Tag Archives: New Development Bank

1st Loans Approved by BRICS Bank are on Renewable Energy

To underscore the BRICS’s fundamental goals of establishing three development banks to support its “One Belt, One Road” intercontinental economic initiatives, one of its banks, i.e.
the New Development Bank, approves loans for the first time, and these are for renewable energy projects in South Africa, Brazil, India and China.
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BRICS Global Bank Will Open Coffers by Year-End, Coinciding Jesuits' Debt Jubilee

As we have indicated in our previous article, “World Bank & U.S. Companies Ready to Cooperate with BRICS“, the Jesuits are planning to erase all persons’ debt starting December 8th of this year dubbed as the Holy Year of Mercy, a big PR stunt that is sure to lure the Sheeples once again into the caring arms of the Jesuit controlled Vatican Church, aka Roman Empire.
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China Blasted U.S. Childish Paranoia Over its "World Bank"

Behavior such as this one is what’s delaying the global reforms that need to be implemented. Like we said earlier, Asia is very determined in establishing a planet of cooperation and peaceful coexistence.
It’s high time for the citizens of the West to remove the shenanigans controlling their governments.
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BRICS Finance Ministers to Meet at WEF Summit in Davos

January 18, 2015, 7:43 am

The five Finance Ministers of BRICS will meet on the sidelines of the WEF summit next week in Davos where they will discuss preparations on establishing the newly-launched $100 billion BRICS Bank.
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