies – but until we get one, this whole thing stinks. It’s looking like it was a false flag operation – a deliberate mass murder plot carried out by a black ops team and blamed on Adam Lanza for the purpose of demonizing the Second Amendment and gun owners so that this criminal government has the excuse it needs to come after lawfully owned firearms. The mainstream media does not care about the 20 children or the adults who were murdered in cold blood on Friday, they don’t care about the truth, those in control of the mainstream media care only about carrying out an agenda – the agenda to destroy the Second Amendment. I will have an interview with a Connecticut based police officer posting here at SGT report within the next 24 hours.
Medical Examiner: “All the wounds that I know of at this point were caused by the long weapon.”
Reporter: “So the rifle was the primary weapon?”
Medical Examiner: “Yes.”
Finally we have this very good blog that gives yet another perspective of this false flag that has so many unanswered questions in five parts:
I am sure we could extend this article into as many parts as the Port Arthur Massacre but time does not permit as we are expecting the President of the US to make an announcement this week on possible gun control.
It is vital for the citizens of the US and the NRA know what is actually happening to them and learn from the Australian experience and the cover-up of the Port Arthur Massacre and the subsequent gun control that followed this false flag event.
This particular massacre served a totally different purpose but non the less had a common link……..that being a Zionist plot……to scare the Norwegian Government against its support for the Palestinian Cause……..
There was also another massacre which happened at Toulouse in France that this time involved members of the Jewish population…….this again was yet another Zionist Led False Flag that had the full support of President Sarkosy…….this incident was also rather strange for the following reason:
The French police linked the shootings of four people at a Jewish school in Toulouse to the killings of three soldiers of North African descent in two separate incidents last week.
The same gun and the same stolen scooter were used in all three attacks, sources close to the investigation said.
A teacher and three children were shot dead at the Ozar Hatorah school, and a teenage boy was seriously injured.
One of the biggest manhunts in France then got underway – Investigations were pursuing two principal lines of inquiry: an Islamist motive or the far right.
Again a true Zionist False Flag Plot that simply fizzled out when the President was not re elected!!!
I found the following that obviously adds more fuel to the argument was Sandy Nook and inside job:
This video that sums it all up
Footnote to the Port Arthur Massacre:
Only today the Australian ABC News 24 was discussing Port Arthur and reviewing the gun laws as they stand in Australia to this day.
I found the comments made by Cate Faehrman of the NSW Green Party well out of context as were the comments made by the presenter of the programme and the rest of the panel.
When one studies the events in Port Arthur as they unfolded and investigate the historical aspects of that massacre one can clearly see it was a “False Flag” with only one thing in mind……..”To bring into existence Australian Gun Control” ……….the panel were discussing how this could be extended upon and it was Cate Faehrman who gave reference to the death rate of persons killed in National Parks etc.
I find it incredibly disturbing that all of those invited to talk on such matters have no Military background or knowledge of firearms whatsoever.
Now that we know the Port Arthur Massacre was not carried out by Bryant one would have to ask the ABC, media in general, and the panel how they would look upon this tragic event and the other False Flag in Sandy Nook given the new information that has since come to light?
Finally what would the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and the Green Party do if they knew that this was indeed a massive cover-up?……….we already know the answer to that question………”Absolutely nothing”
One can clearly see a collective attempt by Australia and the US to take total control of the gun lobby by using these two “False Flags” as justification to implement government control of firearms.
The final Part 10 will cover the Norwegian Massacre which also involved a total cover up.
Peter Eyre – Broadcaster – Investigative Journalist – Middle East Consultant – Political Analysis – 15/1/2013
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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Fulford Reader Feeding Back About Africa
To readers, here are some good links on the situation in South Africa and elsewhere that are worth taking a look at.
Hi Ben,
In your recent report (January 8th 2013) you mention Mandela. Wonderful idea, however I am afraid that all that we have is a legend. The dear man is very old now . As a result he is very protected and no longer makes public appearances, but remains in the safety and care of his family.
As an alternative suggestion, might I propose the name of Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu. Although also rapidly advancing in age, his mind is still as sharp, many have always thought too sharp, as a whistle His experience with the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission can only be of great benefit to all. And last year he called for the arrest of Tony Blair as a war criminal! He did my heart so proud.
Tony Blair should face trial over Iraq war, says Desmond Tutu. Anti-apartheid hero attacks former prime minister over ‘double standards on war crimes’
While all turns topsy turvy all over the world, South Africa has also had it’s fair share of drama. We still have a very pro Nazi contingent here, the Boer having to his detriment supported Hitler all along, for no other reason than they hate the British with a passion and are strong holocaust deniers. As one example take Stephen Goodson, although he was on the button regarding Libya and a few other issues, his wanting an increase in payout for shares, his views on the death camps in Europe during WW2, and his blatant pro Nazi fascist views were embarrassing to say the least!
South Africa – Reserve Bank’s Holocaust Denier:
Many Afrikaners , in fact most were and still are unaware of the deep Nazi connection with the Jesuits and the Vatican. And so although vehement Protestants , especially taking the French Huguenot heritage into account, have inadvertently made a pact with the devil. The CIA, Nazi, Jesuit Vatican connection has yet to be fully recorded in the Main Stream Media and history books. Here is an excellent article on that score:
The Mafia, The CIA, & The Vatican’s Intelligence Apparatus:
It is becoming apparent to me that over the last couple of years, ties between this group and the South African Afrikaner have remained strong. Many were forged with CIA Nazi types during the war with Angola and the supposed Cuban “communist “threat, when in fact my country sacrificed their young able men to protect oil for the Portuguese Bilderberg faction in Angola and the Diamond fields of Namibia, a German protectorate.
Of Interest see LaRouche in Africa :
Since 1994, some of these Afrikaners , many in the SADF, have retained ties with the CIA Nazi groups, and now work for AFRIKOM and or Xe (Blackwater) . They have also become involved in Monsanto and are promoting Genetically Modified Maize. To date our Maize is now 70% GM. GM causes infertility within the third generation and as recently proved in France, cancer. Add into this equation that Maize is the staple diet eaten by Black South Africans , and you can see a slow Eugenics program taking place here. This is compounded by the high incidence of HIV AIDS, and with poor diet, eggsaberated by this Maize, the AIDS deaths have been increased. I recently saw a post from a women who works at the Oncology department at a hospital in Cape Town. She says that there are ever growing queues of people with cancer. Another slow killer is Soya, sold as a Protein supplement, very nicely packaged and flavoured as meat or chicken to go as a source with Maize. It increases heart disease.
These same individuals are also involved in E Toll freeways, these Freeways are a more sophisticated and what is more money making type of Berlin Wall, as they restrict travel and movement of the population , especially the low to middle class who cannot afford the fees, in the same way that Bantu Stans did under Apartheid. Due to the cost of travel, people seek employment closer to home and do not move out of their particular areas. We have recently had an absolute furor over this toll system in Johannesburg, the cost is restrictive and will hurt the economy especially small business development, and is detrimental to all South Africans no matter their race group.
Taking their toll: How a cosy club dominates SA’s toll road empire:
The ANC has also been fooled into highly expensive “deals,” which cost the South African tax payer billions, and unfortunately men are easily bribed, especially those who have been severely disadvantaged during Apartheid and the amount of free flowing money has been far too tempting to resist over and above common sense and the well being of the country. When your family has lived in a shack, with no running water and electricity for the last century, a mansion with tons of food, fast cars and lots of clothes for all, far outweighs any kind of educated decision . These deals also have the backing of the “Nazi “faction. See the “Arms Deal,”scandal. Which is also connected to Barclay’s and the Libor Scandal .
Terry Crawford-Browne says the SA bank has been milked by its British owners: A Call to President Jacob Zuma to Appoint Commission of Inquiry into the Barclays Bank Takeover in 2005 of Absa.:
In the back ground, these Afrikaner Nazi types have been plotting with CIA Nazi types, Bill Gates being one, (Monsanto, Xe – Blackwater & Afrikom) and European Nazi types, for the overthrow of a black government and the return of an Afrikaner Boer State. They are doing it through Eugenics, Aids and Genetically modified Maize, turning the country into a Corporatocracy- Wall Mart, Monsanto, E Tolling and soon General Electric Nuclear Power Stations, and through covert “wars,”setting factions against each other for the purpose of depopulation.
I do suspect Julius Malema is a covert CIA operative, though I do not have proof and I might be wrong. He might not even be aware that he is being used. He has recently been thrown out of the ANC, thank God. He was not only making noises about overthrowing the Botswana Government ( strong ties to Britain…. seems LaRouche has his claws in him! ) but has made connection with Robert Mugabe and the Zanu PF. ( another LaRouche “It’s the British!”clone.) He also appears to have had an influencing hand in the Marikana uprising on the Platinum mines , his goal being to make the country ungovernable. Sounds very CIA to me and reminiscent of the tricks played in South America ( Confessions of an Economic Hitman) and are now playing out with CIA Mosaad, Saudi funded Al Queda in Syria, Libya and now Nigeria and Mali.
Again we see CIA involvement and the LaRouche connection with Mugabe. It all revolves around mineral wealth in the Congo, and the Israeli group are heavily invested there :
Why Lyndon LaRouche is a fraud!
Unfortunately it has also come to light that certain South African freedom fighters who fought against Apartheid have become embroiled in the Congo debacle, and again the lure of wealth over the benefit for Africans has come into play. . some have strong ties to Mugabe who has shares in the mines in the Congo, as well as the Bush faction and Israeli interests.
Shortly before the US Presidential elections, Gordon Duff published a most disturbing article. As a South African it made me sick to my stomach. It involves Mitt Romney, CIA drug runners and leads to the Nazi Bush faction. Who I have already concluded , are in Cahoots with the Afrikaner Nazi faction in South Africa.
Blood Diamonds
There is an African end of this story. A CIA agent named “Tony,” working South Africa, part of a team of agents there, all Mormons, contacted a professional associates of mine. (an intelligence agency director) South Africa is my “turf” also.
“Tony” as he called himself was working with a US law firm and was tasked with investing $120 billion in drug profits, maybe from Afghanistan, in South Africa. He told our representatives he was looking for mining properties worth more than $200 million each.
“Tony” met, not just with us, but with dozens of other groups in South Africa. Tony is, what we call in the spy business, “burned.” Tony’s group works with UNITA, a terrorist organization, sometimes supported by North Korea, Israel, the US and China. The former Angolan revolutionary organization is now “for hire,” and “terrorism on demand” with a reach that covers a dozen nations.
Their task, as South African intelligence indicates, is to buy up South Africa and take over the rest of Southern Africa through running terrorist groups out of the DRC or Democratic Republic of the Congo. On their list is Kenya and other nations.
Their method of operation is to finance themselves with blood diamonds, sent through agents to Tel Aviv, money to be handled by Bain Capital/Romney, then to China where arms are purchased and shipped to terrorists in Africa, “Al Qaeda, Boko Harum and UNITA.
The details of the deal were set up a month ago. Currently, UNITA is having difficulty coming up with their end, the $1.2 billion a year in diamonds they promised.
On the Israeli end, Romney, while traveling there with Las Vegas casino boss, Sheldon Adelson, met with diamond traders at what was supposed to be a/an (illegal) fundraiser.
It was something else, putting together one link in the diamonds, terrorism, money, narcotics trade which, working with Bain, the Bush family, Mormon groups in the CIA and the Mossad, meant to take over all of Africa.
UNITA and Jonas Savimbi had very strong ties with the CIA in Angola and also with the SADF. They were all in bed together.
By early December 2012, Mandela became ill. A plane, supposedly going to fetch Mandela, “crashed “in the Drakensberg Mountains. At first it was said that it contained military Hospital staff. It later turned out that they were all top brass Military. I suspect the plane was shot down, again I have no proof, but by who exactly, and were these military people the good guys or the bad guys?
DA urges probe into plane crash:
Mandela was transferred to the Military Hospital. Which is strange in itself, as he has always gone to see his own doctors at the Park Lane Clinic. He was then apparently, transferred to an undisclosed Hospital. The secrecy was “most”unusual. He has only been “released”from hospital this week. I strongly suspect that a plot to assassinate him was uncovered, again no proof. The Afrikaner Nazis hate him to this day, call him a Terrorist and there has been a major smear campaign going on all over the Internet to discredit him, mainly initiated from this group. They have also started another smear campaign amongst the Black youth, putting it out that Mandela betrayed them. Typical propaganda Goebbels tactics. Infiltrate the enemy from within and discredit a highly regarded man who was the best thing that has ever happened to this country! Mandela, unlike many others was the real thing! As was another one of our exports, Ghandi.
Compounding the issue , was the ANC conference where another plot was uncovered by these Afrikaner Nazis to blow up the whole ANC tent. I am sure by now you can connect the dots. IF Julius Malema had succeeded in creating havoc on the mines and making the country “ungovernable,” while at the same time, Mandela had been assassinated AND the whole cream of the crop of the ANC blown up, AND these madmen had succeeded, no doubt in my mind all engineered by the Afrikaners, CIA, Nazi Cabal, I would not be writing this e mail to you now, as we would be in a major civil war and a bloodbath, the Afrikaner extremists all with itchy fingers on triggers to kill the “Kaffirs,” and all Black extremists with pangas and burning tires wanting to chase all the whites into the sea. And at the end of it all? The typical! A Cabal Dictator and the take over of our resources by the CIA Nazi brigade has been waiting in the wings. Same game plan they played out in South America and the Middle East where they have Muslim extremists killing all right minded people.
South Africa foils ‘plot to bomb ANC’:
Also of interest, there was an Afrikaans prophet called Siener van Rensburg. He prophesied: ” The death of Nelson Mandela to a new and more balanced government: right after the death of Nelson Mandela very big strikes and disobedience occur, and they followed by a local ( 3 of 7 provinces ) civil war for ground and power (eg: Zimbabwe type of actions).
These actions are however short lived; the revolt is quenched in a border town called Prieska and the people causing the revolt then are scattered. Mr. van Rensburg has prophesied that weapons will be transported over a railway line to that town; that railway has been completed last year.During the time of that new government the Lord will return and establish His Millennial reign on the Earth.”
link: http://heavenawaits.wordpress.com/siener-van-rensburg-visions-of-the-future/
Well, Mandela did not die, Julius Malema did not make the country ungovernable with big strikes and disobedience , though there was certainly a good dose of that, and….. the civil war for ground and power was short lived and quenched and has been scattered. What I found most interesting was that one of the accused in this Bomb plot, came from Prieska! All the ingredients were there for the making, however as with all things, we have choice on the outcome. And hopefully it will be peace, prosperity and South Africans uniting in diversity and seeing themselves as human beings and not as a colour! As for van Rensburg, the last of his prediction augurs well.
Another interesting point. All these events, Mandela’s illness, the shooting down of a military plane over Kwa Zulu Natal, the bomb plot against the ANC, occurred around what was once known as The Day of The Vow, under the Afrikaner Apartheid Regime. The implications of all these events, have however turned into what this day is now celebrated as, The Day of Reconciliation.
I am deeply concerned for my country. I have been avidly reading your posts and many others. I can see a whole Xe, CIA, Nazi scheme going on here which could only result in bloodshed and instead of working towards the high morals, values and integrity that Mandela and Oliver Thambo strove for, southern Africa is threatened with devolving into a worse situation than we found ourselves under Apartheid. Mugabe’s Zimbabwe hangs as an example.
The positive view in all of this, is that if the “Cabal,” as you call them are brought down, the chances of this happening here, will be minimalised. Another positive is that someone or someones in South Africa, has really got their thinking cap on. I do suspect that these people also funnily enough, include the “good” Afrikaners We have one of the best banking systems in the world and we have joined BRICs. A move that is incomprehensible to most South Africans especially as they see the Chinese as a major threat and are oblivious to the real threat, that of the Cabal Nazi CIA which is far more horrific as far as I can deduce.
And who in their right mind in the end, wants their body and soul owned by the Vatican? Their money controlled by a One World Bank sanctioned by the Vatican, and a One World Government advocated by the Vatican? I not not know about anybody else, but I only answer to “God,”I have a direct line and I do not need the confessional exchange of the Pope or anyone else for that matter to do it for me, and I certainly do not need to pay them for that facility!
So Ben, thank you for all the info that you have and are putting out. I am very grateful. And I wish you all the best for the New Year. Should you wish to post this on your page, feel welcome. Though for obvious reasons, I would like to stay Anonymous. There will be a number of people who do not appreciate my views in this e mail
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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Iceland Revolution: Template for Change
We were painted with a picture that the enemy is invulnerable.
Iceland proved it otherwise. Iceland proved that the Collective Will of its people, and indeed the people of the world, is still the most potent power there is. Therefore, it would be most shameful for all us to even entertain the thought for one second that the situation is beyond hope.
Did you know about the peaceful Icelandic revolution that took place over the last 5 years? If you didn’t, it is likely because it was never televised or talked about very much at all on mainstream news. One would have to be part of the right websites or Facebook pages to even find out that this has been going on. Why is the case? Why keep something so monumental hidden from the public?
First let’s discuss what took place with this revolution, and then it will become much clearer as to why this was never televised.
It was during a time of a lot of financial turmoil around the world and stories were popping up all over the news of how banks around the world had been crushing or minimizing rebellions by receiving massive bailouts to keep them alive. The Iceland story is different because, there was no crushing or ending the rebellion, instead, the people rose up. This is why this was not seen on TV anywhere. If the rest of the world knew that the people won, it may give them some ideas.
During the financial turmoil of 2008 and 2009, the people of Iceland forced their government and banks to resign. How did they do this? Peacefully. The following is a summation of what steps they took over a process of several years, and it all began with each one of them realizing this couldn’t continue.
2008 – The main bank of Iceland is nationalized. The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market halts. The country is in bankruptcy.
2008 – Citizens rise up at Parliament and succeed in forcing the resignation of both the prime minister and the effective government. New elections are held. Yet, the country remains in a bad economic situation. A Parliament act is passed to pay back 3,500 million Euros to Great Britain and Holland by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with 5.5% interest.
2010 – The people of Iceland again take to the streets to demand a referendum. In January of 2010, the President of Iceland denies approval, instead announcing a popular vote on the matter by the people. In March, a referendum and denial of payment is approved by popular vote of 93%. Meanwhile, government officials initiate an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis. Many high level executives and bankers are arrested. Interpol dictates an order to force all implicated parties to leave Iceland.
An assembly is elected to write a new constitution (based on the Denmark’s) to avoid entrapments of debt based currency foreign loans. 25 citizens are chosen — with no political affiliation — out of the 522 candidates. The only qualifications for candidacy are adulthood and the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly started in February of 2011. It continues to present ‘carta magna’ from recommendations provided by various assemblies throughout the country. Ultimately, it must be approved by both the current Parliament and the one created through the next legislative election.
It’s quite a story isn’t it? You can most definitely see at this point why this was not covered in newspapers, on radio networks and on television. Imagine seeing this story on TV several times each day wherever you live in the world, do you think the people would start to get ideas? Maybe try the same thing? Most definitely. There is always a constant push of fear, murders, anger, government success, health fallacies and false information, but never do we hear of stories that could be a threat to the system.
Another key factor of this revolution that we has to look at is that it did not come from a place of violence, bloodshed or anger. No guns or fighting! It was simply people getting together peacefully and working things out. This is something this entire world is capable of but believes is impossible. Humanity has been so programmed to give itself little credit in this department. We always hear about how we need to be governed, there are too many crazy people out there; we need a big brother keeping control. The truth is, without the confines and certain rules the system employs, we would be a much more peaceful people mainly because we are no longer acting in survival mode. Now I am not here to say that the system is the only issue because it isn’t, our programming is also very strong in what we have been taught and believe about ourselves. I am simply here to say, this programming can be broken and our consciousness can and is changing.
I also thought it was a big step to see Iceland employ a new means of choosing it’s leaders. Someone who is an adult and has 30 people supporting them can run. This is great as the only reason why we have politicians today who have educations is because the elite needs to know that these people are programmed to repeat this system. Generally they also have to have corporate affiliations as well so they know they can be controlled by money.
Now Iceland is proceeding to actually prosecute some of their formerly most powerful bankers and the Icelandic special prosecutor has stated that it very well may indict some 90 people. Meanwhile, over 200 people, including the former chief executives of Iceland’s three biggest banks, face criminal charges for their activities. While I don’t agree with the judgment factor being used here, I understand that this is the step they feel right in taking.
Hopefully more countries around the world begin to follow suit!
Watch the video:
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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.