UK Labour MP Jo Cox’s Murder: A Desperate Anti-Brexit Psyop

The Brexit Referendum will be held on June 23, and one British MP Jo Cox, a staunch anti-Brexit proponent, was shot and killed by a man with psychological issues [read: drugged] and who happened to shout “Britain First” just before the murder.
Yes, it’s not “Allahu Akbar”, this time around.

As can be expected, the social media and the mainstream media are now being flooded with the “pro Brexit are extremists” branding to ruin the growing pro-Leave EU sentiments as shown by recent polls.
Make no mistake, it wasn’t the deranged Thomas Mair who murdered Cox but those who drugged him to madness. And there was no shouting of “Britain First” either, as new witnesses are now saying.
Here’s the strong motivation of why a sacrificial lamb must be used. From Reuters,

Britain’s “Leave” campaign opened up a 7-point lead over “Remain” ahead of a referendum on membership of the European Union an opinion poll showed late Monday, while the nation’s biggest-selling newspaper urged readers to vote to quit the bloc.

The result of the June 23 referendum will have far-reaching consequences for politics, the economy, defense, migration and diplomacy in Britain and elsewhere.

Recent polls are suggesting that momentum has swung towards the “Leave” camp, or a so called Brexit, unsettling investors. “Leave” in recent days has focused its campaign on the issue of immigration.

According to the YouGov poll for The Times, “Leave” held 46 percent support compared with 39 percent support for “Remain.” Undecided voters were 11 percent, while 4 percent won’t vote.

Last Monday The Times/YouGov had reported a 1 percent lead for the “Remain” campaign.

In another, though not unexpected, boost for “Leave,” media tycoon Rupert Murdoch’s Sun newspaper called on its readers to vote to quit the 28-member EU.

“The Sun urges everyone to vote Leave. We must set ourselves free from dictatorial Brussels,” said the tabloid, which has a circulation of 1.7 million.

It used to be as high as 10% lead for Leave EU campaign.
Bloomberg tracker indicates 3.3% lead for Leave EU campaign [here], while the Rothschild’s Economist gave it a statistical tie [here]…
Brexit poll tracker by economist
… which should make it easy for the globalists to sway the votes in their favor, i.e. the preservation of the European SuperState.
The recent murder of Jon Cox is an indication that the anti-Brexit camp are so desperate, they believe they could easily use it to reverse the sentiment of the people, or at the very least, they could use the murder to mask the rigging of the votes on June 30, just like they employed fear mongering during the last Scotland referendum.

The bigger picture, however, will always be that the Sheeples are subjected to constant flow of distraction to preoccupy them with issues that that have nothing to do with real freedom. The limited choices of the people will always confine them to that same “divide and rule” control system that has worked for thousands of years and has continued to enslave them even today.
There must be a more decisive action from those who see things as they truly are.

9 thoughts on “UK Labour MP Jo Cox’s Murder: A Desperate Anti-Brexit Psyop”

  1. Nothing, absolutely nothing they do or can do will make a difference to principled “leave” supporters. These desperate exploitation of Jo Cox’s murder is for the don’t knows and waverers.
    If the BT.COM polling of 79% is really indicative of national sentiment then their desperation is to no avail.
    The motive of the killer, if it is indeed quiet loner Tommy is yet to be declared.
    Will the Police be honest, quick and thorough in their investigation?
    Will the establishment – security services, privy council members – allow an open exploration?
    An MP complained of the toxic disdain for parliamentarians, why is she surprised?
    Nigel Farage is but a recent whistle-blower of the corrupt and anti-democratic nature of the EU superstate. MPs collectively are aware of this and yet chose to obfuscate and lie to the electorate.
    It’s akin to a liar complaining nobody likes them.

  2. Why is there a vote taking place in the BRITISH ISLES asking if “voters” wish to leave the EU ? ?
    A 1971 opinion pole in the UK registered a REJECTION of EU membership at a ratio of 3:1.
    January 1972 ……genocidal ashkeNAZI paedophile…..Ted Heath lied to British Sovereigns.
    “Heath took Britain into the EEC with the help of “…..GERM-MALists employed by the MASS SATANIC MEDIA…..”without ever giving the electorate”…….INDIGENOUS BRITISH SOVEREIGNS…LAWFUL CUSTODIANS of the BRITISH ISLES…….”a chance to say whether or not THEIR country should become a part of the European …..PROJECT”.
    In 1975…..FOUR YEARS AFTER “joining”…..a referendum took place in which those living in the British Isles were asked for ….THEIR VIEW on MEMBERSHIP.
    The question asked was ….”do you think that the United Kingdom should stay in The European Community (Common Market)” ?
    The result was “apparently” registered at 17.3 million voted to remain….8.4 million voted to leave.
    Needless to say the British Isles, like the European Nation States are an INFESTATION of ILLEGAL ALIEN …….sELF EMPOWERED……ashkeNAZI …..GENOCIDALISTS……,7340,L-3302296,00.html
    ……DESPERATE to INITIATE WAR with RUSSIA and every other ASSET RICH COUNTRY….in order to save…… THEIR OWN NECKS from the MASSES……. and to ……ENRICH & SATE …..their ….GRUBBY THIEVING ….ASPIRATIONs.
    The….. Brexit-psyop…..promulgated by the ….MASS SATANIC MEDIA……………….REALLY ? ? ?

  3. Quote from the article here:
    “….they could use the murder to mask the rigging of the votes on June 30, just like they employed fear mongering during the last Scotland referendum.”
    Begs the question, when Scotland’s Referendum was exposed as fraud, say this happens to the upcoming Referendum, representing every voter in the UK — surely there’d be h*ll to play, as for sure, the people wouldn’t take another rigged referendum lying down. Further, is it not highly suspect that a Murdoch newspaper, suddenly supports a Brexit?? Is it because the Zio-Khazarians want there to be mass protests and even riots, should the Anti-Brexit’s “win” — in order for them to then clamp down and institute martial law — immediately gives them full control of the UK.

  4. This was an excellent comment (not my own) found at:
    FRANK TAYLOR • 2 days ago
    There have been whispers of a ‘coming bombshell’, and there may be yet more.
    There are already a number of other oddities, besides those already noted, surrounding the murder of Jo Cox. What is needed is an exact timeline from the attack itself, to the arrest of Thomas Mair, the arrival of
    armed police at his home, through his medical and psychiatric assessment to actual police interview. But, and in the absence of such an exact timeline, prima facie the following questions need answering;-
    1) How come an armed police response car was so close to the scene of the attack as to be able arrest Mair apparently within minutes? Indeed given the speed at which other such units arrived at his home, there may have been more armed units in close proximity?
    2) Judging by the scene of the arrest which have been released, Mair may have suffered a few bruises at that time. Given a case of this importance surely a police doctor and psychologist would have been summoned almost immediately. Thus it is most odd that it was not until the following day that the Acting Chief Constable announced that he had been medically assessed and was now judged fit for interview. From the wording of her announcement it appeared that at that time the interview had not yet commenced.
    3) The initial committal hearing is normally a brief formality. How come Mair was taken to London for that hearing … normally held in the local magistrates’ court … and on whose authority? Was that authority
    judicial or administrative?
    4) A recall of parliament on the murder of a backbencher (this did not happen in the cases of Neave, Berry or Gow) is unprecedented.
    5) Who, other than the normal police interviewers, doctors, psychologists and his lawyers, may have had, or may still have access to Mair in these interregnums (or which more below).
    The milking of this murder by the Remain camp has become a vulgar circus, obviously intended to create a ‘Princess Diana moment’ for the Remain cause.
    That said, in my view the prevailing memetic emanating from this circus is more subtle, and also more pervasive, than any comment I have so far seen, reaching even below the notion that Leave has caused blood on the streets, and the hint that its central message is violent and fascistic as recorded by the likes of Toynbee, Delingpole, much European press comment, and others.
    That memetic is contained in a clip from Jo Cox’s maiden speech, together perhaps with one or two other brief clips from her speeches on the same theme. This theme concerns, ‘we have more that unites than divides us; ‘togetherness’ and ‘unity’. Such brief excerpts on the ‘togetherness’ and ‘unity’ meme have been repeated, repeated, repeated ad nauseam on mainstream media since Thursday afternoon like a mantra. Strange isn’t it?
    I wonder whether there is some Norman Reddaway (the spook responsible for mass media manipulation during Britain’s accession negotiations in the early 1970’s) style spook might be in the background, orchestrating all of this, and … if so … working through what channels?
    For want of any doubt I must strongly emphasise that I am definitely not against ‘togetherness’ any more than I against a ‘better world’ of peace and harmony. However ‘togetherness’ comes in many brands and varieties, a number of which are seriously ersatz.
    So often, indeed almost invariably, the laudible objective acts as the Trojan Horse for the corporate control agenda.
    For the rest, what I am about to say, is uttered with the greatest reserve and caution. As to whether this is a full blown black operation, we will almost certainly never know for certain. I seek only to establish, at
    this time, plausible hypothesis, and no more.
    Too often a plausible hypothesis is seized upon, without further hard evidence, and turned into ncontrovertible proof to be taken as establishedtruth. Such brands of ‘conspiracy theory’ are rightly ondemned. To construct a plausible hypothesis is not to establish confirmed truth. Suspicion, even with some level of prima facie evidence, is one thing; proof is quite another.
    Thus I pose the following strictly on the basis of that which is not impossible.
    There is already an accumulation of statements from those who knew Mair, in many cases for many years, who say that what has happen ran against everything they ever knew about him and against many long established estimations of his character. Also we know that he has had a long struggle against depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
    What Rappoport does not mention, but which has become a matter of speculation in a number of cases … most notoriously that of Sirhan Sirhan the convicted killer of Robert Kennedy, is the possible role of hypnosis.
    Those who regard such a possibility with incredulity need look no further than the work of Derren Brown. Using apparent hypnosis Brown has produced a series of remarkable … many quite hair raising … results. These include the use of a games console to hypnotise a person into believing they had actually become part of the game itself (and which involved considerable violence in this individual fighting off what he believed to be real-life zombies).
    For anyone who doubts the ease with which a person can be hypnotised into carrying out an act against their will, a look at Derren Brown’s The Assassination of Stephen Fry is strongly recommended. In this, and using a sequence of hypnotic triggers, an ordinary individual (with no axe to grind against Stephen fry at all) is induced to fire a pistol at Fry in a crowded theatre. Afterwards he is brought out of the trance by Brown, and clearly has not a clue in hades where he is or what the hell is happening. My estimation of Stephen Fry is that he would not be a party to a fraud. It is very scary stuff indeed. Brown’s work is widely available.
    There is no shortage of Tommy Mairs out there. They are often loners, perhaps not the most intelligent, have a history of mental, drug or sexual and personal problems, are often impressionable and gullible. Against that they often exhibit a greater than normal (and to some authorities unwelcome!) curiosity about what might be happening behind the faux imagery, cliches and cardboard scenery of modern life.
    This one appears to have dabbled in far right politics. It may just as easily have been Scientology, Zen Bhuddism, or herbalism. Beset by personal problems they may latch on to such causes only to find that those also have feet of clay, are not an answer to their problems and then drift on to another destination.
    Such an individual encountering a series of drug and hypnosis induced triggers and then acting in such a manner is by no means impossible, and may even explain his apparent calmness through this entire episode,


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  5. This was an excellent comment (not my own) found at:
    FRANK TAYLOR • 2 days ago
    There have been whispers of a ‘coming bombshell’, and there may be yet more.
    There are already a number of other oddities, besides those already noted, surrounding the murder of Jo Cox. What is needed is an exact timeline from the attack itself, to the arrest of Thomas Mair, the arrival of
    armed police at his home, through his medical and psychiatric assessment to actual police interview. But, and in the absence of such an exact timeline, prima facie the following questions need answering;-
    1) How come an armed police response car was so close to the scene of the attack as to be able arrest Mair apparently within minutes? Indeed given the speed at which other such units arrived at his home, there may have been more armed units in close proximity?
    2) Judging by the scene of the arrest which have been released, Mair may have suffered a few bruises at that time. Given a case of this importance surely a police doctor and psychologist would have been summoned almost immediately. Thus it is most odd that it was not until the following day that the Acting Chief Constable announced that he had been medically assessed and was now judged fit for interview. From the wording of her announcement it appeared that at that time the interview had not yet commenced.
    3) The initial committal hearing is normally a brief formality. How come Mair was taken to London for that hearing … normally held in the local magistrates’ court … and on whose authority? Was that authority
    judicial or administrative?
    4) A recall of parliament on the murder of a backbencher (this did not happen in the cases of Neave, Berry or Gow) is unprecedented.
    5) Who, other than the normal police interviewers, doctors, psychologists and his lawyers, may have had, or may still have access to Mair in these interregnums (or which more below).
    The milking of this murder by the Remain camp has become a vulgar circus, obviously intended to create a ‘Princess Diana moment’ for the Remain cause.
    That said, in my view the prevailing memetic emanating from this circus is more subtle, and also more pervasive, than any comment I have so far seen, reaching even below the notion that Leave has caused blood on the streets, and the hint that its central message is violent and fascistic as recorded by the likes of Toynbee, Delingpole, much European press comment, and others.
    That memetic is contained in a clip from Jo Cox’s maiden speech, together perhaps with one or two other brief clips from her speeches on the same theme. This theme concerns, ‘we have more that unites than divides us; ‘togetherness’ and ‘unity’. Such brief excerpts on the ‘togetherness’ and ‘unity’ meme have been repeated, repeated, repeated ad nauseam on mainstream media since Thursday afternoon like a mantra. Strange isn’t it?
    I wonder whether there is some Norman Reddaway (the spook responsible for mass media manipulation during Britain’s accession negotiations in the early 1970’s) style spook might be in the background, orchestrating all of this, and … if so … working through what channels?
    For want of any doubt I must strongly emphasise that I am definitely not against ‘togetherness’ any more than I against a ‘better world’ of peace and harmony. However ‘togetherness’ comes in many brands and varieties, a number of which are seriously ersatz.
    So often, indeed almost invariably, the laudible objective acts as the Trojan Horse for the corporate control agenda.
    For the rest, what I am about to say, is uttered with the greatest reserve and caution. As to whether this is a full blown black operation, we will almost certainly never know for certain. I seek only to establish, at
    this time, plausible hypothesis, and no more.
    Too often a plausible hypothesis is seized upon, without further hard evidence, and turned into ncontrovertible proof to be taken as establishedtruth. Such brands of ‘conspiracy theory’ are rightly ondemned. To construct a plausible hypothesis is not to establish confirmed truth. Suspicion, even with some level of prima facie evidence, is one thing; proof is quite another.
    Thus I pose the following strictly on the basis of that which is not impossible.
    There is already an accumulation of statements from those who knew Mair, in many cases for many years, who say that what has happen ran against everything they ever knew about him and against many long established estimations of his character. Also we know that he has had a long struggle against depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
    What Rappoport does not mention, but which has become a matter of speculation in a number of cases … most notoriously that of Sirhan Sirhan the convicted killer of Robert Kennedy, is the possible role of hypnosis.
    Those who regard such a possibility with incredulity need look no further than the work of Derren Brown. Using apparent hypnosis Brown has produced a series of remarkable … many quite hair raising … results. These include the use of a games console to hypnotise a person into believing they had actually become part of the game itself (and which involved considerable violence in this individual fighting off what he believed to be real-life zombies).
    For anyone who doubts the ease with which a person can be hypnotised into carrying out an act against their will, a look at Derren Brown’s The Assassination of Stephen Fry is strongly recommended. In this, and using a sequence of hypnotic triggers, an ordinary individual (with no axe to grind against Stephen fry at all) is induced to fire a pistol at Fry in a crowded theatre. Afterwards he is brought out of the trance by Brown, and clearly has not a clue in hades where he is or what the hell is happening. My estimation of Stephen Fry is that he would not be a party to a fraud. It is very scary stuff indeed. Brown’s work is widely available.
    There is no shortage of Tommy Mairs out there. They are often loners, perhaps not the most intelligent, have a history of mental, drug or sexual and personal problems, are often impressionable and gullible. Against that they often exhibit a greater than normal (and to some authorities unwelcome!) curiosity about what might be happening behind the faux imagery, cliches and cardboard scenery of modern life.
    This one appears to have dabbled in far right politics. It may just as easily have been Scientology, Zen Bhuddism, or herbalism. Beset by personal problems they may latch on to such causes only to find that those also have feet of clay, are not an answer to their problems and then drift on to another destination.
    Such an individual encountering a series of drug and hypnosis induced triggers and then acting in such a manner is by no means impossible, and may even explain his apparent calmness through this entire episode,


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