Tag Archives: Sidney Blumenthal

Clinton’s Leaked eMails Confirm Libya Plunder by Killing Qaddafi

It was broad daylight robbery and murder when US , France, and the rest of NATO, hunted down Muammar Qaddafi, and destroyed the most prosperous nation in Africa, i.e. Libya., in 2011.
The above picture is taken during the G8 Summit Italy, in 2009,.
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Clinton Emails Reveal How West Had A Plan B for Gaddafi

Behind the scenes of 2011 Libya’s bombing campaign. Hillary Clinton’s close ally in his private emails to then Secretary of State have been leaked to the press. They reveal how the UK and France were struggling to get a larger piece of the Libyan cake. Britain is using intelligence to dictate the actions of both the Libyan rebels and the Gaddafi regime – one email said.
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