Tag Archives: NASA

NASA Ignoring Russia's Discovery of Microbes on Surface of ISS

We have been brainwashed to believe that life could not exist in space, yet our planet itself is floating in space while we are still breathing.
Last August 19th, a stunning discovery was made by Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station — microbes where found alive clinging on its surface.
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Anomalous EM Drive Passes NASA Test

Piece by piece, disclosures of exotic technologies are happening just enough for the public to swallow.
Up to this day, gas is being used as propellant for sending satellites into orbit. With pure electromagnetic drive, thrust can be achieved without fire and smoke from behind any rocket.
Vehicles of the near future will just float on air without consuming fuel.

‘Impossible’ space drive tested by NASA foretells future of deep-space travel

Published time: August 01, 2014 08:35

NASA has conducted long-awaited experiments to prove that the fabled space drive, capable of generating its own thrust and breaking a fundamental law of physics, works. If the find survives fresh scrutiny, space ship construction will be revolutionized.
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