Tag Archives: war criminal

Over a Million Palestinians are About to be Forced into Egypt at Gunpoint

It must be clear that there is no room in the country for both peoples…. If the Arabs leave it, the country will become wide and spacious for us…. The only solution is a Land of Israel…without Arabs. There is no room here for compromises… (Yosef Weitz (1890-1972) former director of the Jewish National Fund’s Land Settlement Department)

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What the U.S. Deep State Wants in Venezuela?

Governments are not controlled by the people who participate in a periodic electoral exercise to choose their leaders. The ritual is only meant to project a semblance of democracy of the right to choose from an already preselected pool of clowns, whose job as crowd pleasers is only meant to entertain, distract, and divide the people into warring camps, none of which is working for the direct solutions to real world problems that such governments are being paid for. Continue reading What the U.S. Deep State Wants in Venezuela?