Tag Archives: us arming ukraine

Arming Ukraine Sold as Big Business Opportunity as It Was in Nazi Germany

The ordinary Ukrainians don’t matter anymore, they’ve never been. The true representatives of the Ukrainian people are either dead, or exiled. All decisions are now coming from BlackRock’s Larry Fink, and trumpeted by his puppet Zelensky government, which continues to sell Ukraine as a “big business opportunity”, just as it was in the early 1920s Germany.

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Putin Warns the US to Back Off in Ukraine

The Western narrative of the two-month old war in Ukraine imbued with the rhetoric of “democracy versus autocracy,” has dramatically changed with the assertion by the US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin at a news conference in Poland Monday following his and Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to Kiev, that Washington  wants to “to see Russia weakened.” 

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